Within the so-called seduction community, the ability to meet and attract women is understood as a skill which heterosexual men can cultivate through practical training and personal development. Though it has been an object of media speculation...
This book is a radical plea for the centrality of experience in the social and human sciences. Lash argues that a large part of the output of the social sciences today is still shaped by assumptions stemming from positivism, in contrast to the...
The poor and working people in cities of the South find themselves in urban spaces that are conventionally construed as places to reside or inhabit. But what if we thought of popular districts in more expansive ways that capture what really goes...
Feminist approaches within the social sciences have expanded enormously since the 1960s. In addition, in recent years, geographic perspectives have become increasingly significant as feminist recognition of the differences between women, their...
A goldmine of strategic insights and practical business guidance covering all aspects of media entrepreneurship in the Digital Age The media industry is facing epic upheaval. Revolutionary new technologies compel those in businesses as diverse...
Allegations of Russian conspiracies meddling in the affairs of Western countries have been a persistent feature of Western politics since the Cold War – allegations of Russian interference in the US presidential election are only the most recent...
Сергей Владимирович Грисюк (Председатель Правления Научно-Образовательного Фонда «Аспандау», Председатель совета директоров холдинга «Арктагея», Директор международной сетевой научно-иследовательской организации «Центр гуманитарных...
В книге изложена уникальная авторская концепция трансформации сознания человека на качественно новую ступень эволюции путем перехода от мышления словами к мышлению смысловыми идентификациями. Углубленное осмысление основ этого перехода...
Covers the latest methodologies and research on international comparative surveys with contributions from noted experts in the field Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology examines the most recent advances in methodology and operations as...
'An urgent and extraordinary book. Weaving a philosophical analysis of Heidegger, Agamben and Foucault, Jan draws out the implications of their thought for a radical analysis of the ontological politics of Islam and Pakistan. Whether writing...
Widely acclaimed insight on the human condition, updated to view modern issues through a sociological lens Now in its third edition, Thinking Sociologically continues to offer a stimulating exploration of the underlying assumptions and tacit...
J?rgen Habermas is arguably the most influential social theorist and philosopher of the twentieth century, and his imprint on media and communication studies extends well into the twenty-first. This book lucidly unpacks Habermas’s sophisticated...
An essential resource that contains a contemporary overview of the concept of social control and its main approaches The Handbook of Social Control offers a comprehensive review of the concepts of social control in today’s environment and...
In this important book, one of Latin America’s foremost critical theorists examines the use and abuse of memory in the wake of the social and political trauma of Pinochet’s Chile. Focusing on the period 1990–2015, Nelly Richard denounces the...
На основании применения деятельностного подхода как объяснительного принципа рассматривается массовая коммуникация как социальный процесс в многообразии всех составляющих ее сторон. Вследствие глубокого методологического анализа вскрывается...
Collins Shorts – insight in an instant.This is an extract taken from the full version of THE FIX by Damian Thompson.When does your casual habit become an addictive obsession? Damian Thompson, who has himself struggled with a range of addictions,...
Collins Shorts – insight in an instant.The swarm behaviour of ant colonies has inspired computer programs for streamlining factory processes, telephone networks, and truck routes – find out how in this enlightening short that introduces a new...
Представленный труд отечественного мыслителя А. А. Керсновского, бывшего монархистом по убеждению и воевавшего в Добровольческой Армии во время Гражданской войны, рассматривает множество аспектов как ведения войны, так и устройства армии, но...
В пособии подробно рассматривается взаимосвязь миграции и социальных трансформаций, которые становятся основными причинами и факторами социальных изменений в странах исхода и приема мигрантов. Автор достаточно глубоко и серьезно исследовал...
Книга написана ещё до вступления в силу Киотского договора, который просуществовал недолго и был отменён из-за неприятия его Соединёнными Штатами Америки. Но книга не потеряла актуальности, так как панические разговоры о росте содержания...
Издание рассматривает церемониальное пространство английского королевского двора при Якове I в контексте династического строительства первых Стюартов и становления композитарной монархии. Анализ структуры церемониального взаимодействия между...
Эмиль Дюркгейм (1858—1917) – классик западной социологии, профессор университетов Бордо и Сорбонны. В своем творчестве обосновывал идею общественной солидарности, зависимости людей друг от друга. Данная работа написана на обширном фактическом...
И широкая общественная дискуссия об изменении и утрате ценностей, и научные дебаты о либерализме и коммунитаризме не могут обойти вниманием вопрос о том, как вообще возникает приверженность тем или иным ценностям и каким образом эту...
В книге представлены сведения о ключевых авторах, теориях и методах, которые относятся к научному направлению социальных исследований новых медиа. Форма словаря позволяет получить концентрированную информацию о том, кто и как, с опорой на какие...
Рассматривает историю теоретической мысли и практики управления в лицах, теориях, моделях и перспективах, характеризует предметную сферу социологии управления, освещает не только методы эмпирических и прикладных исследований в управлении, но...
Предлагаемая читателям книга, написанная выдающимся отечественным философом и общественным деятелем, теоретиком анархизма П. А. Кропоткиным, является одним из наиболее известных его произведений. Свои идеи П. А. Кропоткин черпал как из биологии...
В книге анализируются различные формы умственных эпидемий, имевших место с XV по XIX век. П. Реньяр описывает исследуемые явления и доказывает связь между исторической эпохой и формой, которую принимает та или иная эпидемия. Для психологов,...
Anthropology conducted in Africa has been central to the methodological and theoretical development of the discipline since it was first institutionalized in the late 19th century. Written and edited by a team of leading cultural anthropologists...
Covers the latest methodologies and research on international comparative surveys with contributions from noted experts in the field Advances in Comparative Survey Methodology examines the most recent advances in methodology and operations as...
Much orthodox economic theory is based on assumptions which are treated as self-evident: supply and demand are regarded as independent entities, the individual is assumed to be a rational agent who knows his interests and how to make decisions...
The most up-to-date and thorough compendium of scholarship on social movements This second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements features forty original essays from the field. With contributions from both established and...
Where are we today and what is to be done? Slavoj ?i?ek ponders these questions in this unique and timely book. Based on live interviews, the book captures ?i?ek at his irrepressible best, elucidating such topics as the uprisings of the Arab...
The relationship between feminism and ecology has grown in importance in recent years. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the ecofeminist movement and its history, as well as an extended analysis of the main perspectives within...
This much-needed book is a concise and accessible account of the contribution of feminist thinking to the study of crime. Tracing the intellectual history of criminology from its scientific foundations in the nineteenth century to its recent...
In this important new book the leading philosopher Jacques Ranci?re continues his reflections on the representative power of works of art. How does art render events that have spanned an era? What roles does it assign to those who enacted them...
Democracy is the central political issue of our age, yet debates over its nature and goals rarely engage with feminist concerns. Now that women have the right to vote, they are thought to present no special problems of their own. But despite the...
This new book integrates material drawn from a variety of sources – feminist theory, cultural and literary analysis, sociology and art history – in an original discussion of women's relationship to modern and post-modern culture. The essays in...
The images of migrants and refugees arriving in precarious boats on the shores of southern Europe, and of the makeshift camps that have sprung up in Lesbos, Lampedusa, Calais and elsewhere, have become familiar sights on television screens...
The idea of progress guided human expectations and actions for over two centuries. From the Enlightenment onwards, it was widely believed that the condition of humankind could be radically improved. History had embarked on an unstoppable forward...
The Nature of Heritage: The New South Africa is unique in revealing the conflicts inherent in preserving both natural and cultural heritage, by examining the archaeological, ethnographic and economic evidence of a nation's attempts to master its...
Translated by Carl Ipsen. This short book provides a succinct and masterly overview of the history of migration, from the earliest movements of human beings out of Africa into Asia and Europe to the present day, exploring along the way those...
In recent years, feminist and queer theory have effectively disavowed both “the human” and revolutionary politics. In the face of massive geopolitical crisis, posthumanists have called for us to reconsider fundamentally the superiority and...
Heritage of Our Times is a brilliant examination of modern culture and its legacy by one of the most important and deeply influential thinkers of the 20th century. Bloch argues that the key elements of a genuine cultural tradition are not just...