Автор: Шантель Шоу

. Талисман надежды

Талисман надежды

Шантель Шоу

Греческому миллиардеру так понравилась одна из официанток, обслуживающих королевский прием, что он решил за ней приударить. Если бы он только знал, кто скрывается за скромным обликом…
. Очередная любовница олигарха

Очередная любовница олигарха

Шантель Шоу

Второй концерт Прокофьева для скрипки с оркестром, исполненный английской аристократкой Элеонорой Стаффорд, вызвал шквал аплодисментов. Поздравить ее с триумфом пришел и русский олигарх Вадим Александров…
. Их короткий роман

Их короткий роман

Шантель Шоу

Наученный горьким опытом, миллиардер Лукас Христакис взял за правило никогда не доверять женщинам. Его младшая сестра Ларисса, которая в скором времени собирается выйти замуж, – единственное существо женского пола, чьи интересы ему важны. Он с...
. Со многими неизвестными

Со многими неизвестными

Шантель Шоу

Рамону с детства внушали, что он – будущий герцог, а потому должен будет жениться на девушке своего круга и произвести на свет наследника древнего рода. Рамон не собирался предлагать своей любовнице Лорен ничего, кроме короткого романа, однако...
. Нежданная гостья

Нежданная гостья

Шантель Шоу

Серджио думал, что уже ничто не способно затронуть его душу, что его эмоции умерли много лет назад. Но прошлое беспощадно ворвалось в его размеренную жизнь и перевернуло ее с ног на голову. Сможет ли он отбросить свои страхи и сомнения и...
. Щедрое сердце

Щедрое сердце

Шантель Шоу

Сальваторе Кастеллано не ожидал, что, подыскивая специалиста для занятий со своей дочерью, он встретится с очаровательной Дарси. Несколько месяцев, проведенных вместе на Сицилии, привели к тому, что были раскрыты все тайны, решены все проблемы,...
. Вернуть его кольцо

Вернуть его кольцо

Шантель Шоу

Брак с маркизом Константином де Северино вместо долгожданного счастья принес певице Изабель Блейк только горе и страдания. Уйдя от мужа, она добилась успеха в музыкальной карьере и обрела уверенность в себе. Когда спустя два года он вдруг...
. Заветная победа

Заветная победа

Шантель Шоу

Шейх Кадир, обольстительный сердцеед и любитель женщин, перед свадьбой с юной принцессой клянется ей в верности. Но путешествуя в Англию, он попадает в кораблекрушение. Его спасает самоуверенная и решительная Лекси – пилот, профессионал своего...
. Не называй меня Афродитой

Не называй меня Афродитой

Шантель Шоу

Сбежав с собственной свадьбы, Афина и предположить не могла, что всего сорок восемь часов спустя окажется в Лас-Вегасе и вый дет замуж за известного дизайнера Луку де Росси. Правда, о любви речь не идет – Лука должен жениться, чтобы выполнить...
. Роковой миг наслаждения

Роковой миг наслаждения

Шантель Шоу

Юная Сабрина Бэнкрофт, потеряв ребенка от Круза Дельгадо, поспешно вернулась в Англию из Бразилии, куда ездила навестить отца. Круз снова объявился в ее жизни спустя десять лет, но приехал он не ради нее, а ради старой карты, которую считал...
. Два скандала и одна свадьба

Два скандала и одна свадьба

Шантель Шоу

Их, еще ничего не знающих друг о друге, связала ночь любви в Лондоне. Мина Харт не догадывалась, что судьба столкнула ее с Акселем Торесеном, принцем маленького северного княжества Сторвхал. Аксель обвинил ее в том, чего она не совершала. Пылая...
. Спасительная сила чувств

Спасительная сила чувств

Шантель Шоу

Сара Лавджой тайно влюблена в своего босса, греческого магната Алекоса Гионакиса, который не обращает на нее никакого внимания. Но после того, как она решает поэкспериментировать со своей внешностью, Алекос буквально не дает ей прохода, и вскоре...
. В плену равнодушного сердца

В плену равнодушного сердца

Шантель Шоу

Джарек Дворска Сандерсон не готов проходить курс психотерапии, но ради здоровья своей сестры, которая находится на последнем месяце беременности, соглашается провести несколько недель в одной из частных клиник в Австрийских Альпах. В...
. Мне без тебя не жить

Мне без тебя не жить

Шантель Шоу

После ночи любви с обаятельным незнакомцем Кортесом богатая наследница Элин Сандерсон осталась одна, к тому же с ребенком на руках. Год спустя она узнает, что Кортес является законным наследником ее приемного отца, который может лишить ее не...
. Источник восхитительной неги

Источник восхитительной неги

Шантель Шоу

После бурного романа с итальянским магнатом Леандро Виалли простая официантка Марни Кларк довольно быстро узнает о своей беременности. Но обожание и преданность с ее стороны быстро сменяются болью и разочарованием: для Леандро она была всего...
. The Gold Collection: Surrender To The Tycoon: At Dante's Service / His Unknown Heir / The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

The Gold Collection: Surrender To The Tycoon: At Dante's Service / His Unknown Heir / The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

Шантель Шоу

At Dante’s ServiceToo hot to handle!Private chef Rebekah Evans has vowed to keep her oven gloves firmly off her boss, sizzlingly hot celebrity divorce lawyer Dante Jarrell. But one night things heat up in the kitchen… Dante never would have...
. A Night in the Prince's Bed

A Night in the Prince's Bed

Шантель Шоу

Actions speak louder than words!Beautiful Mina Hart has overcome her hearing impairment to become a leading theatre actress. But one stolen night with a gorgeous stranger turns into headline news when it’s revealed he is the Prince of...
. The Greek's Acquisition

The Greek's Acquisition

Шантель Шоу

When dealing with the devil… It’s taken years for the Dimitri-Kalakos-sized hole in Louise Frobisher’s heart to heal. Yet now she has to face him once again – she needs the ruthless magnate’s financial help…but absolutely nothing more! Be...
. At Dante's Service

At Dante's Service

Шантель Шоу

Too hot to handle! Private chef Rebekah Evans has vowed to keep her oven gloves firmly off her boss, sizzlingly hot celebrity divorce lawyer Dante Jarrell. But one night things heat up in the kitchen… Dante never would have imagined that...
. Behind the Castello Doors

Behind the Castello Doors

Шантель Шоу

Torment on his doorstepCesario Piras, brooding master of the Castello del Falco, wasn’t prepared for the visitor who turned up on his doorstep during a raging storm – or for the little bundle bearing the Piras name she had in tow. Cesario’s head...
. The Ultimate Risk

The Ultimate Risk

Шантель Шоу

For better…or for worse? When she sees Lanzo di Cosimo again after ten years, Gina Bailey’s pulse races at the memories of their heady affair – a time when life seemed perfect. Now she is far from being the carefree innocent she was before....
. Untouched Until Marriage

Untouched Until Marriage

Шантель Шоу

Mother of the Carducci heir… or innocent virgin? When infamous Raul Carducci learns that a little baby may challenge his inheritance he will stop at nothing – a new Carducci heir will not take away what is rightfully his. To safeguard baby Gino,...
. The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

Шантель Шоу

She was his pregnant mistress. . . Two years ago, Freya Addison fell for sexy billionaire Zac Deverell. He gave her everything money could buy, and more pleasure in the bedroom than she'd thought possible. But when Freya announced she was...
. Argentinian Playboy, Unexpected Love-Child

Argentinian Playboy, Unexpected Love-Child

Шантель Шоу

Infamous Argentinian… Billionaire polo player Diego Ortega has seen the world and sampled many of its women. Sweet British beauty Rachel Summers has sated his appetite – so why does he find his body yearning for more?Pregnant stable-girl! Rachel...
. At the Sheikh's Bidding

At the Sheikh's Bidding

Шантель Шоу

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Forced to marry – a sheikh! Erin Maguire’s life changes overnight when she discovers her adopted son is heir to the...
. After the Greek Affair

After the Greek Affair

Шантель Шоу

The passion pay-back…Billionaire tycoon Loukas Christakis has learned the hard way never to trust a woman. The only female he cares about is his soon-to-be-married little sister. And that’s why he’s reluctantly allowed struggling designer Belle...
. His Unknown Heir

His Unknown Heir

Шантель Шоу

She committed a sin…and hides a shocking secret… Ramon Velaquez, heir to the Velaquez winery, clearly stated his cardinal rule to Lauren Maitland – he can’t promise her more than a red-hot affair. Whilst she heard the words, her heart wasn’t...
. A Dangerous Infatuation

A Dangerous Infatuation

Шантель Шоу

Off-limits…but irresistible! Rocco D’Angelo doesn’t do needy women – and he certainly doesn’t do commitment! But the spark notorious playboy Rocco feels with his beloved grandmother’s nurse Emma Marchant is more than the usual...
. Acquired By Her Greek Boss

Acquired By Her Greek Boss

Шантель Шоу

A mistress to seal the deal…Greek tycoon Alekos Gionakis thought he knew the value of his secretary, but her newly transformed appearance – and surprising secret parentage – has him reappraising his most precious asset!Alekos knows that he can...
. Ruthless Russian, Lost Innocence

Ruthless Russian, Lost Innocence

Шантель Шоу

The virgin’s awakeningViolinist Ella Stafford isn’t used to parties, so it’s little wonder she’s overwhelmed by brooding Russian Vadim Aleksandrov! The throbbing, raw attraction takes fragile English beauty Ella out of her depth… …and into his...
. His Secretary Mistress

His Secretary Mistress

Шантель Шоу

Jenna Deane is thrilled with her new dream job. Her boss, handsome lawyer Alex Morrell, is known for his tough tactics. He's made it clear to Jenna that he expects his assistant to be available whenever he needs her. So how can she tell him that...
. Hired For Romano's Pleasure

Hired For Romano's Pleasure

Шантель Шоу

Orla’s to-do list:#1—resist my arrogant new boss!Working for cut-throat billionaire Torre Romano is shy Orla’s worst nightmare—she’s never forgotten the crushing blow of his cruel rejection. Unfortunately her traitorous body can’t forget the...
. To Wear His Ring Again

To Wear His Ring Again

Шантель Шоу

For better or for worse?Desertion. The word sticks in Isobel Blake’s throat. How dare Marchese Contstantin de Severino accuse her of abandonment? Their marriage might have been hasty, but the loss of their child nearly destroyed her and...
. The Frenchman's Captive Wife

The Frenchman's Captive Wife

Шантель Шоу

Emily Vaillon left her husband, Luc, a year ago. She couldn't stay with a man who clearly didn't love her – especially after she discovered she was pregnant.Now Luc is back, demanding to see his son: Emily must go to his ch?teau to play the role...
. The Greek Boss's Bride

The Greek Boss's Bride

Шантель Шоу

Kezia Trevellyn is in love with her boss, Greek tycoon Nik Niarchou.But Nik only sees Kezia as his efficient assistant. But Kezia's dreams become reality when they begin a passionate affair. Wined, dined and seduced by Nik during long...
. The Greek Billionaire's Innocent Princess

The Greek Billionaire's Innocent Princess

Шантель Шоу

The Royal House of KaredesBook 1 in the fantastic Royal House of Karedes Series AND the full Royal House of Karedes Collection are available for a special price for a limited time only!Plain, plump Kitty Karedes is the forgotten princess – until...
. The Secret He Must Claim

The Secret He Must Claim

Шантель Шоу

An illicit encounter with the Spaniard…Heiress Elin Saunderson was instantly seduced by mysterious stranger Cortez. But after their sinful night together she was left alone…and pregnant! A year later, she learns that Cortez is the rightful...
. Hired: Mistress: Wanted: Mistress and Mother / His Private Mistress / The Millionaire's Secret Mistress

Hired: Mistress: Wanted: Mistress and Mother / His Private Mistress / The Millionaire's Secret Mistress

Шантель Шоу

At her boss’s command…Wanted: Mistress and Mother Carol MarinelliWhen ruthless Italian barrister Dante hires Matilda, the attraction between them is so intense he decides to take her as his mistress as well. Yet could their fiery passion reveal...
. Innocent Surrender: The Virgin's Proposition / The Virgin and His Majesty / Untouched Until Marriage

Innocent Surrender: The Virgin's Proposition / The Virgin and His Majesty / Untouched Until Marriage

Шантель Шоу

THE VIRGIN’S PROPOSITIONSensible Anny Chamion isn’t used to acting out of the ordinary. But a passionate encounter with the infamous Demetrios Savas has this virgin princess desperate to throw the rule book out of the window for a taste of...
. The Tycoon's Desire: Under the Tycoon's Protection / Tycoon Meets Texan! / The Greek Tycoon's Virgin Mistress

The Tycoon's Desire: Under the Tycoon's Protection / Tycoon Meets Texan! / The Greek Tycoon's Virgin Mistress

Шантель Шоу

Under The Tycoon’s Protection Security tycoon Connor Rafferty was employed to safeguard prosecutor Allison Whittaker. Connor’s barely restrained ardour should have been her warning not to take him into her home, mere footsteps from her bedroom....
. Mistress Of His Revenge

Mistress Of His Revenge

Шантель Шоу

Dressed in Delgado’s diamonds…No longer the Brazilian boy born to the streets, Cruz Delgado is the renowned owner of a diamond empire. But there is still one dent in his pride: aristocratic Sabrina Bancroft, the only woman ever to walk away from...
. The Virgin's Sicilian Protector

The Virgin's Sicilian Protector

Шантель Шоу

He’ll protect her with his life……and worship her with his body!Hired to keep heiress Arianna Fitzgerald safe, wealthy bodyguard Santino Vasari was expecting to meet a pampered princess. Yet beautiful Arianna intrigues him with her hidden...
. Wed For His Secret Heir

Wed For His Secret Heir

Шантель Шоу

From one-night mistress…To pregnant bride!With a new acquisition at stake, Giannis Gekas must shake his playboy reputation. Enlisting beautiful Ava Sheridan to pose as his fianc?e should be the key. Yet behind closed doors, their attraction is...
. The Throne He Must Take

The Throne He Must Take

Шантель Шоу

A missing prince…Playboy Jarek is no stranger to the darkness within him. Psychologist Dr Holly Maitland is his chance to unlock the secrets from his past. But, alone with Holly in the Austrian Alps, all Jarek can think about is peeling away her...
. Rags To Riches: Her Duty To Please: Nanny by Chance / The Nanny Who Saved Christmas / Behind the Castello Doors

Rags To Riches: Her Duty To Please: Nanny by Chance / The Nanny Who Saved Christmas / Behind the Castello Doors

Шантель Шоу

NANNY BY CHANCEJust as Araminta Pomfrey was to begin her nurse’s training, her parents volunteered her as a nanny to Dr. Marcus van der Breugh’s twin nephews. Outraged, Araminta decided to personally inform Marcus she would not do it. But after...
. Sheikh's Forbidden Conquest

Sheikh's Forbidden Conquest

Шантель Шоу

Taming the playboy prince!Sultan Kadir Al Sulaimar may be Europe’s most notorious playboy, but since his bride-to-be finally came of age, he’s sworn to be faithful to the princess he’s never met.Yet when feisty helicopter pilot Lexi Howard saves...
. Trapped By Vialli's Vows

Trapped By Vialli's Vows

Шантель Шоу

Escaping… with his heir!After falling for the notorious Italian tycoon, waitress Marnie Clarke is horrified to discover that – in Leandro Vialli’s world – she’s ‘his dirty little secret’. It breaks her fragile heart and she flees with her...
. Secret Affairs: The End of Faking It / Her Secret Fling / The Ultimate Risk

Secret Affairs: The End of Faking It / Her Secret Fling / The Ultimate Risk

Шантель Шоу

THE END OF FAKING IT Penny Fairburn knows that faking it is the way to avoid heartache…until she meets Carter Dodds. One night is enough for Carter to know he wants the real thing with Penny – but first he’s got to prove he’s worth the risk! HER...
. Secrets of a Powerful Man

Secrets of a Powerful Man

Шантель Шоу

Salvatore Castallano is haunted by the accident that left a blank in his memory. His young daughter is the one bright light in his dark existence and he’ll do anything for her… Even if that means moving a delicious temptation under his...
. One Night With The Prince: A Royal Without Rules

One Night With The Prince: A Royal Without Rules

Шантель Шоу

It’s a night she’ll never forget…A Royal without Rules by Caitlin CrewsRoyal PA Adriana Righetti is no stranger to scandal. But Prince Pato takes it to a whole new level. His infamous liaisons make him notorious! Keeping the playboy Prince out...
. Master Of Her Innocence

Master Of Her Innocence

Шантель Шоу

The purest of diamondsWhen renowned diamond magnate Diego Cazorra is asked to escort Sister Clare Marchant halfway across Brazil, he feels duty-bound to get her there—after all, without the help of the church he’d still be on the streets. But...
. Proud Greek, Ruthless Revenge

Proud Greek, Ruthless Revenge

Шантель Шоу

The Crime Thanos Savakis watches stunning Tahlia Reynolds like a wolf stalking its prey. She wronged the Savakis name, and for that she will be punished…The Punishment A proud, loyal man, Thanos seeks shamelessly to make her trust him, then...
. His Unexpected Legacy

His Unexpected Legacy

Шантель Шоу

Every action has a reaction…Sergio Castellano is dealing with a scandal of epic proportions. An alleged engagement, the arrival of an ex-lover and a business deal in ruins. Throw into the mix a three-year-old son he never knew he had – he’s...
. A Bride Worth Millions

A Bride Worth Millions

Шантель Шоу

A million reasons to say «I do»Athena Howard can't believe she did it. In an outrageously large wedding dress, she climbed out the window and escaped The Wedding of the Year and the fianc? who lied to her. And she fell……straight into Luca De...
. Irresistible Greeks: Dark and Determined: The Kanellis Scandal / The Greek's Acquisition / Along Came Twins…

Irresistible Greeks: Dark and Determined: The Kanellis Scandal / The Greek's Acquisition / Along Came Twins…

Шантель Шоу

The Kanellis Scandal"It is not wise to make him angry…"…But Anton Pallis is livid! As the adopted son of the Kanellis patriarch, he's set to inherit the vast family fortune. Until it's revealed there's a true heir – in the rather appealing shape...
. Bound To The Billionaire: Captive in His Castle / In Petrakis's Power / The Count's Prize

Bound To The Billionaire: Captive in His Castle / In Petrakis's Power / The Count's Prize

Шантель Шоу

Captured by CassariDrago Cassari would stake his multinational business on the fact that Jess Harper is a thief and a liar. In order to protect his family, he must keep her close. But captive in his palazzo feisty Jess soon gets under his skin....
. Eligible Greeks: Tycoon's Revenge: Proud Greek, Ruthless Revenge / The Power of the Legendary Greek / The Greek Millionaire's Mistress

Eligible Greeks: Tycoon's Revenge: Proud Greek, Ruthless Revenge / The Power of the Legendary Greek / The Greek Millionaire's Mistress

Шантель Шоу

Unleashed desire…Retribution is best served passionately and behind closed doors. So, for his revenge, Thanos plans to have Tahlia at his beck and call – until he discovers how innocent she is.When renowned tycoon Lukas finds Isobel on his...
. One Night in Buenos Aires: The V?squez Mistress

One Night in Buenos Aires: The V?squez Mistress

Шантель Шоу

One night with a sensual Argentinian…The Vasquez MistressInnocent Faith was working on Raul de Vasquez’s luxurious Argentinian estancia, but once the polo-playing billionaire set eyes on her, he wanted her in his bed, not looking after his...
. One Night in Madrid: Spanish Billionaire, Innocent Wife / The Spaniard's Defiant Virgin / The Spanish Duke's Virgin Bride

One Night in Madrid: Spanish Billionaire, Innocent Wife / The Spaniard's Defiant Virgin / The Spanish Duke's Virgin Bride

Шантель Шоу

One night with a sexy Spaniard…Spanish Billionaire, Innocent wife Raul wanted Alannah the first moment he saw her. Her unique combination of purity and passion intrigued and intoxicated the proud Spanish aristocrat. And Raul Esteban was a man...
. Billionaire's Secret

Billionaire's Secret

Шантель Шоу

When the secrets of the past won’t stay buried!Once the heart-throb of the social circuit, gorgeous Nicolo Chatsfield now lives alone, with only his painful past as his companion. No one dares get close to Nicolo, or reach out to his dark and...
. Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy

Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy

Шантель Шоу

Bedded for the Italian’s pleasure… Claimed for his baby! Sienna should not be secretly attending her ex-husband’s wedding, but she has to see the woman Nico De Conti has replaced her with. Until she realises Nico isn’t the groom… Mortified, she...
. Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Шантель Шоу

He’ll give her five million reasons… To marry him! Infuriatingly, the only way Rafael Mendoza-Casillas can become CEO of the Casillas Group is if he marries. Yet this notorious Spanish playboy isn’t the commitment kind. Until penniless single...
. At the Sheikh's Bidding

At the Sheikh's Bidding

Шантель Шоу

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Forced to marry – a sheikh! Erin Maguire’s life changes overnight when she discovers her adopted son is heir to the...
. Argentinian Playboy, Unexpected Love-Child

Argentinian Playboy, Unexpected Love-Child

Шантель Шоу

Infamous Argentinian… Billionaire polo player Diego Ortega has seen the world and sampled many of its women. Sweet British beauty Rachel Summers has sated his appetite – so why does he find his body yearning for more?Pregnant stable-girl! Rachel...
. The Ultimate Risk

The Ultimate Risk

Шантель Шоу

For better…or for worse? When she sees Lanzo di Cosimo again after ten years, Gina Bailey’s pulse races at the memories of their heady affair – a time when life seemed perfect. Now she is far from being the carefree innocent she was before....
. Untouched Until Marriage

Untouched Until Marriage

Шантель Шоу

Mother of the Carducci heir… or innocent virgin? When infamous Raul Carducci learns that a little baby may challenge his inheritance he will stop at nothing – a new Carducci heir will not take away what is rightfully his. To safeguard baby Gino,...
. The Greek Boss's Bride

The Greek Boss's Bride

Шантель Шоу

Kezia Trevellyn is in love with her boss, Greek tycoon Nik Niarchou.But Nik only sees Kezia as his efficient assistant. But Kezia's dreams become reality when they begin a passionate affair. Wined, dined and seduced by Nik during long...
. Mistress Of His Revenge

Mistress Of His Revenge

Шантель Шоу

Dressed in Delgado’s diamonds…No longer the Brazilian boy born to the streets, Cruz Delgado is the renowned owner of a diamond empire. But there is still one dent in his pride: aristocratic Sabrina Bancroft, the only woman ever to walk away from...
. A Bride Worth Millions

A Bride Worth Millions

Шантель Шоу

A million reasons to say «I do» Athena Howard can't believe she did it. In an outrageously large wedding dress, she climbed out the window and escaped The Wedding of the Year and the fianc? who lied to her. And she fell……straight into Luca...
. His Secretary Mistress

His Secretary Mistress

Шантель Шоу

Jenna Deane is thrilled with her new dream job. Her boss, handsome lawyer Alex Morrell, is known for his tough tactics. He's made it clear to Jenna that he expects his assistant to be available whenever he needs her. So how can she tell him...
. Acquired By Her Greek Boss

Acquired By Her Greek Boss

Шантель Шоу

A mistress to seal the deal…Greek tycoon Alekos Gionakis thought he knew the value of his secretary, but her newly transformed appearance – and surprising secret parentage – has him reappraising his most precious asset!Alekos knows that he can...
. The Throne He Must Take

The Throne He Must Take

Шантель Шоу

A missing prince…Playboy Jarek is no stranger to the darkness within him. Psychologist Dr Holly Maitland is his chance to unlock the secrets from his past. But, alone with Holly in the Austrian Alps, all Jarek can think about is peeling away her...
. The Secret He Must Claim

The Secret He Must Claim

Шантель Шоу

An illicit encounter with the Spaniard…Heiress Elin Saunderson was instantly seduced by mysterious stranger Cortez. But after their sinful night together she was left alone…and pregnant! A year later, she learns that Cortez is the rightful...
. Wed For His Secret Heir

Wed For His Secret Heir

Шантель Шоу

From one-night mistress…To pregnant bride!With a new acquisition at stake, Giannis Gekas must shake his playboy reputation. Enlisting beautiful Ava Sheridan to pose as his fianc?e should be the key. Yet behind closed doors, their attraction is...
. Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Wed For The Spaniard's Redemption

Шантель Шоу

He’ll give her five million reasons…To marry him!Infuriatingly, the only way Rafael Mendoza-Casillas can become CEO of the Casillas Group is if he marries. Yet this notorious Spanish playboy isn’t the commitment kind. Until penniless single...
. Mistresses: Passionate Revenge

Mistresses: Passionate Revenge

Шантель Шоу

Revenge is sweetDesperate for a job, homeless and penniless housekeeper Cleo Taylor takes up the business offer from billionaire tycoon Andreas Xenides – his fake mistress for a month for one million dollars! But how long can this fake...
. To Wear His Ring Again

To Wear His Ring Again

Шантель Шоу

For better or for worse?Desertion. The word sticks in Isobel Blake’s throat. How dare Marchese Contstantin de Severino accuse her of abandonment? Their marriage might have been hasty, but the loss of their child nearly destroyed her and...
. Master Of Her Innocence

Master Of Her Innocence

Шантель Шоу

The purest of diamondsWhen renowned diamond magnate Diego Cazorra is asked to escort Sister Clare Marchant halfway across Brazil, he feels duty-bound to get her there—after all, without the help of the church he’d still be on the streets. But...
. Postcards From Rio

Postcards From Rio

Шантель Шоу

Unforgettable Brazilian nightsWhen renowned diamond magnate Diego Cazorra is asked to escort Sister Clare Marchant halfway across Brazil, he feels duty-bound to get her there—after all, without the help of the church he’d still be on the...
. Modern Romance April 2019 Books  5-8

Modern Romance April 2019 Books 5-8

Шантель Шоу

Four red-hot romances from Mills & Boon!Spaniard’s Baby of Revenge by Clare ConnellyAntonio Herrera’s plan is simple: persuade innocent Amelia diSalvo to sell the shares in his rival’s business. But what the Spanish billionaire didn’t plan...
. The Howard Sisters

The Howard Sisters

Шантель Шоу

Taming the playboy prince!Sultan Kadir Al Sulaimar may be Europe’s most notorious playboy, but since his bride-to-be finally came of age, he’s sworn to be faithful to the princess he’s never met.Yet when feisty helicopter pilot Lexi Howard saves...
. Ruthless Russian, Lost Innocence

Ruthless Russian, Lost Innocence

Шантель Шоу

The virgin’s awakeningViolinist Ella Stafford isn’t used to parties, so it’s little wonder she’s overwhelmed by brooding Russian Vadim Aleksandrov! The throbbing, raw attraction takes fragile English beauty Ella out of her depth… …and into his...
. Behind The Castello Doors

Behind The Castello Doors

Шантель Шоу

Torment on his doorstepCesario Piras, brooding master of the Castello del Falco, wasn’t prepared for the visitor who turned up on his doorstep during a raging storm – or for the little bundle bearing the Piras name she had in tow. Cesario’s head...
. His Unknown Heir

His Unknown Heir

Шантель Шоу

She committed a sin…and hides a shocking secret… Ramon Velaquez, heir to the Velaquez winery, clearly stated his cardinal rule to Lauren Maitland – he can’t promise her more than a red-hot affair. Whilst she heard the words, her heart wasn’t...
. Proof Of Their Forbidden Night

Proof Of Their Forbidden Night

Шантель Шоу

Forbidden, seduced… pregnant with his baby!Greek CEO Andreas knows seducing innocent Isla would be a huge mistake. She’s completely off-limits! But thrown together on an Aegean island paradise, neither can resist indulging in their illicit temptation…
. At Dante's Service

At Dante's Service

Шантель Шоу

Too hot to handle! Private chef Rebekah Evans has vowed to keep her oven gloves firmly off her boss, sizzlingly hot celebrity divorce lawyer Dante Jarrell. But one night things heat up in the kitchen… Dante never would have imagined that...
. Rags To Riches: Her Duty To Please

Rags To Riches: Her Duty To Please

Шантель Шоу

NANNY BY CHANCEJust as Araminta Pomfrey was to begin her nurse’s training, her parents volunteered her as a nanny to Dr. Marcus van der Breugh’s twin nephews. Outraged, Araminta decided to personally inform Marcus she would not do it. But after...
. Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy

Reunited By A Shock Pregnancy

Шантель Шоу

Bedded for the Italian’s pleasure…Claimed for his baby!Sienna should not be secretly attending her ex-husband’s wedding, but she has to see the woman Nico De Conti has replaced her with. Until she realises Nico isn’t the groom… Mortified, she...
. Seduced By The Boss

Seduced By The Boss

Шантель Шоу

The Boss’s ProposalGorgeous, tycoon Hugh Montcrieff might be the office heartthrob, but he does not date employees! Until he needs a fake date for an event, and decides his quirky new graphic designer Bella Faraday is the perfect candidate. But...
. Innocent Surrender

Innocent Surrender

Шантель Шоу

THE VIRGIN’S PROPOSITION Sensible Anny Chamion isn’t used to acting out of the ordinary. But a passionate encounter with the infamous Demetrios Savas has this virgin princess desperate to throw the rule book out of the window for a taste of...
. Modern Romance September 2015 Books 5-8

Modern Romance September 2015 Books 5-8

Шантель Шоу

Modern Romance September Books 5-8TRADED TO THE DESERT SHEIKH by Caitlin CrewsIn the desert, Sheikh Kavian's word is law. So the defiance of his promised queen, Amaya, who flees after their betrothal ceremony, is intolerable! Kavian's...
. Eligible Greeks: Tycoon's Revenge

Eligible Greeks: Tycoon's Revenge

Шантель Шоу

Unleashed desire…Retribution is best served passionately and behind closed doors. So, for his revenge, Thanos plans to have Tahlia at his beck and call – until he discovers how innocent she is.When renowned tycoon Lukas finds Isobel on his...
. Modern Romance Collection: August 2017 Books 5 -8

Modern Romance Collection: August 2017 Books 5 -8

Шантель Шоу

Four tempting romances from the Modern Mills & Boon authors!The Secret He Must Claim by Chantelle ShawCarrying the Spaniard's Child by Jennie LucasA Ring for the Greek's Baby by Melanie MilburneBought for the Billionaire's...
. One Night in Buenos Aires

One Night in Buenos Aires

Шантель Шоу

One night with a sensual Argentinian…The Vasquez MistressInnocent Faith was working on Raul de Vasquez’s luxurious Argentinian estancia, but once the polo-playing billionaire set eyes on her, he wanted her in his bed, not looking after his...
. One Night in Madrid

One Night in Madrid

Шантель Шоу

One night with a sexy Spaniard…Spanish Billionaire, Innocent wife Raul wanted Alannah the first moment he saw her. Her unique combination of purity and passion intrigued and intoxicated the proud Spanish aristocrat. And Raul Esteban was a man...
. Bound To The Billionaire

Bound To The Billionaire

Шантель Шоу

Captured by CassariDrago Cassari would stake his multinational business on the fact that Jess Harper is a thief and a liar. In order to protect his family, he must keep her close. But captive in his palazzo feisty Jess soon gets under his skin....
. Modern Romance February Books 5-8

Modern Romance February Books 5-8

Шантель Шоу

The Consequence of His Vengeance – Jennie LucasTen years ago, with her father arrested for fraud, Letty Spencer became the most hated ex-socialite in Manhattan, forced to push away the only man she’s ever loved. Now, Darius Kyrillos is no longer...
. The Gold Collection: Surrender To The Tycoon

The Gold Collection: Surrender To The Tycoon

Шантель Шоу

At Dante’s ServiceToo hot to handle!Private chef Rebekah Evans has vowed to keep her oven gloves firmly off her boss, sizzlingly hot celebrity divorce lawyer Dante Jarrell. But one night things heat up in the kitchen… Dante never would have...
. Secret Affairs

Secret Affairs

Шантель Шоу

THE END OF FAKING IT Penny Fairburn knows that faking it is the way to avoid heartache…until she meets Carter Dodds. One night is enough for Carter to know he wants the real thing with Penny – but first he’s got to prove he’s worth the risk! HER...
. Billionaire's Secret

Billionaire's Secret

Шантель Шоу

When the secrets of the past won’t stay buried!Once the heart-throb of the social circuit, gorgeous Nicolo Chatsfield now lives alone, with only his painful past as his companion. No one dares get close to Nicolo, or reach out to his dark and...
. Hired For Romano's Pleasure

Hired For Romano's Pleasure

Шантель Шоу

Orla’s to-do list: #1—resist my arrogant new boss!Working for cut-throat billionaire Torre Romano is shy Orla’s worst nightmare—she’s never forgotten the crushing blow of his cruel rejection. Unfortunately her traitorous body can’t forget the...
. One Night With The Prince

One Night With The Prince

Шантель Шоу

It’s a night she’ll never forget…A Royal without Rules by Caitlin CrewsRoyal PA Adriana Righetti is no stranger to scandal. But Prince Pato takes it to a whole new level. His infamous liaisons make him notorious! Keeping the playboy Prince out...
. The Virgin's Sicilian Protector

The Virgin's Sicilian Protector

Шантель Шоу

He’ll protect her with his life……and worship her with his body!Hired to keep heiress Arianna Fitzgerald safe, wealthy bodyguard Santino Vasari was expecting to meet a pampered princess. Yet beautiful Arianna intrigues him with her hidden...
. The Greek Billionaire's Innocent Princess

The Greek Billionaire's Innocent Princess

Шантель Шоу

The Royal House of KaredesBook 1 in the fantastic Royal House of Karedes Series AND the full Royal House of Karedes Collection are available for a special price for a limited time only!Plain, plump Kitty Karedes is the forgotten princess – until...
. After the Greek Affair

After the Greek Affair

Шантель Шоу

The passion pay-back…Billionaire tycoon Loukas Christakis has learned the hard way never to trust a woman. The only female he cares about is his soon-to-be-married little sister. And that’s why he’s reluctantly allowed struggling designer Belle...
. A Dangerous Infatuation

A Dangerous Infatuation

Шантель Шоу

Off-limits…but irresistible! Rocco D’Angelo doesn’t do needy women – and he certainly doesn’t do commitment! But the spark notorious playboy Rocco feels with his beloved grandmother’s nurse Emma Marchant is more than the usual...
. The Greek's Acquisition

The Greek's Acquisition

Шантель Шоу

When dealing with the devil… It’s taken years for the Dimitri-Kalakos-sized hole in Louise Frobisher’s heart to heal. Yet now she has to face him once again – she needs the ruthless magnate’s financial help…but absolutely nothing more! Be...
. Captive In His Castle

Captive In His Castle

Шантель Шоу

Captured by CassariDrago Cassari would stake his multinational business on the fact that Jess Harper is a thief and a liar. In order to protect his family he must keep her close. But, captive in his palazzo, feisty Jess soon gets under his skin....
. The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

The Frenchman's Marriage Demand

Шантель Шоу

She was his pregnant mistress. . . Two years ago, Freya Addison fell for sexy billionaire Zac Deverell. He gave her everything money could buy, and more pleasure in the bedroom than she'd thought possible. But when Freya announced she was...
. His Unexpected Legacy

His Unexpected Legacy

Шантель Шоу

Every action has a reaction…Sergio Castellano is dealing with a scandal of epic proportions. An alleged engagement, the arrival of an ex-lover and a business deal in ruins. Throw into the mix a three-year-old son he never knew he had – he’s...
. The Frenchman's Captive Wife

The Frenchman's Captive Wife

Шантель Шоу

Emily Vaillon left her husband, Luc, a year ago. She couldn't stay with a man who clearly didn't love her – especially after she discovered she was pregnant.Now Luc is back, demanding to see his son: Emily must go to his ch?teau to...
. Secrets Of A Powerful Man

Secrets Of A Powerful Man

Шантель Шоу

Salvatore Castallano is haunted by the accident that left a blank in his memory. His young daughter is the one bright light in his dark existence and he’ll do anything for her… Even if that means moving a delicious temptation under his...
. Irresistible Greeks: Dark and Determined

Irresistible Greeks: Dark and Determined

Шантель Шоу

The Kanellis Scandal"It is not wise to make him angry…"…But Anton Pallis is livid! As the adopted son of the Kanellis patriarch, he's set to inherit the vast family fortune. Until it's revealed there's a true heir – in the rather...
. Секрет запретных ночей

Секрет запретных ночей

Шантель Шоу

Генеральный директор крупной греческой компании Андреас Карелис знает, что соблазнять невинную Айлу Стэнфорд было бы огромной ошибкой, поэтому тщательно скрывает влечение к ней. Когда-то она работала экономкой в доме его отца, и он, незаметно...
. Битва на арене любви

Битва на арене любви

Шантель Шоу

Миллионер Драго Кассари уверен в том, что Джесс Харпер – воровка и лгунья, обманувшая его сестру. Желая обезопасить семью, Драго выслеживает Джесс и отправляется за ней в Грецию. Но дерзкая Джесс так сильно очаровывает его самого, что он...
. Английская роза

Английская роза

Шантель Шоу

Карлос Сегарра – знаменитый теннисист, чемпион, красавец, миллионер. Бетси Миллер – скромная студентка, которая подрабатывает экономкой. Они провели вместе лишь одну незабываемую ночь и разошлись, казалось, навсегда. Полтора года спустя Карлос...
. Путешествие в мир чувств

Путешествие в мир чувств

Шантель Шоу

Владелец сети отелей, Такис Самарас, был шафером на свадьбе сестры Лиссы Бьюкенен. Во время церемонии Лисса не спускала глаз с высокого мускулистого красавца. А он много лет назад поклялся никогда серьезно не увлекаться женщиной, но, судя по...
. Соблазнить или влюбиться?

Соблазнить или влюбиться?

Шантель Шоу

Могут ли в современном мире повстречаться принц и русалка? Могут, если девушка плавает в моноласте, а яхта принца потерпела крушение. Но может ли между такими разными людьми зародиться искреннее чувство?..
. Максимальный риск

Максимальный риск

Шантель Шоу

Наверное, каждая женщина помнит свою первую любовь. И Джина не исключение. Она не единственная, чье сердце попыталось вырваться из груди, когда в переполненной комнате она увидела мужчину, в которого когда-то была страстно влюблена. Но красавец...
. Мое сокровище

Мое сокровище

Шантель Шоу

Рауль Кардуччи считает себя единственным наследником семейного бизнеса. Однако выясняется, что отец завещал половину состояния своему внебрачному сыну. Шокированный, Рауль бросается на поиски неведомой охотницы за богатством, которая наверняка...

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