If like millions of others you know deep down that you deserve to do better than where you are today, than this book is for you. Not a book based on old fashion theories or textbook scenarios, The Millionaire Dropout is instead based on tried...
The 21st Century brings all new rules. Entrepreneurs are challenging conventional wisdom and thinking outside the box. One of the first challenges involves challenging the assumption that a business has to be big to be successful. While most of...
This book presents a series of studies from different scholars, looking at entrepreneurial strategies and innovation in emerging market economies. Represents the view of the entrepreneur in local as well as multinational corporations. Focuses on...
If you’ve thought of starting an online business or if you’re already selling online, here’s how to get your share of online customers. This second edition of Starting an Online Business All-in-One For Dummies covers everything from creating a...
IS YOUR BUSINESS VULNERABLE TO FRAUD? It's not a secret that corporate fraud and scandal are real threats to business today, from which no business, large or small, is immune. Fraud losses are devastating-but they are also highly avoidable....
You’re half an hour away from a more productive life! Why not use your next spare half an hour to skill-up? Each of these short e-books can be read in just 30 minutes. Addressing those painful work problems, and giving practical tools and expert...
At last, a book about business that you'll actually want to read. Ever wondered how easy it is to fiddle your expenses, why you feel curiously ill at ease without your BlackBerry, or what the Japanese word 'Karoshi' means? Now you can find out....
If you could save just 24 minutes a day you'd gain an extra 6 days a year. Some say the world was created in 6 days. What could you achieve? You don't have to work harder or spend hours defining your life goals in order to manage your time. The...
The challenge faced by family businesses and their stakeholders, is to recognise the issues that they face, understand how to develop strategies to address them and more importantly, to create narratives, or family stories that explain the...
A real-world education for the twenty-first-century physician Being a good doctor is no longer enough. The twenty-first-century physician who wants to deliver quality medical care to patients and operate a successful practice must develop...
S.U.M.O. stands for Shut Up, Move On. It's a phrase to say to ourselves (and sometimes others) when we are acting or thinking in a way that is hindering our ability to succeed. It doesn't necessarily mean 'get over it' or 'pull yourself...
In many ways, Richard Branson and his company the Virgin Group are unique. In an era dominated by strategists, Branson is an opportunist with an uncanny knack of sniffing out great deals where others hesitate or fear to tread. Never before has a...
Extensive research has proven that both personal and business success have more to do with emotional and spiritual intelligence than hard graft, perseverance or even good old common sense. The bad news is that no-one can 'give you' either...
Thinking of starting your own business? You've come to the right place. Thousands of people take the plunge every year for thousands of different reasons; the lifestyle, the opportunity to start over again, the chance to make serious money. No...
The client/agency relationship is an area fraught with potential problems. Competition in the field has now augmented the necessity to understand the working relationship far more thoroughly to help the client to get better value from the...
Generally, leadership is about influencing people to make big things happen. Management is a process of organizing people to get things done. They are different skills, but equally critical to success in today’s workplace. The key is to know...
A luxury, keep-sake edition of an ancient Chinese scripture This ancient text, fundamental to Taoism, has become a source of inspiration and guidance for millions in modern society. It's focus on attunement, rather than mindless striving, offers...
The brand new book from the international bestselling self-help author Robert Kelsey's internationally bestselling self-help books have helped tens of thousands of people overcome fear of failure and under confidence. Now Robert is back and is...
Playing to Win is a handbook for women who want to be successful. Karren Brady did it. At 23 she took over as Managing Director of Birmingham City Football Club, becoming the youngest ever female Managing Director of a UK PLC when it floated in...
Every bit as good as the beer itself. —SIR RICHARD BRANSON, Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group So what does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? There are many different answers, but according to Karan Bilimoria, founder of Cobra Beer, do...
How effective is the communication you experience every day? How often have you been bored during a presentation? Failed to win a piece of business that, deep down, you know you should have won? Had a tedious, pointless networking conversation?...
If you are not living on the edge, then you are taking up too much room Think of the richest square mile in Britain and your thoughts turn to The City of London or Chelsea. In fact, a small village in Cheshire is home to more millionaires per...
For most people, a fear of redundancy hangs over them like a dark cloud. In Andrew Taylor's case, it was a sudden, brutal push in the back. Building on his contribution to the Aftershock series on dealing with redundancy in The Sunday Times and...
Asian entrepreneurs and businesses have created wealth faster than the rest of the economy. Asian wealth now creates and sustains more jobs than it has ever done. It stimulates growth in industries and places that would struggle without the...
Trajectory Management: * moves away from the 'one true way' approach put forward by many business gurus * argues that the search for best practice, best change management, etc. obscures real situations in business * develops principles of right...
The new edition of the personal development classic This long-awaited second edition gives us even more of Paul McGee's unique look at boosting our confidence – with his much-loved wit and good humour. The new edition includes a brand new...
Pond Life is a straightforward, no-nonsense guide to improving the way you communicate and interact with other people. Inside you will find a totally original approach to solving many of the most frequently made communication gaffs and blunders....
Inspirational guidance on building the entrepreneurial spirit in any enterprise In Business Upgrade, well-known trainer and consultant on entrepreneurialism Richard Parkes Cordock shows readers how to reinvigorate their company by developing...
Inspired by the true story of a flight with Sir Richard Branson, Millionaire Upgrade blows the lid off the accepted belief that successful entrepreneurs are a breed apart, possessing some special magic. Through the combined wisdom of interviews...
So What? gets straight to the point so you can cut through the noise and nonsense of work. Much of what we learn in our formative years is unlearnt in later life. As grown-ups we are often unable to answer the simplest of questions in a clear,...
Between cases of study, theoretical panorama and practical reflections, this book gives brand leaders the means to defend their brand in a changing environment, where new technologies and manipulation techniques have rendered old defense schemes...
Эта книга – максимально понятный самоучитель по современным техникам продаж. Автор, Алексей Милованов, популярный бизнес-тренер, научит, как увеличить доход и привлечь новых клиентов с помощью вебинаров и выступлений.
Выступления –...
В книге описаны те части пиццы, которые определяют вкус готового изделия. Это – соусы и «украшения», то есть топпинги, добавляемые на пиццу уже после выпекания. 110 готовых рецептов соусов: красных или томатных (59) и белых или без томатов (19),...
Книга расскажет, как выстроить процессы в магазине так, чтобы минимизировать формирование потерь. Опыт экспертов-практиков из розничной торговли. Лучшие методики крупнейших торговых сетей России, проверенные на практике.
МСФО для МСП – это упрощенная версия МСФО, адаптированная к запросам пользователей финансовой отчетности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. В нем не рассматриваются темы, неактуальные для МСП, упрощены принципы признания и оценки,...
Основное внимание в книге уделено производству теста и корочки парбейк для выпекания пиццетты, самого привлекательного и ажиотажного продукта российского пицца-рынка и пиццы телия. Описаны 4 метода производства теста пала для пиццетты, от...
В книге синтезированы экономические, юридические и социологические подходы к анализу форм организации бизнеса. Панорама различных видов предприятий рассматривается как в своей исторической динамике, так и в системе современных...
Книга является руководством по созданию собственной кулинарной студии (школы) и содержит ответы на большинство вопросов, связанных с открытием и ее дальнейшей работой. В книге подробно разобраны различные форматы проведения мероприятий и...
В этой книге представлены результаты научно-практических исследований по измерению влажности твердых и сыпучих материалов. Немного о науке, практике и бизнесе во влагометрии. Показаны практические примеры развития бизнеса в этом направлении...
В свете преобразований, происходящих в жизни современного высококонкурентного общества, проблема создания имиджа предпринимателя приобретает все большую практическую и теоретическую значимость. Цель работы – выявить, какие составляющие имиджа...
Автор книги Виталий Сочнев относится к категории бизнесменов новой формации. Он считает, что, кроме доходов, бизнес должен приносить ещё и социальную пользу. Он – инициатор целого ряда достойных начинаний, таких как обучение молодёжи ювелирным...
Вы хотите открыть пекарню, но не знаете с чего начать? Ваша пекарня не приносит ожидаемую прибыль? Тогда эта книга для вас. Имея большой опыт работы в пекарнях, хочу поделиться им со всеми, т.к. данный бизнес очень интересный и прибыльный, если...
В монографии исследованы подходы к определению категории малого предпринимательства, рассмотрены особенности его функционирования и роль в экономике территорий, проанализировано его состояние и проблемы развития на федеральном, региональном и...
Книга «Учебник ресторатора» – ключ к построению ресторана, который будет меньше всего нуждаться в продвижении после его запуска на рынок или открытия после оптимизации. В здоровом ресторанном бизнесе маркетинг присутствует практически в каждом...
Как создать ресторан вне моды и вне времени – красивый, большой, семейный, с по-домашнему вкусной едой? Именно об этом пойдет речь в книге «Умное меню. Сделано в Петербурге». Профессиональный ресторатор Игорь Пращенко и шеф-повар Зиннят Акбашев...
Новая книга от автора бестселлера «Ген директора» Владимира Моженкова.
Вы когда-нибудь видели, как ткут ковры? Вроде бы ничего необычного не происходит: сидит обыкновенная женщина, быстро и механически точно сучит руками. Делает какие-то...
В учебном пособии рассмотрены теоретические основы предпринимательской деятельности в условиях рыночной экономики. Раскрываются аспекты государственного регулирования предпринимательской деятельности. При написании учебного пособия использованы...
Книга посвящена сырам, сырным смесям и всем видам топпингов. Мы опишем параметры сыра моцарелла для его количественной оценки после выпекания на пицце. Это – возраст сыра, сырье (цельное или обезжиренное молоко), процент влаги, процент жира,...