
Ahmed Al-Rawi. News 2.0

News 2.0

Ahmed Al-Rawi

Offers fresh insights and empirical evidence on the producers, consumers, and content of News 2.0     The second generation of news—News 2.0—made, distributed, and consumed on the internet, particularly social media, has forever changed...
Warner Charles Dudley. Media Selling

Media Selling

Warner Charles Dudley

The must-have resource for media selling in today’s technology-driven environment The revised and updated fifth edition of Media Selling is an essential guide to our technology-driven, programmatic, micro-targeted, mobile, multi-channel...
Des  Freedman. The Media Manifesto

The Media Manifesto

Des Freedman

Our media systems are in crisis. Run by unaccountable corporations and dominated by agendas and algorithms that are shrouded in mystery, these formerly trusted sources of information and entertainment have lost their way. As consumers, we have...
Simon Lindgren. Data Theory

Data Theory

Simon Lindgren

The datafication of our world offers huge challenges and opportunities for social science. The ‘data-drivenness’ of computational research can occur at the expense of theoretical reflection and interpretation. Additionally, it can be difficult...
James Shanahan. Media Effects

Media Effects

James Shanahan

Does exposure to media violence make us more violent? Do stereotypes in the media affect the way we see different social groups? Do media institutions play any role in social change? <br /><br /><i>Media Effects</i> is a...
Mark Pesce. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Mark Pesce

Slated as ‘the next big thing in tech’, augmented reality promises to take the screen out of our hands and wrap it around the world via ‘smart spectacles’. As a pervasive, invisible interface between the world and our senses, AR offers...
Viviana Uriona. Sie senden den Wandel

Sie senden den Wandel

Viviana Uriona

Altbekannt ist, welch wichtige Rolle Medien bei der Konsolidierung oder aber auch bei der Transformation einer Gesellschaft spielen. Was aber geschieht, wenn Medien von unten aus agieren und dies in gro?er Zahl geschieht, unter Einbindung vieler...
Maxwell  McCombs. Setting the Agenda

Setting the Agenda

Maxwell McCombs

News media strongly influence how we picture public affairs across the world, playing a significant and sometimes controversial role in determining which topics are at the centre of public attention and action.  Setting the Agenda , first...
Группа авторов. Successes and Setbacks of Social Media

Successes and Setbacks of Social Media

Группа авторов

Discover the real-life impacts of social media use through a collection of fascinating academic perspectives   Successes and Setbacks of Social Media: Impact on Academic Life  rigorously explores the positive and negative impacts of social...
А. Н. Фортунатов. Эго-Медиа. Социально-философские штрихи к истории телевидения

Эго-Медиа. Социально-философские штрихи к истории телевидения

А. Н. Фортунатов

Средний возраст телезрителя в России постепенно приближается к пятидесяти годам. Это мировая тенденция. Но означает ли это, что телевидение утрачивает свои лидирующие позиции в системе коммуникации? Скорее, наоборот, утверждает автор книги,...
Группа авторов. The Handbook of Peer Production

The Handbook of Peer Production

Группа авторов

The definitive reference work with comprehensive analysis and review of peer production Peer production is no longer the sole domain of small groups of technical or academic elites. The internet has enabled millions of people to collectively...
John B. Thompson. Book Wars

Book Wars

John B. Thompson

This book tells the story of the turbulent decades when the book publishing industry collided with the great technological revolution of our time. From the surge of ebooks to the self-publishing explosion and the growing popularity of...
Meenakshi Gigi Durham. MeToo


Meenakshi Gigi Durham

In the wake of the MeToo movement, revelations of sexual assault and harassment continue to disrupt sexual politics across the globe. Reports of widespread misconduct—in workplaces from doctors’ offices to factory floors—precipitate firings,...
John B. Thompson. Merchants of Culture

Merchants of Culture

John B. Thompson

These are turbulent times in the world of book publishing. For nearly five centuries the methods and practices of book publishing remained largely unchanged, but at the dawn of the twenty-first century the industry finds itself faced with...
Davide Sisto. Remember Me

Remember Me

Davide Sisto

As the end of December draws near, Facebook routinely sends users a short video entitled ‘Your Year on Facebook’. It lasts about a minute and brings together the images and posts that received the highest number of comments and likes over the...
Janis Teruggi Page. Visual Communication

Visual Communication

Janis Teruggi Page

Teaches visual literacy, theory, scholarly critique, and practical application of visuals in professional communication careers   Based on years of research,  Visual Communication Insights and Strategies  explores visual imagery in...
Ellie Rennie. Wi-Fi


Ellie Rennie

From caf? culture to home schooling, remote community networks, and smart cities, Wi-Fi is an invisible but fundamental element of contemporary life. Loosely regulated, low-cost, and largely overlooked by researchers, this technology has driven...
Группа авторов. ?ber die Kunst, klein zu verlegen

?ber die Kunst, klein zu verlegen

Группа авторов

Haben sich Buchverlage und ihre Produkt-Manager von der Gesellschaft verabschiedet? Glaubt man den verbreiteten theoretischen Grundlegungen, die bei der Auflagenproduktion ansetzen und in verschiedene Ausrichtungen und Wirtschaftsprinzipien...
Julia Sch?nborn. Zwischen Bildung und ?konomie

Zwischen Bildung und ?konomie

Julia Sch?nborn

Das Social Web wird bereits heute intensiv f?r den Austausch, die Pr?sentation und die Vermittlung von Wissen genutzt. Dabei stellt die immer deutlicher in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen r?ckende Kollektivit?t der Prozesse die...
Reinhard Christl. Ist der Journalismus am Ende?

Ist der Journalismus am Ende?

Reinhard Christl

Seit Jahren gef?llt sich die Medienbranche darin, ihren eigenen Untergang herbeizureden und herbeizuschreiben. Die ?sterreichische ist darin besonders virtuos. Doch ist der Journalismus wirklich am Ende?
Oder sind die Medien besser als...
Armin Thurnher. Seinesgleichen


Armin Thurnher

Armin Thurnher, Herausgeber der Wiener Wochenzeitung FALTER, schreibt seit 1984 die Kolumne „Seinesgleichen geschieht“. Darin beleuchtet er den polit-medialen Komplex und sein Personal kritisch, satirisch und literarisch. Anl?sslich seines 70....
Hans Ulrich GUMBRECHT. Digital_Pausen



In der digitalen Welt gibt es keine Pausen. Wer sich auch nur f?r einen Moment abkoppelt, der riskiert, den Anschluss zu verlieren. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht l?sst sich vom Strom des Digitalen nicht fortrei?en. Seit er sich 2011 darauf einlie?,...
David  Buckingham. Youth on Screen

Youth on Screen

David Buckingham

Right from the origins of cinema, countless films and television dramas have offered sensational and seductive representations of young people's lives. Youth is typically associated with energy, idealism and physical beauty, but it is often...
Damian Tambini. Media Freedom

Media Freedom

Damian Tambini

The contentious role of social media in recent elections and referendums has brought to the fore once again the fundamental question of media freedom and the extent to which, and the way in which, the media should be regulated in a modern...
Crystal Abidin. Tumblr


Crystal Abidin

Launched in 2007, tumblr became a safe haven for LGBT youth, social justice movements, and a counseling station for mental health issues. For a decade, this micro-blogging platform had more users than either Twitter or Snapchat, but it remained...
Thomas Poell. Platforms and Cultural Production

Platforms and Cultural Production

Thomas Poell

The widespread uptake of digital platforms – from YouTube and Instagram to Twitch and TikTok – is reconfiguring cultural production in profound, complex, and highly uneven ways. Longstanding media industries are experiencing tremendous upheaval,...
Ulrich Gutmair. The First Days of Berlin

The First Days of Berlin

Ulrich Gutmair

Berlin in the early 1990s, right after the fall of the Berlin Wall: this is the place to be. Berlin-Mitte, the central district of the city, with its wastelands and decaying houses, has become the centre of a new movement. Artists, musicians,...
Johanna Sumiala. Mediated Death

Mediated Death

Johanna Sumiala

How do the dead live among us today? Approaching death from the perspective of media and communication studies, anthropology, and sociology, this book explains how the all-encompassing presence of mediated death profoundly transforms...
Liz Moor. Communication and Economic Life

Communication and Economic Life

Liz Moor

When we talk about media and the economy, 'the economy' is usually understood as the macro economy or GDP, while 'the media' usually refers to television and print news, or the digital output of mainstream news providers. But...
Terry  Flew. Regulating Platforms

Regulating Platforms

Terry Flew

We once thought of cyberspace as a borderless world. As the internet has become increasingly platformized, with a small number of technology giants that dominate the global digital economy, concerns about information monopolies, hateful online...
Marie Bergstr?m. The New Laws of Love

The New Laws of Love

Marie Bergstr?m

Online dating has become a widespread feature of modern social life. In less than two decades, seeking partners through commercial intermediaries went from being a marginal and stigmatized practice to being a common activity. How can we explain...
Nolan Higdon. The Podcaster's Dilemma

The Podcaster's Dilemma

Nolan Higdon

A fascinating exploration of modern podcasting as a tool for decolonization In The Podcaster's Dilemma: Decolonizing Podcasters in the Era of Surveillance Capitalism , Drs. Nolan Higdon and Nicholas Baham III connect contemporary...
Nick Monaco. Bots


Nick Monaco

Bots – automated software applications programmed to perform tasks online – have become a feature of our everyday lives, from helping us navigate online systems to assisting us with online shopping. Yet, despite enabling internet users, bots are...
Nathaniel Tkacz. Being with Data

Being with Data

Nathaniel Tkacz

Once the rarified stuff of scientists and statisticians, data are now at the heart of our global digital economy, transforming everything from how we perceive the value of a professional athlete to the intelligence gathering activities of...
Samael. Искусство видеосъемки

Искусство видеосъемки


Введение в искусство видеосъемкиВыбор оборудования для съемкиКомпозиция и планирование кадраРабота со светом и звукомРежиссура и сценарии для видеоОсновы монтажа и постпродакшнаРабота с актерами и создание атмосферыПродвижение и монетизация...
Игорь Борисович Широков. Исследования характеристик каналов связи

Исследования характеристик каналов связи

Игорь Борисович Широков

Рассматриваются вопросы исследования амплитудных и фазовых характеристик каналов связи радиотехнических систем. В рамках исследований предлагается гомодинный метод преобразования сигналов микроволнового диапазона, позволяющий проводить измерения...

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