An up-to-date overview of the different x-ray based methods in the hot fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology, including methods for imaging nanomaterials, as well as for probing the electronic structure of nanostructured materials in order to...
Designed as a research-level guide to current strategies and methods of membrane protein production on the small to intermediate scale, this practice-oriented book provides detailed, step-by-step laboratory protocols as well as an explanation of...
Praise for Facilitating Group Learning «In this engaging and accessible book, George Lakey draws on a lifetime's experience to provide a highly practical resource to anyone seeking to understand and respond to the complexities of group work. The...
For this ready reference, the internationally renowned authority in the field, Roland Kontermann, has assembled a team of outstanding contributors from industry and academia to convey the worldwide knowledge on modifying therapeutic proteins in...
An insightful examination of the changing relationship between Asia and the United States In this lucidly written and thought-provoking book, author Simon Tay highlights the accelerating trends that point to Asia increasingly forging its own...
Praise for Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Second Edition «In this new edition of Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Dr. Chu distills the wisdom he has gained from many years spent building and directing an extraordinary therapeutic community in a major...
This timely and engaging book challenges the conventional wisdom on media and scandal in the United States. The common view holds that media crave and actively pursue scandals whenever they sense corruption. Scandal and Silence argues for a...
A detailed look at the latest research in non-invasive in vivo cytometry and its applications, with particular emphasis on novel biophotonic methods, disease diagnosis, and monitoring of disease treatment at single cell level in stationary and...
Zebrafish: Methods for Assessing Drug Safety and Toxicity offers a practical guide for using zebrafish as a tool for toxicology studies. Consolidating key protocols and approaches to help researchers navigate the important and evolving field of...
The numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and of their mechanical consequences is of growing interest in industry. However, such simulations need the modeling of couplings between several physical phenomena such as heat transfer,...
Since their inception, America’s community colleges have undergone continuous change. They must, because their mission is to provide learning vital for those who face local as well as global transformations, and that requires vigilant, vigorous...
This issue of New Directions for Evaluation (NDE) marks a milestone: the 25th anniversary of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). NDE is an official publication of AEA and has been a crucial means for the Association to foster and promote...
Take an in-depth look at the difficulty in gaining traction at the institutional level in improving student retention and degree completion rates—especially at larger four year institutions where size, complexity, and multiplicity of structures...
Student service professionals promoted to a supervisory role face the challenges of supervising career professionals, office staff, graduate students, or undergraduates. Stress and anxiety naturally accompany the demands of such a job,...
By means of electrochemical treatment, crystalline silicon can be permeated with tiny, nanostructured pores that entirely change the characteristics and properties of the material. One prominent example of this can be seen in the interaction of...
The authoritative guide on protein purification—now completely updated and revised Since the Second Edition of Protein Purification was published in 1998, the sequencing of the human genome and other developments in bioscience have dramatically...
Bequem und billig ist es, das Einkaufen im Supermarkt. Vom Duschgel am Morgen uber die Spagetti am Mittag bis zu Buttermilch und Wurstaufschnitt am Abend. Wir konsumieren Fertigprodukte, wissen aber nur selten, was sie eigentlich enthalten. Auf...
Demystifies the largest volume manmade synthetic polymer by distillingthe fundamentals of what polyethylene is, how it's made and processed,and what happens to it after its useful life is over. Endorsement for Introduction to Industrial...
What role can the ordinary citizen perform in news reporting? This question goes to the heart of current debates about citizen journalism, one of the most challenging issues confronting the news media today. In this timely and provocative book,...
Reflecting the rapid progress in the field, the book presents the current understanding of molecular mechanisms of post-transcriptional gene regulation thereby focusing on RNA processing mechanisms in eucaryotic cells. With chapters on...
The Pauson-Khand reaction is an important reaction in the field of organic chemistry. It involves the transition-metal catalysed cycloaddition of an alkyne, an alkene and carbon monoxide, to produce cyclopentenones. The importance of this...
Bringing the concepts of dimensional analysis, self-similarity, and fractal dimensions together in a logical and self-contained manner, this book reveals the close links between modern theoretical physics and applied mathematics. The author...
The first book of its kind to introduce the fundamentals, basic features and models, potential applications and novel phenomena and its important applications in liquid crystal technology. Recognized leader in the field Gaetano Assanto outlines...
While there are numerous books on heterocycles and natural products, this text fills the need for an up-to-date summary focusing on recently developed and improved synthetic methods for the preparation of the most important classes of lactones...
Examining the physical basis of the structure of macromolecules—proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes—using calorimetric techniques Many scientists working in biology are unfamiliar with the basics of thermodynamics and its role in...
This book aims to reconcile theoretical models of population dynamics with what is currently known about the population dynamics of large mammalian herbivores. It arose from a working group established at the National Center for Ecological...
Biotechnology and Biopharmaceuticals: Transforming Proteins and Genes into Drugs, Second Edition addresses the pivotal issues relating to translational science, including preclinical and clinical drug development, regulatory science,...
Von der Ideenfindung zur chemischen Produktionsanlage ist es ein weiter Weg. Kaum etwas ist so komplex wie die Herstellung chemischer Produkte. Die verschiedensten Aspekte – auch solche, die in der Ausbildung von Naturwissenschaftlern vielleicht...
Science need not only be amusing, it can even be side-splittingly funny. This book presents oddities from various areas of knowledge: weird events, involuntary funnies or «facts» that have become twisted over the years. These include «The...
Seit der Konvention der Vereinten Nationen im Jahre 1992 zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt – dem sog. Rio-Abkommen – ist „Biodiversit?t“ weltweit zu einem Begriff f?r ein hohes Gut der Menschheit geworden, das es zu bewahren gilt. Inzwischen...
Jeder Mensch kann lernen, mehr Leistung zu bringen, sich von anderen abzusetzen und sich gleichzeitig besser und entspannter zu fuhlen. Wer das Beste aus sich machen und im Studium und im Beruf die Fruchte seiner Arbeit ernten will, dem liefert...
The objective of this book is to convey to academic and industrial researchers and students advances in synthetic and characterization methods in 9 selected areas of polymer chemistry reported in 2007-2008 US Patents. It reviews the impact of...
Because it is grounded in math, chemical thermodynamics is often perceived as a difficult subject and many students are never fully comfortable with it. The first authoritative textbook presentation of equilibrium chemical and phase...
As the first book to share the necessary algorithms for creating code to experiment with design problems in the processing language, this book offers a series of generic procedures that can function as building blocks and encourages you to then...
New edition covers the latest practices, regulations, and alternative disinfectants Since the publication of the Fourth Edition of White's Handbook of Chlorination and Alternative Disinfectants more than ten years ago, the water industry has...
Oncology Book of 2011, British Medical Association's Medical Book Awards Awarded first prize in the Oncology category at the 2011 BMA Medical Book Awards, Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide-Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer helps readers understand...
Focuses on rapid implementation of practical, real-world cost reduction solutions In today's economic climate, the need to cut costs can be the difference between success and failure. Cost Reduction and Optimization for Manufacturing and...
Many small molecules occur naturally as «messenger» chemicals which regulate the behaviour and functions of microbes, plants, insects and animals. Examples include hormones, pheromones, phytoalexins, and antifeedants. These biofunctional...
This book deals with electromagnetic theory and its applications at the level of a senior-level undergraduate course for science and engineering. The basic concepts and mathematical analysis are clearly developed and the important applications...
This first comprehensive presentation of this hot and important topic compiles the most up-to-date methods for chiral amine synthesis. The international list of authors reads like a «Who's Who» of the subject, providing a large array of highly...
This book highlights the applications of coupled bioluminescence assay techniques to real-world problems in drug discovery, environmental and chemical analysis, and biodefense. It separates theoretical aspects from the applied sections in a...
This is the first book to provide an integrated introduction to the nature, formation and occurrence, stability, propagation, and uses of the most common types of colloidal dispersion in the process-related industries. The primary focus is on...
Ivan Egry ist Physiker und begeisterter Golfer ? er kennt nicht nur Begriffe wie >Handicap<, >Chippen<, >Hook< und >Slice< oder >Putten<, nein, er kann auch genau erklaren, wie alles physikalisch funktioniert. Mit Physik des Golfspiels hat er...
A fundamental revolution in higher education is being sparked by the ubiquity of mobile devices. The opportunity is ripe for institutions, instructors, and instructional designers to take advantage of mobile technology to enhance the learning...
Der rasanten Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der HPLC wird mit diesem Buch Rechnung getragen: Von Gradientenoptimierung uber Kopplungs- und 2D-Techniken bis zu Dokumentation und Informationsbeschaffung – aktuell und kompakt geschrieben von Praktikern...
Covers the state of the art of the technology and standards for reconfigurable radio systems, from self organizing networks and cognitive radio, through to reconfigurable architectures for networks and terminals This timely book provides a...
This volume addresses the relationship of adult education and health from different perspectives. One task of adulthood is caring for one's health and, for many, caring for the health of children, a partner or spouse, and/or aging parents....
Nahezu unser gesamtes Bildungsbudget wird in die ersten Lebensphasen investiert, obwohl die hier vermittelten F?higkeiten und das fachliche Wissen nach zehn oder 20 Jahren ?berholt sind. Die deutsche Wirtschaft braucht Menschen ?ber 40, die...
Mit der 7. Novelle der HOAI sind erneut umfangreiche ?nderungen in der Honorarermittlung der Ingenieure und Architekten umgesetzt worden. Die Leistungsbilder wurden ?berarbeitet, den aktuellen Anforderungen angepasst und neue Grundleistungen...
This volume covers the most cutting-edge pretreatment processes being used and studied today for the production of biogas during anaerobic digestion processes using different feedstocks, in the most efficient and economical methods possible. As...