Автор: Оливия Гейтс

. Незнакомка из прошлого

Незнакомка из прошлого

Оливия Гейтс

Джохара с детства была влюблена в принца Шахина, но прекрасно знала – им не суждено быть вместе, так как принц должен избрать невесту, выгодную королевским интересам. И вот наконец страшный день настал: объявлена помолвка Шахина…
. Танцующая под дождем

Танцующая под дождем

Оливия Гейтс

Марам, дочь правителя небольшой страны, давно влюблена в Амджада – принца соседнего восточного королевства. Но жизнь до сих пор складывалась так, что она не могла сказать ему о своей любви. И вот Амджад неожиданно приглашает ее на прогулку в...
. Огненная чародейка

Огненная чародейка

Оливия Гейтс

Роксана и Хайдар когда-то страстно любили друг друга, но, не в силах преодолеть непонимание и подозрения, расстались. И вот спустя годы они встречаются вновь, и вновь сила желания бросает их в объятия друг друга. Теперь, когда оба набрались...
. Сладкое утешение

Сладкое утешение

Оливия Гейтс

Его судьба – стать королем. Но чтобы иметь шанс выиграть борьбу за трон Азмахара, Рашид аль-Мансури должен жениться на Лейле аль-Шалаан, чтобы она родила ему наследника. Лейла всегда тайно обожала Рашида. Она забывает обо всем, купаясь в любви к...
. Приказано жениться

Приказано жениться

Оливия Гейтс

Глори любила Винченцо, а он порвал с ней, заявив, что нашел замену. Но через шесть лет он с помощью шантажа заставляет ее выйти за него замуж – на один год. Странная ситуация. Однако Глори намерена насладиться – пусть временным – счастьем.
. Лекарство от скуки

Лекарство от скуки

Оливия Гейтс

Канза давно полюбила Арама Назаряна, но ей не на что было надеяться – ведь она не блистала красотой. Они не виделись десять лет, а когда снова встретились, Канзе показалось, что Арам всерьез интересуется ею. Но почему? Раскроет ли она эту тайну?
. Назвать своей

Назвать своей

Оливия Гейтс

Проведя вместе ночь безумной страсти, Калиопа Сарантос и русский олигарх Максим Волков решают продолжить встречи без обязательств. Неожиданная беременность Калиопы все меняет, и Максим бросает любовницу. Однако после недолгого отсутствия Волков...
. Сладкая пытка

Сладкая пытка

Оливия Гейтс

Отец принцессы Дженан собирается выдать дочь замуж за представителя королевской династии, но она отчаянно сопротивляется воле родителя. Случайное знакомство шейха Нумара и Дженан обернулось авантюрой для них обоих: Нумар готов спасти принцессу...
. Вероломная обольстительница

Вероломная обольстительница

Оливия Гейтс

Элиана полюбила красавца-миллионера Рафаэля, но тот оказался врагом ее отца. Между двумя мужчинами, которых она любит больше всего на свете, стоит кровавая тайна прошлого. Сумеет ли Элиана сохранить любовь и доказать, что ее отец – не предатель?
. На расстоянии вдоха

На расстоянии вдоха

Оливия Гейтс

Райден Куроширо узнал женщину, которую он когда-то любил и которая выманила у него пятьдесят миллионов долларов. Точнее, не узнал, а почувствовал, что рыжеволосая красавица Скарлетт и предавшая его пять лет назад Ханна – один и тот же человек....
. Когда страсть разгорается вновь

Когда страсть разгорается вновь

Оливия Гейтс

За маской успешного и влиятельного бизнесмена Ричард Грейвс скрывает темное прошлое и боль сокрушительных потерь. Лишь Изабелле почти удалось растопить его ледяное сердце, но взаимное недоверие стало причиной того, что они расстались. Прошло...
. Роковое наваждение

Роковое наваждение

Оливия Гейтс

Наоми Синклер винит себя за то, что когда-то попала под магнетические чары богатого и властного красавца Андреаса Сарантоса. Он с самого начала их отношений не скрывал, что связь с Наоми для него лишь страсть. Даже став женой Андреаса, Наоми все...
. Королева соблазна

Королева соблазна

Оливия Гейтс

Российский миллиардер Иван Константинов, проданный в детстве в рабство тайной Организации, вопреки всему выживает и становится очень успешным человеком. Когда-то он был влюблен в Анастейшу Шеферд, но вынужденно оставил ее, решив, что рядом с ним...
. Повод для знакомства

Повод для знакомства

Оливия Гейтс

Миллиардное состояние, неограниченная власть и статус одаренного хирурга не могут стереть из памяти Антонио Балдуччи страшное прошлое. В детстве Антонио, внебрачного ребенка юной аристократки, отдали в сиротский приют, откуда его забрала...
. Immortal, Insatiable, Indomitable

Immortal, Insatiable, Indomitable

Оливия Гейтс

Vidar, an immortal in the service of the Norse god Loki, is ready to die—until he lays eyes on the most beautiful mortal he's encountered in centuries. Not only is Kara sexy and eager to be ravished by him, but she also defends him from...
. Temporarily His Princess

Temporarily His Princess

Оливия Гейтс

When his King says Prince Vincenzo D’Agostino must marry, the confirmed bachelor knows only one woman will do: Glory Monaghan, the lover who betrayed him six years ago.By forcing her hand, he’ll appease his ruler – and get the woman he can’t...
. The Billionaires of Black Castle

The Billionaires of Black Castle

Оливия Гейтс

Will this doctor’s passion trump vengeance? Find out in this billionaire boss novel from USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Gates!Rumors swirl around the world-famous surgeon who just added Dr. Liliana Accardi’s research lab to his vast empire....
. The Billionaires of Black Castle

The Billionaires of Black Castle

Оливия Гейтс

Revenge and love collide in this Billionaires of Black Castle novel by USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia GatesRafael Salazar came back to Rio to destroy the man who stole his childhood. Then he spies the beauty across the ballroom…and passion...
. The Sheikh's Redemption

The Sheikh's Redemption

Оливия Гейтс

For Prince Haidar Aal Shalaan, taking the reins of a kingdom in chaos is a matter of honour.And then there is Roxanne Gleeson, the lover who once rejected him. Now she pretends a cold disdain for their desperate passion. But he will not be...
. The Sheikh's Claim

The Sheikh's Claim

Оливия Гейтс

Their tempestuous relationship had crashed and burned, and Lujayn Morgan had left Prince Jalal Aal Shalaan to marry another–a man who'd died soon after. And then…Jalal and Lujayn had met again and shared one unforgettable night. Now there...
. The Sheikh's Destiny

The Sheikh's Destiny

Оливия Гейтс

Rashid Aal Munsoori believes capturing the throne of his homeland is his destiny.And seducing and marrying Laylah Aal Shalaan is his only way to beat his rivals to it. But when she discovers his plan and casts him out of her heart, does winning...
. The Billionaires of Black Castle

The Billionaires of Black Castle

Оливия Гейтс

Can a pregnant bride heal this tycoon’s tormented past? Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Gates!Russian billionaire Ivan Konstantinov spent decades struggling with the treachery that almost destroyed him. But when Anastasia Shepherd,...
. The Billionaires of Black Castle

The Billionaires of Black Castle

Оливия Гейтс

Secrets drove them apart. Can their child reunite them? Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Gates…Richard Graves has long battled his dark heritage and only one woman nearly shattered his elegant facade. Though he seduced Isabella...
. Conveniently His Princess

Conveniently His Princess

Оливия Гейтс

To return to the desert kingdom of Zohayd and take a vital post there, ambitious billionaire Aram Nazaryan must marry Kanza Aal Ajmaan. But after he has met her Aram finds Kanza is anything but a convenient bride.The price for his return may be...
. Broken Resolutions

Broken Resolutions

Оливия Гейтс

A Rule Worth Breaking by Maggie CoxWorld-class music producer Jake never gives into temptation when it comes to work. But Caitlin is an irresistible force… and the ultimate test of his golden rule.The Man She Can't Forget Maggie CoxWhen...
. Billionaires: The Royal

Billionaires: The Royal

Оливия Гейтс

A scandalous hero in the palace!Queen Tabitha is resolved to flee her loveless marriage to King Kairos, even though she’s carrying his heir. Discovering her secret, Kairos wants to ensure his wife returns to his side. Could one last chance- and...
. The Billionaires Collection

The Billionaires Collection

Оливия Гейтс

The sexiest billionaire stories from some of your favourite Mills & Boon authors!Featuring the anthologies:• Billionaires: The Playboy• Billionaires: The Rebel• Billionaires: The Hero• Billionaires: The Tycoon• Billionaires: The Royal•...
. Married By Christmas

Married By Christmas

Оливия Гейтс

The perfect season for a sparkling snowbound wedding!Billionaire Ivan spent decades struggling with the treachery that almost destroyed him. But when Anastasia Shepherd, the only woman he’s ever loved, suffers a near-fatal injury, he risks...
. Dreaming Of... Brazil

Dreaming Of... Brazil

Оливия Гейтс

Hot Latin Nights!Wealthy polo champion Tiago Santos needs a wife, but he won’t be tamed. Danny Cameron is the perfect candidate, practical, poised and understanding of the arrangement. But as their wedding night approaches Danny and Tiago’s may...
. The Best Kept Secrets...

The Best Kept Secrets...

Оливия Гейтс

The Secret Affair by Brenda JacksonDr Aidan Westmoreland and Jillian Novak ended their secret affair over a year ago…but now Aidan wants Jillian back, and is willing to travel around to world to prove it!Her Pregnancy Secret by Ann MajorMichael...
. By Royal Decree

By Royal Decree

Оливия Гейтс

Royally Romanced by Marie DonovanWhen Georgio Di Leone visits New York he finds wedding dress maker Renata Pavoni irresistible! But can a normal gal finally get her “sexily ever after” with a real-life prince…?The English Lord’s Secret Son by...
. The Dreaming Of... Collection

The Dreaming Of... Collection

Оливия Гейтс

Escape to far off places and discover romance…Dreaming of… BrazilAt the Brazilian’s Command by Susan StephensMarried for the Prince’s Convenience by Maya BlakeFrom Enemy’s Daughter to Expectant Bride by Olivia GatesDreaming of… FranceThe Husband...
. The Billionaire's Conquest

The Billionaire's Conquest

Оливия Гейтс

He will stop at nothing to claim her!Caught in the Billionaire’s Embrace by Elizabeth BevarlyWhen Marcus Fallon lays eyes on Della Hannan he knows she’s meant to be his. One night is not enough for Marcus, but Della wants no more. The infamous...
. Mistresses: The Consequences Of Desire

Mistresses: The Consequences Of Desire

Оливия Гейтс

It Takes Two To Make Three!Beach Bar Baby by Heidi RiceElla jets off to sunny Bermuda for a bit of solo R&R… Why say no to a casual date with ripped, tanned and enigmatic Cooper Delaney? Now Coop can’t get the sweet London girl out of his...
. Sheikh's Dark Seduction

Sheikh's Dark Seduction

Оливия Гейтс

Seduced by the SultanCatrin Thomas’s life was perfectly normal until she was swept into a steamy affair with a desert sultan. When heartbroken Catrin then defies him, sexy, all-powerful Murat is determined to reclaim her, but she will not be his...
. The Sheikh's Collection

The Sheikh's Collection

Оливия Гейтс

Ride off into the sunset with six sensual desert collections…Sheikh’s Captured BrideThe Sheikh’s Prize by Lynne GrahamThe Sheikh’s Son by Kristi GoldCaptured by the Sheikh by Kate HewittSheikh’s Defiant WifeDefiant in the Desert by Sharon...
. The Desert Lord's Bride / Wed by Deception

The Desert Lord's Bride / Wed by Deception

Оливия Гейтс

The Desert Lord’s Bride Olivia Gates The future of Judar rests with Farah Beaumont, a foreigner who knows nothing of her heritage. To secure his country’s peace, Prince Shehab Aal Masood must make her his bride – by any means! Hiding his...
. The Prodigal Prince's Seduction / The Heir's Scandalous Affair

The Prodigal Prince's Seduction / The Heir's Scandalous Affair

Оливия Гейтс

The Prodigal Prince’s Seduction Olivia GatesAs a rich man, Prince Durante D’Agostino often received incredible offers. Yet the woman attached to this one had come to bring the prince back to Castaldini to become its king. After one fiery night,...
. The Mistresses Collection

The Mistresses Collection

Оливия Гейтс

The Mistresses Collection:The Billionaire’s Trophy by Lynne GrahamStrictly Temporary by Robyn GradyWhose Bed is it Anyway? by Natalie AndersonNo More Sweet Surrender by Caitlin CrewsA Deal with Di Capua by Cathy WilliamsHer Return to King’s Bed...
. Best of Desire

Best of Desire

Оливия Гейтс

THE BEST OF DESIREEight super Desire romances – with heroes that are to-die-for!THE MAVERICK PRINCE by Catherine MannThe world knew him only as Tony Medina, shipping magnate, lover of the finer things in life…including Shannon Crawford. And then...
. Escaping with the Billionaire

Escaping with the Billionaire

Оливия Гейтс

Two fan-favorite romance stories from USA Today bestselling author Catherine Mann and Olivia Gates.The Maverick PrinceHe's known as Tony Medina, Texas shipping magnate. But then his royal heritage is splashed across the tabloids, and his...
. Have Baby, Need Billionaire & The Sarantos Secret Baby

Have Baby, Need Billionaire & The Sarantos Secret Baby

Оливия Гейтс

Two fan-favorite stories of powerful men…wrapped around their babies' little fingersHave Baby, Need Billionaire by Maureen Child Simon Bradley has certainly never met–or gone to bed with–Tula Barrons. He'd remember that. Still he lets...
. Midnight on the Sands

Midnight on the Sands

Оливия Гейтс

Burning Desert Sands… A Passionate SheikhHajar's Hidden LegacyScarred Sheikh Zahir rules his country alone until duty demands he take Princess Katherine as his bride. And soon the heat between them is burning hotter than the scorching...
. Claiming His Own

Claiming His Own

Оливия Гейтс

From their first explosive night, Caliope Sarantos and Russian tycoon Maksim Volkov agreed to no commitment.Then her pregnancy changed everything.Though Maksim made the baby his heir, he disappeared. Now he’s back, offering Caliope everything…
. The Billionaires of Black Castle

The Billionaires of Black Castle

Оливия Гейтс

The sheikh bargains for an heir in this story by USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia GatesAt first sight, Sheikh Numair Al Aswad’s lethal sensuality overwhelms Princess Jenan Aal Ghamdi. And when he rescues her from an arranged marriage, he has...
. Emergency Marriage

Emergency Marriage

Оливия Гейтс

A marriage made in crisis!Dr. Laura Burnside is pregnant, single and alone. Her dream job as head of Global Aid Organization in Argentina has been snatched out of her hands by the arrogant Dr. Armando Salazar. She has nowhere to go.And then...
. Airborne Emergency

Airborne Emergency

Оливия Гейтс

Fasten your seatbelts… turbulence ahead!Surgeon Cassandra St. James can't wait to join the Global Aid Organization's new flying Jet Hospital. Nothing could be more thrilling and challenging… until she encounters mission leader Vidal...
. Twin Heirs To His Throne

Twin Heirs To His Throne

Оливия Гейтс

Is the prince back for his twin babies…but not the love he left behind? Only from USA TODAY bestselling author Olivia Gates!After a passionate affair, Prince Leonid Voronov of Zorya disappears, leaving Kassandra Stavros with beautiful twin girls...
. Billionaire, M.D. / Secrets of the Playboy's Bride

Billionaire, M.D. / Secrets of the Playboy's Bride

Оливия Гейтс

Billionaire, M. D. Spanish billionaire Rodrigo Valderrama rushed to the side of the woman he’s always wanted the moment he learned of her accident. Whisking Cybele away to his palatial seafront estate, the wealthy surgeon vowed to care for and...
. To Touch a Sheikh

To Touch a Sheikh

Оливия Гейтс

When Princess Maram destroys Prince Amjad’s plans to reclaim what was stolen from his family, he sees red and uses a sandstorm to make her his prisoner of passion. Saved by the man she loves, Maram knows she has to make Amjad see her as a woman....
. The Billionaire Gets His Way / The Sarantos Secret Baby

The Billionaire Gets His Way / The Sarantos Secret Baby

Оливия Гейтс

THE BILLIONAIRE GETS HIS WAYHe'd carved out his empire with hard work and steely determination. But now billionaire Gavin Mason's reputation was in question. All because he resembled a character in Violet Tandy's bestselling...
. The Desert Surgeon's Secret Son

The Desert Surgeon's Secret Son

Оливия Гейтс

Enter into the world of high-flying Doctors as they navigate the pressures of modern medicine and find escape, passion, comfort and love – in each other’s arms!The Sheikh’s new-found sonSeven years ago sheikh and surgeon Ghaleb Aal Omraan chose...
. The Desert King / An Affair with the Princess

The Desert King / An Affair with the Princess

Оливия Гейтс

The Desert King Olivia Gates Their marriage will save his kingdom. And in return for an heir, Kamal Aal Masood will give his new wife Aliyah anything ; except the trust and intimacy she desperately wants. When Kamal abruptly ended their...
. The Illegitimate King / Friday Night Mistress

The Illegitimate King / Friday Night Mistress

Оливия Гейтс

Be swept away by passion… with intense drama and compelling plots, these emotionally powerful reads will keep you captivated from beginning to end.The Illegitimate King Olivia Gates Six years ago, she’d scorned him. And illegitimate secret...
. Princes of Castaldini

Princes of Castaldini

Оливия Гейтс

THE ONCE AND FUTURE PRINCELeandro D’Agostino had gone into exile. Now Phoebe Alexander, once Leandro’s secret lover, is being sent to convince him to accept the crown. But she’d refused exile with him and her betrayal still fed Leandro’s anger....
. Once Upon A Kiss...

Once Upon A Kiss...

Оливия Гейтс

"The Cinderella Act Nothing appeals to maid Annie Sullivan’s sense of romance like hunting for a missing heirloom. She can’t get enough of the stories surrounding Sinclair Drummond’s ancestors. But as they search his mansion together, she...
. The Sheikh's Reluctant Queen

The Sheikh's Reluctant Queen

Оливия Гейтс

The Sheikh’s Destiny The only way for Rashid Aal Munsoori to claim the throne of his homeland is to seduce and marry Laylah Aal Shalaan. But when she discovers his plan and casts him out of her heart, does winning the throne still mean...
. The Desert Kings

The Desert Kings

Оливия Гейтс

Master of the desert…meets the mistress of his heart!Duty & Desire When tragedy leaves playboy Prince Zayed as heir to the throne, custom dictates that he must take a bride. Rou Tournell is a feisty, independent woman – and if she won’t...
. The Proposal / To Tempt a Sheikh

The Proposal / To Tempt a Sheikh

Оливия Гейтс

The Proposal The moment he met Bella Bostwick, Jason Westmoreland wanted her – and the land she’d inherited. With one convenient proposal, he could have the Southern beauty in his bed and her birthright in his hands. If only Bella would say...
. Claimed by the Desert Sheikh

Claimed by the Desert Sheikh

Оливия Гейтс

Escape to the desert…into the arms of a sheikhFake fianc?e required Prince Qadir needs a fake fianc?e and the no-frills Maggie Collins seems to be the answer – she’s almost as resistant to the idea of romantic love as he is! When passion flares...
. To Tame a Sheikh / His Thirty-Day Fianc?e

To Tame a Sheikh / His Thirty-Day Fianc?e

Оливия Гейтс

To Tame a Sheikh He’d noticed her across a crowded room and in that instant Sheikh Shaheen Aal Shalaan wanted her. With just a few words, Shaheen had his mystery woman in his bed, where she awakened passions he’d long denied. His lineage...
. Лунная богиня

Лунная богиня

Оливия Гейтс

Принца Джалала и Луджейн связывают непростые отношения. Они пережили многое: бурную страсть, ненависть, предательство и, наконец, расставание. Казалось бы, пора уже забыть друг друга и двигаться дальше, но это не так-то просто. Тем более теперь,...
. Его пламенное сердце

Его пламенное сердце

Оливия Гейтс

Селена Лувардис испытывает влечение к заклятому врагу своей семьи, жестокому и бессердечному дельцу Аристидесу Сарантосу. Однажды их пути пересекаются. Через некоторое время Аристидес узнает, что Селена родила от него ребенка. Он приходит к ней...
. Сказочные ночи

Сказочные ночи

Оливия Гейтс

Джала, дав согласие выйти замуж за Мохаба, неожиданно порвала с ним. Прошло шесть лет, и Мохаб так и не смог забыть любимую. Он разработал план, как вернуть Джалу с помощью шантажа. Однако Мохаб забыл, что она не терпит лжи…
. Сердце пустыни

Сердце пустыни

Оливия Гейтс

Харрис аль-Шалаан освобождает заложника, надеясь, что тот поможет ему раскрыть заговор против короля. Заложником оказывается женщина, прибывшая в Зохейд, чтобы мстить королевской семье…

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