Lara the Runaway Cat tells the story of Gobi, the loveable pub who followed Dion Leonard across a gruelling 155-mile trek across the Gobi Desert, and her mischievous cat sister, Lara, who runs away from her family, seeking a courageous adventure...
For fans of A Streecat Named Bob comes Finding Gobi, the heart-warming true story of a dog who captured the hearts of the world. Younger readers’ edition.WFinding Gobi is the ultimate story of hope and friendship – proving once again, that dogs...
THE SUNDAY TIMES NO.2 BESTSELLERLike A Streecat Named Bob before it, Finding Gobi is a truly heart-warming story for animal lovers worldwide…In 2016, Dion Leonard, a seasoned ultramarathon runner, unexpectedly stumbled across a little stray dog...