Автор: Bill Dodson

. China Inside Out. 10 Irreversible Trends Reshaping China and its Relationship with the World

China Inside Out. 10 Irreversible Trends Reshaping China and its Relationship with the World

Bill Dodson

An in-depth look at the forces and trends changing China and its place in the world China has dominated the news for nearly a decade and will continue to grab headlines as it moves inexorably toward becoming the world's largest economy. It...
. China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future

China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future

Bill Dodson

Will China Surpass the United States as an innovation nation? China is tirelessly working to overcome its technological deficiencies by driving R&D initiatives in government and business and adapting Western Internet platforms for domestic use....

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