Автор: Ian Thornton

. The Great and Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms

The Great and Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms

Ian Thornton

Johan Thoms (pronounced Yo-han Tomes) was born in Argona, a small town twenty-three miles south of Sarajevo, during the hellish depths of winter 1894.Little did he know that his inability to reverse a car would change the course of 20th Century...
. The Great and Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms

The Great and Calamitous Tale of Johan Thoms

Ian Thornton

Johan Thoms (pronounced Yo-han Tomes) was born in Argona, a small town twenty-three miles south of Sarajevo, during the hellish depths of winter 1894.Little did he know that his inability to reverse a car would change the course of 20th Century...

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