Волшебный мир сказок с детства притягивает наше внимание. А что, если волшебные события начнут происходить с нами в повседневной жизни? Что, если мы окажемся в мире сказок взрослых? Это интересно и захватывающе! Можно создать счастливую сказку...
Перед вами практическое руководство по эффективному вербальному, невербальному и письменному деловому общению. Проверенные советы и приемы помогут удержать интерес большой аудитории, произвести впечатление на потенциального работодателя или...
В книге рассматриваются все основные моральные вопросы стоящие перед современным молодым человеком, включая смысл жизни, добро и зло, цели и средства, основания общества и права, различия между этикой, наукой и религией, сущность моральных...
Do you want to reduce stress and boost your productivity? Mindfulness at Work For Dummies provides an overview of the concept of mindfulness and a programme to improve your work performance and overall wellbeing. Find out how the brain...
"A must read for anyone in the business of leading others." Ken May, CEO of Top Golf; former CEO of Fedex «If you want your team to stay focused, you will want to read Can I Have Your Attention?» Chester Elton, New York Times Best-Selling author...
Creative thinking made easy Being creative can be tough – and trying to come up with great ideas under pressure can leave the great ideas under wraps! Creative Thinking For Dummies helps you apply creative thinking techniques to everything you...
Discover the practical skills for helping others. Whether you are considering becoming a counsellor, have to provide some form of counselling as part of your job, or are simply interested in communicating well, Counselling Skills For Dummies...
Your one-stop guide to anger management Anger is a completely normal, healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—at work, in personal relationships, and in the overall quality of life....
The easy way to become a more mindful leader Want to become a more mindful leader? With Mindful Leadership For Dummies, you'll find accessible and authoritative guidance for cultivating focus, clarity, and creativity from within your colleagues....
Your trusted guide to value yourself and break the patterns of codependency Codependency For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the most comprehensive book on the topic to date. Written in plain English and packed with sensitive, authoritative information,...
Rise above depression with CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a hugely popular self-help technique, which teaches you to break free from destructive or negative behaviours and make positive changes to both your thoughts and your actions....
Find your voice, and communicate with confidence Ever wondered why nobody hears you in meetings, or wished people would take you more seriously? Or maybe you're unhappy with your accent, or you feel insecure about your high-pitched or monotonous...
As GMTV anchor, I interview hundreds of people every year. However well they interview, every single person would find it easier to explain their case by following these simple principles. EAMONN HOLMES, GMTV Presenter «[Drop the Pink...
Increase your employees'—and your own—productivity at work If you look out over today's workforce, you'll find millions of hard-working people who are overly tired, overly stressed, and less than enchanted with work. For organizations around the...
The keys to better business from a thriving group of business owners-the Amish Business can be discouraging. According to US Department of Labor figures, only 44 percent of newly-opened firms will last four years. Amish firms, on the other hand,...
You've read about Jack Welch, Lou Gerstner and Steve Jobs – but what can you learn about business from van Gogh and Picasso? The Fine Art of Success shows why you should look to pop-stars like Madonna or artists like Damian Hirst for guidance on...
Say goodbye to stress for good! It’s a fact – stress kills! Yet, so many of us find ourselves stressed out, day to day. However, if you are feeling anxious, find it hard to relax or perhaps struggle to get rid of that constant mental ache, let...
From the Introduction by Alex Gill Before embarking on the A.I.M. program, I was just an ordinary guy with a problem that many, many others have had at some point in their careers. I was unhappy. I was becoming bitter. I complained about my job...
How to rewire your brain to improve virtually every aspect of your life-based on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology on neuroplasticity and evidence-based practices Not long ago, it was thought that the brain you were born with...
Becoming a mum is an incredible journey that will change your life forever, but not always in the way you expect … Mara Lee's Staying Mum tells it like it is, offering valuable advice about how to stay sane during that first year when, among...
Discover how relaxation can help you reduce stress and calm your mind Become More Relaxed In a Day introduces you to a range of relaxation techniques and exercises that can help you to keep your life in balance, and stop stress from taking over....
Take positive steps to develop your confidence in all areas of your life Boost Your Confidence In a Day will help you to discover your confident self and become more effective in your day-to-day life. Designed to contain a day’s reading, this...
Stay in the present and build a happier future Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy For Dummies takes you through the eight-week MBCT course, using the principles of mindfulness to complement established CBT techniques. You'll discover how using...
Personal Development All-in-One For Dummies is a complete guide to a range of techniques you can use to master your thoughts and achieve your goals. Discover the basic principles of each approach and receive sensible, practical and effective...
Boosting Self-Esteem for Dummies Learn to: Leave behind negative modes of thinking Understand the psychology of self-esteem Use a variety of effective techniques to build self-esteem for a happier and healthier life Give yourself a boost with...
At some point in their lives, most people will have thought: “He should never have said that” “How could she treat me this way?” “I feel guilty when I remember what I said to him” “I’m so angry I can’t bear it” Usually, we don’t feel that we can...
Everyone gets angry. And in a turbulent economy where finances are stretched, property prices waver and unemployment booms, blowing a fuse is par for the course. But you don't have to take it out on others! Anger Management For Dummies, UK...
Become a life coach-for yourself and others-with this practical, informative guide If you're interested in doing away with negative beliefs, making a significant change in your life, and, finally, create-and live-the life you want, life coaching...
Self-Hypnosis For Dummies is a hands-on guide to achieving your goals using hypnosis. Whether you want to lose weight, overcome anxiety or phobias, cure insomnia, stop smoking, or simply stop biting your nails, this guide has it covered! The...
Tired of letting stress have a negative impact on your life? Easy. It's impossible to get through life without encountering stress. And unfortunately, most of us learn the incorrect ways to cope with it. Thankfully, Stress Management For Dummies...
Boost your self-esteem and truly believe that you are perfectly awesome Looking to get your hands on some more self-esteem? You're not alone. Thankfully, Self-Esteem For Dummies presents clear, innovative, and compassionate methods that help you...
The secret to getting exactly what you want from life – from the man who has! A businessman who has built up, owned and sold software companies, a nightclub, a bed and breakfast (plus a couple of alehouses), author Robin Nixon knows that worldly...
Up to 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from diagnosable depression (bbc.co.uk) – that’s approximately 12 million people. Depression takes multiple forms, including seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, and postnatal depression. Research...
Rebalance your mind, body and spirit—the natural way! Ayurveda is an ancient system of prevention and treatment of illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit according to your individual body type. Ayurveda For Dummies provides...
Build up your confidence levels and become more effective in all areas of your life Self-confidence is more than just a feeling inside – it's an indispensable ingredient for success in life. Written by two of the most sought-after executive...
New ways to embrace relaxation every day! Relaxation For Dummies provides a straightforward guide to understanding the importance of relaxation in our readers' day-to-day lives. Covering a variety of simple relaxation techniques, including...
Packed with motivational tools and techniques to help you succeed Inspire yourself and others to make positive changes and create a more motivated life Motivation is a powerful tool and is central to achieving your goals; whether you want to...
A science-backed method to maximize creative potential in any sphere of life With the prevalence of computer technology and outsourcing, new jobs and fulfilling lives will rely heavily on creativity and innovation. Keith Sawyer draws from his...
Опираясь на содержания всех томов "Русской философии. Анализа истории" мной проведен более узкоспециализированный анализ в сферах точных наук, биологии, экономики. В дальнейшем, после переработки и дополнений перед умственным взором читателя...
Книга для педагогов, родителей и обучающихся. В книге описаны 5 необходимых условий для эффективного обучения и дана памятка по их применению. Описанные принципы можно применять не только в школьном и профессиональном обучении, но и при решении...
Как все успеть в безумном ритме жизни и не сойти с ума? Как оставаться в гармонии с собой и миром? Современное общество диктует нам свои правила жизни: каждый сезон новая одежда и обувь, обновить телефон, ноутбук, покупать-покупать-покупать! Мы...
Пошаговая схема-инструкция о том, как удачно выйти замуж по любви за успешного и подходящего мужчину, даже если вам за 35, и вокруг вас мужчин совсем не густо? Самое полное практическое руководство получить от любимого мужчины предложение и быть...
Вы рождены женщиной… Несете в мир гармонию и умиротворение, спокойствие и всепоглощающую любовь. Но чтобы полноценно прочувствовать свою женскую природу и осознать свое женское счастье, необходимо научиться быть женщиной. В этой книге вы...
Данная уникальная книга несет за собой информационное воздействие, обеспечивающее вам продвижение в социуме за счет расширения функциональных возможностей вашего мозга. Благодаря конкретным практикам развития сознания вас ждет достижение таких...
Вдохновенное повествование на тему тайного могущества запредельной вневременной Любви, являющейся базисным фундаментом всей нашей жизни (от сексуальных отношений до суперсовременных Квантовых компьютеров). Читателей наверняка приятно удивит, что...
Вдохновляющая книга о том, как решиться на перемены, набраться смелости сменить нелюбимую работу, перестать откладывать свою жизнь на потом.
Мотивирует и дает план, помогающий решить проблему «хочу, но не знаю, с чего начать». Вы найдете здесь...
30 лет назад свою зрелость и независимость доказывали курением и распитием вина, сегодня – берут кредиты и, не читая, подписывают договоры. Эта книга – не учебник, не страховка от всех ошибок и не решение всех проблем. Это – опыт человека,...
Эта книга – не для того, чтобы скрасить Ваш досуг или иным способом убить время и без того не слишком длинной Вашей жизни.При должных усилиях и времени Вы отодвинете на второй план отравляющие мозг желания удовольствий и счастья как...
Название книги говорит само за себя, причина всех семейных неурядиц и даже разводов кроется в незнании особенностей психологии двух полов. Часто мужчина и женщина словно бы говорят на разных языках и, общаясь, слышат совсем не то, что в...
Эта книга написана обо мне и для вас. Для каждого, кто прочтет, для каждого, кто захочет понять и увидеть мир чужими глазами, для каждого, кто все знает или, наоборот, нуждается в совете, для каждого, кому не у кого этого совета спросить. В этих...