Автор: Fritz Allhoff

. Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone. Being and Killing

Serial Killers - Philosophy for Everyone. Being and Killing

Fritz Allhoff

Serial Killers – Philosophy for Everyone investigates our profound intrigue with mass-murderers. Exploring existential, ethical and political questions through an examination of real and fictional serial killers, philosophy comes alive via an...
. Sailing - Philosophy For Everyone. Catching the Drift of Why We Sail

Sailing - Philosophy For Everyone. Catching the Drift of Why We Sail

Fritz Allhoff

This volume reveals the wisdom we can learn from sailing, a sport that pits human skills against the elements, tests the mettle and is a rich source of valuable lessons in life. Unravels the philosophical mysteries behind one of the oldest...
. Climbing - Philosophy for Everyone. Because It's There

Climbing - Philosophy for Everyone. Because It's There

Fritz Allhoff

Climbing – Philosophy for Everyone presents a collection of intellectually stimulating new essays that address the philosophical issues relating to risk, ethics, and other aspects of climbing that are of interest to everyone from novice climbers...
. Dating - Philosophy for Everyone. Flirting With Big Ideas

Dating - Philosophy for Everyone. Flirting With Big Ideas

Fritz Allhoff

Progressing from the first flirtatious moment of eye contact to the selection of a “mate,” this enlightening book offers playful philosophical explorations of the dating game for anyone who has dated, is dating, or intends to date again. Offers...
. Wine and Philosophy

Wine and Philosophy

Fritz Allhoff

In Wine & Philosophy, philosophers, wine critics, and winemakers share their passion for wine through well-crafted essays that explore wine’s deeper meaning, nature, and significance Joins Food & Philosophy and Beer & Philosophy in in the...
. Philosophies of the Sciences

Philosophies of the Sciences

Fritz Allhoff

A collection of essays discussing a wide range of sciences and the central philosophical issues associated with them, presenting the sciences collectively to encourage a greater understanding of their associative theoretical foundations, as well...

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