This classic book by Theodor W. Adorno anticipates many of the themes that have since become common in contemporary philosophy: the critique of foundationalism, the illusions of idealism and the end of epistemology. It also foreshadows many of...
As an exile in America during the War, Theodor Adorno grew acquainted with the fundamentals of empirical social research, something which would shape the work he undertook in the early 1950s as co-director of the Frankfurt Institute for Social...
Durante la redacci?n de la Dial?ctica negativa, su gran obra te?rica, Adorno dedic? buena parte de su tarea docente a discutir las problem?ticas del libro cuya elaboraci?n le tom? siete a?os. Estas clases son el reflejo de un profundo di?logo...
La filosof?a, seg?n declara el inicio de Dial?ctica negativa, sigue en vida porque se perdi? el instante de su realizaci?n. Deb?a dejar de interpretar el mundo y pasar a cambiarlo, y no lo logr?. Esto abre al menos dos preguntas, que rondar?n...
"En las condiciones en que fueron escritas, las cartas son documentos de la incertidumbre. Y su sentido completo se alcanza solo prospectivamente. Los lectores terminamos de conocer el significado de una angustia, de una carencia,...
A year after the end of the Second World War, the first International Summer Course for New Music took place in the Kranichstein Hunting Lodge, near the city of Darmstadt in Germany. The course, commonly referred to later as the Darmstadt...
In summer 1960, Adorno gave the first of a series of lectures devoted to the relation between sociology and philosophy. One of his central concerns was to dispel the notion, erroneous in his view, that these were two incompatible disciplines,...