Автор: Дэйв Эспри

. Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life

Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life

Дэйв Эспри

The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question «How do I kick more ass?»—providing proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter, culled from the wisdom and insight of world-class thought...
. Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever

Super Human: The Bulletproof Plan to Age Backward and Maybe Even Live Forever

Дэйв Эспри

From the creator of Bulletproof coffee and the bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet comes a plan to bypass plateaus and ‘up’ your game at every age. Dave Asprey suffered countless symptoms of ageing as a young man, which...
. Game Changers

Game Changers

Дэйв Эспри

The bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet answers the question «How do I kick more ass?»—providing proven techniques for becoming happier, healthier, and smarter, culled from the wisdom and insight of world-class thought...
. Super Human

Super Human

Дэйв Эспри

From the creator of Bulletproof coffee and the bestselling author of Head Strong and The Bulletproof Diet comes a plan to bypass plateaus and ‘up’ your game at every age.Dave Asprey suffered countless symptoms of ageing as a young man, which...
. Сверхчеловек. Руководство биохакера для продуктивной и долгой жизни

Сверхчеловек. Руководство биохакера для продуктивной и долгой жизни

Дэйв Эспри

Принято считать, что, пройдя период расцвета, организм человека начинает неумолимо деградировать. Однако исследования Дэйва Эспри говорят о том, что этот процесс можно контролировать. Становиться старше – совсем необязательно означает стареть,...

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