мукомольное производство

Helmut Traitler. Food Industry R&D

Food Industry R&D

Helmut Traitler

Research and development represents a vast spread of topics and can be an arena for controversy. In academia, such controversy may stem from conflicting interpretations of data and subsequent conclusions, the question of who was first to...
Группа авторов. Food Processing

Food Processing

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Food Processing: Principles and Applications second edition is the fully revised new edition of this best-selling food technology title.Advances in food processing continue to take place as food scientists and food engineers adapt to the...
Группа авторов. Chemesthesis


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Chemesthesis are the chemically initiated sensations that occur via the touch system. Examples in the mouth include the burn of capsaicinoids in chilies, the cooling of menthol in peppermint, and the tingle of carbonation. It is physiologically...
Josep Lloret. Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes

Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes

Josep Lloret

This important and informative new book outlines and discusses details of the basic principles and methods that are central to any study of fish condition, from a fish ecology and fisheries biology perspective. Condition and Health Indicators of...
Группа авторов. Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development

Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development

Группа авторов

Written primarily for directors and managers of food design and development, food scientists, technologists, and product developers, this book explains all the necessary information in order to help meet the increasing demands for innovation in...
Группа авторов. Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse

Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse

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Meat inspection, meat hygiene and official control tasks in the slaughterhouse have always been of major importance in the meat industry, and are intimately related with animal diseases and animal welfare. The history of meat inspection has...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals

Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals

Группа авторов

THE ONLY SINGLE-SOURCE GUIDE TO THE LATEST SCIENCE, NUTRITION, AND APPLICATIONS OF ALL THE NON-BOVINE MILKS CONSUMED AROUND THE WORLD Featuring contributions by an international team of dairy and nutrition experts, this second edition of the...
Группа авторов. Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics in Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods

Группа авторов

Functional foods and nutraceuticals have received considerable interest in the past decade largely due to increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with food. Diet in human health is no longer a matter of simple nutrition:...
Ramesh C. Chandan. Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance

Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance

Ramesh C. Chandan

Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance, Second Edition describes the processing and manufacturing stages of market milk and major dairy products, from the receipt of raw materials to the packaging of the products, including the quality assurance...
Группа авторов. Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 2

Advances in Food Science and Nutrition, Volume 2

Группа авторов

Advances in Food Science and Nutrition covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices, food processing systems, design and control, and rapid methods of analysis and...
Группа авторов. Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation

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Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation explores governance of the world’s oceans with a focus on the impacts of two inter-connected but historically separate streams of governance: one for fisheries, the other for...
Группа авторов. Nanotechnology and Functional Foods

Nanotechnology and Functional Foods

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The continued advancement in the sciences of functional foods and nutraceuticals has clearly established a strong correlation between consumption of bioactives and improved human health and performance. However, the efficacy and bioavailability...
Группа авторов. Dietary Fibre Functionality in Food and Nutraceuticals

Dietary Fibre Functionality in Food and Nutraceuticals

Группа авторов

Increasing fiber consumption can address, and even reverse the progression of pre-diabetes and other associated non-communicable diseases. Understanding the link between plant dietary fiber and gut health is a small step in reducing the heavy...
Группа авторов. Glass Transition and Phase Transitions in Food and Biological Materials

Glass Transition and Phase Transitions in Food and Biological Materials

Группа авторов

Glass and State Transitions in Food and Biological Materials describes how glass transition has been applied to food micro-structure, food processing, product development, storage studies, packaging development and other areas. This book has...
Fereidoon Shahidi. Bio-Nanotechnology


Fereidoon Shahidi

Bio-nanotechnology is the key functional technology of the 21st century. It is a fusion of biology and nanotechnology based on the principles and chemical pathways of living organisms, and refers to the functional applications of biomolecules in...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Food Science and Technology 3

Handbook of Food Science and Technology 3

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This third volume in the Handbook of Food Science and Technology Set explains the processing of raw materials into traditional food (bread, wine, cheese, etc.). The agri-food industry has evolved in order to meet new market expectations of its...
G?rard Brul?. Handbook of Food Science and Technology 2

Handbook of Food Science and Technology 2

G?rard Brul?

This book is a source of basic and advanced knowledge in food science for students or professionals in the food science sector, but it is also accessible for people interested in the different aspects concerning raw material stabilisation and...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1

Handbook of Food Science and Technology 1

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This book serves as a general introduction to food science and technology, based on the academic courses presented by the authors as well as their personal research experiences. The authors' main focus is on the biological and physical-chemical...
Группа авторов. Advances in Food Science and Technology, Volume 1

Advances in Food Science and Technology, Volume 1

Группа авторов

This book comprehensively reviews research on new developments in all areas of food chemistry/science and technology. It covers topics such as food safety objectives, risk assessment, quality assurance and control, good manufacturing practices,...
Hern?ni Ger?s. Grapevine in a Changing Environment

Grapevine in a Changing Environment

Hern?ni Ger?s

Grapes (Vitis spp.) are economically the most important fruit species in the world. Over the last decades many scientific advances have led to understand more deeply key physiological, biochemical, and molecular aspects of grape berry...
Helmut Traitler. Megatrends in Food and Agriculture

Megatrends in Food and Agriculture

Helmut Traitler

Highlights and examines the growing convergence between the food and agricultural industries—the technological, environmental, and consumer-related drivers of this change, and the potential outcomes This is the first book of its kind to connect...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry

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Fermented meat products have been consumed for centuries in many different parts of the world and constitute one of the most important groups of food. Bacterial cultures are used in their manufacture to preserve the meat and confer particular...
Группа авторов. Fish Vaccination

Fish Vaccination

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Fish farming, in seawater and in freshwater, in cages, tanks or ponds, makes an ever-increasing and significant contribution to the production of aquatic food in many regions of the world. During the last few decades there has been significant...
Группа авторов. Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts

Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts

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Wild Plants, Mushrooms and Nuts: Functional Properties and Food Applications is a compendium of current and novel research on the chemistry, biochemistry, nutritional and pharmaceutical value of traditional food products, namely wild mushrooms,...
Carole R.  Engle. Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing Handbook

Seafood and Aquaculture Marketing Handbook

Carole R. Engle

Aquaculture, the farming of aquatic animals and plants, and other seafood businesses continue to grow rapidly around the world. However, many of these businesses fail due to the lack of sufficient attention to marketing. The Seafood and...
Группа авторов. Flavour


Группа авторов

This book will cover all aspects of flavour perception, including aroma, taste and the role of the trigeminal nerve, from the general composition of food to the perception at the peri-receptor and central level. This book will answer to a...
Группа авторов. Fish Reproductive Biology

Fish Reproductive Biology

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Fish recruitment is a key process for maintaining sustainable fish populations. In the marine environment, fish recruitment is carried out in many different ways, all of which have different life history strategies. The objective of this book is...
Группа авторов. Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture

Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture

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The global trade of aquatic organisms for home and public aquariums, along with associated equipment and accessories, has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Aquaculture of marine ornamental species, still in its infancy, is recognized as a...
Группа авторов. Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Biofilms in the Dairy Industry

Группа авторов

In recent years, the formation and impacts of biofilms on dairy manufacturing have been studied extensively, from the effects of microbial enzymes produced during transportation of raw milk to the mechanisms of biofilm formation by thermophilic...
Ludwig Narziss. Abriss der Bierbrauerei

Abriss der Bierbrauerei

Ludwig Narziss

Das Lehrbuch zur Bierbrauerei von Ludwig Narzi? ist seit vielen Jahren das Standardwerk auf diesem Gebiet. Die neue, achte Auflage wurde komplett uberarbeitet und aktualisiert. Fur Studenten ist das Buch ein kurz gefasster Leitfaden, der jedoch...
Группа авторов. Starter Cultures in Food Production

Starter Cultures in Food Production

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Starter cultures have great significance in the food industry due to their vital role in the manufacture, flavour, and texture development of fermented foods. Once mainly used in the dairy industry, nowadays starter cultures are applied across a...
Группа авторов. Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds

Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds

Группа авторов

Bioactive compounds play a central role in high-value product development in the chemical industry. Bioactive compounds have been identified from diverse sources and their therapeutic benefits, nutritional value and protective effects in human...
Группа авторов. Tropical Roots and Tubers

Tropical Roots and Tubers

Группа авторов

Roots and tubers are considered as the most important food crops after cereals and contribute significantly to sustainable development, income generation and food security especially in the tropical regions. The perishable nature of roots and...
Группа авторов. Advances in Dairy Products

Advances in Dairy Products

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Advances in Dairy Product Science & Technology offers a comprehensive review of the most innovative scientific knowledge in the dairy food sector. Edited and authored by noted experts from academic and industry backgrounds, this book shows how...
Группа авторов. Ultrasound in Food Processing

Ultrasound in Food Processing

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Part I: Fundamentals of ultrasound This part will cover the main basic principles of ultrasound generation and propagation and those phenomena related to low and high intensity ultrasound applications. The mechanisms involved in food analysis...
Группа авторов. Aquaculture in China

Aquaculture in China

Группа авторов

Fish have been a major component of our diet and it has been suggested that fish/seafood consumption contributed to the development of the human brain, and this together with the acquisition of bipedalism, perhaps made us what we are. In the...
Stephen J. Forsythe. The Microbiology of Safe Food

The Microbiology of Safe Food

Stephen J. Forsythe

Exploring food microbiology, its impact upon consumer safety, and the latest strategies for reducing its associated risks As our methods of food production advance, so too does the need for a fuller understanding of food microbiology and the...
Ludwig Narziss. Die Bierbrauerei

Die Bierbrauerei

Ludwig Narziss

Die lang erwartete, vollst?ndig ?berarbeitete Neuauflage des traditionsreichsten Handbuchs der Bierbrauerei bietet s?mtliche Grundlagen der modernen Braupraxis, unterteilt in die B?nde «Malzbereitung» und «W?rzebereitung». Mit umfangreichem...
Группа авторов. Food Wastes and By-products

Food Wastes and By-products

Группа авторов

A complete guide to the evolving methods by which we may recover by-products and significantly reduce food waste Across the globe, one third of cereals and almost half of all fruits and vegetables go to waste. The cost of such waste – both to...
Группа авторов. Textural Characteristics of World Foods

Textural Characteristics of World Foods

Группа авторов

A complete guide to the textural characteristics of an international array of traditional and special foods It is widely recognized that texture has an intrinsic relationship to food preference. A full understanding of its functions and...

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