What is the kick we get from our morning cup of coffee or tea and why are we attracted by the smell of spices or perfume? How do the holes get in the cheese and why should you not clean your teeth after drinking a glass of wine? The authors have...
As incredible as it may sound, nature is still unbeatable and provides us with the most amazing inventions and phenomena, beyond human imagination. Bacteria that produce plastic or electricity, for example, or natural rocket propulsion or algae...
Der «Holzner» ist und bleibt das beliebteste Chemie-Lehrbuch f?r MTAs und BTAs. Auch die 6. Auflage beschr?nkt sich auf das Wesentliche der offiziellen Lehrpl?ne – ein Plus, das das Buch f?r Lehrende und Lernende so verl?sslich macht.
This book is a compact and simultaneously comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of optical spectroscopy. The author skillfully leads the reader from the basics to practical applications. The main topics covered are: – theory of...
Краткие теоретические основы курса «Биохимия растений», приведенные в пособии, знакомят студентов со строением и функциями основных групп веществ, составляющих растениеводческую продукцию, и превращением их при переработке и хранении. В...
Учебное пособие посвящено одному из важнейших разделов курса общей химии «Биогенные элементы» и содержит сведения по химии элементов, их биологической роли, содержанию в организме человека, продуктах питания, образованию комплексных соединений,...
Химия окружает нас всюду: без нее не было бы бумаги данной книги, печатной краски, лампы, освещающей комнату. Она и внутри нас, например в нервной системе, химические реакции которой позволяют вам читать эти строки. В новом издании книги...
Digital models based on data from medical images have recently become widespread in the field of biomechanics. This book summarizes medical imaging techniques and processing procedures, both of which are necessary for creating bone models with...
Die zweite Auflage dieses beliebten Einsteiger-Buches vermittelt das unverzichtbare chemische Grundwissen f?r 'Chemie-Nebenf?chler'. Die Studenten k?nnen sowohl Studenten der Lebenswissenschaften (Medizin, Biologie) als auch technischer...
For chemists, attempting to mimic nature by synthesizing complex natural products from raw material is a challenge that is fraught with pitfalls. To tackle this unique but potentially rewarding task, researchers can rely on well-established...
Chemistry Essentials For Dummies (9781119591146) was previously published as Chemistry Essentials For Dummies (9780470618363). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should...
Introduces readers to the field of inorganic materials, while emphasizing synthesis and modification techniques Written from the chemist's point of view, this newly updated and completely revised fourth edition of Synthesis of Inorganic...
Offers a comprehensive guide to the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and chitosan Chitin and Chitosan: Properties and Applications presents a comprehensive review of the isolation, properties and applications of chitin and...
Focusing on current and future uses of microbes as production organisms, this practice-oriented textbook complements traditional texts on microbiology and biotechnology. The editors have brought together leading researchers and professionals...
Der «Otto» hat sich zu einem Standardwerk f?r Studenten der Chemie, Pharmazie, Lebensmittelchemie und anderer chemischer Disziplinen entwickelt, das auch von Nicht-Chemikern und Chemieingenieuren wegen seines didaktischen Aufbaus und seiner...
This textbook introduces chemistry and chemical engineering students to molecular descriptions of thermodynamics, chemical systems, and biomolecules. Equips students with the ability to apply the method to their own systems, as today's research...
A modern, comprehensive text and reference describing intermolecular forces, this book begins with coverage of the concepts and methods for simpler systems, then moves on to more advanced subjects for complex systems – emphasizing concepts and...
Provides the background, tools, and models required to understand organic synthesis and plan chemical reactions more efficiently Knowledge of physical chemistry is essential for achieving successful chemical reactions in organic chemistry....
Provides a unique summary of important catalytic reactions in the presence of silicon A must-have for all synthetic chemists, this book summarizes all of the important developments in the application of organosilicon compounds in organic...
An important guide that reviews the basics of magnetic biosensor modeling and simulation Magnetic Sensors for Biomedical Applications offers a comprehensive review of magnetic biosensor modelling and simulation. The authors—noted experts on the...
Offers a comprehensive overview of cell culture engineering, providing insight into cell engineering, systems biology approaches and processing technology In Cell Culture Engineering: Recombinant Protein Production, editors Gyun Min Lee and...
The field of medical instrumentation is inter-disciplinary, having interest groups both in medical and engineering professions. The number of professionals associated directly with the medical instrumentation field is increasing rapidly due to...
This reference is a «must-read»: It explains how an effective and economically viable enzymatic process in industry is developed and presents numerous successful examples which underline the efficiency of biocatalysis.
Chemie ist ?berall, man muss nur danach suchen! Mit erstaunlich einfachen Experimenten lassen sich viele faszinierende Beobachtungen ?ber die chemische Zusammensetzung unserer Welt machen. Die Untersuchungsobjekte liegen buchst?blich auf der...
This practical guide for analytical scientists explains the use of gradients in liquid chromatography. The fundamentals of gradient separations, as well as the most common application scenarios are addressed, from LC-MS coupling to...
Erstmalig werden in einem Buch alle Aspekte der HPLC-Gradientenelution in den unterschiedlichen Trennmodi umfassend behandelt. Der Anwender findet konkrete Hinweise zur Optimierung von klassischen L?sungsmittelgradienten f?r RP- und...
A concise introduction to the chemistry and design principles behind important metal-organic frameworks and related porous materials Reticular chemistry has been applied to synthesize new classes of porous materials that are successfully used...
Provides a systematic and coherent picture of the solution-based methods for the preparation of noble metal-based composite nanomaterials, their characterization, and potential applications in electrocatalysis Within the last decade, the...
Provides, in one handbook, comprehensive coverage of one of the hottest topics in stereoselective chemistry Written by leading international authors in the field, this book introduces readers to C-H activation in asymmetric synthesis along with...
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of nanocarbon electrochemistry The discoveries of new carbon materials such as fullerene, graphene, carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbon, carbon dots, and graphdiyne have triggered numerous...
Mit seinem lebendigen und anschaulichen Stil sowie einer immer weiter verfeinerten Didaktik hat Peter Atkins das Lernen und Lehren in der Physikalischen Chemie revolutioniert. Sein Stil ist unverwechselbar – und unerreicht. Die 5. Auflagedes...
Showing how to apply the theoretical knowledge in practice, the one and only compilation of electrochemical experiments on the market now in a new edition. Maintaining its didactic approach, this successful textbook provides clear and...
Offers a physical organic chemistry and mechanistic perspective of the chemistry of thermal processes in the gas phase The book looks at all aspects of the chemical processing technique called gas-phase pyrolysis, including its methodology and...
A guide and comprehensive review of the most recent advances in homogeneous hydrogenation with non-precious catalysts In recent years a great deal of research has been applied to homogeneous hydrogenation with non-precious catalysis. Homogeneous...
Bew?hrtes Konzept auf neuestem Stand: die 7. Auflage dieses Klassikers ist ideal f?r alle Studentinnen und Studenten, die die Physikalische Chemie quantitativ und mathematisch exakt durchdringen m?chten und entsprechend ausgerichtete Vorlesungen...
A guide to the theoretical and computational toolkits for the modern study of molecular kinetics in condensed phases Molecular Kinetics in Condensed Phases: Theory, Simulation and Analysis puts the focus on the theory, algorithms, simulations...
Provides deep insight into the concepts and recent developments in the area of supramolecular chemistry in water Written by experts in their respective field, this comprehensive reference covers various aspects of supramolecular chemistry in...
Edited by foremost leaders in chemical research together with a number of distinguished international authors, this third volume summarizes the most important and promising recent developments in material science in one book. Interdisciplinary...
Addresses Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) as a technique for sensitivity-enhancement in solid-state NMR spectroscopy This comprehensive handbook is a compendium of the current state-of-the art of high field Dynamic Nuclear Polarization—from...
Книга содержит описания исследовательских проектов по химии для учащихся старших классов, проявляющих к химии глубокий интерес. Проекты подготовлены преподавателями и аспирантами Института химии СПбГУ для проектной образовательной химической...
В монографии рассмотрены проблемы механизмов неорганических реакций железа в процессах выплавки чугуна и стали, проблемы получения монокристаллической структуры решетки.
Многие значительные достижения человечества не были бы возможны без существенного прогресса в химии. В этой книге прослеживается история важнейших открытий, начиная с первых успехов и алхимических поисков и заканчивая новейшими химическими...
Запах несет не меньше информации, чем звук или изображение, вкус или прикосновение. Запах может вызвать самые мощные эмоции, самый богатый ассоциативный ряд, оттолкнуть или соблазнить… Наука, изучающая запахи, до сих пор не может разгадать, как...
Практикум включает в себя описание лабораторных работ, посвященных вопросам общей химии и химии переходных металлов, изучение которых необходимо для понимания основных промышленных технологических процессов металлургических и химических...
Рабочая тетрадь по неорганической химии предназначена для теоретической подготовки к ЕГЭ.Это шаблон, в который необходимо вписать соответствующие уравнения реакций.
Рабочая тетрадь по органической химии предназначена для теоретической подготовки к ЕГЭ. Это шаблон, в который необходимо вписать соответствующие уравнения реакций.