Автор: Marius Leibold

. Digital Rebirth. How Smart Companies Recreate Themselves in the Digital Era

Digital Rebirth. How Smart Companies Recreate Themselves in the Digital Era

Marius Leibold

Digital Rebirth transcends digital transformation. It involves a revolutionary reinventing of the purpose, nature and processes of a company, with accompanying digital business and technological platforms. This book presents a clear framework...
. Digital Rebirth. Wie sich intelligente Unternehmen neu erfinden

Digital Rebirth. Wie sich intelligente Unternehmen neu erfinden

Marius Leibold

Die digitale Transformation wird in vielen F?llen nicht ausreichen, um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu bew?ltigen. Digital Rebirth ist mehr, es bedeutet eine Neukonzeption der Ziele, Leistungen, Kultur und Prozesse eines Unternehmens,...
. Managing the Aging Workforce

Managing the Aging Workforce

Marius Leibold

Managing the Aging Workforce is one of the crucial topics for many of the world's enterprises. The increasing average age of populations does not only affect social systems, countries and communities, but also has a strong impact on the work of...

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