афоризмы и цитаты

Joseph Sverker. Human Being and Vulnerability

Human Being and Vulnerability

Joseph Sverker

Joseph Sverker explores the division between social constructivism and a biologist essentialism by means of Christian theology. For this, Sverker uses a fascinating approach: He lets critical theorist Judith Butler, psycholinguist Steven Pinker,...
James Richard Mensch. Decisions and Transformations

Decisions and Transformations

James Richard Mensch

To say that we are embodied subjects is to affirm that we are both extended and conscious: both a part of the material world and a place where that world comes to presence. The ambiguity inherent in our being both can be put in terms of a double...
Юрий Никулин. Цитаты, афоризмы, анекдоты

Цитаты, афоризмы, анекдоты

Юрий Никулин

Юрий Никулин – всенародно любимый артист, потрясающей души человек, удивительный рассказчик. Истории, собранные в этой книге, вызывают улыбку, добрый смех и неизменно дарят хорошее настроение. Они пересыпаны цитатами, афоризмами, остротами,...
Hans-Ernst Schiller. Hegels objektive Vernunft

Hegels objektive Vernunft

Hans-Ernst Schiller

Hegel erhebt den Anspruch, in seiner Konzeption der Vernunft subjektives Denken und soziale Wirklichkeit vers?hnt zu haben. Kritische Theorie weist diesen Anspruch ab, kn?pft jedoch an den Begriff der objektiven Vernunft an, um ihm eine...
Наталья Алексеевна Герасимова. Философское настроение

Философское настроение

Наталья Алексеевна Герасимова

Самый мудрый учитель – это сама жизнь, на протяжении которой мы не только учимся преодолевать трудности на своём пути, но и приходим к духовному взрослению. Каждый человек смотрит на мир через свою призму мировоззрений. Приглашаю тебя, дорогой...
Сергей Петрович Аваначи. Афоризмы современности

Афоризмы современности

Сергей Петрович Аваначи

Аваначи (псевдоним; настоящие Ф.И.О. – Игнатьев Сергей Петрович). Данная книга афоризмов – для пытливых читателей с острым умом. Над ней автор работал семь лет. В нее включено около семи тысяч произведений, в которых затрагиваются извечные...
Группа авторов. Жизнь глазами мудрецов. Цитаты, афоризмы, пословицы, поговорки

Жизнь глазами мудрецов. Цитаты, афоризмы, пословицы, поговорки

Группа авторов

Книга заслуженного учителя Российской Федерации Сергея Ивановича Дворникова содержит высказывания выдающихся ученых, философов, писателей, государственных и общественных деятелей, а также афоризмы, цитаты, крылатые выражения, пословицы и...
Никита Самохин. Латынь по-пацански. Прохладные римские истории

Латынь по-пацански. Прохладные римские истории

Никита Самохин

Что вспоминается в первую очередь, когда вы слышите про Древний Рим? Рем, Ромул и волчица? Цезарь и галлы? Нерон, сжигающий Рим? Гладиаторы в Колизее? Что из этого было раньше, а что позже? И как все было на самом деле? На все эти вопросы...
Ирина Ильинична Комарова. Пословицы и поговорки о деньгах

Пословицы и поговорки о деньгах

Ирина Ильинична Комарова

Из обширного наследия пословиц и поговорок народов мира были отобраны более 2000 высказываний, интересных с точки зрения воспитания правильного отношения к деньгам, заработку, сбережению и расходам. В них вывод, позиция, умозаключение, народная...
монахиня Христина. 100 вариантов смс-поздравлений с православными праздниками

100 вариантов смс-поздравлений с православными праздниками

монахиня Христина

Издание содержит 100 вариантов смс-поздравлений с православными праздниками. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет.
David  Miller. Is Self-Determination a Dangerous Illusion?

Is Self-Determination a Dangerous Illusion?

David Miller

Claims to self-determination are rife in world politics today. They range from Scottish and Catalonian campaigns for independence to calls for the devolution of power to regions and cities. But is self-determination meaningful or desirable in...
Graham Harman. Art and Objects

Art and Objects

Graham Harman

In this book, the founder of object-oriented ontology develops his view that aesthetics is the central discipline of philosophy. Whereas science must attempt to grasp an object in terms of its observable qualities, philosophy and art cannot...
J. Toby Reiner. Michael Walzer

Michael Walzer

J. Toby Reiner

Michael Walzer is one of the world’s most important political thinkers, whose major works, such as <i>Spheres of Justice</i> and <i>Just and Unjust Wars</i>, have transformed many central debates in contemporary political...
Duncan Ivison. Can Liberal States Accommodate Indigenous Peoples?

Can Liberal States Accommodate Indigenous Peoples?

Duncan Ivison

The original – and often continuing – sin of countries with a settler colonial past is their brutal treatment of indigenous peoples. This challenging legacy continues to confront modern liberal democracies ranging from the USA and Canada to...
Paul Raekstad. Prefigurative Politics

Prefigurative Politics

Paul Raekstad

Many of us wonder what we could possibly do to end oppression, exploitation, and injustice. People have studied revolutions and protest movements for centuries, but few have focused on prefigurative politics, the idea of 'building the new...
Christoph  Menke. Critique of Rights

Critique of Rights

Christoph Menke

Modern political revolutions since the 18th century have swept away traditional systems of domination by declaring that ‘all men are created equal’. This declaration of equal rights is a fundamental political act – it is the political act in...
Benjamin Moffitt. Populism


Benjamin Moffitt

Populism is the key political phenomenon of the 21st century. From Trump to Brexit, from Ch?vez to Podemos, the term has been used to describe leaders, parties and movements across the globe who disrupt the status quo and speak in the name of...
David Owen. What Do We Owe to Refugees?

What Do We Owe to Refugees?

David Owen

Who are refugees? Who, if anyone, is responsible for protecting them? What forms should this protection take? In a world of people fleeing from civil wars, state failure, and environmental disasters, these are ethically and politically pressing...
Donatella Di Cesare. Resident Foreigners

Resident Foreigners

Donatella Di Cesare

From the shores of Europe to the Mexican-US border, mass migration is one of the most pressing issues we face today. Yet at the same time, calls to defend national sovereignty are becoming ever more vitriolic, with those fleeing war,...
Mark Stephen Jendrysik. Utopia


Mark Stephen Jendrysik

Human beings universally dream of a better world. For centuries they have expressed their yearning for ways of life that are free from oppression, want and fear, through philosophy, art, film and literature.<br /> <br />In this...
Jeremy Gilbert. Twenty-First Century Socialism

Twenty-First Century Socialism

Jeremy Gilbert

What causes climate change, social breakdown, rampant inequality and the creeping spread of ubiquitous surveillance? Capitalism. What is the only alternative to capitalism? Socialism. Socialism cannot, however, remain static if it is going to...
Slavoj ?i?ek. A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name

A Left that Dares to Speak Its Name

Slavoj ?i?ek

With irrepressible humor, Slavoj iek dissects our current political and social climate, discussing everything from Jordan Peterson and sex “unicorns” to Greta Thunberg and Chairman Mao. Taking aim at his enemies on the Left, Right, and Center,...
Julian  Baggini. The Philosopher's Toolkit

The Philosopher's Toolkit

Julian Baggini

A new edition of the bestselling guide to the study of philosophy: the ideal intellectual ‘toolkit’ for sharpening analytical skills and building philosophical acuity Whether used as a guide to basic principles or a resource for key concepts...
Alain Badiou. Migrants and Militants

Migrants and Militants

Alain Badiou

The question of migration has come to dominate the news agenda in many countries, but what does the word ‘migrant’ really mean today and how should we respond to those who are labelled ‘migrants’?<br /> <br /> In this short book...
Pete Woodcock. Political Theory

Political Theory

Pete Woodcock

Is democracy the best form of government? What does it mean to be ‘free’? Why should we obey the government?<br /> <br /> In this highly accessible and engaging new introductory textbook, Pete Woodcock examines all these questions...
David D. Roberts. Totalitarianism


David D. Roberts

Less than a century old, the concept of totalitarianism is one of the most controversial in political theory, with some proposing to abandon it altogether. In this accessible, wide-ranging introduction, David Roberts addresses the grounds for...
Scott F. Aikin. Political Argument in a Polarized Age

Political Argument in a Polarized Age

Scott F. Aikin

From obnoxious public figures to online trolling and accusations of “fake news”, almost no one seems able to disagree without hostility. But polite discord sounds farfetched when issues are so personal and fundamental that those on opposing...
Aviezer Tucker. Democracy Against Liberalism

Democracy Against Liberalism

Aviezer Tucker

It should not surprise anyone that democracies can become dangerously illiberal; indeed, it was one of the classical critiques of ancient democracies. Is the contemporary backlash against liberal democracy merely the same old story, or are we...
Markus  Gabriel. The Power of Art

The Power of Art

Markus Gabriel

We live in an era of aesthetics. Art has become both pervasive and powerful – it is displayed not only in museums and galleries but also on the walls of corporations and it is increasingly fused with design. But what makes art so powerful, and...
Steve  Vanderheiden. Environmental Political Theory

Environmental Political Theory

Steve Vanderheiden

Our politics is intimately linked to the environmental conditions – and crises – of our time. The challenges of sustainability and the discovery of ecological limits to growth are transforming how we understand the core concepts at the heart of...

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