Автор: Julius Chance

. Gregory


Julius Chance

Quitting bad habit had always been hard. Instead of trying do to so yourself, you may turn to the divine "authoritty" of smoking. One pal did exactly so. What would come out of it? No one can imagine… The cover image is taken from the pixabay...
. Bird


Julius Chance

Antony receives an unexpected offer from a successful businessman, a former university friend, which he cannot refuse. They have big plans. But the path to their goal is blocked by … a bird. The cover image is "Albatros Alaska 1977 NOAA...
. Keys


Julius Chance

Communication interception in the modern word is of paramaunt importance, but it is a double edged sword. It may prevent the act of terrorism, but it is also capable of winning the war before it even began or it may ruin competitor's business...
. How did I quit smoking

How did I quit smoking

Julius Chance

This is a book for those who want to, have tried, but have not yet been able to quit smoking so far. Even many celebrities have fallen victims to that addiction. The author himself succeeded only with the twentieth attempt! The brochure provides...
. PreRussia


Julius Chance

The discoveries of recent years indicate that Russia may be older than Ancient Greece. This book includes the most valuable from dozens of sources and gives the reader a clear picture with the optimal amount of information from different fields...

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