A one-stop guide for the theories, applications, and statistical methodologies essential to operational risk Providing a complete overview of operational risk modeling and relevant insurance analytics, Fundamental Aspects of Operational Risk and...
Modeling and Analysis of Compositional Data presents a practical and comprehensive introduction to the analysis of compositional data along with numerous examples to illustrate both theory and application of each method. Based upon short courses...
A well-balanced and accessible introduction to the elementary quantitative methods and Microsoft® Office Excel® applications used to guide business decision making Featuring quantitative techniques essential for modeling modern business...
Introduction to Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data presents a detailed discussion of important statistical concepts and methods of data presentation and analysis Provides detailed discussions on statistical applications including a...
This book explores two combined approaches (strategy and accounting) from a cross-disciplinary perspective in order to improve knowledge of value creation in various contexts. Existing studies on this topic have generally adopted a purely...
Praise for the First Edition “…extremely well written…a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of this important field.” – Journal of Environmental Quality Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data, Second Edition...
Enables readers to apply the fundamentals of differential calculus to solve real-life problems in engineering and the physical sciences Introduction to Differential Calculus fully engages readers by presenting the fundamental theories and...
This book contains mathematical preliminaries in which basic definitions of fractional derivatives and spaces are presented. The central part of the book contains various applications in classical mechanics including fields such as:...
The finite element method (FEM) is a computational tool widely used to design and analyse complex structures. Currently, there are a number of different approaches to analysis using the FEM that vary according to the type of structure being...
Praise for the Fourth Edition “The book follows faithfully the style of the original edition. The approach is heavily motivated by real-world time series, and by developing a complete approach to model building, estimation, forecasting and...
A novel presentation of rank and permutation tests, with accessible guidance to applications in R Nonparametric testing problems are frequently encountered in many scientific disciplines, such as engineering, medicine and the social sciences....
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications with JMP Pro® presents an applied and interactive approach to data mining. Featuring hands-on applications with JMP Pro®, a statistical package from the SAS Institute,...
This book introduces ALM in the context of banks and insurance companies. Although this strategy has a core of fundamental frameworks, models may vary between banks and insurance companies because of the different risks and goals involved. The...
Credit risk is one of the most important contemporary problems for banks and insurance companies. Indeed, for banks, more than forty percent of the equities are necessary to cover this risk. Though this problem is studied by large rating...
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R presents an applied approach to data mining concepts and methods, using R software for illustration Readers will learn how to implement a variety of popular data...
Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis,...
Provides well-organized coverage of statistical analysis and applications in biology, kinesiology, and physical anthropology with comprehensive insights into the techniques and interpretations of R, SPSS®, Excel®, and Numbers® output An...
Petri Nets were defined for the study of discrete events systems and later extended for many purposes including dependability assessment. In our knowledge, no book deals specifically with the use of different type of PN to dependability. We...
This book presents basic stochastic processes, stochastic calculus including L?vy processes on one hand, and Markov and Semi Markov models on the other. From the financial point of view, essential concepts such as the Black and Scholes model,...
A one-stop guide for public health students and practitioners learning the applications of classical regression models in epidemiology This book is written for public health professionals and students interested in applying regression models in...
Presents a comprehensive treatment of issues related to the inception, design, implementation and reporting of large-scale education assessments. In recent years many countries have decided to become involved in international educational...
This book focuses on the modelling of contemporary health and social problems, especially those considered a major burden to communities, governments and taxpayers, such as smoking, alcoholism, drug use, and heart disease. Based on a series of...
Provides new insights into the accuracy and value of online panels for completing surveys Over the last decade, there has been a major global shift in survey and market research towards data collection, using samples selected from online panels....
Written by a team of international experts, Extremes and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems presents a unique point of view on the mathematical theory of extremes and on its applications in the natural and social sciences. Featuring an...
Эта книга адресована всем, кто интересуется теорией чисел, как профессиональным математикам, так и любителям математики. Единство математики – эта мысль проходит красной нитью и наглядно показана на примерах.
Целью изучения курса алгебры в 7 классе является овладение системой алгебраических знаний и умений, необходимых для применения в практической деятельности, изучения смежных дисциплин, продолжения образования; формирование элементов...
В учебнике хорошо представлены биофизические закономерности и математические модели биологических продукционных процессов. Рассмотрены продукционные процессы в одно-, двух- и многовидовых биологических сообществах, процессы роста и развития...
Учебник содержит разделы по основам математической логики и дискретной математики, теории вероятностей и математической статистики, защите информации. Материал изложен на доступном уровне, без использования сложных формул и трактовок. В издание...
Практикум по высшей математике содержит основные краткие теоретические сведения, примеры решения, практические задачи, задания и упражнения профессиональной направленности для будущих специалистов биоресурсной отрасли по основным разделам...
Практикум по комбинаторике адресован студентам физико-математических факультетов педагогических вузов. Пособие дает возможность студентам овладеть основными приемами решения задач по комбинаторике. Пособие будет полезно учителям математики...
В статье раскрыты основы концепции государственного антимонопольного регулирования, дается определение провала государства в регулировании. По итогам анализа поправок, введенных третьим и четвертым антимонопольными пакетами, исследованы провалы...
Содержит методические материалы проекта победителей традиционного конкурса методического мастерства Финансового университета при Правительстве РФ «Методический олимп». Описана методика реализации азов технологии кейс-стади в преподавании базовых...
В книге Якова Перельмана «Занимательная арифметика» собраны числовые курьезы и пирамиды, ребусы, задачки на сообразительность и логику, фокусы без обмана, а также познавательные истории о числах-великанах и числах-лилипутах. Они не позволят...
Уважаемые родители! Вашему любимому второкласснику будет легче запомнить таблицу умножения, если он прочитает в ней такие строки:«Ура, оказывается дважды два четыре! Мама подсказала. Лишь четыре конфеты съем? Это же так мало».В книге вся таблица...
Цель данного издания научить будущих специалистов на основе фундаментального математического аппарата решать прикладные задачи современной экономики. Особенность учебника заключается в том, что он содержит не только основы классической теории по...
Цель данного издания научить будущих специалистов на основе фундаментального математического аппарата решать прикладные задачи современной экономики. Особенность учебника заключается в том, что он содержит не только основы классической теории по...
В учебнике хорошо представлены биофизические закономерности и математические модели биологических продукционных процессов. Рассмотрены продукционные процессы в одно-, двух- и многовидовых биологических сообществах, процессы роста и развития...
Цель данного издания научить будущих специалистов на основе фундаментального математического аппарата решать прикладные задачи современной экономики. Особенность учебника заключается в том, что он содержит не только основы классической теории по...
‘Brilliant and fascinating. No one is better at making the recondite accessible and exciting’ Bill BrysonBritain’s most famous mathematician takes us to the edge of knowledge to show us what we cannot know.Is the universe infinite?Do we know...
From the author of The Music of the Primes and Finding Moonshine comes a short, lively book on five mathematical problems that just refuse be solved – and on how many everyday problems can be solved by maths.Every time we download a song from...
A sharp mind, like a healthy body, is subject to the same rule of nature: Use it or lose it Need a calculator just to work out a 15 percent service charge? Not exactly sure how to get the calculator to give you the figure you need? Turn to this...
Praise for the First Edition “ …beautiful and well worth the reading … with many exercises and a good bibliography, this book will fascinate both students and teachers.” Mathematics Teacher Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Volume...
This thoroughly updated second edition combines the latest software applications with the benefits of modern resampling techniques Resampling helps students understand the meaning of sampling distributions, sampling variability, P-values,...
Written by the leading expert in the field, this text reviews the major new developments in envelope models and methods An Introduction to Envelopes provides an overview of the theory and methods of envelopes, a class of procedures for...
A comprehensive and timely edition on an emerging new trend in time series Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis: Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH sets a strong foundation, in terms of distribution theory, for the linear model (regression and...
This work analyzes the role of private equity firms (SCIs) in forming strategic alliances in the French private equity market. The subject is important because the formation of alliances and, more generally, the networking of SMEs, could be an...
TRANSFER MATRIX METHOD FOR MULTIBODY SYSTEMS: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Xiaoting Rui, Guoping Wang and Jianshu Zhang – Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China Featuring a new method of multibody system dynamics, this book introduces...