Following the overwhelming success of Enchanted, author Nancy Madore has responded to her fans' pleas for a follow-up with a brilliant second collection–this time comprised of superbly sensual, delightfully debauched and decidedly darker...
In this enchanting, erotic bedtime story, busybody gossip columnist Goldilocks, determined to unearth the secrets of three reclusive barons living together in a forest cottage, investigates their home in their absence.Surprised by their return,...
Twelve princesses, each possessing riches, grace, power and dignity. Yet despite the sisters' charmed lives—and despite the handsome men who desire them—they are woefully unfulfilled, frustrated and aching for something more.As a powerful...
Allow yourself to be drawn into a fantasy world like no other…Where a beautiful princess is seduced into a love triangle with a handsome prince and her winsome maid…Where a mysterious gentleman`s young bride is deliciously disciplined for her...