There?s a lot of conversation about how to make schools better. Unfortunately, the nature of those conversations often makes things worse. Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time maps out a way to change that. By...
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its...
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its...
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship are now essential elements of modern business. Responsible Business is a vital «how to» guide providing information on all aspects of the CSR process. This highly...
Operational risk assessment The Commercial Imperative of a More Forensic and Transparent Approach Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman “Brendon Young and Rodney Coleman's book is extremely timely. There has never been a greater need for the...
Credit derivatives have been instrumental in the recent increase in securitization activity. The complex nature and the size of the market have given rise to very complex counterparty credit risks. The Lehman failure has shown that these issues...
Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition explores the concept of sustainable development and its implications for science and engineering. It looks at how sustainability criteria can be...
The use of computers has opened up remarkable opportunities for innovative design, improved productivity, and greater efficiency in the use of materials. Uniquely, this book focuses on the practical use of computers for clothing pattern design...
The Sponsorship Handbook is a practical guide to sponsorship aimed at practitioners both working for sponsoring companies and those searching for sponsorship. Using the tools, techniques, advice and best practice advocated in this book both...
This books offers a definitive text on the vital topic fundraising. It provides students of fundraising and nonprofit professionals access to the most relevant theories and includes concrete examples of modern fundraising practice. The book...
This new book by two distinguished Italian economists is a highly original contribution to our understanding of the origins and aftermath of the financial crisis. The authors show that the recent financial crisis cannot be understood simply as a...
The physical upgrading of the existing domestic and industrial building stock to improve energy performance is an essential part of a transition to a low carbon society. Successfully retrofitting buildings to improve energy performance is not...
This up-to-date compilation of topics on the maturity and changes occurring within facility management worldwide offers insights into the growth and development of FM and its impact on today's business organisations. International Facility...
Doing business in the tourism and hospitality scene in Asia can be very interesting and rewarding but also poses many challenges. Not many books have been written on the hospitality industry in Asia. Strategic Hospitality Leadership makes a...
Offering a new framework for nonprofit brand management, this book presents the Brand IDEA (Integrity, Democracy, and Affinity). The framework eschews traditional, outdated brand tenets of control and competition largely adopted from the private...
With this extensively upgraded second edition, Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson solidify their status as the leading authorities on change leadership and organizational transformation. This is without question the most comprehensive...
This book is crammed with distilled, practical wisdom for key account managers and their directors. Organizations claiming to practise key account management should equip everyone involved with a copy, so they really understand what they are...
Gibt es in Ihrem Leben Konflikte – beruflich oder privat -, die Sie gern l?sen w?rden, ohne gleich einen Anwalt zu konsultieren oder gar einen Prozess anzustrengen? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige f?r Sie. Monika Oboth und Al Weckert...
The recent crisis in the financial markets has exposed serious flaws in management methods. The failure to anticipate and deal with the consequences of the unfolding collapse has starkly illustrated what many leaders and managers in business...
Как и Тома Пикетти, который жестко критиковал капитализм, но при этом положительно его оценивал, бывший главный финансовый директор Группы Всемирного банка Бертран Бадре показывает деструктивную роль финансов в глобальном экономическом кризисе...
Компания может расти и развиваться ровно настолько, насколько она развивает своих лидеров. Времена, когда организациям нужны были только грамотные исполнители, остались в прошлом. Сегодня развитие невозможно без личного участия каждого. Именно...
O работе руководителей и топ-менеджеров существует много мифов: «лидерами рождаются», «вся власть сосредоточена наверху», «на самом деле женщины не хотят руководить», «быть начальником сложно» и им подобные. Стереотипы относятся не только к...
Джулиан Трежер известен во всем мире как эксперт в области TED-коммуникаций. Его выступления на конференциях TED пользуются невероятной популярностью. По количеству просмотров – более 50 миллионов – он опережает Стива Джобса и Илона Маска. Вы...
How can leaders use strategic planning to strengthen their public and nonprofit organizations? In this fourth edition of his perennial bestseller Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Bryson provides the most updated version...
The global financial markets are not just driven by the big investment houses and fund managers. Along with these, private banks, insurance houses, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and a range of boutique investment managers, regional...
Numbers and statistical claims dominate today's news. Politics, budgets, crime analysis, medical issues, and sports reporting all demand numbers. Now in its third edition, News & Numbers focuses on how to evaluate statistical claims in science,...
The Effective Public Manager Thoroughly revised and updated, the fifth edition of The Effective Public Manager offers public administrators and students a classic resource and a highly-accessible guide to the fundamentals of leading and managing...
A richly insightful account of one of the most significant transformations in the world today. Dheeraj Sinha's intelligence vividly illuminates the intersection of culture and commerce in New India. Adam Morgan Founder eatbigfish Among the many...
Achieving market consistency can be challenging, even for the most established finance practitioners. In Market Consistency: Model Calibration in Imperfect Markets, leading expert Malcolm Kemp shows readers how they can best incorporate market...
Now you can access Jean Barbazette's systematic process for creating winning training materials that will help raise your skills to the next level. The book is filled with easy-to-use tools and templates that answer all the questions trainers,...
Science and innovation have the power to transform our lives and the world we live in – for better or worse – in ways that often transcend borders and generations: from the innovation of complex financial products that played such an important...
Praise for the First Edition This book is refreshing to read since it takes an important topic… and presents it in a clear and concise manner by using examples that include visual presentations of the problem, solution methods, and results along...
Ziel nachhaltig wirtschaftender Unternehmen ist es, nicht nur okonomischen, sondern auch sozialen und okologischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Die in diesem Sinne international erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, darunter auch Siemens, sind im Dow Jones...
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized economy. However, for reasons explored in this book, although none of the existing economic development models fit this sector in the past and apply...
This book is a complete sales and negotiating guide for mainland China and includes practical and measurable techniques that have been tested and proven to work with Fortune 500 companies operating in the 'Middle Kingdom'. It is divided into...
Enter the world of vibration trading with a new methodology for making more money, more safely What if you could enter the markets and know, in advance, the exact value of trades needed to sustain a losing streak, by knowing their Martingale...
Reflections on Groups and Organizations is the third and final book in the On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries series. Broadening the Kets De Vries canvas, this book examines concepts of organizational health, performance, and change....
The Ultimate Guide to Sales Training is the go-to reference for sales managers, sales trainers, sales coaches, and sales consultants who want to increase a sales force's productivity by using these proven techniques: Building Mental Flexibility...
From the Social Enterprise Alliance, the organization dedicated to building a robust social enterprise field, comes Succeeding at Social Enterprise. This practical guide is filled with the best practices, tools, guidance, models and successful...
Enhance learners' interest and understanding with visual design for instructional and information products No matter what medium you use to deliver content, if the visual design fails, the experience falls flat. Meaningful graphics and a...
Learn how your business can tap into foreign markets In Export Now, two international business experts reveal the secrets to taking your company global. Offering a real-life strategy that businesses of any size can use to expand their reach...
Who makes the news in a digital age? Participatory Journalism offers fascinating insights into how journalists in Western democracies are thinking about, and dealing with, the inclusion of content produced and published by the public. A timely...
What every not-for-profit must know about accounting, tax, and reporting requirements Combining the proven guidance of the previous, bestselling edition with all of the latest regulatory information, Edward McMillan delivers a one-stop reporting...
Take control of your organization's short- and long-term financial plan Now fully revised, Not-for-Profit Budgeting and Financial Management, Second Edition, offers a financial planning system that is not only easy to use and monitor, but also...
Praise for the First Edition «This is the most usable decision support systems text. [i]t is far better than any other text in the field» —Computing Reviews Computer-based systems known as decision support systems (DSS) play a vital role in...
China business experts analyze the next wave of Chinese corporate giants as they emerge into the global marketplace The rise of China and its major corporations will be a key economic development in this century. Even as leading Chinese firms...
HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN GOVERNMENT, THIRD EDITION The practice of public human resource management has evolved significantly in recent years due to increased outsourcing, privatization, and the diminution of public employee...
CSR has now moved beyond the stage of specialist or niche subject to become an integral part of global business and society. This timely edition is destined to become the definitive guide to CSR, Sustainability, Business Ethics and the...
The Online Trading Cookbook is a unique resource for busy online traders of all levels, addressing the need amongst the growing number of those trading and investing from home for solid, low risk trading strategies which they can incorporate...