Автор: Сьюзен Мейер

. Веселая служанка

Веселая служанка

Сьюзен Мейер

Когда-то Кейн и Лиз были мужем и женой, но их брак дал трещину, и они расстались. И вот теперь судьба дает им еще один шанс… ведь они до сих пор любят друг друга!
. Тысяча поцелуев

Тысяча поцелуев

Сьюзен Мейер

Шеннон Райли не могла поверить в то, что Рори Воллас и его маленькая дочь не только не празднуют Рождество, но и не любят этот волшебный праздник. Тогда она еще не знала, какие ужасные воспоминания связаны у них с этим временем. Но Шеннон...
. Пойманный свет

Пойманный свет

Сьюзен Мейер

Чанс Монтгомери испытывает самые нежные чувства к няне своих детей. Тори почему-то отвергает его. Ее глаза полны печали, а сердце снедает тревога. Тени прошлого не дают Тори покоя, но Чанс изо всех сил старается развеять тьму…
. Скажи, что любишь

Скажи, что любишь

Сьюзен Мейер

Потеряв жену, Кларк Бьюмонт изо всех сил старается подарить детям счастливые рождественские праздники, но его сын учится из рук вон плохо, а малышка-дочка почти не говорит. Все исправить может лишь чудо, и оно само приходит к ним…
. Ее великолепный босс

Ее великолепный босс

Сьюзен Мейер

Все, о чем мечтает Оливия Прентис, – добиться успеха в своей профессии и доказать бывшему парню, жестоко ее обидевшему, что она тоже имеет право на счастье. Став временной ассистенткой бизнесмена Такера Энгла, она влюбляется в него. Но есть...
. В неге объятий

В неге объятий

Сьюзен Мейер

У беременной и всеми брошенной Лауры Бэт есть лишь один выход – она должна стать личной помощницей художника-миллиардера Антонио Бартулоччи, но смуглый итальянец хоть и чертовски красив, оказывается совсем не простым начальником. Так и не...
. Быть только твоей

Быть только твоей

Сьюзен Мейер

У Макса Монтгомери есть все: он владелец семейного бизнеса, харизматичен и привлекателен. Брак с Кейт Хантер должен был стать последним штрихом. Но постыдная тайна разрушила весь его мир. Чтобы исправить содеянное, Максу придется приложить много...
. Как приручить гения

Как приручить гения

Сьюзен Мейер

Дин Сумински – компьютерный гений, посвятивший всю свою жизнь работе и карьере. Он давно уже потерял веру в простые человеческие ценности: доброту, отзывчивость, понимание и… любовь. Виной тому – тяжелое детство и предательство любимой женщины....
. One Man and a Baby

One Man and a Baby

Сьюзен Мейер

A MAN COULDN'T FAKE THE EMOTION SHE HEARD IN HIS VOICE…When Rick Capriotti is hired over her as manager on the family horse farm, Ashley Meljac feels betrayed because Rick is a notorious bad boy who has only recently returned to Calhoun Corners....
. Her Brooding Italian Boss

Her Brooding Italian Boss

Сьюзен Мейер

From his assistant…to his muse! Pregnant and broke, Laura Beth’s only option is to take a job with brooding yet brilliant artist Antonio Bartulocci. He may be darkly handsome, but the fiery Italian proves to be a difficult boss! Since his wife’s...
. Bringing Up Babies

Bringing Up Babies

Сьюзен Мейер

Lily Andersen only wanted to be the best nanny possible to the adorable Brewster triplets, but Chas Brewster was difficult to ignore. He was handsome, fascinating, and the way he loved the babies called to her most basic instincts.But he was...
. Twice a Princess

Twice a Princess

Сьюзен Мейер

Dearest Godmother,I only have one more match to make to break this curse…if only I wasn't utterly distracted by my devastatingly handsome boss, resort owner Alexander Rochelle. I know I should stay away from him–I am betrothed to a prince in my...
. Snowbound Baby

Snowbound Baby

Сьюзен Мейер

Subject: OVER MY HEAD!From: cooper…bryant@bryantdevelopment…comTo: ty…bryant@bryantdevelopment…comYou know me too well to call me a hero, but I rescued two strangers from this deadly blizzard after spotting their vehicle !in near white-out...
. The Baby Bequest

The Baby Bequest

Сьюзен Мейер

You want me to what?Claire Wilson's heart jumped as Evan Brewster put his proposition before her. For years she'd admired the older, powerful businessman. But until he'd inherited his triplet half siblings and needed female guidance, he'd never...
. A Mistletoe Kiss With The Boss

A Mistletoe Kiss With The Boss

Сьюзен Мейер

Was he Prince Charming…or Scrooge?When sweet, kind Lily Anderson asks self-made billionaire Dean Smith to invest in her charity, he agrees but with one condition: Lily must be his Christmas party date!It might be glamorous being on handsome...
. Daring to Trust the Boss

Daring to Trust the Boss

Сьюзен Мейер

The magic of the Mediterranean…When accountant Olivia Prentiss joins Tucker Engle's company, she's unceremoniously demoted–to stand in as his PA! However, Tucker's not in for an easy ride. Olivia's worked hard to get where she is now, and...
. Married In The Morning

Married In The Morning

Сьюзен Мейер

HONEYMOON IN VEGAS…The last thing Gina Martin expected when she bumped into the chief of operations of her father's company at a bar was that they'd end up naked together in a Las Vegas hotel room two days later! If the ring on her finger, the...
. Cinderella And The Ceo

Cinderella And The Ceo

Сьюзен Мейер

DEKE BERTRIM HAD NEVER SEEN SUCH GORGEOUS GREEN EYES…When I first got to town to investigate the money that was missing from the family business, I didn't expect to fall in love with one of my employees. Laurel Hillman, supervisor of shipping...
. Her Pregnancy Surprise

Her Pregnancy Surprise

Сьюзен Мейер

From playboy to parent!Watching her tiny daughter sleeping cradled in her arms, Grace knows she would do anything for her. Even if it means meeting with the man who broke Grace's heart–the man who doesn't even know he has a child…Danny Carson is...
. Merry Christmas, Daddy

Merry Christmas, Daddy

Сьюзен Мейер

Fabulous FathersBABY?!When wealthy confirmed bachelor Gabriel Cayne asked Kassandra O'Hara to be his «fianc?e» for a family celebration, he didn't know she was a single mother! Now his folks thought he was the father–and were pushing him to...
. The Nanny Solution

The Nanny Solution

Сьюзен Мейер

Jet-setting playboy Jake Malloy knew he was a fool to hire hometown nice girl Hannah Evans as his baby's nanny. He wasn't used to a beautiful woman sleeping in his house unless she was warming his bed, and he sure as heck hadn't expected...
. The Boss's Urgent Proposal

The Boss's Urgent Proposal

Сьюзен Мейер

Olivia Brady was head over heels in love with her breathtaking boss, Josh Nicholson…but he had no idea. And four years of loving the eye-catching executive from afar had taught her that it was time to move on. But when Josh learned that his ace...
. Kisses on Her Christmas List

Kisses on Her Christmas List

Сьюзен Мейер

Shannon's Christmas Wish List1. A gorgeous billionaire to buy her store…enter Rory Wallace–swoon!2. The magic of Christmas…Rory and his little girl need to know that it still exists.3. Willpower…because kissing Rory under the mistletoe would be...
. Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

Сьюзен Мейер

Althea Johnson is only meant to tutor widower Clark Beaumont’s son. Not fall in love with her boss.But, with her help, Clark’s kids begin to come alive again after losing their mother and against the odds Althea hopes that when Christmas morning...
. The Twelve Dates of Christmas

The Twelve Dates of Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

The perfect business arrangement? When entrepreneur Ricky Langley offers Eloise Vaughn the help she needs, in exchange for her attending twelve Christmas parties as his date, she can’t refuse. Yes, Ricky’s handsome, and devastatingly charming,...
. Love, Your Secret Admirer

Love, Your Secret Admirer

Сьюзен Мейер

FROM THE DESK OF EMILY WINTERSBachelor #1: Matthew Burke Title: Senior VP of Accounting This Month's Scheme: Open Matt's eyes to his adoring assistant Let's see… There's got to be a way to get all-business Matt Burke to notice his lovestruck...
. Hunter's Vow

Hunter's Vow

Сьюзен Мейер

Abby Conway spent the past seven years in Brewster County waiting for her first love, Hunter Wyman, to ride back into town. Her fantasies painted him as a knight on a white horse. Reality revealed a polished businessman. Either way, Abby knew...
. Married Right Away

Married Right Away

Сьюзен Мейер

MEDICAL CHART SPERM DONOR CLINIC patient: SAVANNAH GROGIN signature: Savannah Grogin donor: ETHAN McKENZIE signature: Ethan McKenzieTECHNICIAN: Barry GoginNOTES: I know I shouldn't forge Ethan’s signature…but I know how badly my sister wants a...
. Wishing and Hoping

Wishing and Hoping

Сьюзен Мейер

Since she was fourteen years old, Tia has loved and wished for a relationship with Drew, a man twelve years her senior.Now at the age of twenty-four, a twist of fate has brought her face-to-face with Drew. For one magical night, all her dreams...
. Marrying Money

Marrying Money

Сьюзен Мейер

Maybe every single woman in the tiny town of Wilmore would marry handsome millionaire Tanner McConnell for his money, but not beautician Bailey Stephenson. First of all, she'd heard enough gossip in her own beauty shop about Tanner's past to...
. Oh, Babies!

Oh, Babies!

Сьюзен Мейер

Simultaneously nurturing and sexy, Kristen Devereaux filled a void in Grant Brewster's soul. Not only did the new nanny shower the businessman's triplet babies with kindness, but she also aroused in him emotions he'd thought long buried.Grant...
. Prince Baby

Prince Baby

Сьюзен Мейер

Subject: DON'T PANIC ABOUT THE BABY! To: ty…bryant@bryantdevelopment…comFrom: seth…bryant@bryantdevelopment…comYes, the rumor that Princess Lucy Santos of Xavier Island went into labor moments after showing up on my doorstep is true....
. The Boss's Fake Fianc?e

The Boss's Fake Fianc?e

Сьюзен Мейер

Will this relationship stay fake forever?Mitch needs a fianc?e – fast – and PA Lila Ross is just the girl he needs to fill the role. Lila’s had a crush on her boss since day one, but surely pretending to be his fianc?e is a step too far? She...
. Фиктивный брак по любви

Фиктивный брак по любви

Сьюзен Мейер

Принцесса Греннадии красавица Ева с четырех лет знала, что должна выйти замуж за наследного принца Ксавьеры Доминика. Однако ее постигло разочарование – Доминик влюбился и женился на другой. В интересах своей страны Ева должна выйти замуж за его...
. Housekeepers Say I Do!: Maid for the Millionaire / Maid for the Single Dad / Maid in Montana

Housekeepers Say I Do!: Maid for the Millionaire / Maid for the Single Dad / Maid in Montana

Сьюзен Мейер

Maid for the MillionaireLiz Harper, owner of Happy Maids, is excited to have a new client, until she finds out he’s Cain Nestor, the reclusive millionaire and her ex-husband! The man she left has changed, but one thing has stayed the same – Cain...
. Mom for the CEO's Daughter

Mom for the CEO's Daughter

Сьюзен Мейер

Fast Fiction Romantic – short stories with a Happy Ever AfterWhen CEO Gabe Fulton invites his assistant to his beach house, Kara Kincaid can't wait to spend two sun-soaked weeks with her boss. They're in Charleston to seal a lucrative deal in...
. Her Baby's First Christmas

Her Baby's First Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

A Christmas road-trip with the tycoon! Millionaire lawyer Jared Johnson prefers to spend Christmas alone, usually working. Only when he rescues a damsel in distress – along with her cute baby, Molly – and finds himself driving them home for the...
. The Magic of a Family Christmas

The Magic of a Family Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

Christmas wishes and a diamond ring! My name is Harry. I’m six. My Christmas wish is for my new mum, Wendy, to marry so I can have a for ever family. With her little foster son Harry to care for, Christmas suddenly sparkles again for secretary...
. Hired: A Bride for the Boss: The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride / The Corporate Marriage Campaign / The Boss's Urgent Proposal

Hired: A Bride for the Boss: The Playboy Boss's Chosen Bride / The Corporate Marriage Campaign / The Boss's Urgent Proposal

Сьюзен Мейер

The Playboy Boss’s Chosen Bride by Emma Darcy Women always fall at Jake’s feet – with the exception of his assistant Merlina Rossi. Determined Jake adores getting under her skin and stirring the passion that simmers beneath. Now he needs a wife,...
. Bride Under the Mistletoe: The Magic of a Family Christmas

Bride Under the Mistletoe: The Magic of a Family Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

THE MAGIC OF A FAMILY CHRISTMASWith her little foster son Harry to care for, Christmas suddenly sparkles again for secretary Wendy Winston. The only fly in the ointment is her Scrooge boss, Cullen Barrington. So Wendy sets about showing Harry...
. Carrying The Billionaire's Baby

Carrying The Billionaire's Baby

Сьюзен Мейер

Two different worlds, united by a baby!When billionaire Jacob McCallan discovers Avery Novak is pregnant, he insists on being there for his child. But fiercely independent Avery won’t put her trust in Jake easily. Will a trip to romantic Paris...
. Milllionaire Dad, Nanny Needed!

Milllionaire Dad, Nanny Needed!

Сьюзен Мейер

Serial playboy meets sensible nanny!One minute wedding planner Audra Greene’s balancing budget sheets, the next she’s changing baby sheets for gorgeous millionaire Dominic Manelli! Corporate tycoon Dominic needs help with his newly orphaned...
. Maid in Montana

Maid in Montana

Сьюзен Мейер

Swapping her feather duster for a diamond ring!For single mum Sophie Penazzi, accepting a housekeeping job at handsome Jeb Worthington’s ranch is a fresh start for her and six-month-old Brady. More comfortable with a baby on her hip, dough on...
. The Spanish Millionaire's Runaway Bride

The Spanish Millionaire's Runaway Bride

Сьюзен Мейер

The bride is falling for a stranger…When heiress Morgan Monroe sees nothing about her wedding is her choice – including the groom! – she runs. But Spanish millionaire Riccardo Ochoa is hot on her heels! Morgan wonders why being with Riccardo...
. The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby: The Baby Project

The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby: The Baby Project

Сьюзен Мейер

The Baby ProjectWhen Whitney Ross is made temporary guardian of baby Gino, there’s a problem – the little orphan’s new daddy. Shockingly gorgeous tycoon Darius Andreas is far from ready to be a father! Soon another daunting task comes to light:...
. The Billionaire's Baby SOS

The Billionaire's Baby SOS

Сьюзен Мейер

Successful CEO Matt Patterson has a new challenge to face – fatherhood!Finding himself guardian to baby Bella, Matt’s lucky that social worker Claire agrees to play temporary mum. Happy families may never have been in Matt’s remit, but Claire...
. A Father for Her Triplets

A Father for Her Triplets

Сьюзен Мейер

Since her husband left, Missy Johnson has worked hard to provide her triplets with the secure childhood she never had. Except now that her wedding cake business has taken off, Missy’s left struggling…until gorgeous Wyatt McKenzie comes back to...
. Maid for the Single Dad

Maid for the Single Dad

Сьюзен Мейер

To: LizHarper@HappyMaids. com From: EllieSwanson@HappyMaids. comAs my boss and best friend, could we have a chat when you’re next in the office? I’ve got a dilemma… My newest client is single dad Mac Carmichael, and he’s really hot, but very...
. Maid for the Millionaire

Maid for the Millionaire

Сьюзен Мейер

Liz Harper’s to-do list: 1. Drive to new client’s palatial Miami beach house, armed with housekeeping kit2. Try to stay upright when discover new client is none other than Cain Nestor – reclusive millionaire and infuriatingly distant...
. Wedded For His Royal Duty

Wedded For His Royal Duty

Сьюзен Мейер

Marrying the shy princess…When playboy prince Alexandros Sancho discovers he’s inherited his older brother’s betrothed, he’s horrified! Princess Eva Lataiva might be beautiful, but his belief in marriage died with his first love. However,...
. Mothers In A Million: A Father for Her Triplets / First Comes Baby...

Mothers In A Million: A Father for Her Triplets / First Comes Baby...

Сьюзен Мейер

These mother’s are about to get something they never expected – a chance at true love! A Father for Her Triplets by Susan MeierMissy Johnson is single-handedly raising her triplets and running a wedding cake business – until Wyatt McKenzie...
. Baby for the Greek Billionaire: The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby / Baby on the Ranch

Baby for the Greek Billionaire: The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby / Baby on the Ranch

Сьюзен Мейер

THE BABY PROJECT When Whitney Ross is made guardian of a baby the father, tycoon Darius Andreas, isn’t ready to be a daddy. And even worse: how will Whitney hide her inconvenient feelings for Darius? SECOND CHANCE BABY Millionaire Nick Andreas...
. Pregnant With A Royal Baby!

Pregnant With A Royal Baby!

Сьюзен Мейер

Marrying for the baby’s sakePrince Dominic Sancho has always lived up to his family’s royal expectations. Until one irresistibly spontaneous night with teacher Ginny Jones has dramatic repercussions – she’s now carrying the next heir to...
. Under The Tuscan Sun...: A Bride for the Italian Boss / Return of the Italian Tycoon / Reunited by a Baby Secret

Under The Tuscan Sun...: A Bride for the Italian Boss / Return of the Italian Tycoon / Reunited by a Baby Secret

Сьюзен Мейер

A Bride for the Italian Boss by Susan Meier Passionate Chef Rafe Mancini is hard to please – but stand-in ma?tre d' Daniella Tate breathes new life into his restaurant. Will she return to her old life or stay as fiery Rafe’s bride?Return of the...
. One Passionate Night: Her Brooding Italian Boss / The Heiress's Secret Baby / Best Friend to Wife and Mother?

One Passionate Night: Her Brooding Italian Boss / The Heiress's Secret Baby / Best Friend to Wife and Mother?

Сьюзен Мейер

Her Brooding Italian Boss by Susan Meier Pregnant and broke, Laura Beth must take a job with Antonio Bartulocci. He may be darkly handsome, but the fiery Italian proves to be a difficult boss!The Heiress’s Secret Baby by Jessica GilmorePolly...
. One Winter's Night: The Twelve Dates of Christmas / Frozen Heart, Melting Kiss / A Cadence Creek Christmas

One Winter's Night: The Twelve Dates of Christmas / Frozen Heart, Melting Kiss / A Cadence Creek Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

A winter’s night can be magical!When entrepreneur Rick Langley offers Eloise Vaughn the help she needs in exchange for her attending twelve parties as his date, she can’t refuse. It’s just business! If only her racing heart would get the...
. Royal Babies: Claiming His Secret Royal Heir / Pregnant with a Royal Baby! / Secret Child, Royal Scandal

Royal Babies: Claiming His Secret Royal Heir / Pregnant with a Royal Baby! / Secret Child, Royal Scandal

Сьюзен Мейер

A royal bundle of joy!Crown Prince Frederick of Lycander needs a wife and an heir, and discovering he has a secret son with beautiful supermodel Sunita makes him determined to claim them both!But Sunita has no desire to live and raise baby Amil...
. A Diamond For The Single Mum

A Diamond For The Single Mum

Сьюзен Мейер

From billionaire bachelor to doting daddy?Seth McCallan is committed to being a bachelor until his best friend’s widow Harper crashes into his world. Discovering Harper and her baby daughter have been left with nothing, Seth resolves to put...
. Falling For The Nanny: The Billionaire's Baby SOS / The Nanny Bombshell / The Nanny Who Kissed Her Boss

Falling For The Nanny: The Billionaire's Baby SOS / The Nanny Bombshell / The Nanny Who Kissed Her Boss

Сьюзен Мейер

The Billionaire’s Baby SOSFinding himself guardian to baby Bella, CEO Matt Patterson is a little out of his depth. Luckily, social worker Claire Kincaid agrees to play temporary mum! But soon Claire and little Bella are opening his eyes to a...
. A Diamond For Christmas: Kisses on Her Christmas List / Her Christmas Eve Diamond / Single Dad's Holiday Wedding

A Diamond For Christmas: Kisses on Her Christmas List / Her Christmas Eve Diamond / Single Dad's Holiday Wedding

Сьюзен Мейер

Kisses on Her Christmas ListShannon Raleigh can’t believe that billionaire Rory Wallace dislikes Christmas so much! So when he saves her store, she’s determined to make the season as magical as possible…but soon finds herself longing for his...
. A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

A Christmas Family Miracle: Snowbound with Her Hero / Baby Under the Christmas Tree / Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

Сьюзен Мейер

The best Christmas gift of all – love!Snowbound with Her HeroA Christmas holiday in the snowy Alps with her young son is a rare pleasure for single mum Crystal. But it means facing brooding Frenchman Raoul Broussard. With festive sleigh rides...
. Dreaming Of... Italy: Daring to Trust the Boss / Reunited with Her Italian Ex / The Forbidden Prince

Dreaming Of... Italy: Daring to Trust the Boss / Reunited with Her Italian Ex / The Forbidden Prince

Сьюзен Мейер

Charmingly Italian…When Olivia Prentiss is unceremoniously demoted to stand PA she’s determined to put up a fight! Soon though Olivia begins to see there is far more to her boss than meets the eye. And on a business trip to Italy, she sees...
. Соблазнение по графику

Соблазнение по графику

Сьюзен Мейер

Эйвери Новак сразу поняла, что роман с сексуальным красавцем Джейком Маккаланом, одним из самых богатых людей в Нью-Йорке, был ошибкой. Именно поэтому она не сообщила ему, что беременна от него. Эйвери не хотела, чтобы ее малыш рос за спинами...
. Тайная страсть на Манхэттене

Тайная страсть на Манхэттене

Сьюзен Мейер

Харпер выросла в аристократической семье и привыкла воспринимать роскошь, как должное. Потом она ушла из дома, но почти сразу вышла замуж и снова погрузилась в роскошь. А когда муж умер, она потеряла все. Она была богата, потом бедна, потом...
. Романтическая авантюра

Романтическая авантюра

Сьюзен Мейер

Школьный психолог Джинни Джонс была уверена, что ночь с принцем Ксавьеры Домиником – чудесное приключение, которое никогда не повторится. Узнав об ее беременности, принц предложил сочетаться браком, чтобы узаконить права ребенка на престол, и...
. Cinderella's Billion-Dollar Christmas

Cinderella's Billion-Dollar Christmas

Сьюзен Мейер

From her small town… …to the dazzling lights of NYC! The first time small-town girl Leni Long meets investment tycoon Nick Kourakis he gives her the staggering news she might be heir to a fortune! Leni’s completely unprepared for a life of New...
. Maid for the Millionaire

Maid for the Millionaire

Сьюзен Мейер

Liz Harper’s to-do list: 1. Drive to new client’s palatial Miami beach house, armed with housekeeping kit2. Try to stay upright when discover new client is none other than Cain Nestor – reclusive millionaire and infuriatingly distant...
. The Billionaire's Baby SOS

The Billionaire's Baby SOS

Сьюзен Мейер

Successful CEO Matt Patterson has a new challenge to face – fatherhood!Finding himself guardian to baby Bella, Matt’s lucky that social worker Claire agrees to play temporary mum. Happy families may never have been in Matt’s remit, but Claire...
. Daring to Trust the Boss

Daring to Trust the Boss

Сьюзен Мейер

The magic of the Mediterranean…When accountant Olivia Prentiss joins Tucker Engle's company, she's unceremoniously demoted–to stand in as his PA! However, Tucker's not in for an easy ride. Olivia's worked hard to get where...
. Kisses on Her Christmas List

Kisses on Her Christmas List

Сьюзен Мейер

Shannon's Christmas Wish List1. A gorgeous billionaire to buy her store…enter Rory Wallace–swoon!2. The magic of Christmas…Rory and his little girl need to know that it still exists.3. Willpower…because kissing Rory under the mistletoe...
. The Princes of Xaviera

The Princes of Xaviera

Сьюзен Мейер

Marrying for the baby’s sakePrince Dominic Sancho has always lived up to his family’s royal expectations. Until one irresistibly spontaneous night with teacher Ginny Jones has dramatic repercussions – she’s now carrying the next heir to...
. Carrying The Billionaire's Baby

Carrying The Billionaire's Baby

Сьюзен Мейер

Two different worlds, united by a baby!When billionaire Jacob McCallan discovers Avery Novak is pregnant, he insists on being there for his child. But fiercely independent Avery won’t put her trust in Jake easily. Will a trip to romantic Paris...
. The Spanish Millionaire's Runaway Bride

The Spanish Millionaire's Runaway Bride

Сьюзен Мейер

The bride is falling for a stranger…When heiress Morgan Monroe sees nothing about her wedding is her choice – including the groom! – she runs. But Spanish millionaire Riccardo Ochoa is hot on her heels! Morgan wonders why being with...
. The Princes of Xaviera

The Princes of Xaviera

Сьюзен Мейер

Marrying the shy princess…When playboy prince Alexandros Sancho discovers he’s inherited his older brother’s betrothed, he’s horrified! Princess Eva Lataiva might be beautiful, but his belief in marriage died with his first love. However,...
. A Diamond For The Single Mum

A Diamond For The Single Mum

Сьюзен Мейер

From billionaire bachelor to doting daddy?Seth McCallan is committed to being a bachelor until his best friend’s widow Harper crashes into his world. Discovering Harper and her baby daughter have been left with nothing, Seth resolves to put...
. Dreaming Of… Italy

Dreaming Of… Italy

Сьюзен Мейер

Charmingly Italian…When Olivia Prentiss is unceremoniously demoted to stand PA she’s determined to put up a fight! Soon though Olivia begins to see there is far more to her boss than meets the eye. And on a business trip to Italy, she sees...
. Royal Babies

Royal Babies

Сьюзен Мейер

A royal bundle of joy!Crown Prince Frederick of Lycander needs a wife and an heir, and discovering he has a secret son with beautiful supermodel Sunita makes him determined to claim them both!But Sunita has no desire to live and raise baby Amil...
. The Complete Regency Bestsellers And One Winters Collection

The Complete Regency Bestsellers And One Winters Collection

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Two of your favourite Mills & Boon collections!Featuring:One Winter’s NightOne Winter’s DayOne Winter’s SunriseOne Winter’s SunsetThe Governess GameSoceity’s BeautiesRebellious RakesThe Designs of Lord Randolph Cavanaugh
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The Royal Collection

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The Best Royal Romances from Mills & BoonA collection of the most romantic Mills & Boon Royal Romances by some of our best loved authors
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Christmas With The Single Dad

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All he wants for Christmas…Attempting to reinvent herself Nicola McGillroy takes a job as Nanny to Cade Hindmarsh’s two daughters. But with a new makeover and a sexy single dad as her boss can she resist kisses under the mistletoe…When...
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One Winter's Night

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A winter’s night can be magical!When entrepreneur Rick Langley offers Eloise Vaughn the help she needs in exchange for her attending twelve parties as his date, she can’t refuse. It’s just business! If only her racing heart would get the...
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The One Winter Collection

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Spend a cosy winter night in with these twelve sparkling romance stories!Featuring:• A Diamond in Her Stocking by Kandy Shepherd• Christmas Where They Belong by Marion Lennox• Snowed in at the Ranch by Cara Colter• The Twelve Dates of Christmas...
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Royal Families Vs. Historicals

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Single Dads Collection

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A Collection of Mills & Boon Romances all about Sexy Single DadsIncluding the titles: Captivated by the Single Dad Surrender to the Single Dad Seduced by the Single Dad Falling for the Single Dad Spellbound by the Single Dad Fairytale with...
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One Passionate Night

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Her Brooding Italian Boss by Susan Meier Pregnant and broke, Laura Beth must take a job with Antonio Bartulocci. He may be darkly handsome, but the fiery Italian proves to be a difficult boss!The Heiress’s Secret Baby by Jessica GilmorePolly...
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Under The Tuscan Sun...

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A Bride for the Italian Boss by Susan Meier Passionate Chef Rafe Mancini is hard to please – but stand-in ma?tre d' Daniella Tate breathes new life into his restaurant. Will she return to her old life or stay as fiery Rafe’s bride?Return of...
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A Christmas Family Miracle

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The best Christmas gift of all – love!Snowbound with Her HeroA Christmas holiday in the snowy Alps with her young son is a rare pleasure for single mum Crystal. But it means facing brooding Frenchman Raoul Broussard. With festive sleigh rides...
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The Best Of February 2016

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Want a taste of Mills and Boon®? This exciting collection brings together M&B’s Modern, Desire, Medical, Cherish and Romantic Suspense in six thrillingly romantic stories. So here’s to having your cake and eating it too!The Consequence He...
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The Baby Project / Second Chance Baby

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The Baby ProjectWhen Whitney Ross is made temporary guardian of baby Gino, there’s a problem – the little orphan’s new daddy. Shockingly gorgeous tycoon Darius Andreas is far from ready to be a father! Soon another daunting task comes to light:...
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By Request Collection Part 2

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Part 2 of the wonderful By Request collection includes 12 fabulous romances:His Revenge Seduction:THE M?LENDEZ FORGOTTEN MARRIAGE by Melanie MilburneTHE KONSTANTOS MARRIAGE DEMAND by Kate WalkerFOR REVENGE OR REDEMPTION? by Elizabeth PowerSecret...
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The Vineyards Of Calanetti

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Marriage Made in Monte CalanettiMa?tre d’ Daniella Tate is only visiting the picturesque Tuscan village of Calanetti but, meeting passionate chef Rafe Manchini, she finds the excitement she’s always craved. Now, Daniella has a choice: return to...
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Baby for the Greek Billionaire

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THE BABY PROJECT When Whitney Ross is made guardian of a baby the father, tycoon Darius Andreas, isn’t ready to be a daddy. And even worse: how will Whitney hide her inconvenient feelings for Darius? SECOND CHANCE BABY Millionaire Nick Andreas...
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Single Dad's Christmas Miracle

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Althea Johnson is only meant to tutor widower Clark Beaumont’s son. Not fall in love with her boss.But, with her help, Clark’s kids begin to come alive again after losing their mother and against the odds Althea hopes that when Christmas morning...
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Twice a Princess

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Dearest Godmother,I only have one more match to make to break this curse…if only I wasn't utterly distracted by my devastatingly handsome boss, resort owner Alexander Rochelle. I know I should stay away from him–I am betrothed to a prince...
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Love, Your Secret Admirer

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FROM THE DESK OF EMILY WINTERSBachelor #1: Matthew Burke Title: Senior VP of Accounting This Month's Scheme: Open Matt's eyes to his adoring assistant Let's see… There's got to be a way to get all-business Matt Burke to...
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Her Brooding Italian Boss

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From his assistant…to his muse!Pregnant and broke, Laura Beth’s only option is to take a job with brooding yet brilliant artist Antonio Bartulocci. He may be darkly handsome, but the fiery Italian proves to be a difficult boss!Since his wife’s...
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Mothers In A Million

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These mother’s are about to get something they never expected – a chance at true love! A Father for Her Triplets by Susan MeierMissy Johnson is single-handedly raising her triplets and running a wedding cake business – until Wyatt McKenzie...
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Falling For The Pregnant Heiress

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A pregnant heiress, a bachelor billionaire…an unlikely family?Billionaire Trent Sigmund’s best friend’s sister is pregnant and needs his help to track down her ex. But the search was not supposed to become a whirlwind trip of Europe… And it...
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The Missing Manhattan Heirs

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From her small town… …to the dazzling lights of NYC!The first time small-town girl Leni Long meets investment tycoon Nick Kourakis he gives her the staggering news she might be heir to a fortune! Leni’s completely unprepared for a life of New...
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Maid for the Single Dad

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To: LizHarper@HappyMaids. com From: EllieSwanson@HappyMaids. comAs my boss and best friend, could we have a chat when you’re next in the office? I’ve got a dilemma… My newest client is single dad Mac Carmichael, and he’s really hot, but very...
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The Wedding Planners

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Serial playboy meets sensible nanny!One minute wedding planner Audra Greene’s balancing budget sheets, the next she’s changing baby sheets for gorgeous millionaire Dominic Manelli! Corporate tycoon Dominic needs help with his newly orphaned...
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A Father for Her Triplets

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Since her husband left, Missy Johnson has worked hard to provide her triplets with the secure childhood she never had. Except now that her wedding cake business has taken off, Missy’s left struggling…until gorgeous Wyatt McKenzie comes back to...
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Mom for the CEO's Daughter

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"Fast Fiction Romantic – short stories with a Happy Ever AfterWhen CEO Gabe Fulton invites his assistant to his beach house, Kara Kincaid can't wait to spend two sun-soaked weeks with her boss. They're in Charleston to seal a...
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The Boss's Fake Fianc?e

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Will this relationship stay fake forever?Mitch needs a fianc?e – fast – and PA Lila Ross is just the girl he needs to fill the role. Lila’s had a crush on her boss since day one, but surely pretending to be his fianc?e is a step too far? She...
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His Expectant Neighbor

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THE STORKVILLE SCOOP"From the Stork's Mouth…"Has reticent rancher Ben Crowe finally decided to lasso himself a wife? After all, the sexy bachelor seems to have taken more than a passing interest in expectant mother Gwen Parker.Although he...
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A Diamond For Christmas

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Kisses on Her Christmas ListShannon Raleigh can’t believe that billionaire Rory Wallace dislikes Christmas so much! So when he saves her store, she’s determined to make the season as magical as possible…but soon finds herself longing for his...
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A Mistletoe Kiss With The Boss

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Was he Prince Charming…or Scrooge?When sweet, kind Lily Anderson asks self-made billionaire Dean Smith to invest in her charity, he agrees but with one condition: Lily must be his Christmas party date!It might be glamorous being on handsome...
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Лучшее время для любви

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В юности Риз Фаррелл встретила свою первую любовь, Кейда Смита. Он ответил ей взаимностью. Они мечтали о семье, детях и успешной карьере. Однако по стечению обстоятельств через год им пришлось расстаться. Новая встреча произошла двенадцать лет...
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На грани искушения

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Джозеф – король маленького островного государства. Он устал от мира и желает вести отшельнический образ жизни. Но это не устраивает всех: его детей, подданных, персонал. На помощь приходит Роуэн Грей, настойчивая и бесцеремонная американка....
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Сердце не обманешь

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Мэтт Паттерсон внезапно становится опекуном маленькой дочери своей бывшей жены. Он ничего не знает о детях и просит помощи у работницы агентства по усыновлению по имени Клэр, которая поражает его не только умением ладить с детьми, но и красотой…
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Следуй за мечтой

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«Ваша бывшая жена подала заявление на должность вашего ассистента!» Этих слов красавец-плейбой Ник Андреас никак не ожидал услышать. Он мог бы предположить, что ему показалось, но вот она, женщина, которая разбила ему сердце, стоит на пороге его...
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Сердце, полное любви

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Уитни Росс кажется, что ее жизнь кончена, и последнее, что ей нужно, – это опека над маленьким Джино, каждое прикосновение к которому напоминает ей о ее погибшей малышке. Кроме того, папочкой Джино оказался красавец-плейбой, понятия не имеющий...

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