Автор: Gennadiy Loginov

. Wine Vault

Wine Vault

Gennadiy Loginov

The feelings that a person experiences when drinking wine are no match for the pleasure that the wine feels whilst being consumed. But what if people get drunk with some low-grade booze every day, while the noble drink is hidden forever in the...
. Taming the Piano

Taming the Piano

Gennadiy Loginov

The root of all our problems in the present is often buried in the past. It takes courage to admit our previous mistakes and stand up instead of running away, so that we may overcome the fear, once and for all.
. Almac?n de vinos

Almac?n de vinos

Gennadiy Loginov

Las sensaciones que experimenta una persona al beber vino no se corresponden con el placer que el vino siente al ser consumido. Pero, ?qu? pasa si la gente se emborracha con alcohol de baja calidad todos los d?as, mientras que la bebida noble se...
. Domar el piano

Domar el piano

Gennadiy Loginov

La ra?z de todos nuestros problemas en el presente a menudo est? enterrada en el pasado. Se necesita valor para admitir nuestros errores anteriores y levantarnos en lugar de huir, para que podamos vencer al miedo, de una vez por todas.
. Discrete Person

Discrete Person

Gennadiy Loginov

The killer committed the crime and fled the scene. It would seem to be a common occurrence, but what if the victim, the criminal, and the investigation were unusual? Then, perhaps, one should not be surprised that the purposeful detective found...
. Steel Bird’s Laying

Steel Bird’s Laying

Gennadiy Loginov

Having received a gift from heaven, tribesmen devoted themselves to a great service. Wise elders, chieftains and ordinary people are ready to sacrifice a lot in the name of a new idol. Not sparing themselves (and especially others), devotees are...
. Yace el P?jaro de Acero

Yace el P?jaro de Acero

Gennadiy Loginov

Habiendo recibido un regalo del cielo, los miembros de la tribu se entregaron a un gran servicio. Los sabios ancianos, los jefes y la gente com?n se aprestaron a hacer muchos sacrificios en nombre de un nuevo ?dolo. No escatim?ndose a s? mismos...
. Persona intermitente

Persona intermitente

Gennadiy Loginov

El asesino cometi? el crimen y huy? de la escena. Podr?a parecer una situaci?n com?n, pero ?qu? pasar?a si la v?ctima, el criminal y la investigaci?n fueran inusuales? Entonces, tal vez, uno no deber?a sorprenderse de que el decidido detective...
. Big Story

Big Story

Gennadiy Loginov

It’s not just a story. It’s is a BIG story. And really – what’s the point of telling a small story if you can tell a BIG one? On the other hand, such concepts as “big” and “small” largely depend on the point of view. Besides, “bigger” does not...
. Gran historia

Gran historia

Gennadiy Loginov

No es s?lo una historia. Es una GRAN historia. Y en realidad, ?qu? sentido tiene contar una peque?a historia si se puede contar una GRANDE? Por otro lado, conceptos como “grande” y “peque?o” dependen en gran medida del punto de vista. Adem?s,...
. The Tower of Hanoi

The Tower of Hanoi

Gennadiy Loginov

Sometimes, you cannot upset the hosts by being late for dinner, and moreover – your absence may please them. Especially if you weren’t invited, even if you ran at full speed. What is left to do in this case? Upon finding yourself in a crowd of...
. Savant


Gennadiy Loginov

The line between genius and madness is often so thin that it is entirely invisible. This fact cannot be considered as something new or as some great discovery. Of course, not every madman is a genius, but there are quite a few people with mental...
. Werewolf


Gennadiy Loginov

There is a saying that when you are in Rome do as the Romans do. But what if your life has changed so dramatically that you find yourself in an almost unknown environment? Is it possible to adapt to the new circumstances or will your instincts...
. Lady with a Veil

Lady with a Veil

Gennadiy Loginov

Not every artist has an opportunity to meet the Muse. Our hero was lucky, and he found his true inspiration and unprecedented success. But where is the truth – inside the creator, in his feelings and affection, or in the outside world? The young...
. Hired Self-killer or The Winner’s Trial

Hired Self-killer or The Winner’s Trial

Gennadiy Loginov

What is inversionism? In simple terms, it is a reversal to ideals, step back from the edge of the cliff. It is not about an ordinary repetition of old ways but about returning updated. It is an attempt (perhaps a little quixotic) to turn the...
. Knight’s Tour

Knight’s Tour

Gennadiy Loginov

Sometimes life puts us in a stalemate situation. Pawns dream about the Queen status but instead, they fall victims of the tough struggle for the honour of the chess crown. The King is tired of intrigues and machination but he is forced to follow...
. The Dreamer

The Dreamer

Gennadiy Loginov

Dreams and visions, an escape from reality – they are the ways to survive the gray routine when the consciousness transforms the world, making it bright and colourful. But if an escapist knows no limits and loses the touch with reality – he...
. Rusty Humanist

Rusty Humanist

Gennadiy Loginov

A small work of “rhymed prose” (or “rhythmic prose”). It is about life, ecology, culture and the vision of the future :)

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