зарубежная деловая литература

Джон Маэда. Редизайн лидерства: Руководитель как творец, инженер, ученый и человек

Редизайн лидерства: Руководитель как творец, инженер, ученый и человек

Джон Маэда

Дизайнер в роли лидера? Это интересно! Джон Маэда – всемирно известный дизайнер, автор бестселлера «Законы простоты», один из наиболее влиятельных людей XXI в. по мнению журнала Esquire. Возглавив Род-Айлендскую школу дизайна, из профессора,...
Энтони Брэдли. Социальная организация: Как с помощью социальных медиа задействовать коллективный разум ваших клиентов и сотрудников

Социальная организация: Как с помощью социальных медиа задействовать коллективный разум ваших клиентов и сотрудников

Энтони Брэдли

Книга о том, как освоить организацию социальных медиа для ускорения прогресса вашей компании и увеличения ее шансов на успех. Внедрить новые технологии легко. Использовать их в рамках массового сотрудничества внутри компании и за ее пределами...
Майкл Вейдер. Инструменты бережливого производства II: Карманное руководство по практике применения Lean

Инструменты бережливого производства II: Карманное руководство по практике применения Lean

Майкл Вейдер

Книга о тонкостях концепции ЛИН, благодаря которой возможно сокращение затрат на производство, перепроизводство, долгое ожидание готовой продукции и многих других скрытых потерь.
Нирадж Давар. Идеальный маркетинг: О чем забыли 98 % маркетологов

Идеальный маркетинг: О чем забыли 98 % маркетологов

Нирадж Давар

Перед маркетологами всех отраслей вновь и вновь встают вопросы: в чем искать конкурентные преимущества продукта? Как сохранять позиции на рынке? Дешевые клоны появляются как грибы после дождя, и потребители все чаще изменяют известным брендам...
Стю Хейнеке. Как добиться встречи с кем угодно. Скрытая сила контактного маркетинга

Как добиться встречи с кем угодно. Скрытая сила контактного маркетинга

Стю Хейнеке

Вы знаете, как продавать, – это ваша работа, в конце концов, – но как добиться, чтобы высшие руководители и важные персоны перезванивали вам? Непростая задача. Номинант «Зала славы маркетинга», иллюстратор-карикатурист Wall Street Journal Стю...
Дэвид Дотлих. 11 врагов руководителя: Модели поведения, способные разрушить карьеру и бизнес

11 врагов руководителя: Модели поведения, способные разрушить карьеру и бизнес

Дэвид Дотлих

«Все – яд, все – лекарство», – говорил Парацельс. Это книга о том, как именно наши самые яркие достоинства превращаются в критические недостатки. Она посвящена деструкторам – сильным сторонам руководителя, вышедшим из под контроля. Каждое...
Джеймс И. Хьюз-младший. Богатство семьи. Как сохранить в семье человеческий, интеллектуальный и финансовый капиталы

Богатство семьи. Как сохранить в семье человеческий, интеллектуальный и финансовый капиталы

Джеймс И. Хьюз-младший

Джеймс Хьюз излагает принципы управления семьей и семейным капиталом и дает практические советы. Он предлагает оригинальную стратегию сохранения и приумножения человеческих, интеллектуальных и финансовых активов семьи, используя в своих...
Майк Кон. Agile: оценка и планирование проектов

Agile: оценка и планирование проектов

Майк Кон

Оценка и планирование критически важны для успеха любого проекта. Однако процесс планирования сложен, и наши планы часто оказываются далекими от реальности. На помощь приходит agile-подход. Благодаря agile вы научитесь создавать реалистичные...
John D. W. Morecroft. Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics. A feedback systems approach

Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics. A feedback systems approach

John D. W. Morecroft

Insightful modelling of dynamic systems for better business strategy The business environment is constantly changing and organisations need the ability to rehearse alternative futures. By mimicking the interlocking operations of firms and...
David  Kantor. Reading the Room. Group Dynamics for Coaches and Leaders

Reading the Room. Group Dynamics for Coaches and Leaders

David Kantor

Praise for Reading the Room «If you believe, as I do, that tackling our toughest problems in organizations and societies will require significant advances in the human domain of how we think and interact, then you will find this book a wonderful...
Chia  Tan. Demystifying Exotic Products. Interest Rates, Equities and Foreign Exchange

Demystifying Exotic Products. Interest Rates, Equities and Foreign Exchange

Chia Tan

In recent times, derivatives have been inaccurately labelled the financial weapons of mass destruction responsible for the worst financial crisis in recent history. Inherently complex and perilous for the ill-informed investment professional...
Robert P. Baker. The Trade Lifecycle. Behind the Scenes of the Trading Process

The Trade Lifecycle. Behind the Scenes of the Trading Process

Robert P. Baker

The lifecycle of a trade is the fundamental activity of investment banks, hedge funds, pension funds and many other financial companies. There is no better way to understand the working s of a financial institution than to follow the progress of...
Paul  Schmitz. Everyone Leads. Building Leadership from the Community Up

Everyone Leads. Building Leadership from the Community Up

Paul Schmitz

Praise for Everyone Leads «If America is going to continue to thrive in the twenty-first century, we must strengthen our sense of community. In Everyone Leads, Schmitz lays out the challenges for those of us who have a passion to make a...
Roger  D'Aprix. The Credible Company. Communicating with a Skeptical Workforce

The Credible Company. Communicating with a Skeptical Workforce

Roger D'Aprix

In The Credible Company, communication expert Roger D?Aprix provides a logical and tested strategy to inform skeptical employees in a time of turbulent change. With information being the lifeblood of today?s intellectual-capital assembly line,...
Paul  Temporal. Islamic Branding and Marketing. Creating A Global Islamic Business

Islamic Branding and Marketing. Creating A Global Islamic Business

Paul Temporal

Islamic Branding and Marketing: Creating A Global Islamic Business provides a complete guide to building brands in the largest consumer market in the world. The global Muslim market is now approximately 23 percent of the world's population, and...
Paul R. Lawrence. Driven to Lead. Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership

Driven to Lead. Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership

Paul R. Lawrence

Praise for Driven to Lead «A powerful scientific framework, grounded in evolutionary biology, that helps us think about leadership successes and failures throughout history and how we might address humanity's need for better leadership going...
Dheeraj  Sinha. Consumer India. Inside the Indian Mind and Wallet

Consumer India. Inside the Indian Mind and Wallet

Dheeraj Sinha

A richly insightful account of one of the most significant transformations in the world today. Dheeraj Sinha's intelligence vividly illuminates the intersection of culture and commerce in New India. Adam Morgan Founder eatbigfish Among the many...
Jeremy  Bolland. Writing Securities Research. A Best Practice Guide

Writing Securities Research. A Best Practice Guide

Jeremy Bolland

The book highlights the major risks that securities analysts (and other securities professionals) face. The various laws, rules and regulations that securities analysts are subject to are broadly split into three categories: research-specific...
Stanley Weiss I.. Product and Systems Development. A Value Approach

Product and Systems Development. A Value Approach

Stanley Weiss I.

A thorough treatment of product and systems development in terms of value to all stakeholders Product and Systems Development compiles more than twenty years of research and practice from a value perspective, from vision and marketing to design,...
Jay Conger A.. Boardroom Realities. Building Leaders Across Your Board

Boardroom Realities. Building Leaders Across Your Board

Jay Conger A.

Praise for Boardroom Realities «Authored by a 'who's who' roster of governance experts, Boardroom Realities covers the latest trends in board leadership and performance as well as talent management for the board and the C-suite—all critical...
Gail Fairhurst T.. The Power of Framing. Creating the Language of Leadership

The Power of Framing. Creating the Language of Leadership

Gail Fairhurst T.

Praise for The Power of Framing «The primary work of leadership involves managing meaning through framing. Fairhurst shows that the way leaders use language to frame people, situations, and events has important consequences for the way...
Ulf  Pillkahn. Die Weisheit der Roulettekugel. Innovation durch Irritation

Die Weisheit der Roulettekugel. Innovation durch Irritation

Ulf Pillkahn

Innovationen sind der Garant fur die Zukunftsfahigkeit von Unternehmen und Organisationen. Doch die ubliche Vorgehensweise, namlich Innovationen «effizient» zu generieren, fuhrt zur Trivialisierung. Nicht selten werden banale Neuerungen als...
Richard  Pircher. Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden und Erfahrungen

Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden und Erfahrungen

Richard Pircher

Dieses Buch fasst den Stand von Wissensmanagement praxisorientiert zusammen; es richtet sich an Fuhrungskrafte aus kleinen, mittleren und gro?en Unternehmen oder Non-Profit-Organisationen sowie an alle anderen Personen, die sich mit...
Murray  Newlands. Online Marketing. A User's Manual

Online Marketing. A User's Manual

Murray Newlands

This is Your Complete Manual of Digital Marketing Magic. How do you stay out in from when everything’s moving so fast? The internet and social media have changed how we do our jobs beyond recognition. Sometimes it’s exciting; other times it’s...
David Belmont P.. Managing Hedge Fund Risk and Financing. Adapting to a New Era

Managing Hedge Fund Risk and Financing. Adapting to a New Era

David Belmont P.

The ultimate guide to dealing with hedge fund risk in a post-Great Recession world Hedge funds have been faced with a variety of new challenges as a result of the ongoing financial crisis. The simultaneous collapse of major financial...
Jay Galbraith R.. Designing Matrix Organizations that Actually Work. How IBM, Proctor & Gamble and Others Design for Success

Designing Matrix Organizations that Actually Work. How IBM, Proctor & Gamble and Others Design for Success

Jay Galbraith R.

Organization structures do not fail, says Jay Galbraith, but management fails at implementing them correctly. This is why, he explains, the idea that the matrix does not work still exists today, even among people who should know better. But the...
Clark  Aldrich. The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games. How the Most Valuable Content Will be Created in the Age Beyond Gutenberg to Google

The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games. How the Most Valuable Content Will be Created in the Age Beyond Gutenberg to Google

Clark Aldrich

Ready to blow your mind? Spend 15 seconds reading Clark Aldrich's The Complete Guide to Simulations and Serious Games. Witty, fast-paced, and non-linear – it's Spock meets Alton Brown. – Lynne Kenney, Psy.D., The Family Coach This exciting work...
Sandy  Schuman. The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups. How They Are Difficult, Why They Are Difficult and What You Can Do About It

The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups. How They Are Difficult, Why They Are Difficult and What You Can Do About It

Sandy Schuman

WE'VE ALL EXPERIENCED the challenges associated with working with groups, but The Handbook for Working with Difficult Groups turns the idea of «difficult groups» on its head. Rather than view groups as inherently difficult, it looks at the...
Berndt  Feuerbacher. Professionell Pr?sentieren. in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften

Professionell Pr?sentieren. in den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften

Berndt Feuerbacher

Wenn Sie dieses Buch gelesen haben, werden Sie weniger Zeit brauchen, um Ihre Vortrage vorzubereiten. Dennoch werden Sie Ihre Zuhorer nachhaltig uberzeugen mit Prasentationen, die anders aussehen als die Ihrer Kollegen. Prasentieren ist...
Richard  Pircher. Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden, Erfahrungen

Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden, Erfahrungen

Richard Pircher

Dieses Buch fasst den Stand von Wissensmanagement praxisorientiert zusammen; es richtet sich an F?hrungskr?fte aus kleinen, mittleren und gro?en Unternehmen oder Non-Profit-Organisationen, sowie an alle anderen Personen, die sich mit...
Des  Dearlove. The Unauthorized Guide to Doing Business the Richard Branson Way. 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Brand Builder

The Unauthorized Guide to Doing Business the Richard Branson Way. 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Brand Builder

Des Dearlove

Richard Branson, the international powerhouse entrepreneur, is an opportunist with an uncanny knack of sniffing out great deals where others hesitate or fear to tread. Branson is the ultimate brand builder and never before has a single brand...
Riccardo  Rebonato. Coherent Stress Testing. A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress

Coherent Stress Testing. A Bayesian Approach to the Analysis of Financial Stress

Riccardo Rebonato

In Coherent Stress Testing: A Bayesian Approach, industry expert Riccardo Rebonato presents a groundbreaking new approach to this important but often undervalued part of the risk management toolkit. Based on the author's extensive work, research...
Pamela  McLean. The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching. A Developmental Approach

The Completely Revised Handbook of Coaching. A Developmental Approach

Pamela McLean

Praise for The Completely Revised HANDBOOK OF COACHING «Pam McLean has written a jewel of a book. Its straightforward, easy-to-read style lays out an elegantly simple, effective, and agile coaching methodology. This will become a well-used...
M.  Kamin. Soft Skills Revolution. A Guide for Connecting with Compassion for Trainers, Teams, and Leaders

Soft Skills Revolution. A Guide for Connecting with Compassion for Trainers, Teams, and Leaders

M. Kamin

Soft skills are the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that characterize relationships with other people. In increasingly competitive environments, soft skills...
Robert  Barner. Accelerating Your Development as a Leader. A Guide for Leaders and their Managers

Accelerating Your Development as a Leader. A Guide for Leaders and their Managers

Robert Barner

An invaluable resource for HR professionals and executive coaches, this book focuses on how to reduce the time needed to prepare high-potential (HIPO) leaders for next-level positions. Providing the leading trends, tools, and techniques in the...
Bernard  Mayer. The Dynamics of Conflict. A Guide to Engagement and Intervention

The Dynamics of Conflict. A Guide to Engagement and Intervention

Bernard Mayer

The Dynamics of Conflict When it was published in 2000, Bernie Mayer's The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution quickly became one of the seminal works in the conflict resolution field. The book bridged the gap between abstract theoretical approaches...
Peter Block. Flawless Consulting, Enhanced Edition. A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used

Flawless Consulting, Enhanced Edition. A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used

Peter Block

This Third Edition to Peter Block's Flawless Consulting addresses business changes and new challenges since the second edition was written ten years ago. It tackles the challenges next-generation consultants face, including more guidance on how...
Ines  Mergel. Social Media in the Public Sector. A Guide to Participation, Collaboration and Transparency in The Networked World

Social Media in the Public Sector. A Guide to Participation, Collaboration and Transparency in The Networked World

Ines Mergel

Grounded in solid research, Social Media in the Public Sector explores the myriad uses of social media in the public sector and combines existing practices with theories of public administration, networked governance, and information management....
John Bryson M.. Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement

Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement

John Bryson M.

How can leaders use strategic planning to strengthen their public and nonprofit organizations? In this fourth edition of his perennial bestseller Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Bryson provides the most updated version...
Gail  Rolland. Market Players. A Guide to the Institutions in Today's Financial Markets

Market Players. A Guide to the Institutions in Today's Financial Markets

Gail Rolland

The global financial markets are not just driven by the big investment houses and fund managers. Along with these, private banks, insurance houses, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and a range of boutique investment managers, regional...
Alfred E. Eckes, Jr.. The Contemporary Global Economy. A History since 1980

The Contemporary Global Economy. A History since 1980

Alfred E. Eckes, Jr.

The Contemporary Global Economy provides a lively overview of recent turbulence in the world economy, focusing on the dynamics of globalization since the 1980s. It explains the main drivers of economic change and how we are able to discern their...
Joel  Greenblatt. The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success

The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success

Joel Greenblatt

Acclaim for Joel Greenblatt's New York Times bestseller THE LITTLE BOOK THAT BEATS THE MARKET «One of the best, clearest guides to value investing out there.» —Wall Street Journal «Simply perfect. One of the most important investment books of...
Lou  Russell. Managing Projects. A Practical Guide for Learning Professionals

Managing Projects. A Practical Guide for Learning Professionals

Lou Russell

Managing Projects offers a hands-on resource for building practical competencies for anyone who must manage one or more small- to mid-size projects. The book is filled with targeted processes, tools, techniques, and influencing skills that...
Massimo  Morini. Understanding and Managing Model Risk. A Practical Guide for Quants, Traders and Validators

Understanding and Managing Model Risk. A Practical Guide for Quants, Traders and Validators

Massimo Morini

A guide to the validation and risk management of quantitative models used for pricing and hedging Whereas the majority of quantitative finance books focus on mathematics and risk management books focus on regulatory aspects, this book addresses...
George  Tovstiga. Strategy in Practice. A Practitioner's Guide to Strategic Thinking

Strategy in Practice. A Practitioner's Guide to Strategic Thinking

George Tovstiga

The 2nd edition of Strategy in Practice presents a practitioner focused approach to strategy. It is increasingly recognised that the ability to adapt classic formulas to changing circumstances and develop fast, sound strategic thinking is what...
Andrew M. Chisholm. Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options

Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options

Andrew M. Chisholm

Derivatives are everywhere in the modern world and it is important for everyone in banking, investment and finance to have a good understanding of the subject. Derivatives Demystified provides a step-by-step guide to the subject, enabling the...
Xin  Xie. Full View Integrated Technical Analysis. A Systematic Approach to Active Stock Market Investing

Full View Integrated Technical Analysis. A Systematic Approach to Active Stock Market Investing

Xin Xie

A fresh approach to technical analysis utilizing a full view (multi-time frame) integrated analytical system. Has the bear market ended? Is the rebound lasting? Everybody wants an answer but nobody can provide one with a good degree of...
Elaine  Biech. The Consultant's Quick Start Guide. An Action Planfor Your First Year in Business

The Consultant's Quick Start Guide. An Action Planfor Your First Year in Business

Elaine Biech

The Consultant's Quick Start Guide offers a practical approach to setting up a consulting business. Throughout the guide, Elaine Biech–author of the best-selling The Business of Consulting–shares both her own secrets as well as those of numerous...
Terry L. Cooper. The Responsible Administrator. An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role

The Responsible Administrator. An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role

Terry L. Cooper

Praise for the Fifth Edition of The Responsible Administrator «Cooper's fifth edition is the definitive text for students and practitioners who want to have a successful administrative career. Moral reasoning, as Cooper so adeptly points out, is...
Frank  Farwell. Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer, and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. An Entrepreneur's Wild Adventures on the New Silk Road

Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer, and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. An Entrepreneur's Wild Adventures on the New Silk Road

Frank Farwell

One man's worldwide entrepreneurial adventure…and how to follow in his footsteps Part memoir, part practical guide for any budding entrepreneur, Chicken Lips, Wheeler-Dealer and the Beady-Eyed M.B.A. is the story of how one man abandoned a cushy...

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