Автор: Donatella Di Cesare

. Von der politischen Berufung der Philosophie

Von der politischen Berufung der Philosophie

Donatella Di Cesare

W?hrend in der vollends globalisierten, kapitalisierten und integrierten Welt ohne Au?en Krise auf Krise folgt und menschenfeindliche Positionen immer mehr Raum gewinnen, verh?lt die Philosophie sich eigent?mlich konformistisch: In...
. Resident Foreigners

Resident Foreigners

Donatella Di Cesare

From the shores of Europe to the Mexican-US border, mass migration is one of the most pressing issues we face today. Yet at the same time, calls to defend national sovereignty are becoming ever more vitriolic, with those fleeing war,...
. The Political Vocation of Philosophy

The Political Vocation of Philosophy

Donatella Di Cesare

It is time for philosophy to return to the city. In today’s crisis-ridden world of globalised capitalism, increasingly closed in on itself, it may seem harder than ever to think of ways out. Philosophy runs the risk of becoming the handmaiden of...
. The Time of Revolt

The Time of Revolt

Donatella Di Cesare

As capitalism triumphs on the ruins of utopias and faith in progress fades, revolts are breaking out everywhere. From London to Hong Kong and from Buenos Aires to Beirut, protests flare up, in some cases spreading like wildfire, in other cases...

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