Автор: Joshua Rosenbaum

. Investment Banking Workbook

Investment Banking Workbook

Joshua Rosenbaum

Investment Banking WORKBOOK is the ideal complement to Investment Banking, Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers & Acquisitions, Second Edition, enabling you to truly master and refine the core skills at the center of the world of finance....
. Investment Banking

Investment Banking

Joshua Rosenbaum

Investment Banking, UNIVERSITY EDITION is a highly accessible and authoritative book written by investment bankers that explains how to perform the valuation work at the core of the financial world. This body of work builds on Rosenbaum and...
. The Little Book of Investing Like the Pros

The Little Book of Investing Like the Pros

Joshua Rosenbaum

As you have probably noticed, there are quite a few investing books out there. Many of them were written by some of the world's greatest investors. So, why should you read our book? Stock investing is more prevalent than ever, whether...
. Investieren wie die Profis

Investieren wie die Profis

Joshua Rosenbaum

Aktien oder nicht? Immer mehr erkennen: Diese Frage stellt sich in Nullzins-Zeiten nicht. Doch dann stellen sich gleich die n?chsten Fragen, die sich nicht so leicht beantworten lassen: Wie gehe ich systematisch an die Aktienauswahl heran? Wie...

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