Автор: James Axler

. No Man's Land

No Man's Land

James Axler

There's little to remember about life before the Big Nuke, but there's plenty to scavenge in the tainted wreckage of the post apocalyptic frontier. The barbaric code of survival of the fittest, meanest or dirtiest makes for hard living and easy...
. Prodigal's Return

Prodigal's Return

James Axler

America, defiled and reshaped by nuclear carnage, promises little but a struggle for survival. Still, a group of hard travelers trek the worst this hellish place can offer, surviving by their wits, razor skill and knowledge of preDark...
. Serpent's Tooth

Serpent's Tooth

James Axler

Overlords and humanity battle to claim Earth in a war as old as the alien domination of the planet. Yet with each new offensive comes stunning new revelations–exposing mysteries that were unfathomable before Skydark but are now quite real and...
. Cradle Of Destiny

Cradle Of Destiny

James Axler

Reborn after near nuclear eradication, humanity struggles in a world defined by a secret history of conspiracy, rivalry and inhuman domination.As an ancient powerful race attempts to retake planet Earth, a courageous and sophisticated band of...
. Lost Gates

Lost Gates

James Axler

Existence after Skydark is a gamble against grim odds–winners and losers decided by guns, jack and raw nerve. Still, one intrepid group pushes on, working to understand the secrets of preDark tech at the heart of nuke-altered America. Because...
. Black Harvest

Black Harvest

James Axler

Shockwaves of atomic destruction turned 22nd-century America into a hell zone, but in the ruins the human spirit remains unconquerable. Daily survival depends on raw courage and a deadly aim, and with his warrior band Ryan Cawdor roams the...
. God War

God War

James Axler

The Annunaki, a power-hungry and hate-driven alien race, have returned to take over Earth. This time, permanently.And the hard-core human rebels who fought to repel these self-proclaimed gods have paid a terrible price. Just when they are needed...
. Dark Goddess

Dark Goddess

James Axler

Humanity's past lies buried beneath the ruins of near annihilation, concealed by a secret entity and its ancient blueprint to enslave mankind.But at the dawn of a far more treacherous new battle for domination, the war between humanity and its...
. Siren Song

Siren Song

James Axler

PARADISE LOSTCrawling from the wreckage of Armageddon, humanity endures, mutated and forever altered. Gone are the comforts of civilization, replaced by a bloodlust to survive. Deathlands is a tortured landscape where peace and hope struggle to...
. Desolation Angels

Desolation Angels

James Axler

A hundred years after the nukecaust, the tortured landscape of post apocalyptic America offers a brutal fight for survival. Yet tech secrets lie hidden, useful to those brave and strong enough to believe that hope can carry them toward...
. Shadow Born

Shadow Born

James Axler

Earth remains the tortured battleground of near-immortal aliens. But these god kings never anticipated unified resistance from a group of humans possessing the tenacity and spirit to reclaim their planet. In the ongoing war for independence, the...
. Blood Harvest

Blood Harvest

James Axler

The cataclysm of nuclear winter transmuted the world into a place both torturous and unforgiving. But there are those with the courage and perseverance to seek out something beyond the merciless life-and-death struggle of Deathlands. In a...
. Shaking Earth

Shaking Earth

James Axler

After a nuclear blast all but vaporized the Western Hemisphere in the late twenty-first century, America became known as Deathlands, a hellhole that has proved itself a formidable foe in the fight for survival–a place where the will to see...
. Remember Tomorrow

Remember Tomorrow

James Axler

After twenty-first century America exploded in the chaos of a nuclear nightmare, a raw new landscape emerged, a world where death and dreams clash. Still, the best of the human spirit endures: the hope, the will to survive.But so does the worst:...
. Hanging Judge

Hanging Judge

James Axler

SCARRED FOR EXISTENCEIn the Deathlands, the game of survival offers no reprieve. There's nothing to win in nuke-blasted America except the chance to fight another day. Still, Ryan Cawdor and his fellow travelers hope for sanctuary…somewhere....
. Shadow Box

Shadow Box

James Axler

The collapse of the hybrid-ruled baronies offers a glimmer of hope for an Earth free from the shackles of the alien race that has subjugated humankind since the dawn of time. But the Annunaki threat remains ominous. For the Cerberus rebels,...
. Desert Kings

Desert Kings

James Axler

More than a century past the fiery dawn of post-nuclear America, Ryan Cawdor and his companions journey across a land lost yet reborn, where lawless violence and human perseverance clash, and unsolved mysteries hint at redemption. Though hope...
. Prophecy


James Axler

After the nuclear winter, the taint of humanity worsened in the raw blood-quest for survival. Hunger for jack and power now fuels traders and barons, who relinquish authority only through death, crushing everything in their path.Still, a handful...
. Necropolis


James Axler

The damnation and deception that enslaved humanity was exposed after the earth was razed by a nuclear holocaust. As immortal god kings continue to lay claim to the planet, the epic struggle to repossess Earth rages on.The Cerberus rebels fight...
. Sunspot


James Axler

In the wake of a nuclear Armageddon, the hellscape of Deathlands conspires to torment strong and weak alike, festering most deeply in those who still possess the deepest core of human decency. Now the past lies in the ashes, while the mysteries...
. Breakthrough


James Axler

More than a century after a multi-warhead nuclear strike wiped out nearly all of earth's population, humanity's feral instinct to survive has spawned a savage new America. Here, the brutality of man and nature conspire against hope. Yet despite...
. Ghostwalk


James Axler

Relentless PropagationArea 51 remains a mysterious enclave of eerie synergy and unleashed power–a nightmare poised to take the world to hell. A madman has marshaled an army of incorporeal, alien evil, a virus with intelligence now scything...
. Separation


James Axler

Hard strength and resilience are needed to survive each new day in the treacherous world of post nuclear America.For Ryan Cawdor and his companions, honour, integrity and a willingness to kill are necessary as well, as they struggle to balance a...
. Bloodfire


James Axler

Life in twenty-second-century America is an odyssey of pain and death. Savagely transformed by atomic fallout, what remains of humanity endures an internecine war against those who thrive on chaos and bloodshed.A legend in a violent land, Ryan...
. Labyrinth


James Axler

It took only minutes for human history to derail in a mushroom cloud–now more than a century later, whatever destiny lies ahead for humanity is bound by the rules that have governed survival since the dawn of time: part luck, part skill and part...
. Hell's Maw

Hell's Maw

James Axler

HOPE'S BATTLEGROUNDEarth's secret history of alien occupation is challenged by a powerful alliance of warriors driven to reclaim humanity's birthright. But when a cruel, vicious ruler spreads a new wave of terror, the Cerberus rebels must fight...
. Terminal White

Terminal White

James Axler

Enduring struggle The Cerberus rebels remain vigilant, defending mankind's sovereignty against the alien forces conspiring to gain control of the planet. Now a dark and deadly intelligence plots to eradicate what it means to be human: free...
. Alpha Wave

Alpha Wave

James Axler

In the postapocalyptic world of Deathlands, the past and its way of life are as obsolete as myth. Now the days are filled with death, violence and little promise. Still, the human spirit endures, and a group of intrepid warrior survivalists dare...
. Doom Helix

Doom Helix

James Axler

Devastation from the nukewar shattered civilization and left a planet both primitive and ripe for rebirth–or retaking. While the balance of power has fallen to avaricious, amoral barons, a handful of humanity still holds hope of a future worth...
. Perdition Valley

Perdition Valley

James Axler

Journeying across the devastated frontier of post nuclear America, Ryan Cawdor and his companions have unlocked clandestine knowledge of preDark tech, secrets that give them an edge for staying alive, an edge augmented by an ability to fi...
. Ritual Chill

Ritual Chill

James Axler

Time, and the fallout of a nuclear holocaust, have ravaged 21st century America, but one fundamental impulse of human nature remains: the will to survive. And only the strongest do survive.Men like Ryan Cawdor, whose inner strength and stubborn...
. Grailstone Gambit

Grailstone Gambit

James Axler

A deadly truth… When Victor Holland comes flying out of the night, he runs straight into the path of Catherine Weaver’s car. Having uncovered a terrifying secret which leads all the way to Washington, Victor is running for his life – and from...
. Infinity Breach

Infinity Breach

James Axler

The oligarchy of Overlords battling to resurrect alien rule on Earth remains ever threatened by a group of rebels determined to meet the ancient Sumerian enemies with a show of force. While glimmers of containment, if not victory, have appeared,...
. Apocalypse Unseen

Apocalypse Unseen

James Axler

Battlefield Earth…Far in the future, mankind endures the relentless onslaught of alien oppressors, an ancient battle whose tide has begun to turn through the efforts of the Cerberus rebels. This remarkable band of warriors fights an elusive...
. Shadow Fortress

Shadow Fortress

James Axler

A planet ravaged by the apocalyptic blast of 2001 gave birth to a new world of savagery–and a new breed of hero.In a land where violence rules with absolute authority, Ryan Cawdor and his wayfarer survivalists roam the strange, nascent...
. Judas Strike

Judas Strike

James Axler

A nuclear endgame played out among the superpowers created a fiery cataclysm that turned America into a treacherous new frontier. But an intrepid group of warrior survivalists roams the wastelands, unlocking the secrets of a pre-dark world.Ryan...
. Polestar Omega

Polestar Omega

James Axler

Banded together to survive, Ryan Cawdor and his companions travel the barren wastelands of a post-nuclear world. There are no laws in Deathlands–only fear, destruction and annihilation. As each day brings a new struggle, this group journeys...
. Sky Hammer

Sky Hammer

James Axler

Dedicated to fighting terror wherever it's found, the warriors of Stony Man do not consider failure to be an option. But the men and women of this top secret unit remain ever vigilant in the knowledge that some day a threat so enormous may arise...
. Cannibal Moon

Cannibal Moon

James Axler

In the hostile new world of post nuclear America, there are many ways to die, but few are clean or quick. Long ago Ryan Cawdor and his band threw in their lot together–to do or die trying.It was a pact sealed in blood, one of selflessness and...
. Strontium Swamp

Strontium Swamp

James Axler

In their darkest moments, few citizens of the twentieth century could have envisioned the firestorm that plunged the world into the chaos of a nuke-altered reality.Twenty-second-century America may not be much worth fighting for, but Ryan Cawdor...
. Salvation Road

Salvation Road

James Axler

Tortured into existence by a nuclear conflagration, the new frontier of a ravaged America is an ordeal only the most intrepid can endure. Pockets of civilization have emerged, some born of will and hope, while others are breeding grounds for...
. Angel Of Doom

Angel Of Doom

James Axler

MYTHIC PROPORTIONSInsidious alien forces conspiring to enslave humanity grow increasingly dangerous and defiant. Willing to do whatever it takes to defeat these ancient invaders, the Cerberus rebels carry on the fight for freedom.DAMNATION...
. Genesis Sinister

Genesis Sinister

James Axler

The epic battle between two would-be gods to rule earth may have ended, but the struggle to survive aliens of near-immortal powers–aliens determined to cage humankind–continues. As the freedom fighters of the Cerberus organization regroup and...
. Truth Engine

Truth Engine

James Axler

Earth's darkest days have given way to a new age of war. Launched by an ancient and powerful alien race, the battle has morphed through an aeons-old blueprint for domination.But with it has emerged a resilient group of freedom fighters, true...
. Planet Hate

Planet Hate

James Axler

Centuries beyond the aftermath of a shattered earth, the aeons-old manipulation of humanity has brought forth a new chrysalis of star-born domination. His name is Ullikummis, exiled scion of an embattled but brilliant and calculating inhuman...
. Hellbenders


James Axler

Out of the ashes of the conflagration that savaged mankind two centuries ago, Deathlands was born–a tortured testament to a world long gone. Yet, in this kill-or-be-killed world where justice is the way of the past and blood is law, hope is the...
. Moonfeast


James Axler

In the nuke-conceived birth of Deathlands, a rare breed of warrior-survivor emerged–born into suffering, hardened by circumstance, forged by endurance and sharpened by combat. Yet in the heart of this warrior, the quest to find a place of peace...
. Vengeance Trail

Vengeance Trail

James Axler

As megalomaniac barons and savage anarchy compete to lay claim to post-nuclear America, perseverance and a will to live are what keep Ryan Cawdor and his band of warrior survivalists roving through the worst and best of a new world. Armed with...
. Damnation Road Show

Damnation Road Show

James Axler

In the ruins of a nuke-shattered America, every man, woman and child of the apocalyptic frontier makes a perilous journey to the future. But there is a fork that divides the path toward humanity reborn…and the road deep into the hell that is...
. Pantheon Of Vengeance

Pantheon Of Vengeance

James Axler

The internecine struggle of planet Earth remains the only constant in a millennium of brutal transformation. Now, decades after the apocalypse, the war for domination rages on–human against alien usurper.Armed with secret knowledge of a powerful...
. Skydark Spawn

Skydark Spawn

James Axler

Survival in America's nuke-blasted frontier is both a curse and a salvation for Ryan Cawdor and his warrior companions. Though the basic needs of existence must be fought for and won with blood– each day alive means another chance to seek refuge...
. Sunchild


James Axler

After an atomic blast hurled the world into an uncertain future, the past still reaches out in hope…and damnation. In a kill-or-die world, one steadfast group of survivors possesses superior fighting skills and sense of fair play that have made...
. Dragon City

Dragon City

James Axler

Humanity has been held in subjugation for thousands of years, manipulated by a cruel alien race. But what began as a game among self-styled gods evolved into an internecine power play.Divided by ego and greed, the enemy faced resistance–and a...
. Arcadian's Asylum

Arcadian's Asylum

James Axler

The brutality of post-nuclear America has spawned a dark frontier where the harsh and unforgiving new rules of existence cannot obliterate the decency and determination that drive the true human spirit. It's tested and tormented but never...
. Sky Raider

Sky Raider

James Axler

Raw courage and knowledge of the arcane secrets of preDark technology have enabled Ryan Cawdor and his warrior companions to live and roam a land tortured–but not destroyed–by apocalyptic madness. In a world where the price of living is paid in...
. Infestation Cubed

Infestation Cubed

James Axler

On post apocalyptic Earth, humanity fights for survival against alien oppressors. Orchestrating the resistance in an ever-shifting battle, the Cerberus rebels confront a new level of dark manipulation.At the helm, a mind-controlling stone god...
. Perception Fault

Perception Fault

James Axler

The ravaged landscape that was America two centuries ago is now blighted by post-nuclear holocaust savagery. Still, there remain pockets of preDark technology that may offer undiscovered paths to reclaiming the future.Ryan Cawdor and his...
. Playfair's Axiom

Playfair's Axiom

James Axler

A legendary warrior of nuke-spawned America, Ryan Cawdor understands the hard-and-fast rule of Deathlands. Where there is life, death is only a matter of time.Still, staying alive is the dubious luxury of being quick, hard and willing to abide...
. Shatter Zone

Shatter Zone

James Axler

Scattered remains have been salvaged from the abandoned cities that withstood the atomic onslaught at the dawn of the twenty-fi rst century, but the secrets of pre-Dark tech buried in the mass grave of civilization are known to only a...
. Tainted Cascade

Tainted Cascade

James Axler

The blighted aftermath of a global nuclear showdown, Deathlands exacts a blood price. The living pay it; the dead don't care. For one legendary band of warriors, this barbaric new world holds a chance for redemption: the secrets of the past....
. Death Hunt

Death Hunt

James Axler

The treacherous new world of post-nuclear America guarantees no inalienable rights–no promises of freedom, liberty or justice for all. Instead, chaos and bloodlust thrive–but so do the innate strengths of the human spirit, and the virtues of...
. Reality Echo

Reality Echo

James Axler

Earth remains the volatile prize of aeons of war and domination by two panterrestrial races. Returning the fight to these inhuman overlords, the Cerberus rebels are the champions of the planet's postapocalyptic dark ages.They spark a uniquely...
. Baptism Of Rage

Baptism Of Rage

James Axler

The end of the world arrived in a nuclear rush, forging the agonized remains of past and present into a new reality known as Deathlands. Now life is a simple series of rules of survival, where having is better than not having–and anything is...
. Judgment Plague

Judgment Plague

James Axler

Though the Cerberus Rebels have battled unfathomable odds to defend mankind, victory and sovereignty remain far from assured. As enemies of otherworldly origin push the warriors' power to the limit, a very human menace emerges, eager to grind...
. Janus Trap

Janus Trap

James Axler

The quest for Earth's domination remains the primary directive of an ancient, inhuman enemy. Challenging this alien bid for iron rule, an elite force led by former magistrates wages war against Earth's enslavers. These rebel commandos are...
. Thunder Road

Thunder Road

James Axler

A century after the nukecaust, humanity adheres to the most basic laws of survival: live or die. While many plunder and savage for profit and pleasure, others follow a higher bid for promise and hope. Still, the concepts of law and order remain...
. Time Castaways

Time Castaways

James Axler

In the nuke-altered America of the twenty-first century, time conspires against survival, especially for a legendary group of warriors led by Ryan Cawdor. Born and bred in Deathlands, Ryan dares to unlock the secrets buried deep in the wreckage...
. Desolation Crossing

Desolation Crossing

James Axler

Survival is a dangerous enterprise in the aftermath of a nuked America. Humanity perseveres, but the Deathlands code is far simpler: kill or be killed, live or die trying. Driven by the fires of hope, a resilient band of warriors traverse the...
. Death Cry

Death Cry

James Axler

Decades after the nukecaust, Earth's fate remains in a stranglehold. The stunning otherworldly design of the blueprint for domination is crucial to rescuing humanity from eternal slavery.As the Cerberus exiles dare to challenge the planet's...
. Blood Red Tide

Blood Red Tide

James Axler

In a nuclear wasteland where death and destruction are the norm, Ryan Cawdor and his fellow survivors seek out refuge while looking to one another for protection. Civilization no longer exists in the barren Deathlands.There is only the will to...
. Distortion Offensive

Distortion Offensive

James Axler

The boundaries of order created by the nine baronies during America's apocalyptic aftermath have fallen away to a new wave of transcending chaos.The deep-rooted conspiracy that shadows humanity has been exposed, the relentless battle for earth...
. Crimson Waters

Crimson Waters

James Axler

Everyone who lives in Deathlands must endure the hellscape of a world mutilated by nukes and madness. Survival is a grim pursuit, achieved only by the most ruthless means. Yet Ryan Cawdor and his companions remain determined to persevere by...
. Dark Resurrection

Dark Resurrection

James Axler

Postnuclear America has changed little since the primal leveling of the twenty-first century. Warrior survivalists Ryan Cawdor and his band live by a code that honors the kind of absolute freedom only a raw frontier can provide.Until rumors of a...
. Plague Lords

Plague Lords

James Axler

After a century of chaos following the nukes, Deathlands is forming pockets of civilization, aided by preDark stockpiles of weapons, fuel and pieces of 21st-century knowledge. But these troves are hard to come by, and survival remains a blood...
. Warlord Of The Pit

Warlord Of The Pit

James Axler

The war to pull Earth and humanity back from the iron grip of slavery shifts against an inhuman enemy both calculating and unpredictable. For those with the knowledge and will to reclaim their planet, a blueprint for survival has emerged: to...
. Hell Road Warriors

Hell Road Warriors

James Axler

The human will to survive has sharpened to a knife edge after a century of postnuclear madness. In a lawless land where firepower and savagery rule, power lies with the barons and coldhearts who wield control through terror. Against all odds, a...
. Scarlet Dream

Scarlet Dream

James Axler

The poisonous alien race masterminding centuries of calculated chaos and destruction for mankind underestimated the sheer tenacity of the human spirit. Now these technologically superior aggressors must contend with a dedicated group of warriors...
. Oblivion Stone

Oblivion Stone

James Axler

Spread across postapocalyptic North America, the nine great cities ruled by the alien-human hybrid barons have crumbled…ushering in not defeat, but a new epoch of alien rule of Earth. But their assault is threatened by a force of extraordinary...
. Haven's Blight

Haven's Blight

James Axler

The future rose from the ashes of nuke-scorched America with a vengeance. The unchecked wrath of Deathlands pits Ryan Cawdor and his companions against long odds.But their skill as survivors, strategists and warriors is unmatched and they've...
. Devil Riders

Devil Riders

James Axler

A century after the nuclear conflagration almost destroyed the world, humanity endures in a lawless land. Those who inhabit Deathlands are either killers or those who would be killed.But an elite few defy the laws of this new natural...
. Wretched Earth

Wretched Earth

James Axler

After the Mega cull, the weak died off, so that a century later, the living have descended from only the toughest stock. Still, it takes more than strength to survive Deathlands.It takes skill, cunning and a warrior's heart. But for Ryan Cawdor,...
. Downrigger Drift

Downrigger Drift

James Axler

The nuclear cataclysm that maimed America altered the rules of existence. The new reality guarantees a grim battle for survival, but the higher human instinct to exist in peace and good will lives on. Legends endure and Ryan Cawdor is a warrior...
. Atlantis Reprise

Atlantis Reprise

James Axler

For Ryan Cawdor, leader of a small group of post-apocalypse survivalists, it's the inner fire of survival that guides them through this hell on earth…to whatever lies beyond the daily fight for existence. There are times when the oblivion...
. Eden's Twilight

Eden's Twilight

James Axler

Crawling out of the ruins of a nuke-shattered America, a new reality shapes an unpredictable terrain of human resilience and unabated savagery. Born and bred in Deathlands, Ryan Cawdor has seen the pulsing of its dark heart. And he understands...
. Apocalypse Unborn

Apocalypse Unborn

James Axler

Reborn primeval in the fires of thermonuclear hell, America's aftermath is one of manifest evil, savage endurance and lingering hope. Traversing the lawless continent on a journey without destination, Ryan Cawdor seeks humanity in an inhuman...
. End Program

End Program

James Axler

No one waits long for trouble in Deathlands–it's everywhere in the remains of a nuke-altered civilization. The American dream was annihilated more than a century ago by the country's own unchecked power play. But the worst may be yet to...
. Palaces Of Light

Palaces Of Light

James Axler

Remnants of America's past are littered across the postapocalyptic landscape, but little remains of the predark ideals of law and order. Survival is a blood quest, and lethal force the means to power. Still, a handful retains their humanity...
. End Day

End Day

James Axler

TIME WARPEDRyan Cawdor and his six companions struggle to survive postnuclear America, a grim new world where hope for the future is lost amid the devastation.APOCALYPSE REDUXIn pursuit of a hardened enemy–Magus–Ryan and the companions find...
. Devil's Vortex

Devil's Vortex

James Axler

CHILD VORTEXAn orphaned teen with the ability to transform into a vicious whirlwind latches on to Ryan and the companions as they travel through former North Dakota. Her deadly power seems like a boon at first, until it starts to control her....
. Iron Rage

Iron Rage

James Axler

DESPERATE MEASURESSince the nukecaust, the American dream has been reduced to a daily fight for survival. In the hellish landscape of Deathlands, few dare to dream of a better tomorrow. But Ryan Cawdor and his companions press on, driven by the...
. Forbidden Trespass

Forbidden Trespass

James Axler

WEARY WANDERERSIn the war-torn wasteland known as Deathlands, desperation and destruction have replaced dreams and peace. Each day arrives with a new life-threatening challenge for wanderer Ryan Cawdor and his fellow band of survivors…FEAST OR...
. Hive Invasion

Hive Invasion

James Axler

Seeking refuge in a post-Armageddon America, Ryan Cawdor and his crew of misfits travel together for survival and sanity. Known as Deathlands, this lawless hellscape is defined by destruction, death and despair.Only those who persevere with the...
. Child Of Slaughter

Child Of Slaughter

James Axler

MORTAL RIFTSWhen Doc is taken captive by a band of marauders in what was once Nebraska, Ryan and the companions rally to get him back. But they aren't just fighting the local muties. They're also up against the area's terrifying terrain, which...
. Sky Hammer

Sky Hammer

James Axler

Dedicated to fighting terror wherever it's found, the warriors of Stony Man do not consider failure to be an option. But the men and women of this top secret unit remain ever vigilant in the knowledge that some day a threat so enormous may...

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