Автор: Ким Лоренс

. Мечта испанского миллиардера

Мечта испанского миллиардера

Ким Лоренс

Любимая племянница Нелл собралась испортить себе жизнь скоропалительным браком, но тетушка уже спешит на помощь! Нелл преисполнена решимости разоблачить проходимца, запудрившего мозги бедной неопытной девушке, но вместо этого встречает в чужой...
. Не скрывая чувств

Не скрывая чувств

Ким Лоренс

Меган Армстронг влюблена в красивого испанца Эмилио Риоса. Но разве этот идеал мужчины может обратить внимание на нее, весьма обычную девушку? Тем более что он уже женат… Но когда Меган узнала, что Эмилио развелся, в ней родилась надежда…
. Сделай меня счастливым

Сделай меня счастливым

Ким Лоренс

Рафаэль Александро идеально распланировал свою жизнь, в ней не было места неожиданностям… Пока он не встретил привлекательную и непредсказуемую Либби Маршант. Сперва по ее вине он попадает в аварию, затем нарушает собственное правило – никаких...
. За неделю до любви

За неделю до любви

Ким Лоренс

Миранда Истон пришла в ужас, обнаружив в своей постели обнаженного красавца. Джанни Фицджеральд был шокирован не меньше, чем она. Недоразумение быстро разъяснилось. Они провели вместе всего несколько дней, но за это время успели полюбить друг...
. Любовь и прочие неприятности

Любовь и прочие неприятности

Ким Лоренс

Соглашаясь на должность экономки, Зои Грейс не ждала, что ее босс окажется таким молодым и привлекательным. Рядом с ним Зои совершенно теряет голову, а ей так нужна эта работа! На что ей придется пойти, если высокомерный миллиардер захочет ее уволить?
. Брачная ночь перед разводом

Брачная ночь перед разводом

Ким Лоренс

Брак итальянского аристократа Рауля и Лары, романтичной красавицы, мечтающей о встрече с принцем, заключен по расчету. Их договоренность действует полгода – именно такой срок жизни отведен властному деду Рауля, Серджо Ди Витторио, который...
. Мужчина ее мечты

Мужчина ее мечты

Ким Лоренс

Пытаясь забыть о предательстве жениха, Анна Хендерсон сбежала на край света, но любовь настигла ее и там. Однако богач и красавец Чезаре еще и жесток, и груб… и просто ужасен!
. Девушка и злодей

Девушка и злодей

Ким Лоренс

Элизабет Фарли давно влюблена в своего красавца босса Андреаса Кирияки, но, к сожалению, он видит в ней лишь приложение к офисной мебели. Она готова оставить пустые мечты, но неожиданно ей решает помочь старший брат ее возлюбленного, Тео. Он...
. Маленький секрет Энджел

Маленький секрет Энджел

Ким Лоренс

Одна незабываемая ночь любви… и всё? Неужели Энджел обречена всю оставшуюся жизнь мечтать о прекрасном незнакомце, который сделал ей всего один, но зато прекрасный подарок?…
. Что скрывает ночь?

Что скрывает ночь?

Ким Лоренс

Драко Морелли – беспринципный бизнесмен, заботливый отец и просто роскошный мужчина. Все его романы мимолетны, а женщины прекрасны и знают правила игры. Но однажды он встречает ту единственную, которой нет до него дела…
. Все ради одной ночи

Все ради одной ночи

Ким Лоренс

Стоило лишь незаметной Лили Грей однажды взглянуть на элегантного красавца Бенедикта Ворендера, как она сразу же поняла, что безнадежно пропала. Волею случая они сталкиваются вновь, и эта встреча дарит им незабываемые воспоминания о ночи любви....
. Скандал у алтаря

Скандал у алтаря

Ким Лоренс

Мари есть за что не любить Себастьяна Рея-Дефо. Сначала он унизил и оскорбил ее перед незнакомыми людьми (о том, что он оказал ей этим услугу, она старалась не вспоминать), а сейчас, пусть даже косвенно, Рей-Дефо виноват в том, что ее...
. Обольстить недотрогу

Обольстить недотрогу

Ким Лоренс

Замкнутый образ жизни итальянского миллионера Динело Рафаэля нарушает случайная встреча с англичанкой Тэсс Джонс. Динело обрек себя на добровольное одиночество после трагической гибели родителей, в которой он винит себя. Динело не верит в...
. Измена накануне венчания

Измена накануне венчания

Ким Лоренс

Как быть, если ты должна стать женой будущего короля, но влюблена в его несносного брата? И как поступить, если твой жених сбегает накануне свадьбы? Красавице Сабрине придется ответить на эти сложные вопросы, а заодно постараться стать счастливой.
. The Gold Collection: Bedded By A Billionaire: Santiago's Command / The Thorn in His Side / Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

The Gold Collection: Bedded By A Billionaire: Santiago's Command / The Thorn in His Side / Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

Ким Лоренс

Santiago’s CommandSantiago Silva is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the Silva fortune from infamous femme fatale Lucy Fitzgerald. The safest place for a woman with so devastating a beauty is clear – with him! After all, without a...
. A Cinderella For The Desert King

A Cinderella For The Desert King

Ким Лоренс

Saved by a vow…Crowned as his queen!To escape desert bandits, Abby Foster pledged herself to a mysterious stranger—sealing the deal with a searing kiss! Months later, she discovers she’s still married. And her ‘husband’, who is now heir to the...
. Unworldly Secretary, Untamed Greek

Unworldly Secretary, Untamed Greek

Ким Лоренс

Made over…to make love!Though she’s in love with Andreas, her gorgeous Greek boss, Beth Farley knows he views her as just another piece of office furniture. But Andreas’s brother, the darkly arrogant, wealthy Theo Kyriakis, has a plan. If Beth...
. Santiago's Command

Santiago's Command

Ким Лоренс

The truth behind the scandal… Santiago Silva is appalled to discover that his feckless half-brother’s latest love interest is infamous femme fatale Lucy Fitzgerald – who clearly thinks the Silva fortune is an easy target! Simmering with fury,...
. Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

Ким Лоренс

From pure – to pregnant!Lovely Neve Macleod’s life is shrouded by scandal. The tabloids delight in branding her a scarlet widow, but in reality her marriage was for convenience. She’s still a virgin, and a caring single stepmother – but no one...
. Wedding-Night Baby

Wedding-Night Baby

Ким Лоренс

She'd hired him as an escort…The wedding was to be a major social event – Georgina just couldn't face it on her own. How could she sit there and watch her ex-fiance marry her beautiful, shallow cousin? A desperate solution was needed: a male...
. Accidental Baby

Accidental Baby

Ким Лоренс

The unexpected father! When Jo had problems, she always turned to Declan Rafferty. He was gorgeous, sexy and highly eligible – but to Jo he was simply her best friend. So, crying on his shoulder after a failed romance, Jo was shocked to find...
. A Ring To Secure His Crown

A Ring To Secure His Crown

Ким Лоренс

The playboy prince’s convenient brideSabrina Summerville is content with her betrothal to the sensible Prince Luis – their match will reunify the kingdom of Vela. So why does she feel so drawn to Luis’s darkly dangerous brother, Prince...
. The Brunelli Baby Bargain

The Brunelli Baby Bargain

Ким Лоренс

When he sees her, will he still want her?Dark, imposing billionaire Cesare Brunelli lost his sight freeing a little girl from a burning car. The only person who treated him without pity was the soft-skinned virgin with whom he spent a passionate...
. Captivated by Her Innocence

Captivated by Her Innocence

Ким Лоренс

Lessons in passion…Anna is moments away from securing her dream teaching job and a new life when it’s all ripped away. And there’s only one man to blame.Former racing driver Cesare Urquart believes Anna Henderson is the woman who nearly ended...
. Desert Prince, Defiant Virgin

Desert Prince, Defiant Virgin

Ким Лоренс

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.From innocent virgin… As heir to the throne, Prince Tair al Sharif is driven by duty to his country and indulges in...
. The Mistress Scandal

The Mistress Scandal

Ким Лоренс

More than a one-night stand… Though it had been an uncharacteristic impulse to sleep with a stranger, Ally has never regretted her one incredible night of passion with devastatingly gorgeous Gabe MacAllister. Especially when she’s reminded of it...
. Gianni's Pride

Gianni's Pride

Ким Лоренс

Who’s been sleeping in my bed? Smouldering, rich, and lethally attractive, Gianni Fitzgerald is the master of any situation. But a seven-hour journey with his small son is evidence that even he has his limitations! Exhausted, he falls into bed…...
. Passionate Retribution

Passionate Retribution

Ким Лоренс

Marrying her enemy!"You might blackmail me into marriage, Luke, but I'll despise you with all my heart!" Lucas Hunt harbors a bitter grudge against Emily's family – and she is to be the pawn in his game of revenge! As a teenager, she'd craved...
. Partners By Contract

Partners By Contract

Ким Лоренс

The unforgettable Dr Carlyle…Dr Phoebe Miller was settling in well to her new practice – until senior partner Dr Connor Carlyle returned from his holiday and sparks began to fly between them! The tension wasn't just professional: it was...
. The Engagement Deal

The Engagement Deal

Ким Лоренс

He challenged her to seduce him!Holly blushed to remember her last encounter with Niall Wesley. He'd rejected her teenage crush on him, making Holly vow that next time she saw Niall she'd be beautiful–and he'd come begging….Years later, Niall...
. A Spanish Awakening

A Spanish Awakening

Ким Лоренс

Twenty-four-hour seduction… In the chaos of an airport strike, Madrid’s most sought-after bachelor Emilio Rios stumbles across old flame Megan Armstrong. In the past he bowed to duty and married the ‘right’ woman – leaving the less sophisticated...
. Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key

Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key

Ким Лоренс

Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Silken webs…silken sheets… Nurse Maggie Ward is as pure as the snow-white uniform she wears. So when she falls for...
. Mistress: Pregnant By The Spanish Billionaire

Mistress: Pregnant By The Spanish Billionaire

Ким Лоренс

Forced to marry… Library assistant Nell Frost is on a mission to be more assertive. Arriving at Luiz Santoro’s magnificent Spanish mansion, she’s determined to tell him what she thinks of him seducing her niece – and then leave. But Nell has...
. In a Storm of Scandal

In a Storm of Scandal

Ким Лоренс

Imprisoned with the Italian!Poppy lost her heart – and her reputation – to the dangerously suave Luca Ranieri. Only to be crushed by a whirlwind of scandal when aristocratic Luca chose duty over desire. Now Poppy finds herself stranded in her...
. The Sheikh's Impatient Virgin

The Sheikh's Impatient Virgin

Ким Лоренс

The innocent’s awakening…Set up against her will as a potential Arabian queen for the notorious Sheikh Karim, unworldly Eva has a plan to deter the desert King. She will convince him she’s a modern, sexually experienced woman – and definitely...
. Surrendering To The Italian's Command

Surrendering To The Italian's Command

Ким Лоренс

Seduction in the palazzo!Ever since a horrific accident for which he blames himself, Danilo Raphael has kept himself closed-off and emotion-free. But when he sees English rose Tess Jones being attacked, he cannot quell his protective instincts,...
. Secret Baby, Convenient Wife

Secret Baby, Convenient Wife

Ким Лоренс

Dervla was the nurse who'd tended his wounds when he was injured.He was the sexy billionaire who'd seduced her. She refused to be his mistress, so Gianfranco made her his wife. . . . He had only one condition when they wed: no children. . . For...
. One Night with Morelli

One Night with Morelli

Ким Лоренс

Warning: one night will never be enough…Draco Morelli: ruthless businessman, adoring father and wary ex-husband. This gorgeous Italian only ever signs up for temporary flings with glamorous women who know the rules of the game. Until he is...
. Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride

Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride

Ким Лоренс

Rafiq Al Kamil, heir to the desert kingdom of Zatara, thinks innocent Gabby will be the perfect convenient wife for his brother.But Gabby isn't as biddable as she first seems…. Now Rafiq will have to persuade her! Except the more time Rafiq...
. Mistress by Mistake

Mistress by Mistake

Ким Лоренс

Drew Cummings more than lived up to his reputation for being incredibly sexy. He' d misjudged Eve, though, believing her to be a calculating gold digger chasing after his wealthy nephew… .So when Drew began seducing Eve himself, was he simply...
. The Blackmailed Bride

The Blackmailed Bride

Ким Лоренс

Kate was determined to protect her sister from an impending scandal, and Javier Montero was the only man who could help them avoid public exposure! But Javier wanted something in return. As head of his family's business empire, he needed a wife....
. The Petrelli Heir

The Petrelli Heir

Ким Лоренс

An impossible truth Roman Petrelli knows exactly how precious life is. Now that he can’t produce an heir, he’s the last Petrelli standing. So how could Isabel Carter have given birth to his baby? Izzy’s one night with Roman was an...
. Wife By Agreement

Wife By Agreement

Ким Лоренс

When Ethan Kemp proposed to Hannah, the whole world was shocked, including Hannah! She was out of his league, everyone said so. Ethan was a man of the world, and she was his unsophisticated nanny…But Ethan knew that the practical Hannah would be...
. The Greek's Ultimate Conquest

The Greek's Ultimate Conquest

Ким Лоренс

They shared a night of mindless passion……now he’ll take her once again!Reeling from his best friend’s death, Greek shipping magnate Nik Latsis found oblivion in the arms of a stunning stranger. Since then, her innocence has haunted his dreams....
. The Prospective Wife

The Prospective Wife

Ким Лоренс

Matt Devlin is the ultimate millionaire playboy, and irresistibly charming. The members of his family, however, are constantly trying to find him a suitable wife. Then Matt has an accident, and his suspicions are aroused when blond, beautiful...
. The Seduction Scheme

The Seduction Scheme

Ким Лоренс

An unexpected encounter with Ben Arden had caused Rachel many sleepless nights. She couldn't get him out of her mind, then she discovered he was her new boss! And this sexy, dynamic man clearly wanted to continue their relationship after...
. Ультиматум безрассудной ночи

Ультиматум безрассудной ночи

Ким Лоренс

Журналистка Хлоя, автор модных статей для известного блога, неожиданно попадает в аварию, и ее жизнь, некогда наполненная яркими событиями и красками, кардинально меняется. После реабилитации она ищет новых ощущений и знакомится с обаятельным...
. A Convenient Husband

A Convenient Husband

Ким Лоренс

Marriage–for love, sex or convenience? Tess is about to lose custody of her precious baby nephew, so it’s only natural for her to cry on her best friend’s shoulder–Rafe Farrar. To the rest of the female population, he’s sex on legs. So Tess is...
. Her Baby Secret

Her Baby Secret

Ким Лоренс

When Rowena runs into her old college friend Dr. Quinn Tyler at a charity ball, the attraction is instant.Handsome, sexy and eligible, he can have any woman he wants–and now he wants Rowena! Determined to prove her independence, Rowena insists...
. An Innocent Affair

An Innocent Affair

Ким Лоренс

Being bridesmaid at her triplet sister' s wedding was the happiest day of Hope' s life– especially as, afterward, she was swept off her feet by gorgeous tycoon Alex Matheson!It seemed Hope would soon follow her sister up the aisle, until Alex...
. In the Greek's Bed: The Greek Tycoon's Wife / The Greek Millionaire's Marriage / The Greek Surgeon

In the Greek's Bed: The Greek Tycoon's Wife / The Greek Millionaire's Marriage / The Greek Surgeon

Ким Лоренс

Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. The Greek Tycoon’s Wife by Kim Lawrence Nikos Lakis is cool, controlled and infinitely sexy – and he’s also married to a woman who has...
. Escape for Easter: The Brunelli Baby Bargain / The Italian Boss's Secret Child / The Midwife's Miracle Baby

Escape for Easter: The Brunelli Baby Bargain / The Italian Boss's Secret Child / The Midwife's Miracle Baby

Ким Лоренс

One night leads to one baby!Cesare Brunelli lost his sight freeing a little girl from a fire. The only person who treated him without pity was Samantha – but, now expecting his child, she’s afraid that when his sight returns, he’ll trade her,...
. Hot Summer Flings: A Spanish Awakening / The Italian Next Door... / Interview with the Daredevil

Hot Summer Flings: A Spanish Awakening / The Italian Next Door... / Interview with the Daredevil

Ким Лоренс

A Spanish Awakening When Madrid’s most infamous bachelor, Emilio Rios, meets Megan Armstrong during an airport strike, he can’t believe his luck! He walked away from her once… now, he has twenty-four hours to show her how much he’s regretted...
. His Love-Child: The Greek Tycoon's Love-Child / The Spaniard's Love-Child / The Millionaire's Love-Child

His Love-Child: The Greek Tycoon's Love-Child / The Spaniard's Love-Child / The Millionaire's Love-Child

Ким Лоренс

Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. The Greek Tycoon’s Love-Child by Jacqueline Baird When millionaire Theodore Kadros first sets his sights on beautiful Willow Blain there...
. The Italian's Baby of Passion: The Italian's Secret Baby / One-Night Baby / The Italian's Secret Child

The Italian's Baby of Passion: The Italian's Secret Baby / One-Night Baby / The Italian's Secret Child

Ким Лоренс

Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. One red-hot unforgettable night led to a secret that will bind them forever!The Italian’s Secret Baby Kim Lawrence Scarlet has kept...
. Pregnant by the Billionaire: Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby / Mistress: Pregnant by the Spanish Billionaire / Pregnant with the De Rossi Heir

Pregnant by the Billionaire: Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby / Mistress: Pregnant by the Spanish Billionaire / Pregnant with the De Rossi Heir

Ким Лоренс

Pregnant with the Billionaire’s BabyJacob “Sin” Sinclair’s night with prim Luccy ended with an unexpected twist: she left him! Luccy’s shame at succumbing to one night of exquisite pleasure with the sinful billionaire is only heightened when she...
. The Spaniard's Summer Seduction: Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key / The Secret Spanish Love-Child / Surrender to Her Spanish Husband

The Spaniard's Summer Seduction: Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key / The Secret Spanish Love-Child / Surrender to Her Spanish Husband

Ким Лоренс

Under the Spaniard’s Lock and Key Nurse Maggie Ward is as pure as the snow-white uniform she wears. So when she falls for the darkly beautiful Rafael Castenadas she has no idea their unexpected meeting isn’t accidental… Not until it’s too late...
. Pregnant with His Baby!: Secret Baby, Convenient Wife / Innocent Wife, Baby of Shame / The Surgeon's Secret Baby Wish

Pregnant with His Baby!: Secret Baby, Convenient Wife / Innocent Wife, Baby of Shame / The Surgeon's Secret Baby Wish

Ким Лоренс

Secret Baby, Convenient WifeShe was the ordinary nurse who tended his wounds when he was injured. He was the sexy billionaire who seduced her into his bed. She refused to be his mistress, so Gianfranco made her his wife… He had only one...
. The Spaniard's Pleasure: The Spaniard's Pregnancy Proposal / At the Spaniard's Convenience / Taken: the Spaniard's Virgin

The Spaniard's Pleasure: The Spaniard's Pregnancy Proposal / At the Spaniard's Convenience / Taken: the Spaniard's Virgin

Ким Лоренс

These red-blooded Mediterranean men always get what they want!The Spaniard’s Pregnancy Proposal Kim Lawrence Short-term affairs are red-hot Antonio’s calling card – until he meets Fleur. She’s caught by his whirlwind of passionate seduction but...
. His Pregnant Bride: Pregnant by the Greek Tycoon / His Pregnant Princess / Pregnant: Father Needed

His Pregnant Bride: Pregnant by the Greek Tycoon / His Pregnant Princess / Pregnant: Father Needed

Ким Лоренс

Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. Pregnant by the Greek Tycoon by Kim Lawrence When Greek billionaire Angolos discovered Georgie was pregnant he told her to leave and...
. The Secret Valtinos Baby: The Secret Valtinos Baby

The Secret Valtinos Baby: The Secret Valtinos Baby

Ким Лоренс

The Secret Valtinos Baby by Lynne GrahamHis seduction had life-changing consequencesNow her boss is back—with marriage in mind!Personal assistant Merry Armstrong couldn’t resist Angel Valtinos’s sensual charisma. The Greek awakened her with his...
. One Night To Wedding Vows

One Night To Wedding Vows

Ким Лоренс

Vows made to be broken…Despite her wild reputation, Lara Gray is a virgin. So when she’s swept off her feet by the most gorgeous man in Rome, Raoul Di Vittorio, she is shocked by the passion awakened within her after just one night.But what Lara...
. Her Pregnancy Surprise: His Pregnancy Bargain / The Pregnancy Secret / Their Pregnancy Bombshell

Her Pregnancy Surprise: His Pregnancy Bargain / The Pregnancy Secret / Their Pregnancy Bombshell

Ким Лоренс

Baby scandals. . secrets. . surprises!His Pregnancy Bargain Kim Lawrence All sexy Lucas Patrick has to do is pretend to be infatuated with her…but Luc decides to skilfully seduce Megan…leaving her pregnant with his baby. Nevertheless Megan is...
. Royals: Claimed By The Prince: The Heartbreaker Prince / Passion and the Prince / Prince of Secrets

Royals: Claimed By The Prince: The Heartbreaker Prince / Passion and the Prince / Prince of Secrets

Ким Лоренс

The Heartbreaker PrinceHannah Latimer has left her glamorous life behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime, her only means of escape is powerful and arrogant Prince Kamel. The price –...
. One Night: Latin Heat: Uncovering Her Nine Month Secret / One Night With The Enemy / One Night with Morelli

One Night: Latin Heat: Uncovering Her Nine Month Secret / One Night With The Enemy / One Night with Morelli

Ким Лоренс

One Night of Consequences…Uncovering Her Nine Month SecretOne dark, unfathomable glance from Alejandro, the notorious Duke of Alzacar, and I was his – body and heart. It was only later that I realised why he’d seduced me, then I ran. Nine months...
. The Sins of Sebastian Rey-Defoe

The Sins of Sebastian Rey-Defoe

Ким Лоренс

‘Yes, I do – I object!’Standing at the altar, Sebastian Rey-Defoe has resigned himself to a marriage of convenience until a flame-haired siren interrupts the ceremony! Worse, he recognises her – this must be her idea of revenge…Mari Jones is...
. One Summer At The Lake: Maid for Montero / Still the One / Hot-Shot Doc Comes to Town

One Summer At The Lake: Maid for Montero / Still the One / Hot-Shot Doc Comes to Town

Ким Лоренс

MAID FOR MONTEROIsandro Montero cannot believe that his new housekeeper is so inept! But firing beautiful Zoe Grace would ruin his reputation, as she has two young charges to care for. So Isandro will put Zoe where he can keep his eye – and...
. The Thorn in His Side

The Thorn in His Side

Ким Лоренс

In the perfectly oiled machine that is Rafael’s life, there’s no room for distractions…Libby Marchant’s first meeting with her boss goes off with a bang – into Rafael Alejandro’s top-of-the-range sports car, unfortunately! The unpredictable and...
. A Secret Seduction: A Secret Until Now / A Sinful Seduction / Secrets of a Shy Socialite

A Secret Seduction: A Secret Until Now / A Sinful Seduction / Secrets of a Shy Socialite

Ким Лоренс

Delve into these three stories of sinfully seductive encounters…A Secret Until Now by Kim LawrenceSeeing Angel brings all sorts of memories flooding back to Alex – memories that stir up a forgotten hunger. Alex sees no reason why they can’t...
. The Playboy's Mistress

The Playboy's Mistress

Ким Лоренс

When Darcy was persuaded to host her family's Christmas gathering, she started making detailed lists and mentally prepared herself for a hectic couple of weeks. But her plans were disrupted by a surprise new neighbor–a playboy tycoon, who seemed...
. Wedding-Night Baby

Wedding-Night Baby

Ким Лоренс

She'd hired him as an escort…The wedding was to be a major social event – Georgina just couldn't face it on her own. How could she sit there and watch her ex-fiance marry her beautiful, shallow cousin? A desperate solution was needed: a male...
. The Heartbreaker Prince

The Heartbreaker Prince

Ким Лоренс

Out of the frying pan, and into…Hannah Latimer, beautifully enigmatic socialite, has left her glamorous lifestyle behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime her only means of escape is...
. Maid for Montero

Maid for Montero

Ким Лоренс

Hired as his mistress!Zoe Grace is terrible at being housekeeper of the Montero Estate. So bad that she faces being fired after just two weeks! Desperate to keep her job, she’ll do anything to convince her handsome Spanish boss to give her just...
. Office Scandals: The Petrelli Heir / Gilded Secrets / An Inconvenient Affair

Office Scandals: The Petrelli Heir / Gilded Secrets / An Inconvenient Affair

Ким Лоренс

The Petrelli HeirInterior designer Isabel Carter has been offered her dream job. But it comes with a catch: her new employer is Roman Petrelli. Three years ago, one scorching night with brooding Roman came with consequences…and now, Roman is...
. Her Nine Month Confession

Her Nine Month Confession

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One night…The merest glimpse of handsome, sophisticated Benedict Warrender was enough to make wallflower Lily Gray blush. But since a twist of fate allowed her to enter his orbit, it's been the memories of their life-altering night together that...
. A Secret Until Now

A Secret Until Now

Ким Лоренс

One scorching night…one secret never to be told…Angel Urquart didn’t sign up for this. A photo shoot on an island paradise? Yes. Working alongside Alex Arlov? Definitely not! Six years ago he showed her passion she’d only ever dreamt of, but...
. Red-Hot Seduction: The Sins of Sebastian Rey-Defoe / A Taste of Sin / Driving Her Crazy

Red-Hot Seduction: The Sins of Sebastian Rey-Defoe / A Taste of Sin / Driving Her Crazy

Ким Лоренс

Red-Hot Seductions are…TemptingSebastian has resigned himself to a marriage of convenience until a flame-haired siren interrupts the ceremony! Mari Jones never imagined that the consequences of her plan would see her walking down the aisle…...
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Santiago's Love-Child

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Santiago Morais is strong, proud and fiercely passionate—everything that Lily's treacherous husband wasn't.It's in Santiago's arms that Lily finds herself awakened—she's not the frigid woman she believed herself to be. But a shocking discovery...
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The Carides Pregnancy

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Naive Becca Summer is seduced by Greek tycoon Christos Carides. Knowing of the hostility between their families, Christos deliberately conceals his true identity.Their lovemaking is passionate and Becca discovers she's expecting Christos's...
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A Seductive Revenge

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Josh Prentice has a broken heart, and there's only one way to mend it: revenge! He plans to seduce Flora, and then jilt her. But he hadn't expected to find it so hard to walk away….Locked into an intensely sensual relationship, Josh and Flora...
. The Sheikh Who Blackmailed Her: Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride / The Sheikh and the Bought Bride / At the Sheikh's Bidding

The Sheikh Who Blackmailed Her: Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride / The Sheikh and the Bought Bride / At the Sheikh's Bidding

Ким Лоренс

BLACKMAILED INTO HIS BED!Wanted: Bride Rafiq, heir to a desert kingdom, thinks innocent Lizzie will be the perfect wife for his brother. But Lizzie isn't agreeing, so Rafiq plans to blackmail her! Then suddenly, Rafiq's demanding her for...
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The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo: Alessandro's Prize / In a Storm of Scandal / Italian Groom, Princess Bride

Ким Лоренс

Pride. Scandal. Passion!Lily Parisi is determined to get on with her life – minus a man! A break in Milan sounds ideal – until she bumps into Alessandro del Marco, a face from her past. He finds it impossible to keep away from Lily – and she...
. Happy Mother’s Day!: Accidentally Pregnant, Conveniently Wed / Claiming His Pregnant Wife / Meant-To-Be Mother

Happy Mother’s Day!: Accidentally Pregnant, Conveniently Wed / Claiming His Pregnant Wife / Meant-To-Be Mother

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Have some me-time this Mother's Day!A Bump Aisling’s his top employee, but with her prim exterior Gianluca has never noticed her. Then a wild and wanton night with the real Aisling means they are about to be bound together forever!A Baby When...
. Royal Affairs: Desert Princes & Defiant Virgins: The Sheikh's Virgin Princess / The Sheikh and the Virgin Secretary / Desert Prince, Defiant Virgin

Royal Affairs: Desert Princes & Defiant Virgins: The Sheikh's Virgin Princess / The Sheikh and the Virgin Secretary / Desert Prince, Defiant Virgin

Ким Лоренс

Royal Lives – glamorous, luxurious, bound by duty yet still captive to desire!Virgin PrincessKarim, Sultan of Zangrar, sought a gentle, obedient bride. What he got was a defiant, feisty wife with fire in her eyes! Their marriage contract could...
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Innocent in the Desert: The Sheikh's Impatient Virgin / The Sheikh's Convenient Virgin / The Desert Lord's Bride

Ким Лоренс

He has riches beyond imagination – but her innocence can’t be bought!A blushing bride… Notorious womaniser Sheikh Karim is not fooled for an instant by his convenient fianc?e’s attempts to play the experienced seductress! Only an innocent could...
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The Sheikh and the Virgin

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Prince Tariq Al Kamal furiously forbids his brother to marry an unsuitable woman.Then Tariq removes temptation, whisking Beatrice away to his desert home where he becomes intent on seducing her. What he doesn't realise is she isn't his brother's...
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Sophie's Seduction

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It remained a mystery to him that a daughter of Oscar Balfour could utterly lack glitter and polish… The Balfour girls are glitzy, glamorous and gorgeous – except Sophie Balfour. Convinced she’s dumpy and plain, Sophie avoids the limelight. But...
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Passionate Playboys: The Demetrios Bridal Bargain / The Magnate's Indecent Proposal / Hot Nights with a Playboy

Ким Лоренс

Rich. Mischievous. Drop-Dead Gorgeous But has the bad boy met his match?A Commanding Tycoon Greek billionaire Mathieu has turned Rose’s life upside down. He demands she become his convenient bride! Taming the wild Rose between the sheets is just...
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The Italian's Baby Bargain: The Italian's Wedding Ultimatum / The Italian's Forced Bride / The Mancini Marriage Bargain

Ким Лоренс

The Italian’s Wedding Ultimatum Kim LawrenceAlessandro Di Livio is dark, brooding and determined to keep Sam Maguire away from his sister’s husband…even if it means seducing her himself. When passion leads to pregnancy, Alessandro will claim Sam...
. A Passionate Night With The Greek

A Passionate Night With The Greek

Ким Лоренс

He’s supposed to find her… …not seduce her! Greek tycoon Zach Gavros has one mission: to track down the long-lost granddaughter of the mentor who helped him rise from the streets of Athens to unrivalled success. But Zach quickly realises that...
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A Wedding At The Italian's Demand

Ким Лоренс

‘Come back to Italy with me… …as my fianc?e. ’ Ivo Greco is determined to claim his orphaned nephew—the infant who will inherit the Greco fortune. To do so he needs to convince the baby’s legal guardian, fiery Flora Henderson, to wear his ring....
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Santiago's Command

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The truth behind the scandal… Santiago Silva is appalled to discover that his feckless half-brother’s latest love interest is infamous femme fatale Lucy Fitzgerald – who clearly thinks the Silva fortune is an easy target! Simmering with fury,...
. Mistress: Pregnant By The Spanish Billionaire

Mistress: Pregnant By The Spanish Billionaire

Ким Лоренс

Forced to marry… Library assistant Nell Frost is on a mission to be more assertive. Arriving at Luiz Santoro’s magnificent Spanish mansion, she’s determined to tell him what she thinks of him seducing her niece – and then leave. But Nell has...
. A Spanish Awakening

A Spanish Awakening

Ким Лоренс

Twenty-four-hour seduction… In the chaos of an airport strike, Madrid’s most sought-after bachelor Emilio Rios stumbles across old flame Megan Armstrong. In the past he bowed to duty and married the ‘right’ woman – leaving the less sophisticated...
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The Thorn In His Side

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In the perfectly oiled machine that is Rafael’s life, there’s no room for distractions…Libby Marchant’s first meeting with her boss goes off with a bang – into Rafael Alejandro’s top-of-the-range sports car, unfortunately! The unpredictable and...
. The Carides Pregnancy

The Carides Pregnancy

Ким Лоренс

Naive Becca Summer is seduced by Greek tycoon Christos Carides. Knowing of the hostility between their families, Christos deliberately conceals his true identity.Their lovemaking is passionate and Becca discovers she's expecting...
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The Seduction Scheme

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An unexpected encounter with Ben Arden had caused Rachel many sleepless nights. She couldn't get him out of her mind, then she discovered he was her new boss! And this sexy, dynamic man clearly wanted to continue their relationship after...
. Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key

Under the Spaniard's Lock and Key

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Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Silken webs…silken sheets… Nurse Maggie Ward is as pure as the snow-white uniform she wears. So when she falls for...
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The Engagement Deal

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He challenged her to seduce him!Holly blushed to remember her last encounter with Niall Wesley. He'd rejected her teenage crush on him, making Holly vow that next time she saw Niall she'd be beautiful–and he'd come begging….Years...
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Love Islands: Forbidden Consequences

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A new red-hot collection coming soon from Mills & Boon!Featuring your favourite sizzling island love stories.
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Love Islands…The Collection

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A Collection of Holiday RomancesFeaturing authors:Kim Lawrence Louise Fuller Natalie Anderson Julia James Annie West Sarah M. Anderson Cathy Williams Jane Porter Jules Bennett Scarlet Wilson Nina Singh Joanna Neil Maya Blake Jennifer Hayward
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The Sins Of Sebastian Rey-Defoe

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‘Yes, I do – I object!’Standing at the altar, Sebastian Rey-Defoe has resigned himself to a marriage of convenience until a flame-haired siren interrupts the ceremony! Worse, he recognises her – this must be her idea of revenge…Mari Jones is...
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Partners By Contract

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The unforgettable Dr Carlyle…Dr Phoebe Miller was settling in well to her new practice – until senior partner Dr Connor Carlyle returned from his holiday and sparks began to fly between them! The tension wasn't just professional: it was...
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The Prospective Wife

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Matt Devlin is the ultimate millionaire playboy, and irresistibly charming. The members of his family, however, are constantly trying to find him a suitable wife. Then Matt has an accident, and his suspicions are aroused when blond, beautiful...
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Her Baby Secret

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When Rowena runs into her old college friend Dr. Quinn Tyler at a charity ball, the attraction is instant.Handsome, sexy and eligible, he can have any woman he wants–and now he wants Rowena! Determined to prove her independence, Rowena insists...
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The Brunelli Baby Bargain

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When he sees her, will he still want her?Dark, imposing billionaire Cesare Brunelli lost his sight freeing a little girl from a burning car. The only person who treated him without pity was the soft-skinned virgin with whom he spent a passionate...
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Surrendering To The Italian's Command

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Seduction in the palazzo!Ever since a horrific accident for which he blames himself, Danilo Raphael has kept himself closed-off and emotion-free. But when he sees English rose Tess Jones being attacked, he cannot quell his protective instincts,...
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A Cinderella For The Desert King

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Saved by a vow… Crowned as his queen!To escape desert bandits, Abby Foster pledged herself to a mysterious stranger—sealing the deal with a searing kiss! Months later, she discovers she’s still married. And her ‘husband’, who is now heir to the...
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A Convenient Husband

Ким Лоренс

Marriage–for love, sex or convenience? Tess is about to lose custody of her precious baby nephew, so it’s only natural for her to cry on her best friend’s shoulder–Rafe Farrar. To the rest of the female population, he’s sex on legs. So Tess is...
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Desert Prince, Defiant Virgin

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Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.From innocent virgin… As heir to the throne, Prince Tair al Sharif is driven by duty to his country and indulges in...
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Unworldly Secretary, Untamed Greek

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Made over…to make love!Though she’s in love with Andreas, her gorgeous Greek boss, Beth Farley knows he views her as just another piece of office furniture. But Andreas’s brother, the darkly arrogant, wealthy Theo Kyriakis, has a plan. If Beth...
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Red-Hot Seduction

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Red-Hot Seductions are…TemptingSebastian has resigned himself to a marriage of convenience until a flame-haired siren interrupts the ceremony! Mari Jones never imagined that the consequences of her plan would see her walking down the aisle…...
. Modern Romance August 2019 Books 1-4

Modern Romance August 2019 Books 1-4

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The Latest Red Hot Romances from Mills & Boon ModernThe Argentinian’s baby of Scandal by Sharon KendrickHousekeeper Tara Fitzpatrick is always as professional as possible. Until her billionaire boss, Lucas Conway, looks at her with a fiery...
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The Complete Red-Hot Collection

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Red-Hot Summer with…The MillionaireHe may have made a saucy proposition but it was lawyer Kate who whipped up a contract for them both to sign! Scott’s seriously sexy and a complicated enigma that Kate’s determined to solve…The TycoonBrodie...
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The Complete Red-Hot And Historical Collection

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Indulge in some of Mills & Boon’s most sinfully sexy stories and truly tempting historical reads!Featuring:• The Millionaire’s Proposal by Avril Tremayne• The Tycoon’s Stowaway by Stefanie London• The Spy Who Tamed Me by Kelly Hunter• The...
. Italian Mavericks: Expecting The Italian's Baby

Italian Mavericks: Expecting The Italian's Baby

Ким Лоренс

One night has powerful consequences!Despite her wild reputation, Lara Gray is a virgin. So when she’s swept off her feet by the most gorgeous man in Rome, Raoul Di Vittorio, she is shocked by the passion awakened within her after just one...
. Italian Mavericks: Forbidden Nights With The Italian

Italian Mavericks: Forbidden Nights With The Italian

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A night they’ll never forget!Dark-hearted Santino Ferrara has always remembered how long-legged, hot-tempered Fia Baracchi felt in his arms – much to his frustration! Then a million-dollar business deal throws them together, and keeping his...
. Modern Romance March 2019 5-8

Modern Romance March 2019 5-8

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The latest red-hot romances from Mills & Boon Modern!A Wedding at the Italian’s Demand by Kim LawrenceIvo Greco is determined to claim his orphaned nephew—the infant who will inherit the Greco fortune. To do so he needs to convince the...
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The Secret Valtinos Baby / The Greek's Ultimate Conquest

Ким Лоренс

The Secret Valtinos Baby by Lynne GrahamHis seduction had life-changing consequences Now her boss is back—with marriage in mind!Personal assistant Merry Armstrong couldn’t resist Angel Valtinos’s sensual charisma. The Greek awakened her with his...
. Modern Romance August 2018 Books 5-8 Collection

Modern Romance August 2018 Books 5-8 Collection

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Four sizzlingly sexy romances from Mills & Boon!Wed for His Secret Heir by Chantelle ShawFrom one-night mistress…To pregnant bride!With a new acquisition at stake, Giannis Gekas must shake his playboy reputation. Enlisting beautiful Ava...
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Modern Romance Collection: February 2018 Books 1 – 4

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Four sizzlingly sexy romances from Mills & BoonThe Secret Valtinos Baby by Lynne GrahamHis seduction had life-changing consequences Now her boss is back – with marriage in mind!A Bride at His Bidding by Michelle SmartHired by her enemy Yet...
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Santiago's Love-Child

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Santiago Morais is strong, proud and fiercely passionate—everything that Lily's treacherous husband wasn't.It's in Santiago's arms that Lily finds herself awakened—she's not the frigid woman she believed herself to be....
. A Secret Until Now

A Secret Until Now

Ким Лоренс

One scorching night…one secret never to be told…Angel Urquart didn’t sign up for this. A photo shoot on an island paradise? Yes. Working alongside Alex Arlov? Definitely not! Six years ago he showed her passion she’d only ever dreamt of, but...
. A Wedding At The Italian's Demand

A Wedding At The Italian's Demand

Ким Лоренс

‘Come back to Italy with me……as my fianc?e.’Ivo Greco is determined to claim his orphaned nephew—the infant who will inherit the Greco fortune. To do so he needs to convince the baby’s legal guardian, fiery Flora Henderson, to wear his ring. But...
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Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride

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Rafiq Al Kamil, heir to the desert kingdom of Zatara, thinks innocent Gabby will be the perfect convenient wife for his brother.But Gabby isn't as biddable as she first seems…. Now Rafiq will have to persuade her! Except the more time Rafiq...
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Office Scandals

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The Petrelli Heir Interior designer Isabel Carter has been offered her dream job. But it comes with a catch: her new employer is Roman Petrelli. Three years ago, one scorching night with brooding Roman came with consequences…and now, Roman is...
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Captivated by Her Innocence

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Lessons in passion…Anna is moments away from securing her dream teaching job and a new life when it’s all ripped away. And there’s only one man to blame.Former racing driver Cesare Urquart believes Anna Henderson is the woman who nearly ended...
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One Summer At The Lake

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"MAID FOR MONTERO Isandro Montero cannot believe that his new housekeeper is so inept! But firing beautiful Zoe Grace would ruin his reputation, as she has two young charges to care for. So Isandro will put Zoe where he can keep his eye –...
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Secret Baby, Convenient Wife

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Dervla was the nurse who'd tended his wounds when he was injured.He was the sexy billionaire who'd seduced her. She refused to be his mistress, so Gianfranco made her his wife. . . . He had only one condition when they wed: no...
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One Night: Latin Heat

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One Night of Consequences…Uncovering Her Nine Month SecretOne dark, unfathomable glance from Alejandro, the notorious Duke of Alzacar, and I was his – body and heart. It was only later that I realised why he’d seduced me, then I ran. Nine months...
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Royals: Claimed By The Prince

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The Heartbreaker PrinceHannah Latimer has left her glamorous life behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime, her only means of escape is powerful and arrogant Prince Kamel. The price –...
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Modern Romance - The Best of the Year

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M&B brings you the best Modern alpha heroes of 2014! Greek tycoons, sheikhs, Italian businessman or princes, these men know what they want – and what they want, they will take by seduction!This thrilling 12-book collection includes:The...
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Mills & Boon Modern February 2014 Collection

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Eight intense, passionate, international and glamorous novels by internationally bestselling romance authors. Whatever your favourite themes, you are sure to find satisfaction here!This collection includes:1. A BARGAIN WITH THE ENEMY Carole...
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The Italian's Baby of Passion

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Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. One red-hot unforgettable night led to a secret that will bind them forever!The Italian’s Secret Baby Kim Lawrence Scarlet has...
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The Spaniard's Pleasure

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These red-blooded Mediterranean men always get what they want!The Spaniard’s Pregnancy Proposal Kim Lawrence Short-term affairs are red-hot Antonio’s calling card – until he meets Fleur. She’s caught by his whirlwind of passionate seduction but...
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Royal Affairs: Desert Princes & Defiant Virgins

Ким Лоренс

Royal Lives – glamorous, luxurious, bound by duty yet still captive to desire!Virgin PrincessKarim, Sultan of Zangrar, sought a gentle, obedient bride. What he got was a defiant, feisty wife with fire in her eyes! Their marriage contract could...
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The Balfour Legacy

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Absolute scandal has rocked the core of the infamous Balfour family. The glittering, gorgeous daughters are in disgrace. . . Powerful tycoon Oscar Balfour has only one option – to cut his daughters off from their lavish lifestyles. He draws up a...
. Modern Romance September 2015 Books 1-4

Modern Romance September 2015 Books 1-4

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Modern Romance September 2015 Books 1-4Passion, glamour, seduction guaranteed!THE GREEK COMMANDS HIS MISTRESS by Lynne GrahamMaking billions and bedding beautiful women couldn't make Bastien Zikos forget defiant Delilah Moore. Now, if...
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The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo

Ким Лоренс

Pride. Scandal. Passion!Lily Parisi is determined to get on with her life – minus a man! A break in Milan sounds ideal – until she bumps into Alessandro del Marco, a face from her past. He finds it impossible to keep away from Lily – and she...
. A Passionate Night With The Greek

A Passionate Night With The Greek

Ким Лоренс

He’s supposed to find her……not seduce her!Greek tycoon Zach Gavros has one mission: to track down the long-lost granddaughter of the mentor who helped him rise from the streets of Athens to unrivalled success. But Zach quickly realises that...
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Pregnant by the Billionaire

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Pregnant with the Billionaire’s BabyJacob “Sin” Sinclair’s night with prim Luccy ended with an unexpected twist: she left him! Luccy’s shame at succumbing to one night of exquisite pleasure with the sinful billionaire is only heightened when she...
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A Secret Seduction

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Delve into these three stories of sinfully seductive encounters…A Secret Until Now by Kim LawrenceSeeing Angel brings all sorts of memories flooding back to Alex – memories that stir up a forgotten hunger. Alex sees no reason why they can’t...
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The Spaniard's Summer Seduction

Ким Лоренс

Under the Spaniard’s Lock and Key Nurse Maggie Ward is as pure as the snow-white uniform she wears. So when she falls for the darkly beautiful Rafael Castenadas she has no idea their unexpected meeting isn’t accidental… Not until it’s too late...
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The Gold Collection

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A Taste of the UntamedNotorious polo champion Nacho Acosto is restoring his sprawling Argentinian vineyard and he needs a sommelier who can match his exacting tastes… In spite of her inexperience, pretty Grace Lundstrum is perfect for the job –...
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The Gold Collection: Bedded By A Billionaire

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Santiago’s CommandSantiago Silva is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the Silva fortune from infamous femme fatale Lucy Fitzgerald. The safest place for a woman with so devastating a beauty is clear – with him! After all, without a...
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Hot Summer Flings

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A Spanish Awakening When Madrid’s most infamous bachelor, Emilio Rios, meets Megan Armstrong during an airport strike, he can’t believe his luck! He walked away from her once… now, he has twenty-four hours to show her how much he’s regretted...
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Summer Loving

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Prepare for summer with these four tempting reads!Marriage Made of Secrets by Maya BlakeAfter the confetti settles…It takes an earthquake for billionaire businessman Cesare di Goia to realise what’s important in life. His wife might have become...
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Modern Romance Collection: July Books 5 - 8

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Four sexy romances all in one place!A Ring to Secure His Crown by Kim LawrenceThe playboy prince's convenient bride Sabrina Summerville is content with her betrothal to the sensible Prince Luis – their match will reunify the kingdom of...
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One Night Of Consequences Collection

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If you only had one night, what would you do? Give in to your temptations? Find out in this romance collection!One Night: Exotic FantasiesOne Night in Paradise by Maisey YatesPirate Tycoon, Forbidden Baby by Janette KennyPrince Nadir’s Secret...
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The Royals Collection

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This collection of royals know exactly what they want and exactly how they’re going to get it!Royals: Claimed by the PrinceThe Heartbreaker Princeby Kim LawrencePassion and the Prince by Penny JordanPrince of Secrets by Susan StephensRoyals: A...
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The Blackmailed Bride

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Kate was determined to protect her sister from an impending scandal, and Javier Montero was the only man who could help them avoid public exposure! But Javier wanted something in return. As head of his family's business empire, he needed a...
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Mistress by Mistake

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Drew Cummings more than lived up to his reputation for being incredibly sexy. He' d misjudged Eve, though, believing her to be a calculating gold digger chasing after his wealthy nephew… .So when Drew began seducing Eve himself, was he...
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An Innocent Affair

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Being bridesmaid at her triplet sister' s wedding was the happiest day of Hope' s life– especially as, afterward, she was swept off her feet by gorgeous tycoon Alex Matheson!It seemed Hope would soon follow her sister up the aisle,...
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The Mistress Scandal

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More than a one-night stand… Though it had been an uncharacteristic impulse to sleep with a stranger, Ally has never regretted her one incredible night of passion with devastatingly gorgeous Gabe MacAllister. Especially when she’s reminded of it...
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The Playboy's Mistress

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When Darcy was persuaded to host her family's Christmas gathering, she started making detailed lists and mentally prepared herself for a hectic couple of weeks. But her plans were disrupted by a surprise new neighbor–a playboy tycoon, who...
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The Heartbreaker Prince

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Out of the frying pan, and into…Hannah Latimer, beautifully enigmatic socialite, has left her glamorous lifestyle behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime her only means of escape is...
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Her Nine Month Confession

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One night… The merest glimpse of handsome, sophisticated Benedict Warrender was enough to make wallflower Lily Gray blush. But since a twist of fate allowed her to enter his orbit, it's been the memories of their life-altering night...
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A Ring To Secure His Crown

Ким Лоренс

The playboy prince’s convenient brideSabrina Summerville is content with her betrothal to the sensible Prince Luis – their match will reunify the kingdom of Vela. So why does she feel so drawn to Luis’s darkly dangerous brother, Prince...
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One Night To Wedding Vows

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Vows made to be broken…Despite her wild reputation, Lara Gray is a virgin. So when she’s swept off her feet by the most gorgeous man in Rome, Raoul Di Vittorio, she is shocked by the passion awakened within her after just one night.But what Lara...
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The Greek's Ultimate Conquest

Ким Лоренс

They shared a night of mindless passion… …now he’ll take her once again!Reeling from his best friend’s death, Greek shipping magnate Nik Latsis found oblivion in the arms of a stunning stranger. Since then, her innocence has haunted his dreams....
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Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

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From pure – to pregnant!Lovely Neve Macleod’s life is shrouded by scandal. The tabloids delight in branding her a scarlet widow, but in reality her marriage was for convenience. She’s still a virgin, and a caring single stepmother – but no one...
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His Love-Child

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Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. The Greek Tycoon’s Love-Child by Jacqueline Baird When millionaire Theodore Kadros first sets his sights on beautiful Willow...
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In a Storm of Scandal

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Imprisoned with the Italian!Poppy lost her heart – and her reputation – to the dangerously suave Luca Ranieri. Only to be crushed by a whirlwind of scandal when aristocratic Luca chose duty over desire. Now Poppy finds herself stranded in her...
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Gianni's Pride

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Who’s been sleeping in my bed? Smouldering, rich, and lethally attractive, Gianni Fitzgerald is the master of any situation. But a seven-hour journey with his small son is evidence that even he has his limitations! Exhausted, he falls into bed…...
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The Sheikh's Impatient Virgin

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The innocent’s awakening…Set up against her will as a potential Arabian queen for the notorious Sheikh Karim, unworldly Eva has a plan to deter the desert King. She will convince him she’s a modern, sexually experienced woman – and definitely...
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The Sheikh and the Virgin

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Prince Tariq Al Kamal furiously forbids his brother to marry an unsuitable woman.Then Tariq removes temptation, whisking Beatrice away to his desert home where he becomes intent on seducing her. What he doesn't realise is she isn't his...
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The Petrelli Heir

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An impossible truth Roman Petrelli knows exactly how precious life is. Now that he can’t produce an heir, he’s the last Petrelli standing. So how could Isabel Carter have given birth to his baby? Izzy’s one night with Roman was an...
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A Seductive Revenge

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Josh Prentice has a broken heart, and there's only one way to mend it: revenge! He plans to seduce Flora, and then jilt her. But he hadn't expected to find it so hard to walk away….Locked into an intensely sensual relationship, Josh...
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Maid for Montero

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Hired as his mistress!Zoe Grace is terrible at being housekeeper of the Montero Estate. So bad that she faces being fired after just two weeks! Desperate to keep her job, she’ll do anything to convince her handsome Spanish boss to give her just...
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The Italian's Baby Bargain

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The Italian’s Wedding Ultimatum Kim LawrenceAlessandro Di Livio is dark, brooding and determined to keep Sam Maguire away from his sister’s husband…even if it means seducing her himself. When passion leads to pregnancy, Alessandro will claim Sam...
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The Sheikh Who Blackmailed Her

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BLACKMAILED INTO HIS BED!Wanted: Bride Rafiq, heir to a desert kingdom, thinks innocent Lizzie will be the perfect wife for his brother. But Lizzie isn't agreeing, so Rafiq plans to blackmail her! Then suddenly, Rafiq's demanding her...
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The Balfour Legacy

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It remained a mystery to him that a daughter of Oscar Balfour could utterly lack glitter and polish… The Balfour girls are glitzy, glamorous and gorgeous – except Sophie Balfour. Convinced she’s dumpy and plain, Sophie avoids the limelight. But...
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Escape for Easter

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One night leads to one baby!Cesare Brunelli lost his sight freeing a little girl from a fire. The only person who treated him without pity was Samantha – but, now expecting his child, she’s afraid that when his sight returns, he’ll trade her,...
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Pregnant with His Baby!

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Secret Baby, Convenient WifeShe was the ordinary nurse who tended his wounds when he was injured. He was the sexy billionaire who seduced her into his bed. She refused to be his mistress, so Gianfranco made her his wife… He had only one...
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In the Greek's Bed

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Back by popular demand! These great value titles feature stories from Mills & Boon fans' favourite authors. The Greek Tycoon’s Wife by Kim Lawrence Nikos Lakis is cool, controlled and infinitely sexy – and he’s also married to a woman...
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Я требую… свадьбу!

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Дерзкий и самоуверенный Айво Греко намерен заявить права на своего осиротевшего племянника. Но вот только как быть с тем, что у мальчика уже есть законная опекунша – яркая и решительная Флора Хендерсон? Айво предлагает девушке фиктивный брак и...
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Пламенное увлечение шейха

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Эбби Фостер подумала, что ее разыгрывают, когда, приехав домой, застала возле своего скромного крыльца белый лимузин, двух арабов, а между ними – неприметного человечка, который сообщил ей, что у нее, оказывается, есть муж, и этот муж – сын...
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Счастье со второй попытки

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Проснувшись в одной постели со своим бывшим мужем, принцем Данте, Беатрис твердо решает для себя: это их последняя встреча, но вскоре узнает, что беременна. Данте намерен сделать все, чтобы вернуть любимую во дворец. Но согласится ли Беатрис...
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Миг воплощенных желаний

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Впервые встретившись со своей сводной сестрой, Майя Монк не подозревала, что та бросит на нее своего ребенка. Не успев смириться с ситуацией, в которую попала, Майя сталкивается с миллиардером Самуэле Агости, который требует отдать ему малыша.
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Сердце во власти шейха

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Принцесса Ханна Латимер – красавица и светская львица, неожиданно оказывается в плену. И теперь спасти ее может только могущественный и высокомерный принц Камель, которому срочно нужно жениться: так он избежит войны с соседним королевством....

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