Drawing on an extensive body of literature, The Rehabilitation of Partner-Violent Men presents an historical account of the policy changes that have led to rehabilitation programmes for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence within the...
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to effectively conduct a comprehensive temperament assessment Understanding temperament has the potential to better inform treatment and intervention choices as well as promote awareness for...
A realistic and contemporary portrayal of the dynamic field of clinical psychology Thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the most current topics professionals will face in clinical practice, the Third Edition takes an integrative...
The long-awaited new edition of the landmark text defining art therapy Art therapists use the creative process and the issues that surface during art therapy to help their clients increase insight and judgment, cope with stress, work through...
Praise for Happiness, Healing, Enhancement «Filled with good strategies based in research, compelling case material, and most importantly, practical advice, this book belongs in the library of everyone interested in what it means to live well....
Rehabilitating and Resettling Offenders in the Community is a significant examination of the historical development of work with offenders and their treatment by the state and society. It offers unique perspectives and a wealth of information...
A complete guide for helping professionals, with tried-and-true techniques for practicing family counseling therapy Now in its second edition, Working With Families: Guidelines and Techniques is filled with up-to-date, systems-oriented...
A user-friendly guide of best practice for leading groups in various settings and with different populations, which incorporates the latest developments in today's mental health marketplace. Features multiple theoretical perspectives and...
It aims to provide the practitioner with a description of depression, an explanation of factors that contribute to mood disorders and guidance on their assessment and treatment in adolescence. In addition, it aims to provide a framework for the...
Expert advice for building your private practice The «business» of practice as a mental health professional is a skill that is seldom taught in school and requires thoughtful guidance and professional mentorship from those who have already...
An indispensable collection of ready-to-use, proven exercises Providing immediately useful group counseling suggestions and tips for addictions counselors, Group Exercises for Addiction Counseling offers powerful techniques that can be adapted...
One of the greatest gifts helping professionals can share with others is a sense of their own peace. However, retaining and renewing a sense of a healthy perspective requires not only self-care strategies, but also an awareness of basic...
The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Mood Disorders, 2/e reflects the important and fast-changing advancements that have occurred in theory and practice in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders. There is no other current reference that gathers all of...
With contributions from a multi-disciplinary group of expert contributors, this is the first handbook to discuss all aspects of genius, a topic that endlessly provokes and fascinates. The first handbook to discuss all aspects of genius with...
Written by a renowned expert in school neuropsychology, Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition is a practical resource presenting school psychologists, educational diagnosticians, and pediatric neuropsychologists with...
Featuring leading international authors working in clinical psychology and psychiatry, this handbook offer the most in-depth coverage of social anxiety disorder, including personality factors in SAD, and multicultural issues in the diagnosis,...
Covering the full spectrum of methodology, the timely and indispensible Research Methods for Environmental surveys the research and application methods for studying, changing, and improving human attitudes, behaviour and well-being in relation...
“Dr. Dimitrov has constructed a masterpiece—a classic resource that should adorn the shelf of every counseling researcher and graduate student serious about the construction and validation of high quality research instruments. —Bradley T....
This premiere counseling reference book is ideal for students, educators, supervisors, researchers, and practitioners seeking to quickly update or refresh their knowledge of the most important topics in counseling. More than 400 entries span the...
The most current trends in solution-focused counseling are explored in the latest edition of this updated and expanded text. Dr. Guterman provides a comprehensive and straightforward discussion of solution-focused theory and describes how the...
The third edition of this widely adopted text covers the philosophical foundations and nuts-and-bolts of using solution-focused counseling to help preschool–12 students resolve problems. Dr. Murphy’s practical and respectful approach has been...
Risk Assessment in People with Learning Disabilities, Second Edition reflects legislative updates made over the past decade while continuing to demystify the process of assessing risk for people with intellectual impairment (previously called...
Promoting a scholarly understanding of the psychology of social and cultural diversity in the early stages of 21st century, this volume encourages an in-depth appreciation of the value in diversity while directly addressing social intervention...
This handbook provides a comprehensive review of new developments in the study of the relationship between the brain and language, from the perspectives of both basic research and clinical neuroscience. Includes contributions from an...
The landmark guide to play therapy—completely updated and revised Edited by Charles E. Schaefer—the «father of play therapy»—Foundations of Play Therapy, Second Edition is a complete, state-of-the-art guide to the many diverse approaches to, and...
Everything you need to know to record client intake, treatment, and progress—incorporating the latest managed care, accrediting agency, and government regulations Paperwork and record keeping are day-to-day realities in your mental health...
Step-by-step guidance and the latest research findings on the basics of processing assessment Now in its Second Edition, Essentials of Processing Assessment provides critical information about this important aspect of cognitive functioning. This...
Full exploitation of the DSM-5 allows for more comprehensive care By demystifying the DSM-5, author Sophia Dziegielewski goes beyond the traditional diagnostic assessment and suggests both treatment plans and practice strategy. She covers the...
Psychology at the Movies explores the insights to be gained by applying various psychological lenses to popular films including cinematic depictions of human behavior, the psychology of filmmakers, and the impact of viewing movies. Uses the...
Theories in Social Psychology is an edited volume that identifies and discusses in-depth the important theoretical perspectives and theories that underlie the discipline of social psychology. The only current book focusing specifically on the...
Praise for the previous edition of Explaining Psychological Statistics «I teach a master's level, one-semester statistics course, and it is a challenge to find a textbook that is at the right level. Barry Cohen's book is the best one I have...
This volume provides a comprehensive, up-to-date theoretical and empirical background to the psychology of reproductive health. Provides a life span perspective of the psychology of reproductive health and its disorders, from menarche to...
Kreative L?sungen f?r Eltern,Paare und Kinder Nichts pr?gt uns so sehr wie die Familie, in der wir aufwachsen. Sie kann uns st?rken und uns wappnen, um auch mit schwierigen Situationen im Leben angemessen umzugehen. Sie kann aber auch klein...
Each of us, right now, is having a unique conscious experience. Nothing is more basic to our lives as thinking beings and nothing, it seems, is better known to us. But the ever-expanding reach of natural science suggests that everything in our...
Труды Владимира Соловьева затрагивают множество проблем философии и религии, истории и политики, этики, эстетики и искусства – автор обладал редким даром просто говорить о самых сложных предметах. В это издание вошло наиболее значительное из...
В данном учебном пособии рассматривается история происхождения и развития аутогенной тренировки, определяется значение и место данного метода в современной психотерапии и психопрофилактике, излагаются современные взгляды на физиологические и...
С годами не теряют своей актуальности работы по психологии и психиатрии, и «Избранные труды по психиатрии» П. Б. Ганнушкина – не исключение. Ученый поднимает вопросы о границах психического здоровья, о связях психических нарушений с соматической...
В книге освещаются взгляды крупнейшего ученого-психиатра В. М. Бехтерева на вопросы, связанные с гипнозом, внушением и телепатией. В издании отражены идеи, факты, наблюдения и советы в этой сложнейшей области медицины, которая сегодня особенно...
Пособие посвящено проблеме развития самопознания в процессе обучения в начальной школе на основе разработанной автором концептуальной модели. Материалы книги раскрывают роль и значение понимания в процессе самопознания, феномен понимания,...
В издание вошли два сборника работ Шестова – «Киргегард и экзистенциальная философия», посвященный размышлениям на тему сочинений знаменитого датского религиозного философа, и «Великие кануны», в которых рассматривается уникальная авторская...
В учебном пособии приводится систематический анализ взаимодействия архитектуры и психологии. Подробно рассматриваются вопросы восприятия архитектурной формы и психологии архитектурной формы. Изучаются исторические аспекты развития...
Множество накопленных мыслей рвется наружу. Множество накопленных выводов жаждет быть услышанными.Как научиться осознавать каждое мгновение своей жизни.Пошли, поищем ответы вместе. Ну, или просто наблюдай за нитью этих размышлений.
Психогенетика – это наука, изучающая роль наследственности и среды в формировании психических и психофизиологических свойств человека. Психогенетика находится на стыке биологии и психологии, и в последнее время наблюдается значительный рост...
«Проще простого» в менеджменте – эта книга напоминалка тем, кто уже успел забыть азы менеджмента, и, возможно, открытия «Фомам неверующим».В книге специально собраны небольшие статьи по многим разделам управления, ведь мы «полевые» консультанты,...
Эта книга написана по реальным историям женщин, которые вышли замуж за иностранцев и впоследствии стали моими клиентками. Это не просто сценарии женских судеб, это руководство для молодых девушек о том, как избежать ошибок основываясь на чужом опыте.
Вопросы о роли владельца и развитии бизнеса, лидерстве и власти, найме, отношении к работе и личном развитии. Спор, что важнее – мотивация сотрудников или благодарность? Источники вдохновения. Бизнес как нечто большее. Обо всем этом в книге...
Когда-то я мучился от комплексов, связанных с лишним весом, страдал от последствий курения, злоупотреблял алкоголем и бессовестно прожигал свою жизнь. До тех пор, пока меня сильно не стукнуло по голове и я не взялся за себя обеими руками.Я...
В этой книге приведено устройство герметичного биоконтейнера, предназначенного для выращивания растений в экстремальных инопланетных условиях. Отдельная глава книги посвящена некоторым сведениям о древнем антропологическом присутствии на Марсе....
В этой книге читатель увидит отношение к деньгам. Захочет ли он стать богатым или очень богатым материально и финансово, зависит от его выбора и сильного желания.