
Анатолий Антипов. Защита танков

Защита танков

Анатолий Антипов

Рассмотрены вопросы обеспечения комплексной защиты танков с единых методологических позиций, большое внимание уделено проблеме защищенности основных боевых танков за счет повышения их индивидуальной стойкости к различным видам поражающих...
Владислав Алексеевич Острейковский. Безопасность атомных станций. Вероятностный анализ

Безопасность атомных станций. Вероятностный анализ

Владислав Алексеевич Острейковский

Рассмотрены основы теории безопасности атомных станций (АС). Дается систематическое изложение современной методологии, принципов и критериев вероятностного анализа безопасности (ВАБ) энергоблоков АС. Большое внимание уделено математическим...
Ю. Ф. Антонов. Магнитолевитационная транспортная технология

Магнитолевитационная транспортная технология

Ю. Ф. Антонов

Представленный в книге материал дает ретроспективу развития высокоскоростного транспорта на основе классической и магнитолевитационной технологий, отражает современное состояние исследований, анализа, разработок, конструирования, стендовых и...
В. Г. Симагин. Проектирование и устройство фундаментов вблизи существующих сооружений в условиях плотной застройки

Проектирование и устройство фундаментов вблизи существующих сооружений в условиях плотной застройки

В. Г. Симагин

Рассмотрен комплекс работ, возникающих при техническом обследовании, изысканиях, проектировании и устройстве оснований и фундаментов в стесненных условиях городской и промышленной застройки. Описаны повреждения существующих зданий, вызванные...
Е. А. Король. Системотехника управления целевыми строительными программами

Системотехника управления целевыми строительными программами

Е. А. Король

Рассматривается концепция управления федеральными целевыми программами. Изложена методология автоматизированного планирования и управления федеральными целевыми программами. Обобщены основные методы, модели и критерии, применяемые при решении...
В. В. Злобин. Как создать современный проект загородного дома

Как создать современный проект загородного дома

В. В. Злобин

Эта книга-пособие адресована всем людям, кто уже принимает участие или только собирается попробовать свои силы в проектировании и строительстве загородных жилых домов. Частные застройщики найдут в ней исчерпывающую информацию о том, что же такое...
Сергей Капустян. Модели и алгоритмы коллективного управления в группах роботов

Модели и алгоритмы коллективного управления в группах роботов

Сергей Капустян

Рассматривается современное состояние проблемы группового управления роботами. Дается формальная постановка задачи управления группой роботов в условиях заранее неизвестной, недетерминированной и противодействующей среды. Формулируется задача...
В. Р. Котельников. Отечественные авиационные поршневые моторы. 1910–2009

Отечественные авиационные поршневые моторы. 1910–2009

В. Р. Котельников

Эта книга посвящена эволюции авиационных поршневых двигателей в России, от первых попыток создания моторов для летательных аппаратов во второй половине XIX века до наших дней. К серийному производству авиамоторов в России приступили лишь в 1910...
В. Г. Дмитриев. Основы автоматизации проектирования горных транспортных машин

Основы автоматизации проектирования горных транспортных машин

В. Г. Дмитриев

Изложены вопросы автоматизации проектирования горных машин с использованием современных средств программного обеспечения. Описана операционная система Windows и приложения Microsoft Office (Word, Excel и др.) Рассмотрена работа с пакетами...
Е. И. Борисова. Структурирование проблем проектирования и алгоритма анализа календарных режимов горных работ при проектировании карьеров нерудных строительных материалов

Структурирование проблем проектирования и алгоритма анализа календарных режимов горных работ при проектировании карьеров нерудных строительных материалов

Е. И. Борисова

Рассмотрены вопросы оценки проектных решений с позиции инвестора, формулируются требования к проекту как модели предприятия, определяется круг задач оптимизации, подлежащих решению на стадии проектирования. Рассмотрены подходы к решению...
В. А. Шестаков. Проектирование горных предприятий

Проектирование горных предприятий

В. А. Шестаков

Изложены основные сведения по проектированию горных предприятий, главным образом, применительно к условиям рудных месторождений. Освещены вопросы организации и содержания проектно-сметных работ. Рассмотрены методы решения проектных задач,...
А. Л. Соловьев. Релейная защита городских электрических сетей 6 и 10 кВ

Релейная защита городских электрических сетей 6 и 10 кВ

А. Л. Соловьев

В книге рассмотрены первичные схемы городских кабельных сетей напряжением 6 и 10 кВ и аппаратура для их релейной защиты как традиционная (с электромеханическими и статическими реле), так и новейшая с цифровыми реле-терминалами разных типов и...
Группа авторов. Engineering Vibroacoustic Analysis

Engineering Vibroacoustic Analysis

Группа авторов

The book describes analytical methods (based primarily on classical modal synthesis), the Finite Element Method (FEM), Boundary Element Method (BEM), Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), Energy Finite Element Analysis (EFEA), Hybrid Methods...
Группа авторов. Structural Dynamics of Electronic and Photonic Systems

Structural Dynamics of Electronic and Photonic Systems

Группа авторов

The proposed book will offer comprehensive and versatile methodologies and recommendations on how to determine dynamic characteristics of typical micro- and opto-electronic structural elements (printed circuit boards, solder joints, heavy...
Joris J. C. Remmers. Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures

Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Solids and Structures

Joris J. C. Remmers

Built upon the two original books by Mike Crisfield and their own lecture notes, renowned scientist Ren? de Borst and his team offer a thoroughly updated yet condensed edition that retains and builds upon the excellent reputation and appeal...
Группа авторов. Discrete-Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making

Discrete-Event Simulation and System Dynamics for Management Decision Making

Группа авторов

In recent years, there has been a growing debate, particularly in the UK and Europe, over the merits of using discrete-event simulation (DES) and system dynamics (SD); there are now instances where both methodologies were employed on the same...
C?line Pacoret. Haptic Feedback Teleoperation of Optical Tweezers

Haptic Feedback Teleoperation of Optical Tweezers

C?line Pacoret

The authors of this book provide the first review of haptic optical tweezers, a new technique which brings together force feedback teleoperation and optical tweezers. This technique allows users to explore the microworld by sensing and exerting...
Antonio A. Munjiza. Computational Mechanics of Discontinua

Computational Mechanics of Discontinua

Antonio A. Munjiza

Mechanics of Discontinua is the first book to comprehensively tackle both the theory ofthis rapidly developing topic and the applications that span a broad field of scientific and engineering disciplines, from traditional engineering to physics...
Sondipon Adhikari. Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models

Structural Dynamic Analysis with Generalized Damping Models

Sondipon Adhikari

Since Lord Rayleigh introduced the idea of viscous damping in his classic work «The Theory of Sound» in 1877, it has become standard practice to use this approach in dynamics, covering a wide range of applications from aerospace to civil...
Anthony  Fasano. Engineer Your Own Success

Engineer Your Own Success

Anthony Fasano

Focusing on basic skills and tips for career enhancement, Engineer Your Own Success is a guide to improving efficiency and performance in any engineering field. It imparts valuable organization tips, communication advice, networking tactics, and...
William M. (Bill) Huitt. Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment Design

Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment Design

William M. (Bill) Huitt

The only comprehensive and authoritative reference guide to the ASME Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment (BPE) standard This is a companion guide to the ASME Bioprocessing Piping and Equipment (BPE) Standard and explains what lies behind many of...
Группа авторов. Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2

Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 2

Группа авторов

Full coverage of electronics, MEMS, and instrumentation and control in mechanical engineering This second volume of Mechanical Engineers' Handbook covers electronics, MEMS, and instrumentation and control, giving you accessible and in-depth...
Trevor S. Bird. Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays

Fundamentals of Aperture Antennas and Arrays

Trevor S. Bird

This book is intended as an advanced text for courses in antennas, with a focus on the mature but vital background field of aperture antennas. The book is aimed at final year, MSc, PhD and Post-Doctoral students, as well as readers who are...
L. Parker Temple, III. Implosion


L. Parker Temple, III

Implosion is a focused study of the history and uses of high-reliability, solid-state electronics, military standards, and space systems that support our national security and defense. This book is unique in combining the interdependent...
John Heywood. The Assessment of Learning in Engineering Education

The Assessment of Learning in Engineering Education

John Heywood

Explores how we judge engineering education in order to effectively redesign courses and programs that will prepare new engineers for various professional and academic careers Shows how present approaches to assessment were shaped and what the...
Группа авторов. Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3

Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Volume 3

Группа авторов

Full coverage of manufacturing and management in mechanical engineering Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, Fourth Edition provides a quick guide to specialized areas that engineers may encounter in their work, providing access to the basics of each...
Dr. Hakan Gurocak. Industrial Motion Control

Industrial Motion Control

Dr. Hakan Gurocak

Motion control is widely used in all types of industries including packaging, assembly, textile, paper, printing, food processing, wood products, machinery, electronics and semiconductor manufacturing. Industrial motion control applications use...
Barry L. Dorr. Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers

Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers

Barry L. Dorr

The book is a review of essential skills that an entry-level or experienced engineer must be able to demonstrate on a job interview and perform when hired. It will help engineers prepare for interviews by demonstrating application of basic...
James Doane. Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers

Machine Analysis with Computer Applications for Mechanical Engineers

James Doane

The aim of this book is to motivate students into learning Machine Analysis by reinforcing theory and applications throughout the text. The author uses an enthusiastic ‘hands-on’ approach by including photos of actual mechanisms in place of...
Abram S. Dorfman. Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine

Applications of Mathematical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Models in Engineering and Medicine

Abram S. Dorfman

Applications of mathematical heat transfer and fluid flow models in engineering and medicine Abram S. Dorfman, University of Michigan, USA Engineering and medical applications of cutting-edge heat and flow models This book presents innovative...
Zhenhai Xia. Biomimetic Principles and Design of Advanced Engineering Materials

Biomimetic Principles and Design of Advanced Engineering Materials

Zhenhai Xia

This book explores the structure-property-process relationship of biomaterials from engineering and biomedical perspectives, and the potential of bio-inspired materials and their applications. A large variety of natural materials with...
Группа авторов. Designing Human-machine Cooperation Systems

Designing Human-machine Cooperation Systems

Группа авторов

This book, on the ergonomics of human−machine systems, is aimed at engineers specializing in informatics, automation, production or robotics, who are faced with a significant dilemma during the conception of human−machine systems. On the one...
Paul Marnell. Engineering Economics for the 21st Century

Engineering Economics for the 21st Century

Paul Marnell

Provides a modern presentation that eliminates the seven limitations of past and present engineering economics texts: Contains the 12-FACTOR Calculator, an Excel spreadsheet designed by author to provide the values of the 12 factors of...
Anthony Sofronas. Survival Techniques for the Practicing Engineer

Survival Techniques for the Practicing Engineer

Anthony Sofronas

Providing engineers with the tools and skills to survive and become successful in the work place Gives experience-based, highly realistic guidance to a cross-section of young and even established engineers Delivers practical guidance and acts as...
Maan H. Jawad. Stress in ASME Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Nuclear Components

Stress in ASME Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Nuclear Components

Maan H. Jawad

An illustrative guide to the analysis needed to achieve a safe design in ASME Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Nuclear Components Stress in ASME Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Nuclear Components offers a revised and updatededition of the text,...
Arthur Leb?e. Homogenization of Heterogeneous Thin and Thick Plates

Homogenization of Heterogeneous Thin and Thick Plates

Arthur Leb?e

This book gives new insight on plate models in the linear elasticity framework tacking into account heterogeneities and thickness effects. It is targeted to graduate students how want to discover plate models but deals also with latest...
Angelo Luongo. Mathematical Models of Beams and Cables

Mathematical Models of Beams and Cables

Angelo Luongo

Nonlinear models of elastic and visco-elastic onedimensional continuous structures (beams and cables) are formulated by the authors of this title. Several models of increasing complexity are presented: straight/curved, planar/non-planar,...
Andr? Garcia McDonald. Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design

Introduction to Thermo-Fluids Systems Design

Andr? Garcia McDonald

A fully comprehensive guide to thermal systems design covering fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, heat transfer and thermodynamic power cycles Bridging the gap between the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermodynamics,...
Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi. Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory

Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory

Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi

A Useful Guide to the Interrelated Areas of Differential Equations, Difference Equations, and Queueing Models Difference and Differential Equations with Applications in Queueing Theory presents the unique connections between the methods and...
George F. Pinder. Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering

Mathematical Modeling in Science and Engineering

George F. Pinder

A powerful, unified approach to mathematical and computational modeling in science and engineering Mathematical and computational modeling makes it possible to predict the behavior of a broad range of systems across a broad range of disciplines....
Ivana Kovacic. Mechanical Vibration

Mechanical Vibration

Ivana Kovacic

Mechanical oscillators in Lagrange's formalism – a thorough problem-solved approach This book takes a logically organized, clear and thorough problem-solved approach at instructing the reader in the application of Lagrange's formalism to derive...
I. M. Smith. Programming the Finite Element Method

Programming the Finite Element Method

I. M. Smith

Many students, engineers, scientists and researchers have benefited from the practical, programming-oriented style of the previous editions of Programming the Finite Element Method, learning how to develop computer programs to solve specific...
Группа авторов. Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms

Handbook of Compliant Mechanisms

Группа авторов

A fully illustrated reference book giving an easy-to-understand introduction to compliant mechanisms A broad compilation of compliant mechanisms to give inspiration and guidance to those interested in using compliant mechanisms in their designs,...
Shengyi Li. Large and Middle-scale Aperture Aspheric Surfaces

Large and Middle-scale Aperture Aspheric Surfaces

Shengyi Li

A complete all-in-one reference to aspheric fabrication and testing for optical applications This book provides a detailed introduction to the manufacturing and measurement technologies in aspheric fabrication. For each technology, both basic...
Xinxin Gu. Self-healing Control Technology for Distribution Networks

Self-healing Control Technology for Distribution Networks

Xinxin Gu

Systematically introduces self-healing control theory for distribution networks, rigorously supported by simulations and applications • A comprehensive introduction to self-healing control for distribution networks • Details the construction of...
Damien Andre. 3D Discrete Element Workbench for Highly Dynamic Thermo-mechanical Analysis

3D Discrete Element Workbench for Highly Dynamic Thermo-mechanical Analysis

Damien Andre

Complex behavior models (plasticity, cracks, visco elascticity) face some theoretical difficulties for the determination of the behavior law at the continuous scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a solution is to...
Yuri Bazilevs. Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction

Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction

Yuri Bazilevs

Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction: Methods and Applications takes the reader from the fundamentals of computational fluid and solid mechanics to the state-of-the-art in computational FSI methods, special FSI techniques, and solution of...
Fr?d?ric Dau. Discrete-continuum Coupling Method to Simulate Highly Dynamic Multi-scale Problems

Discrete-continuum Coupling Method to Simulate Highly Dynamic Multi-scale Problems

Fr?d?ric Dau

Complex behavior models (plasticity, crack, visco-elascticity) are facing several theoretical difficulties in determining the behavior law at the continuous (macroscopic) scale. When homogenization fails to give the right behavior law, a...
Dumitru  Popescu. Optimization in Engineering Sciences

Optimization in Engineering Sciences

Dumitru Popescu

The purpose of this book is to present the main metaheuristics and approximate and stochastic methods for optimization of complex systems in Engineering Sciences. It has been written within the framework of the European Union project ERRIC...
Bhupesh K. Lad. Machine Tool Reliability

Machine Tool Reliability

Bhupesh K. Lad

This book explores the domain of reliability engineering in the context of machine tools. Failures of machine tools not only jeopardize users' ability to meet their due date commitments but also lead to poor quality of products, slower...

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