Автор: Massimo Longo

. आलसी राक्षस

आलसी राक्षस

Massimo Longo

शृंखला : यह मैं तुम्हारे लिए यह लिख रहा हू मास्सिमो और मारिया ग्राजिया वास्तविक और साहित्यिक जीवन दोनों में एक युगल हैं, और वे सभी के लिए बिना उनकी उम्र की परवाह किए कथा-साहित्य लिखना पसंद करते हैं। यह विचार उनके द्वारा अपने बच्चों के लिए बनाई...
. Cuoco Per Amore

Cuoco Per Amore

Massimo Longo

Nel mio libro troverete 10 ricette e due condimenti, preparati in modo semplice. Ho puntato tutto sul risultato, solo piatti di qualit?, nessuna ricetta mediocre dalla realizzazione dubbia come su alcuni libri. Inoltre, potrete ricevere...
. Cuoco Per Amore

Cuoco Per Amore

Massimo Longo

Nel mio libro troverete 10 ricette e due condimenti, preparati in modo semplice. Ho puntato tutto sul risultato, solo piatti di qualit?, nessuna ricetta mediocre dalla realizzazione dubbia come su alcuni libri. Inoltre, potrete ricevere...
. The Hat And The Magic Shoes

The Hat And The Magic Shoes

Massimo Longo

Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their...
. The Hat And The Magic Shoes

The Hat And The Magic Shoes

Massimo Longo

Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their...
. The Hat And The Magic Shoes

The Hat And The Magic Shoes

Massimo Longo

Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their...
. The Hat And The Magic Shoes

The Hat And The Magic Shoes

Massimo Longo

Series: I write for you Massimo and Maria Grazia are a couple in life and writing. They love writing together fantastic stories for readers of all ages. This series aims at turning the fairy tales and stories they have invented for their...
. Le Chapeau Et Les Chaussures Magiques

Le Chapeau Et Les Chaussures Magiques

Massimo Longo

S?rie : J'?cris pour toi Massimo et Maria Grazia sont un couple dans la vie et dans l'?criture. Ils aiment ?crire ensemble des histoires fantastiques destin?es aux lecteurs de tous ?ges. Cette s?rie est n?e de l'id?e de transformer en livres les...
. O Chap?u E Os Sapatos M?gicos

O Chap?u E Os Sapatos M?gicos

Massimo Longo

Massimo e Maria Grazia s?o uma dupla na vida e na escrita. Amam conjuntamente escrever hist?rias fant?sticas dedicadas aos leitores de todas as idades. Esta s?rie nasce da ideia de transformar em livros as f?bulas e os contos de fada que...
. Супер-трава И Змея-хищник

Супер-трава И Змея-хищник

Massimo Longo

"Серия: Написана для вас Массимо и Мария Грация партнеры как в реальной жизни, так и в творчестве. Они любят вместе писать фантастические истории, которые предназначены для читателей всех возрастов. Эта серия родилась из идеи превратить в...

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