The book clearly explains the concepts of the drilling engineering and presents the existing knowledge ranging from the history of drilling technology to well completion. This textbook takes on the difficult issue of sustainability in drilling...
Systematically presents the input-output finite-time stability (IO-FTS) analysis of dynamical systems, covering issues of analysis, design and robustness The interest in finite-time control has continuously grown in the last fifteen years. This...
Petroleum refining and process engineering is constantly changing. No new refineries are being built, but companies all over the world are still expanding or re-purposing huge percentages of their refineries every year, year after year. Rather...
There is a renaissance that is occurring in chemical and process engineering, and it is crucial for today’s scientists, engineers, technicians, and operators to stay current. With so many changes over the last few decades in equipment and...
Learn the technology behind hearing aids, Siri, and Echo Audio source separation and speech enhancement aim to extract one or more source signals of interest from an audio recording involving several sound sources. These technologies are among...
This book discusses new developments in an up-to-date, coherent and objective set of chapters by eminent researchers in the area of polypropylene-based biocomposites and bionanocomposites. It covers, biomaterials such as cellulose, chitin,...
Most composites, particularly those made using thermoset resins, cannot be recycled or reused. As a result, most of them end up in landfills at the end of their useful life which is neither sustainable nor environment-friendly. Various laws...
“High Performance Polymers and Their Nanocomposites” summarizes many of the recent research accomplishments in the area of high performance polymers, such as: high performance polymers-based nanocomposites, liquid crystal polymers, polyamide 4,...
The first book in the field to incorporate fundamentals of energy systems and their applications to smart grid, along with advanced topics in modeling and control This book provides an overview of how multiple sources and loads are connected via...
An authoritative introduction to the science and engineering of bioinspired materials Bioinspired Materials Science and Engineering offers a comprehensive view of the science and engineering of bioinspired materials and includes a discussion of...
This book covers the recent advances in coating materials and their novel applications at the cross-section of advanced materials both current and next-generation. Advanced Coatings Materials contains chapters covering the latest research on...
This textbook reviews the methodologies of reliability prediction as currently used in industries such as electronics, automotive, aircraft, aerospace, off-highway, farm machinery, and others. It then discusses why these are not successful; and,...
Explores key challenges and solutions to assured cloud computing today and provides a provocative look at the face of cloud computing tomorrow This book offers readers a comprehensive suite of solutions for resolving many of the key challenges...
Discover the basic telecommunications systems principles in an accessible learn-by-doing format Communication Systems Principles Using MATLAB covers a variety of systems principles in telecommunications in an accessible format without the need...
Advanced Textile Engineering Materials is written to educate readers about the use of advanced materials in various textile applications. In the first part, the book addresses recent advances in chemical finishing, and also highlights...
Discusses the fundamental principles of the design and development of microwave satellite switches utilized in military, commercial, space, and terrestrial communication This book deals with important RF/microwave components such as switches and...
An essential guide for recognizing and responding to normalization of deviance to help organizations improve their process safety performance This book provides an introduction and offers approaches for finding and addressing normalization of...
A comprehensive and versatile treatment of an important and complex topic in vehicle design Written by an expert in the field with over 30 years of NVH experience, Noise and Vibration Control of Automotive Body offers nine informative chapters...
3D industrial printing has become mainstream in manufacturing. This unique book is the first to focus on polymers as the printing material. The scientific literature with respect to 3D printing is collated in this monograph. The book opens with...
The purpose of this monograph is to provide a thorough outlook on the topic related to the synthesis and characterization of original macromolecular materials derived from plant oils, an important part of the broader steadily growing discipline...
Der Umgang mit vorhandener Bausubstanz geh?rt zu den t?glichen Aufgaben f?r Bauingenieure und Architekten. Das vorliegende Buch vermittelt die notwendigen Kenntnisse der verschiedenen Methoden der Zustandserfassung und Bewertung von Bauteilen...
Die in dem Sammelband «Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises 1.4 Baugrunddynamik» der Deutschen Gesellschaft f?r Geotechnik e.V. (DGGT) zusammengefassten Empfehlungen haben das Ziel, das Vorgehen bei baugrunddynamischen Aufgaben zu vereinheitlichen....
Das Taschenbuch f?r den Tunnelbau ist seit vielen Jahren ein praxisorientierter Ratgeber f?r Auftraggeber, Planer und Bauausf?hrende. Es greift aktuelle Entwicklungen und Problemstellungen auf, pr?sentiert innovative L?sungen und dokumentiert...
This third volume in the Advanced Nanocarbon Materials series covers the topic of flexible electronics both from a materials and an applications perspective. Comprehensive in its scope, the monograph examines organic, inorganic and composite...
Эта книга – впервые созданный учебник по АРИЗ-85-В, последнего из АРИЗ, созданных Генрихом Альтшуллером. Она состоит из двух частей: собственно учебника и задачника, выполненных в виде отдельных томов.В учебнике помимо теории проводится анализ...
Эта книга – впервые созданный учебник по АРИЗ-85-В. Она состоит из двух частей: собственно учебника и задачника, выполненных в виде отдельных томов.В данном томе представлен задачник. Его цель – развить навыки использования АРИЗ-85-В.Он содержит...
Как получают целыми ядра грецкого ореха для конфет? Как Форд снизил простои конвейера? И еще 140 примеров и 250 иллюстраций.Не поверите, самые остроумные идеи величайших изобретателей – от Леонардо да Винчи до Стива Джобса – основаны на простых...
В этой книге понятным и простым языком описаны способы создания и хранения ваших паролей. Представлены случаи, когда надежность вашего пароля не играет никакой роли, так как сам по себе пароль не является панацеей в области IT-безопасности. А...
Идея написания данной книги возникла случайно, авторы не являются арабистами, но им интересен этот регион, поэтому было решено апробировать собственную методику оценки космической деятельности, на ее основе был разработан авторский прогноз...
Это авторская научная разработка, являющаяся темой докторской диссертации самого автора. Представляет собой научную методику и новейшую теорию в анализе движения и токсичности транспортного средства.
Книга о современных конструкциях и элементах легковых и грузовых автомобилей. Это современный уровень в области применяемых двигателей, его систем, а также непосредственно схем трансмиссий и шасси. Книга фактически является учебником для...
Книга расскажет, как оказать доврачебную помощь пострадавшим в аварии людям, как диагностировать неисправности вашего «железного коня» и как устранить «мелкие технические неувязки» прямо на дороге.В пособии вы найдете советы по поведению на...
Роботы уже давно не фантастический вымысел. Множество сфер человеческой жизни подверглись роботизации, и развитие данной отрасли сложно переоценить. Авторы приводят объемное исследование мирового рынка робототехники. Сравнивая зарубежный и...
В своей последней книге, вышедшей в 1947 году, выдающийся авангардный художник первой половины ХХ века представил сущность и итог философии, на которой была основана образовательная программа Института дизайна в Чикаго. Ясным и доступным языком...
Особое внимание в книге уделено гибким конструкциям, чувствительным к воздействию ветра. Предложены алгоритмы критериев возникновения известных явлений аэроупругой неустойчивости – вихревого возбуждения, галопирования, срывного и...
Wireless Information and Power Transfer offers an authoritative and comprehensive guide to the theory, models, techniques, implementation and application of wireless information and power transfer (WIPT) in energy-constrained wireless...
Ultrasound Elastography for Biomedical Applications and Medicine Ivan Z. Nenadic, Matthew W. Urban, James F. Greenleaf, Mayo Clinic Ultrasound Research Laboratory, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, USA Jean-Luc Gennisson, Miguel Bernal, Mickael...
A comprehensive and example oriented text for the study of chemical process design and simulation Chemical Process Design and Simulation is an accessible guide that offers information on the most important principles of chemical engineering...
As critically important as welding is to a wide spectrum of manufacturing, construction, and repair, it is not without its problems. Those dependent on welding know only too well how easy it is to find information on the host of available...
Offers timely and comprehensive coverage of dynamic system reliability theory This book focuses on hot issues of dynamic system reliability, systematically introducing the reliability modeling and analysis methods for systems with imperfect...
Formation Control of Multi-Agent Systems: A Graph Rigidity Approach Marcio de Queiroz, Louisiana State University, USA Xiaoyu Cai, FARO Technologies, USA Matthew Feemster, U.S. Naval Academy, USA A comprehensive guide to formation control of...
Professor Woodall’s essay shows that this book represents a remarkable contribution, even by today’s standards, because of its contemporary thinking about the relationship between the specific topic of SQC and the broader company context of...
Algebraic Identification and Estimation Methods in Feedback Control Systems presents a model-based algebraic approach to online parameter and state estimation in uncertain dynamic feedback control systems. This approach evades the mathematical...
In-depth knowledge on tribological applications of hybrid composites Synthesis and Tribological Applications of Hybrid Materials provides a comprehensive overview of tribological properties of hybrid composites. The book offers an understanding...