современная зарубежная литература

Lorna  Michaels. The Truth About Elyssa

The Truth About Elyssa

Lorna Michaels

Brett Cameron was a successful, sexy doctor with an impeccable bedside manner, and he wanted her. Her. Elyssa knew she could never deny the brooding doctor her body, but when it came to her heart, her trust…even if she dared to offer those,...
Шэрон Кендрик. The Unlikely Mistress

The Unlikely Mistress

Шэрон Кендрик

Mills & Boon are proud to present a thrilling digital collection of all Sharon Kendrick’s novels and novellas for us to celebrate the publication of her amazing 100th book! Many of these books are available as e books for the first time.More...
Claire  King. The Virgin Beauty

The Virgin Beauty

Claire King

THE 6'2" VIRGINThe new town veterinarian had a lot to offer–striking good looks, sharp wit and a fantastic intellect. Yet so far, no man had been able to see beyond Grace McKenna's considerable height. So the virginal beauty couldn't contain her...
Danica  Winters. Wild Montana

Wild Montana

Danica Winters

Have a former FBI agent and a park ranger met their match in the wilds of Montana? With a mysterious death to solve in Glacier National Park, Customs and Border Patrol agent Casper Lawrence must come up with motive, means, opportunity—and a...
Vickie  Taylor. The Last Honorable Man

The Last Honorable Man

Vickie Taylor

THE LAST MAN SHE WANTED…Del Cooper was the only person who could spare Elisa Reyes from a fate worse than death. Though she had every reason to distrust the Texas Ranger accused of accidentally shooting her fianc?, Elisa knew that without his...
Meriel  Fuller. The Warrior's Damsel In Distress

The Warrior's Damsel In Distress

Meriel Fuller

Enchanted by his captive!The Lady of Striguil is fleeing from the tyrant who stole her birthright, and threatens her still. Disguised as a nursemaid, Eva is horrified when her enemy’s handsome brother rides into her life, unveils her…and takes...
Susan  Napier. A Passionate Proposition

A Passionate Proposition

Susan Napier

Scott Tyler might want a red-hot affair with Anya Adams–but that doesn't mean he likes her.On the contrary, he's managed to get her suspended from her brand-new job! Realizing he's gone too far, Scott offers Anya temporary employment at his...
Мэтт Хейг. Как остановить время

Как остановить время

Мэтт Хейг

Том Хазард выглядит как обычный сорокалетний мужчина. Почти никто не знает, что на самом деле он живет уже пятое столетие. Том играл в одной труппе с Уильямом Шекспиром, ходил под парусами с капитаном Джеймсом Куком, водил компанию со Скоттом...
Мадлен Тьен. Не говори, что у нас ничего нет

Не говори, что у нас ничего нет

Мадлен Тьен

Рассказ о людях, живших в Китае во времена культурной революции, и об их детях, среди которых оказались и студенты, вышедшие в 1989 году с протестами на площадь Тяньаньмэнь. В центре повествования две молодые женщины Мари Цзян и Ай Мин. Мари уже...
Мэри Джонстон. Пока смерть не разлучит нас

Пока смерть не разлучит нас

Мэри Джонстон

Первые колонисты в американской Виргинии в XVII веке. Главная героиня – юная аристократка – бежит из Англии, где ее принуждали выйти замуж без любви. Ее руку король Иаков I обещал своему фавориту, лорду Карнэлу, который спешит на поиски...
Харуки Мураками. Слушай песню ветра. Пинбол 1973

Слушай песню ветра. Пинбол 1973

Харуки Мураками

Харуки Мураками (р.1949) – самый известный из ныне живущих японских писателей, автор полутора десятков книг, переведенных на многие языки мира. «Слушай песню ветра» (1979) и «Пинбол 1973» (1983) – два первых романа «Трилогии крысы», знаменитого...
Rosette. The Girl Who Couldn'T See Rainbows

The Girl Who Couldn'T See Rainbows


The encounter of two lonely souls in the fascinating context of an imaginary Scottish village is the starting point for a great love story where nothing is like it seems. The main character – Melisande Bruno – is the girl who can’t see rainbows,...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. Voices Of Light

Voices Of Light

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

In a moment casual, an event completely changes the destiny of the dear seer. He meets a new friend. The new discovery makes them travel to a stranger village. Getting there, he comes in contact with a man full of secrets. From there, he...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. God’s Code

God’s Code

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Philliphe is a victorious man in every aspect of life. Nothing else can wish to be happy until something terrible happens. The new situation provokes a great revolt in your world. Lost, just stumbled onto at the thought of an innocent young man....
Gaby Crumb. Red Shadows

Red Shadows

Gaby Crumb

Sean knows Ash from all his life. For him, he has benn always the ”little brother” of his best friend until, one morning, when he finds him in bed and he must stop denying himself the attraction between them. Love, however, is likely to arrive...
Angelo Grassia. Тайна книги

Тайна книги

Angelo Grassia

Встреча с Сабриной – красивой девушкой, с которой он случайно познакомился в Гаэте одним жарким августовским утром, – изменила жизнь Паки. Благодаря ей, Паки отправился на блошиный рынок, где встретил старьевщика, который, поддавшись чувству...
Goran Segedinac. Three.


Goran Segedinac

Collection of short horror and sci-fi stories This collection of short horror and sci-fi stories is divided in three parts. Most of the stories were published in collections, magazines and as online editions and some of them were very well...
Keith Dixon. Actrice


Keith Dixon

Une jeune actrice qui souhaite changer le cours de sa carri?re – mais peut-?tre le faire tout en restant la personne qu'elle voulait ?tre? En tant qu'actrice dans une ?mission de t?l?vision de longue dur?e, le chemin de la carri?re de Mai Rose...
Saccinto Saccinto. Zenith


Saccinto Saccinto

Zenith ? la storia di un ragazzo che attraversa la morte ed ? costretto a salvare nove anime per poter tornare alla vita. Lo sfondo dark in cui si delinea Zenith ? quello della notte della morte del protagonista Sico. Di ritorno a casa con la...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. I Am

I Am

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Thirteen stories. A dreamer, a young man and two archangels in search of truth. What does a depressive, a pedophile, an abortionist, a drug addict, a professional player, scientists, criminals, a sexologist, a schizophrenic, and a handicapped...
Andrea Calo'. Усещаш Ли Сърцето Ми?

Усещаш Ли Сърцето Ми?

Andrea Calo'

Ще успееш да превъзмогнеш дори дните, когато ще ти се струва, че умираш, дните през които ще се чувстваш ужасяващо самотна и ранима. Защото, знаеш ли, това е което се случва. Човек продължава напред, независимо от всичко. Накрая няма значение...
William Hanna. 海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言

海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言

William Hanna

”海勒姆兄弟情谊: 以西结的寺庙之预言”以仇恨和暴力为背景,讨论了以色列对巴勒斯坦人进行种族清洗的问题,并讨论了中东地区的种族主义危害人类罪。这本小说跟随记者康拉德·班纳(Conrad...
Juan Salanova. A Year Of Sex Fantasy Tales

A Year Of Sex Fantasy Tales

Juan Salanova

12 stories, 12 characters, 6 men, 6 women. It begins in 2015 and each story represents a country further east and 10 years before the previous one, until it goes around the world. In all of them, sex beats as a life force. Beat by beat, full...
Blake B. Blink. Blue And The Heartless Little Girl

Blue And The Heartless Little Girl

Blake B. Blink

«Blue?» «What’s the matter?» «Why do men fire?» «Because they are unsatisfied.» «And why are they unsatisfied? «They don’t mean anything to anyone.» ‘Blue and the Heartless Little Girl’ is a dark fairy tale with pure white hues and...
Angelo Grassia. The Mistery Of The Book

The Mistery Of The Book

Angelo Grassia

The lucky occasion with Sabrina, a beautiful girl known by chance at Gaeta on a hot August day, transforms Paki's life. Thanks to her, Paki goes to a flea market. There he meets a wardrobe who, attracted by his sympathy, decides to give him a...
Rosanna Capursi. If You Were Mine

If You Were Mine

Rosanna Capursi

Monica Valentini is a 24-year-old young woman, who has a terrible accident and becomes a ghost. While she's in the middle of life and afterlife, an archangel gives her a pendant so that she can pretend to be mortal, with only one condition: she...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables

Kingdom And Wisdom’s Parables

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Collection of short stories related to kingdom themes and wisdom.Each story aims to make the reader analyze and ponder the best choices in life. They are practical examples and very useful everyday. The book is intended especially for those who...
Rosette. La Fille Aux Arcs-En-Ciel Interdits

La Fille Aux Arcs-En-Ciel Interdits


La rencontre de deux solitudes dans le contexte fascinant d’un village ?cossais imaginaire est le point de d?part d’une grande histoire d’amour o? rien n’est comme toujours. La protagoniste – M?lisande Bruno – est la fille des arcs-en-ciel...
Angelo Grassia. Le Myst?re Du Livre

Le Myst?re Du Livre

Angelo Grassia

La rencontre avec Sabrina, une belle femme connue par hasard lors d'une chaude journ?e du mois d'ao?t ? Ga?te, transforme la vie de Paki. Gr?ce ? elle, Paki se rend ? un march? aux puces o? il rencontre un brocanteur qui, attir? par sa...
Chiara Zaccardi. La Pire Esp?ce

La Pire Esp?ce

Chiara Zaccardi

Roman d'horreur qui raconte l'enl?vement de plusieurs adolescents am?ricains dans un co?teux lyc?e priv?e. Ils ont 17 ans, vivent ? Cles, petite ville tranquille de la Californie, et fr?quentent un co?teux lyc?e priv?. La vie de sept...
William Hanna. La Fraternit? Hiramique : Proph?tie Du Temple Ez?chiel

La Fraternit? Hiramique : Proph?tie Du Temple Ez?chiel

William Hanna

Dans un contexte de haine et de violence, la Fraternit? Hiramique : la proph?tie du temple d'Ez?chiel approfondit la question du nettoyage ethnique des palestiniens par Isra?l et aborde les crimes racistes contre l'humanit? au Moyen-Orient. Le...
Андреа Лепри. Leos H?nde

Leos H?nde

Андреа Лепри

Leo ist ein Polizeihund, ein Bastard mit der Leidenschaft f?r die Looney Tunes. Er wollte schon immer H?nde haben, um die Fernbedienung des Fernsehers bet?tigen und den K?hlschrank ?ffnen zu k?nnen. Aber als sein Herrchen Steve in einem...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. Parabeln Des K?nigreichs Und Der Weisheit

Parabeln Des K?nigreichs Und Der Weisheit

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten zum Thema K?nigreich und Weisheiten, die den Leser dazu bringen sollen, die besten Entscheidungen im Leben zu analysieren und zu ?berdenken. Sie sind praktische Beispiele und sehr n?tzlich im Alltag. Das Buch richtet...
Rosette. Das M?dchen Der Verbotenen Regenb?gen

Das M?dchen Der Verbotenen Regenb?gen


Das Aufeinandertreffen zweier einsamer Seelen inmitten der Faszination eines fiktiven schottischen Dorfes ist der Ausgangspunkt einer gro?en Liebesgeschichte, in der nichts wie eh und je ist. Die Hauptperson – Melisande Bruno – ist das M?dchen...
William Hanna. Die Bruderschaft Des Hiram: Ezechiels Tempelprophezeiung

Die Bruderschaft Des Hiram: Ezechiels Tempelprophezeiung

William Hanna

Vor dem Hintergrund von Hass und Gewalt taucht Die Bruderschaft des Hiram: Ezechiels Tempelprophezeiung in die kritische Frage der ethnischen S?uberung der Pal?stinenser durch Israel ein und spricht rassistische Verbrechen gegen die...
Aldivan Teixeira Torres. नब क कथए

नब क कथए

Aldivan Teixeira Torres

सजर क कहनय सजर दवर परकशत सरवततम कहनय क सगरह ह। उददशय एक पठ म इकटठ करन ह ज जवन वशलषण और सकरतमक परतसथपन क लए आवशयक सहयत ह, यह तक क हतहत क असफलतओ क समन भ। यह सगरह पररणदयक ह और आप अदवतय कमत क लए ख नह सकत ह।
Amy Blankenship. Sanctuary – Serie ”Legami Di Sangue” – Volume 9

Sanctuary – Serie ”Legami Di Sangue” – Volume 9

Amy Blankenship

Michael appariva sempre calmo nelle situazioni pi? pericolose… ma, ben presto, tutti si rendono conto che ? dalle persone tranquille che bisogna difendersi. Il suo potere e la sua tempra finiscono fuori controllo quando diventa ossessionato da...
Amy Blankenship. Sangue Che Crea Dipendenza

Sangue Che Crea Dipendenza

Amy Blankenship

Michael scopre che, a volte, il sangue di potenti immortali non si mescola neanche quando sono anime gemelle, n? con il calore della passione. Un marchio di accoppiamento ? un simbolo di possesso, ma per Michael quel piccolo assaggio di sangue ?...
Rosanna Capursi. Se Fossi Per Me

Se Fossi Per Me

Rosanna Capursi

M?nica Valentini ? una ragazza di 24 anni che dopo aver subito un terribile incidente si trasforma in un fantasma. Trovandosi in un limbo tra la vita e l'aldil?, un arcangelo le consegna un ciondolo perch? possa apparire mortale, ad una sola...
Elton Varfi. Il Fantasma Di Margaret Houg

Il Fantasma Di Margaret Houg

Elton Varfi

Londra, ai giorni nostri. Muore la moglie di un potente e chiacchierato banchiere ma, un anno dopo il decesso, i figli della signora affermano di averne visto il fantasma aggirarsi per la villa. E’ realt?? E’ un incubo? C’? qualcosa di...
Fabrizio Sebastian Caleffi. Lo Sceriffo Di Lodz Al Kafka Caf?

Lo Sceriffo Di Lodz Al Kafka Caf?

Fabrizio Sebastian Caleffi

Come fa ?l comandante d? un campo d? sterm?n?o naz?sta a d?ventare l'autore d? un best seller ?nt?tolato Lo Scer?ffo d? Lodz su un g?ovane del ghetto che scamb?a la stella g?alla per quella d? uno scer?ffo del far West? Dov'? f?n?to ?l vero...
Laura Merlin. L'Eco Delle Anime

L'Eco Delle Anime

Laura Merlin

Mi chiamo Nael e vivo in un mondo post-apocalittico, in cui la vita procede tranquilla a stretto contatto con i demoni. S?, perch? un patto regola la nostra convivenza e tutti, umani e non, siamo tenuti a rispettare ci? che gli articoli in...
Marco Fogliani. Scherzi Del Mare

Scherzi Del Mare

Marco Fogliani

Alcuni brevi racconti su temi attinenti il mare (pescatori, sirene, mostri marini, vita di spiaggia, maremoti, messaggi in bottiglia …) Di seguito l'elenco dei racconti inclusi nella raccolta: SERENA LA SIRENA: Reinterpretazione, in chiave...
Marco Fogliani. Scherzi Dello Sport

Scherzi Dello Sport

Marco Fogliani

Alcuni racconti dedicati allo sport (essenzialmente al calcio ed al tifo calcistico, ed al fitness). In parte pensati nel futuro, ma tutti di pura fantasia. Di seguito l'elenco dei racconti inclusi nella raccolta (in buona parte ambientati in...
Andrea Calo'. Lo Senti Il Mio Cuore?

Lo Senti Il Mio Cuore?

Andrea Calo'

Riuscirai a superare persino quei giorni in cui ti sentirai morire, quelli in cui ti ritroverai dannatamente sola e fragile. Perch? sai, ? questo che si fa. Si va avanti, nonostante tutto. E non importa alla fine chi sei stata o chi sarai. Ci?...
Blake  B.. Blue E La Bambina Senza Cuore

Blue E La Bambina Senza Cuore

Blake B.

Blue e la bambina senza cuore ? una favola dark con sfumature bianco candido. E' una favola per adulti e bambini con contenuti di geniale delicatezza. Per il tipo di ambientazione ? la favola perfetta di Natale. E' un progetto molto promettente...
Marco Fogliani. Sta Scherzando, Commissario?

Sta Scherzando, Commissario?

Marco Fogliani

Una ventina di racconti particolari, non proprio gialli, non proprio polizieschi, ma che alla fine arrivano comunque in qualche modo a dover interessare la polizia. Di seguito l'elenco dei racconti inclusi nella raccolta: BIANCHI E NERI...
Federico Montuschi. Due. Dispari

Due. Dispari

Federico Montuschi

Costarica, primavera 2015, molti temporali. Musica rock di sottofondo. Uno strano suicidio di un parroco di provincia. Non convinti dalla frettolosa indagine delle autorit? locali, l'ispettore Castillo, ex commissario di polizia che balbetta...
Rosette. Το Κορίτσι Από Το Απαγορευμένο Ουράνιο Τόξο

Το Κορίτσι Από Το Απαγορευμένο Ουράνιο Τόξο


Δύο μοναξιές γνωρίζονται στο συναρπαστικό πλαίσιο ενός φανταστικού χωριού της Σκωτίας. Είναι η αφετηρία μιας μεγάλης ιστορίας αγάπης, όπου τίποτα δεν είναι όπως φαίνεται. Η πρωταγωνίστρια – Μελισσάνθη Μπρούνο – είναι το κορίτσια από το...

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