Introduces the latest techniques advocated for measuring financial market risk and portfolio optimization, and provides a plethora of R code examples that enable the reader to replicate the results featured throughout the book. Financial Risk...
This book concerns the use of dioid algebra as (max, +) algebra to treat the synchronization of tasks expressed by the maximum of the ends of the tasks conditioning the beginning of another task – a criterion of linear programming. A classical...
Utilizing the latest software, this book presents the essential statistical procedures for drawing valuable results from data in the social sciences. Mobilizing interesting real-world examples from the field of education, Understanding...
Introduces the graphical capabilities of R to readers new to the software Due to its flexibility and availability, R has become the computing software of choice for statistical computing and generating graphics across various fields of research....
How do you draw a map of 100,000 places, of more than a million flows of people, of changes over time and space, of different kinds of spaces, surfaces and volumes, from human travel time to landscapes of hopes, fears, migration, manufacturing...
This book aims to enable readers to understand and implement, via the widely used statistical software package Minitab (Release 16), statistical methods fundamental to the Six Sigma approach to the continuous improvement of products, processes...
A balanced guide to the essential techniques for solving elliptic partial differential equations Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations provides a comprehensive, self-contained treatment of the quantitative methods used to solve...
Explore the military and combat applications of modeling and simulation Engineering Principles of Combat Modeling and Distributed Simulation is the first book of its kind to address the three perspectives that simulation engineers must master...
Explore the foundations and modern applications of Galois theory Galois theory is widely regarded as one of the most elegant areas of mathematics. A Classical Introduction to Galois Theory develops the topic from a historical perspective, with...
An indispensable companion to the book hailed an «expository masterpiece of the highest didactic value» by Zentralblatt MATH This solutions manual helps readers test and reinforce the understanding of the principles and real-world applications...
A highly accessible alternative approach to basic statistics Praise for the First Edition: «Certainly one of the most impressive little paperback 200-page introductory statistics books that I will ever see . . . it would make a good nightstand...
Generally, books on mathematical statistics are restricted to the case of independent identically distributed random variables. In this book however, both this case AND the case of dependent variables, i.e. statistics for discrete and continuous...
Combinatorial problems based on graph partitioning enable us to mathematically represent and model many practical applications. Mission planning and the routing problems occurring in logistics perfectly illustrate two such examples....
Provides the necessary skills to solve problems in mathematical statistics through theory, concrete examples, and exercises With a clear and detailed approach to the fundamentals of statistical theory, Examples and Problems in Mathematical...
Stochastic finance and financial engineering have been rapidly expanding fields of science over the past four decades, mainly due to the success of sophisticated quantitative methodologies in helping professionals manage financial risks. In...
A comprehensive and accessible guide to panel data analysis using EViews software This book explores the use of EViews software in creating panel data analysis using appropriate empirical models and real datasets. Guidance is given on developing...
Praise for the First Edition «. . . outstandingly appealing with regard to its style, contents, considerations of requirements of practice, choice of examples, and exercises.»—Zentralblatt MATH «. . . carefully structured with many detailed...
A solutions manual to accompany An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis, Second Edition An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis, Second Edition reflects the latest trends in the field, includes new material and revised...
This book introduces the use of statistics to solve a variety of problems in exercise science and health and provides readers with a solid foundation for future research and data analysis. Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with...
An authoritative and quantitative approach to modern game theory with applications from economics, political science, military science, and finance Mathematical Game Theory combines both the theoretical and mathematical foundations of game...
This book is issued from a 30 years’ experience on the presentation of variational methods to successive generations of students and researchers in Engineering. It gives a comprehensive, pedagogical and engineer-oriented presentation of the...
An interdisciplinary approach to understanding queueing and graphical networks In today's era of interdisciplinary studies and research activities, network models are becoming increasingly important in various areas where they have not regularly...
Winner of the 2012 PROSE Award for Mathematics from The American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence. «A great book, one that I will certainly add to my personal library.» —Paul J. Nahin, Professor Emeritus of Electrical...
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series...
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series...
Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management. The three volumes of the Combinatorial Optimization series aim...
Foundations of Risk Analysis presents the issues core to risk analysis – understanding what risk means, expressing risk, building risk models, addressing uncertainty, and applying probability models to real problems. The author provides the...
Warum bilden sich Staus aus dem Nichts und losen sich genauso unverhofft wieder auf? Warum flie?t Sand und kann dennoch hart wie Beton sein? Die physikalischen Gesetzma?igkeiten hinter diesen und anderen Ereignissen sind spannend zu entdecken.
Learn the skills and acquire the intuition to assess the theoretical limitations of computer programming Offering an accessible approach to the topic, Theory of Computation focuses on the metatheory of computing and the theoretical boundaries...
Praise for the First Edition «The attention to detail is impressive. The book is very well written and the author is extremely careful with his descriptions . . . the examples are wonderful.» —The American Statistician Fully revised to reflect...
Hugely successful and popular text presenting an extensive and comprehensive guide for all R users The R language is recognized as one of the most powerful and flexible statistical software packages, enabling users to apply many statistical...
Praise for the First Edition “This excellent text should prove a useful accoutrement for any developing mathematics program . . . it’s short, it’s sweet, it’s beautifully written.” —The Mathematical Intelligencer “Erickson has prepared an...
Praise for the Second Edition «A must-have book for anyone expecting to do research and/or applications in categorical data analysis.» —Statistics in Medicine «It is a total delight reading this book.» —Pharmaceutical Research «If you do any...
Praise for the First Edition «. . .will certainly fascinate anyone interested in abstract algebra: a remarkable book!» —Monatshefte fur Mathematik Galois theory is one of the most established topics in mathematics, with historical roots that led...
Provides the tools needed to successfully perform adaptive tests across a broad range of datasets Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS illustrates the power of adaptive tests and showcases their ability...
Praise for the Second Edition «This book has never had a competitor. It is the only book that takes a broad approach to sampling . . . any good personal statistics library should include a copy of this book.» —Technometrics «Well-written . . ....
Как математические модели объясняют космос? Иэн Стюарт, лауреат нескольких премий за популяризацию науки, представляет захватывающее руководство по механике космоса в пределах от нашей Солнечной системы и до всей Вселенной. Он описывает...
В результате изучения данного пособия студенты освоят психолого-педагогические основы развивающего обучения математике, дидактические принципы развивающего обучения математике по теории П. Я. Гальперина и Н. Ф. Талызиной, Л. В. Занкова, Д. Б....
Перед вами широко известная книга Емельяна Игнатьевича Игнатьева (1869–1923), педагога и общепризнанного классика популярной математической литературы. «В царстве смекалки» переиздавалась множество раз и неизменно пользовалась успехом: задачи,...
Геометрия способствует развитию логики и развитию интуиции, поскольку логический и интуитивный аспекты в этом предмете переплетаются наиболее тесно. Диалектическое единство двух противоречивых тенденций, которое мы наблюдаем в геометрии и...
Актуальные вопросы, с которыми встречается каждый преподаватель – это составление планирующей и отчетной документации. Данная серия представляет набор актуальных материалов для использования в работе.
Praise for the First Edition “…a well-written book on data analysis and data mining that provides an excellent foundation…” —CHOICE “This is a must-read book for learning practical statistics and data analysis…” —Computing A proven...
This edited book is divided into three parts: Fundamentals of Medical and Health Sciences Modeling and Simulation introduces modeling and simulation in the medical and health sciences; Medical and Health Sciences Models provides the theoretical...
Winner of the 2013 DeGroot Prize. A state-of-the-art presentation of spatio-temporal processes, bridging classic ideas with modern hierarchical statistical modeling concepts and the latest computational methods Noel Cressie and Christopher K....
“…a very useful resource for courses in nonparametric statistics in which the emphasis is on applications rather than on theory. It also deserves a place in libraries of all institutions where introductory statistics courses are taught." –CHOICE...
Praise for the Fourth Edition: «This book is . . . an excellent source of examples for regression analysis. It has been and still is readily readable and understandable.» —Journal of the American Statistical Association Regression analysis is a...
Praise for the First Edition «This pioneering work, in which Rao provides a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of small area estimation, will become a classic…I believe that it has the potential to turn small area estimation…into a larger...
THE COMPLETE COLLECTION NECESSARY FOR A CONCRETE UNDERSTANDING OF PROBABILITY Written in a clear, accessible, and comprehensive manner, the Handbook of Probability presents the fundamentals of probability with an emphasis on the balance of...
This book has two main purposes. On the one hand, it provides a concise and systematic development of the theory of lower previsions, based on the concept of acceptability, in spirit of the work of Williams and Walley. On the other hand, it also...
A valuable guide to a successful career as a statistician A Career in Statistics: Beyond the Numbers prepares readers for careers in statistics by emphasizing essential concepts and practices beyond the technical tools provided in standard...