Автор: Irina Apraksina

. Instruction for survival during modern disaster

Instruction for survival during modern disaster

Irina Apraksina

This is an indispensable guide for those who strive to be prepared for the most extreme situations. From nuclear threats to global pandemics and climate change, this book offers a comprehensive overview of all possible disasters and provides...
. REBOOT: formas de gestionar el estr?s

REBOOT: formas de gestionar el estr?s

Irina Apraksina

Este libro es su gu?a personal para encontrar la armon?a y la felicidad en la vida. Este libro, escrito por un famoso psicoanalista y esoterista, ofrece un enfoque ?nico para controlar el estr?s y la ansiedad.Cada cap?tulo est? lleno de...
. REBOOT: Stress management techniques

REBOOT: Stress management techniques

Irina Apraksina

This book is your personal guide to finding harmony and happiness in the modern world. This book, written by a renowned psychoanalyst and esoteric, offers a unique approach to managing stress and anxiety.Inspiring stories and wise advice from...
. Secrets of great sex

Secrets of great sex

Irina Apraksina

«Secrets of great sex» is a candid exploration of intimacy, offering insights and techniques to enhance sexual experiences. The book covers everything from communication and connection to practical tips for spicing up the bedroom. It encourages...

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