Автор: Zygmunt Bauman

. 44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World

44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World

Zygmunt Bauman

This liquid modern world of ours, like all liquids, cannot stand still and keep its shape for long. Everything keeps changing – the fashions we follow, the events that intermittently catch our attention, the things we dream of and things we...
. Collateral Damage. Social Inequalities in a Global Age

Collateral Damage. Social Inequalities in a Global Age

Zygmunt Bauman

The term ‘collateral damage' has recently been added to the vocabulary of military forces to refer to the unintended consequences of armed interventions, consequences that are unplanned but nevertheless damaging and often very costly in human...
. This is not a Diary

This is not a Diary

Zygmunt Bauman

This is not a diary: while these observations were recorded in autumn 2010 and spring 2011 in the form of dated entries, they are not a personal reflection but an attempt to capture signs of our times in their movement – possibly at birth, at a...
. Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All?

Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All?

Zygmunt Bauman

It is commonly assumed that the best way to help the poor out of their misery is to allow the rich to get richer, that if the rich pay less taxes then all the rest of us will be better off, and that in the final analysis the richness of the few...
. 44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World

44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World

Zygmunt Bauman

This liquid modern world of ours, like all liquids, cannot stand still and keep its shape for long. Everything keeps changing – the fashions we follow, the events that intermittently catch our attention, the things we dream of and things we...
. Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies

Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies

Zygmunt Bauman

Zygmunt Bauman's new book is a brilliant exploration, from a sociological point of view, of the 'taboo' subject in modern societies: death and dying. The book develops a new theory of the ways in which human mortality is reacted to, and dealt...
. Modernity and the Holocaust

Modernity and the Holocaust

Zygmunt Bauman

Sociology is concerned with modern society, but has never come to terms with one of the most distinctive and horrific aspects of modernity – the Holocaust. The book examines what sociology can teach us about the Holocaust, but more particularly...
. Postmodernity and its Discontents

Postmodernity and its Discontents

Zygmunt Bauman

When Freud wrote his classic Civilization and its Discontents, he was concerned with repression. Modern civilization depends upon the constraint of impulse, the limiting of self expression. Today, in the time of modernity, Bauman argues, Freud's...
. The Art of Life

The Art of Life

Zygmunt Bauman

In our individualized society we are all artists of life – whether we know it or not, will it or not and like it or not, by decree of society if not by our own choice. In this society we are all expected, rightly or wrongly, to give our lives...
. Legislators and Interpreters

Legislators and Interpreters

Zygmunt Bauman

The book discusses the role of intellectuals in the modern world. Bauman connects this with current analyses of modernity and post-modernity. The theme of the book is that the tasks of intellectuals change from being 'legislators' to...
. Modernity and Ambivalence

Modernity and Ambivalence

Zygmunt Bauman

Modern civilization, Bauman argues, promised to make our lives understandable and open to our control. This has not happened and today we no longer believe it ever will. In this book, now available in paperback, Bauman argues that our postmodern...
. Society under Siege

Society under Siege

Zygmunt Bauman

Society is under siege – under attack on two fronts: from the global frontier-land where old structures and rules do not hold and new ones are slow to take shape, and from the fluid, undefined domain of life politics. The space between these two...
. Wasted Lives

Wasted Lives

Zygmunt Bauman

The production of ‘human waste’ – or more precisely, wasted lives, the ‘superfluous’ populations of migrants, refugees and other outcasts – is an inevitable outcome of modernization. It is an unavoidable side-effect of economic progress and the...
. Liquid Fear

Liquid Fear

Zygmunt Bauman

Modernity was supposed to be the period in human history when the fears that pervaded social life in the past could be left behind and human beings could at last take control of their lives and tame the uncontrolled forces of the social and...
. Liquid Love

Liquid Love

Zygmunt Bauman

This book is about the central figure of our contemporary, ‘liquid modern’ times – the man or woman with no bonds, and particularly with none of the fixed or durable bonds that would allow the effort of self-definition and self-assertion to come...
. Consuming Life

Consuming Life

Zygmunt Bauman

With the advent of liquid modernity, the society of producers is transformed into a society of consumers. In this new consumer society, individuals become simultaneously the promoters of commodities and the commodities they promote. They are, at...
. Liquid Modernity

Liquid Modernity

Zygmunt Bauman

In this new book, Bauman examines how we have moved away from a 'heavy' and 'solid', hardware-focused modernity to a 'light' and 'liquid', software-based modernity. This passage, he argues, has brought profound change to all aspects of the human...
. Liquid Life

Liquid Life

Zygmunt Bauman

'Liquid life’ is the kind of life commonly lived in our contemporary, liquid-modern society. Liquid life cannot stay on course, as liquid-modern society cannot keep its shape for long. Liquid life is a precarious life, lived under conditions of...
. Identity


Zygmunt Bauman

This topical new book by Zygmunt Bauman explores the notion of identity in the modern world. As we grapple with the insecurity and uncertainty of liquid modernity, Bauman argues that our socio-political, cultural, professional, religious and...
. Community


Zygmunt Bauman

'Community' is one of those words that feels good: it is good 'to have a community', 'to be in a community'. And 'community' feels good because of the meanings which the word conveys, all of them promising pleasures, and more often than not the...
. Europe


Zygmunt Bauman

More than ever before, our conflict-ridden, drifting planet needs the qualities that Europe, unique among the continents, has developed in more than two millennia of history: its self-criticism, its urge to self-transcendence, exploration and...
. Retrotopia


Zygmunt Bauman

We have long since lost our faith in the idea that human beings could achieve human happiness in some future ideal state—a state that Thomas More, writing five centuries ago, tied to a topos, a fixed place, a land, an island, a sovereign state...
. The Individualized Society

The Individualized Society

Zygmunt Bauman

We are spurred into action by our troubles and fears; but all too often our action fails to address the true causes of our worries. When trying to make sense of our lives, we tend to blame our own failings and weaknesses for our discomforts and...
. Europa


Zygmunt Bauman

Zygmunt Bauman tritt mit seinen Beobachtungen und Analysen zur Zukunft Europas den Beweis an, dass Europa durchaus die M?glichkeiten hat, die gewaltigen Herausforderungen des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts zu meistern. Er pl?diert in seinen tief...
. Dialektik der Ordnung

Dialektik der Ordnung

Zygmunt Bauman

Der Holocaust wurde inmitten der modernen Gesellschaft konzipiert und durchgef?hrt, in einer hochentwickelten Zivilisation und im Umfeld au?ergew?hnlicher kultureller Leistungen; er muss daher als Problem dieser Gesellschaft, Zivilisation und...
. Identitat, (2a ed.)

Identitat, (2a ed.)

Zygmunt Bauman

«Identitat» ?s un concepte elusiu per? central i omnipresent en tota mena de discursos sobre l'exist?ncia social i individual. Es parla d'identitat nacional, cultural, de grup, personal, col·lectiva, de la identitat d'un pa?s,...

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