Автор: Julie Rose

. Figures of History

Figures of History

Julie Rose

In this important new book the leading philosopher Jacques Ranci?re continues his reflections on the representative power of works of art. How does art render events that have spanned an era? What roles does it assign to those who enacted them...
. The Edges of Fiction

The Edges of Fiction

Julie Rose

What distinguishes fiction from ordinary experience is not a lack of reality but a surfeit of rationality – this was the thesis of Aristotle’s Poetics. The rationality of fiction is that appearances are inverted. Fiction overturns the ordinary...
. What Times Are We Living In?

What Times Are We Living In?

Julie Rose

In this short book, Jacques Ranci?re takes stock of the state of contemporary politics and examines current developments in the light of his writings. Ranci?re takes issue with what he sees as the consolidation in recent years of an increasingly...

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