This volume contains 20 manuscripts presented during the Materials Science & Technology 2017 Conference (MS&T’17), held October 8-12, 2017 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Papers from the following symposia are...
Offers a holistic approach to guiding product design, manufacturing, and after-sales support as the manufacturing industry transitions from a product-oriented model to service-oriented paradigm This book provides fundamental knowledge and best...
A comprehensive resource that covers all the aspects of sex control in aquaculture written by internationally-acclaimed scientists Comprehensive in scope, Sex Control in Aquaculture first explains the concepts and rationale for sex control in...
Offers a comprehensive introduction to the issues of control of power systems during cascading outages and restoration process Power System Control Under Cascading Failures offers comprehensive coverage of three major topics related to...
A wide-ranging exploration of the science and practice of food frying Frying is one of the world’s most popular methods of food preparation. Whether using oils or fats, it is valued for the particular flavors and textures it can bring, and...
A comprehensive handbook, covering all aspects of the Atlantic cod including the biology, ecology, life histories, behaviour, commercial exploitation and conservation Not only is Atlantic cod one of the most valuable food fish in the world’s...
An introduction to the manufacturing industry Essential Manufacturing provides a comprehensive introduction to the wide breadth of the manufacturing industry. There is a need for all engineering and business students to understand the importance...
A comprehensive overview of fluid dynamic models and experimental results that can help solve problems in centrifugal compressors and modern techniques for a more efficient aerodynamic design. Design and Analysis of Centrifugal Compressors...
Provides a systematic overview of a hot research area, examining the principles and theories of energy harvesting communications This book provides a detailed and advanced level introduction to the fundamentals of energy harvesting techniques...
Provides structural engineers with the knowledge and practical tools needed to perform structural designs for wind that incorporate major technological, conceptual, analytical and computational advances achieved in the last two decades. With...
A guide to the latest developments in grid dynamics and control and highlights the role of transmission and distribution grids Dynamics and Control of Electric Transmission and Microgrids offers a concise and comprehensive review of the most...
This book presents an introduction to structural equation modeling (SEM) and facilitates the access of students and researchers in various scientific fields to this powerful statistical tool. It offers a didactic initiation to SEM as well as to...
A comprehensive guide to Fog and Edge applications, architectures, and technologies Recent years have seen the explosive growth of the Internet of Things (IoT): the internet-connected network of devices that includes everything from personal...
This up-to-date review of this expanding field features conceptual chapters that provide readers with an overview of the specific principles and tools used in the development of molecular non-noble metal catalysts, such as the use of...
A comprehensive examination of advanced battery management technologies and practices in modern electric vehicles Policies surrounding energy sustainability and environmental impact have become of increasing interest to governments, industries,...
Provides a Comprehensive Introduction to Aircraft Design with an Industrial Approach This book introduces readers to aircraft design, placing great emphasis on industrial practice. It includes worked out design examples for several different...
An authoritative guide to the latest developments for the design of low-cost smart antennas Traditional smart antenna systems are costly, consume great amounts of power and are bulky size. Low-cost Smart Antennas offers a guide to designing...
Engineering structures may be subjected to extreme high-rate loading conditions, like those associated with natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, rock falls, etc.) or those of anthropic origin (impacts, fluid–structure interactions, shock...
Сегодня стремительные технологические перемены меняют нашу цивилизацию сильнее, чем ее лидеры. Подобно циклону, эти перемены вовлекают в себя бизнес, структуру социума, формат семьи и нашу психику. Мы превращаемся в симбиотов с нашими...
В книге описывается самый главный закон эволюции искусственных систем – идеализация – закон изменения степени идеальности.Используя только этот закон, можно решать сложные изобретательские задачи и предвидеть направление развития искусственных систем.
Оптимизация работы трубчатых печей требует в первую очередь проведения всестороннего их обследования с использованием современных приборов для разработки и осуществления комплекса мероприятий по восстановлению работоспособности печей. В данной...
Эта книга – своего рода путеводитель (инструкция), как для самостоятельного освоения теории решения изобретательских задач (ТРИЗ).Описаны разные подходы к овладению ТРИЗ и то, как наиболее эффективно и в какой последовательности использовать...
The summaryThe tube-type furnaces are main customers of combustible on ORF, therefore their optimal operation is defining for economics of an oil refining complex. The optimization of operation of tube-type furnaces requires (demands) first of...
Данная работа проводилась к подготовке Саммита разработчиков ТРИЗ-2010. Первая редакция АРИЗ-2010 была выполнена в конце 2009 года. Последняя версия этой работы была закончена 27.07.2012.
На основе обобщения отечественного и мирового опыта рассматривается комплекс вопросов, связанных с разработкой эффективных экранов для радиоэлектронной аппаратуры (РЭА), работающей в широком частотном диапазоне. Защита РЭА от воздействия...
Созданное на базе существующей трубчатой печи производство пара, при относительно небольшой реконструкции и небольших затратах, поможет нефтеперерабатывающему заводу решить проблему независимого, надежного и дешевого пароснабжения.Эта переделка...
Описаны основные разделы ТРИЗ и источники знаний, версия 2007 года.Это своего рода картография ТРИЗ, помогающая представить все знания о ТРИЗ системно.
Людям свойственно повторять ошибки, уже совершённые в прошлом. Изучая историю и анализируя ситуации, мы можем выявить ошибки, допущенные людьми, занимающими ключевое положение. Используя полученные знания и закономерности, можно избежать...
В книге описывается принадлежащая автору, инженеру Анатолию Анимице из Мариуполя, технология создания конструкций на воде на базе тонких оболочек, заполняемых грунтом со дна водоема, имеющих рекордно низкие затраты привозных материалов, по...
В данной книге представлена программа «КОНСТРУИРОВАНИЕ ЦИЛИНДРИЧЕСКИХ ТРУБЧАТЫХ ПЕЧЕЙ ДЛЯ ПЕРЕРАБОТКИ НЕФТИ». Программа состоит из нескольких взаимосвязанных разделов: 1) Лекции – всего 15 лекций. 2) Уроки. В файлах PDF – 9 уроков. 3) Уроки. В...
This book offers the complete scope of information regarding operation and maintenance of all types of turbine-driven generators built in the world. The information presented is designed to inform the reader about actual machine operational...
This book provides a full representation of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR) imagery, which is a popular and important radar signal processing tool. The book covers all possible aspects of ISAR imaging. The book offers a fair amount of...
Ronald E. Goldstein’s Esthetics in Dentistry, Third Edition provides a thoroughly updated and expanded revision to the definitive reference to all aspects of esthetic and cosmetic dentistry, from principles and treatments to specific challenges...
Ultrasound Elastography for Biomedical Applications and Medicine Ivan Z. Nenadic, Matthew W. Urban, James F. Greenleaf, Mayo Clinic Ultrasound Research Laboratory, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA Jean-Luc Gennisson, Miguel Bernal, Mickael...
A comprehensive reference on biochemistry, bioimaging, bioanalysis, and therapeutic applications of carbon nanomaterials Carbon nanomaterials have been widely applied for biomedical applications in the past few decades, because of their unique...
This is a self-contained text on the logic and institutions of project finance, supplemented by a series of project finance case studies illustrating applications in different economic environments, across different jurisdictions and at...
Offers a comprehensive introduction to the issues of control of power systems during cascading outages and restoration process Power System Control Under Cascading Failures offers comprehensive coverage of three major topics related to...
The desire to build lower cost analog front-ends has triggered interest in a new domain of research. Consequently the joint design of the analog front-end and of the digital baseband algorithms has become an important field of research. It...
This book presents an integrated systems approach to the evaluation, analysis, design, and maintenance of civil engineering systems. Addressing recent concerns about the world's aging civil infrastructure and its environmental impact, the author...
As project management has evolved and matured, so has the executive's role in project management. To ensure the success of individual projects and the organization as a whole, today's executives are increasingly involved in activities such as...
Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents a model-based algebraic approach to online parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical...
A clear-cut introduction to the technique and applications of x-ray absorption spectroscopy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy is being applied to a widening set of disciplines. Applications started with solid state physics and grew to materials...
Addresses materials, technology, and products that could help solve the global environmental crisis once commercialized This multidisciplinary book encompasses state-of-the-art research on the topics of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), and...
This volume contains 20 manuscripts presented during the Materials Science & Technology 2017 Conference (MS&T’17), held October 8-12, 2017 at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Papers from the following symposia are...
Proceeding of the 42nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 39, Issue 2, 2018 Jonathan Salem, Dietmar Koch, Peter Mechnich, Mihails Kusnezoff, Narottam Bansal, Jerry...
Proceeding of the 42nd International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings Volume 39, Issue 3, 2018 Jingyang Wang, Waltraud Kriven, Tobias Fey, Paolo Colombo, William J. Weber, Jake Amoroso,...
In-depth knowledge on tribological applications of hybrid composites Synthesis and Tribological Applications of Hybrid Materials provides a comprehensive overview of tribological properties of hybrid composites. The book offers an understanding...
Mechanisms of High-Temperature Fatigue and Fracture in Silicon Carbide Ceramics 1 D. Chen, X.F. Zhang, and R.O. Ritchie High Frequency Fatigue Crack Propagation in the Nickel-base Superalloy KM4 at High Temperatures 9 A. Shyam, S.A....
Based on deep theoretical as well as practical experience in Reliability and Quality Sciences, Robust Design Methodology for Reliability constructively addresses practical reliability problems. It offers a comprehensive design theory for...
Wireless Information and Power Transfer offers an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the theory, models, techniques, implementation and application of wireless information and power transfer (WIPT) in energy-constrained wireless...