The prognostic function of octanalysis is realized by studying the effect of congenital dominance of instances in the five-component structure of personality (three instances of consciousness and two instances of the unconscious). The congenital...
La funci?n pron?stica de octan?lisis se realiza estudiando el efecto de dominancia cong?nita de instancias en la estructura de la personalidad de cinco componentes (tres instancias de conciencia y dos instancias del inconsciente). La dominancia...
A fun??o progn?stica de octan?lise ? realizada estudando o efeito da domin?ncia cong?nita de inst?ncias na estrutura de cinco componentes da personalidade (tr?s inst?ncias de consci?ncia e duas inst?ncias do inconsciente). A domin?ncia cong?nita...
The legendary first emperor of China (Celestial Empire) Fu Xi (2852—2737 BC) created the first eight trigrams, the fundamental principles of being. «I Ching» – the earliest of the Chinese philosophical texts, intended for divination, consists of...