Автор: Andreas Hepp

. Cultures of Mediatization

Cultures of Mediatization

Andreas Hepp

What does it mean that we can be reached on our mobile phones wherever we are and at all times? What are the cultural consequences if we are informed about ‘everything and anything important’ via television? How are our political, religious and...
. Transcultural Communication

Transcultural Communication

Andreas Hepp

In Transcultural Communication, Andreas Hepp provides an accessible and engaging introduction to the exciting possibilities and inevitable challenges presented by the proliferation of transcultural communication in our mediatized world. Includes...
. The Mediated Construction of Reality

The Mediated Construction of Reality

Andreas Hepp

Social theory needs to be completely rethought in a world of digital media and social media platforms driven by data processes. Fifty years after Berger and Luckmann published their classic text The Social Construction of Reality, two leading...
. Transkulturelle Kommunikation

Transkulturelle Kommunikation

Andreas Hepp

Medienkommunikation kennt keine Grenzen: Nachrichtensender wie CNN, Al-Jazeera oder Blogs informieren uns ?ber politische Geschehnisse in allen Teilen der Welt. Ob Katastrophen, Olympiaden oder Kriege – wir sind eingebunden in globale...

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