
Paul L. Dann. Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations

Paul L. Dann

Practical strategies for ensuring leadership success within nonprofit organizations In Managing and Leading Nonprofit Organizations: A Framework For Success , veteran senior leader and CEO Paul L. Dann, PhD, draws on over 30 years of...
David A. Spencer. Making Light Work

Making Light Work

David A. Spencer

Is work a primordial curse? Or a spiritual calling? Or is it a tedious necessity that technology will abolish, freeing us to indulge lives of leisure? In this book David A. Spencer argues that work is only an alienating burden because of the...
Richard Lees. Shift


Richard Lees

Understand what’s required to deliver top-of-the-line customer experiences As organizations around the world do their best to deliver meaningful, effective, and efficient customer experiences, many are encountering difficulty translating...
Paul  Tiffany. Business Plans For Dummies

Business Plans For Dummies

Paul Tiffany

Plan to succeed as an entrepreneur—we show you how Business Plans For Dummies can guide you, as a new or aspiring business owner, through the process of creating a comprehensive, accurate, and useful business plan. In fact, it is just as...
Dieter Lederer. Der Change-Code

Der Change-Code

Dieter Lederer

Fakten f?hren zum Denken, Emotionen f?hren zum Handeln.<br> <br> Die Quote ist seit Jahren unver?ndert: Drei Viertel aller Change-Programme in Unternehmen gehen schief. Sie liefern nicht das, was sie sollen. Mit der Folge, dass Geld,...
Gaurav  Gupta. Change


Gaurav Gupta

Transformieren Sie Ihre Organisation mit Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz! <br> Schrittweise Verbesserungen reichen nicht mehr aus, um Organisationen dabei zu helfen, die Komplexit?t, Unsicherheit und Volatilit?t der heutigen Welt zu...
Beverly A. Browning. Grant Writing For Dummies

Grant Writing For Dummies

Beverly A. Browning

Write award-winning grant proposals that build organizational capacity! For nonprofit and for-profit firms alike, grants can be a singular generator of growth and impact. But many leaders are intimidated and confused by the sometimes-complex...
Valerie Mathieu. A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services

Valerie Mathieu

The notion of customer orientation is becoming a necessity rather than a choice for many companies. It is a lasting response to competitive pressure and supports the company in a renewed definition of its mission, beyond direct economic gain....
Reinhold Pabst. Wertsch?tzende Teamentwicklung

Wertsch?tzende Teamentwicklung

Reinhold Pabst

In «Wertsch?tzende Teamentwicklung» beschreiben die Autoren die Grundlagen von Teamentwicklungsprozessen. Die Betonung liegt auf Humanpotenzialen: Das sind Werte, die ein Zusammengeh?rigkeitsgef?hl f?rdern. Diese sollten vorgelebt und gef?rdert...
Группа авторов. Employability and Industrial Mutations

Employability and Industrial Mutations

Группа авторов

Industrial, economic and organizational mutations are creating a transformation in employment, skills and work. Developing the employability of the workforce is one response to these challenges. However, the link between mutations and...
Beth Kanter. The Smart Nonprofit

The Smart Nonprofit

Beth Kanter

A pragmatic framework for nonprofit digital transformation that embraces the human-centered nature of your organization In The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human-Centered in an Automated World , a team of dedicated nonprofit thought leaders...
Группа авторов. Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

Группа авторов

Strategies and concepts for mission-based fundraising From the world’s first school of philanthropy, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising is the leading fundraising textbook based on research and steeped in practical expertise. It has long...
Bruce R. Hopkins. The Law of Fundraising

The Law of Fundraising

Bruce R. Hopkins

Stay abreast of the latest developments in charitable fundraising legislation and regulation Effective fundraising has never been more important to the success of a nonprofit organization than it is today. But national- and state-level...
Don  Peppers. Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Don Peppers

Every business on the planet is trying to maximize the value created by its customers  Learn how to do it, step by step, in this newly revised Fourth Edition of Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework. Written...
Chris K. Hummel. Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

Chris K. Hummel

Crush siloes by connecting teams, data, and technologies with a new systems-based approach to growth. Growing a business in the 21st Century has become a capital intensive and data-driven team sport. In Revenue Operations: A New Way to Align...
Brian Elliott. How the Future Works

How the Future Works

Brian Elliott

Unlock the power of flexible work with this practical “how-to” guide from the leadership of Slack and Future Forum The way we work has changed. The era of toiling from nine-to-five, five-days-a-week in the office is now a relic of the past,...
Sarah E. Brown. Lead Upwards

Lead Upwards

Sarah E. Brown

In Lead Upwards: How Startup Joiners Can Impact New Ventures, Build Amazing Careers, and Inspire Great Teams , startup marketing leader Sarah E. Brown delivers an illuminating and accessible guide to maximizing your impact and delivering...
Алексей Альбертович Гайдаенко. Логистика. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебник.

Логистика. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебник.

Алексей Альбертович Гайдаенко

Настоящее издание подготовлено в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования. Целью учебника является формирование базовых знаний и некоторых практических навыков по вопросам логистики,...
Christopher H. Volk. The Value Equation

The Value Equation

Christopher H. Volk

Discover one of the surest means to create personal wealth by building a profitable business Every now and then, a business book comes along that offers original insights and a fresh perspective. In The Value Equation: A Business Guide to...
Carrie Rich. Impact the World

Impact the World

Carrie Rich

Supercharge your impact on global issues and drive transformative change in the world around you Impact the World: Live Your Values and Drive Change As a Citizen Statesperson is your motivational guide to becoming a superpowered individual...
Genevieve Bouche. Productive Economy, Contributory Economy

Productive Economy, Contributory Economy

Genevieve Bouche

The increasing urgency of environmental issues necessitates the rethinking of our societal model. This book explores this assertion by going back in time and pinpointing the turning points in the evolution of European society that we are...
Lena Luhrmann. Innovation leben!

Innovation leben!

Lena Luhrmann

Innovation ist ein Wettlauf gegen Mitbewerber und gegen die gro?e ?berall lauernde Unbekannte, die ?berfl?ssigwerdung. Der Druck im Nacken, auch zu denen an der Spitze zu geh?ren, die schlaflosen N?chte, wenn man merkt, dass das...
О. В. Памбухчиянц. Организация коммерческой деятельности

Организация коммерческой деятельности

О. В. Памбухчиянц

Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом среднего профессионального образования по специальности «Коммерция» (квалификация – менеджер по продажам). С учетом современного опыта рассматриваются...
Роман Викторович Серышев. Управление ограничениями в цепях поставок. (Аспирантура, Магистратура). Монография.

Управление ограничениями в цепях поставок. (Аспирантура, Магистратура). Монография.

Роман Викторович Серышев

В работе были получены оригинальные и новые результаты: определена концепция управления узкими местами в сетях поставок, дополненная эмпирическими данными, с учетом концепции сложности и адаптивности систем. Уточнено определение узкого места...
Татьяна Павловна Розанова. Основы логистики. (Бакалавриат). Учебник.

Основы логистики. (Бакалавриат). Учебник.

Татьяна Павловна Розанова

Содержит системно изложенный учебный материал, который дает целостное представление о предметной области логистики и позволяет получить разносторонние навыки решения практических задач по логистике закупок, снабжения, производства,...
Вероника Роммилевна Акаева. Планирование и организация логистического процесса в организациях (подразделениях) различных сфер деятельности и еПриложение. (СПО). Учебник.

Планирование и организация логистического процесса в организациях (подразделениях) различных сфер деятельности и еПриложение. (СПО). Учебник.

Вероника Роммилевна Акаева

Раскрывается значение и особенности разработки стратегических и тактических планов в логистической системе. Приводятся основы планирования, организации логистических операций и управления ими во внутрипроизводственных процессах организации. ...

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