Книга доктора биологических наук Ф. П. Филатова «Клеймо создателя» посвящена одной из версий происхождения жизни на Земле, аргументированной формальными особенностями генетического кода. Эта версия может оказаться также решением парадокса Ферми...
В новой книге по ДНК-генеалогии показана картина мутаций в Y-хромосоме древних предков человека на протяжении сотен тысяч лет, и показана связь этой картины мутаций с историей человечества. Показано, как эти картины мутаций можно превратить в...
Невероятно, но факт: человек способен управлять своими генами. Уже сейчас мы добились столь многого в области генетики: – нам известно, чем определяются все признаки организма; – клонирование стало реальностью; – изменение генов стало...
Человек как вид может превзойти себя, утверждает автор, именно как человечество в целом… Человеческий вид окажется на пороге нового образа жизни. Для этого он должен изучить все факторы, способствующие полному раскрытию заложенных в человеке...
«Умный ген. Какая еда нужна нашей ДНК» – это революционные открытия в области эпигенетики, написанные простым и понятным языком. Между едой, красотой и здоровьем есть прямая взаимосвязь. Информация, содержащаяся в пище, способна включать или...
Освещены современные представления о генетических нарушениях, ведущих к сенсоневральной тугоухости (СНТ) и глухоте. Кратко рассмотрена история формирования знаний о роли наследственного материала в нарушении слуха у человека, затронуты некоторые...
Written by a team of international experts, this book provides an authoritative overview and practical guide to the molecular biology and genetic basis of haematologic cancers including leukemia. Focusing on the importance of cytogenetics and...
The latest edition of this highly successful textbook introduces the key techniques and concepts involved in cloning genes and in studying their expression and variation. The new edition features: Increased coverage of whole-genome sequencing...
This is the second edition of the successful textbook written by the prize-winning scientist Andreas Ziegler, former President of the German Chapter of the International Biometric Society, and Inke Konig, who has been teaching the subject over...
Serving the needs of pigment cell biologists, cellular physiologists, developmental geneticists, researchers interested in melanoma and more, this new book showcases a blend of new technologies and new insights in the field of pigmantary...
The only comprehensive overview of the molecular basis and clinical features of the genetic disorder tuberous sclerosis, which affects approximately 50,000 people in the US alone. Special focus is placed on novel insights into the signal...
Unique coverage of proteomic and glycomic approaches to better distinguish highly dangerous pathogens, as well as using these to explore novel treatment and prevention options. The editors and authors are either part of a specialized European...
Systems Biology is now entering a mature phase in which the key issues are characterising uncertainty and stochastic effects in mathematical models of biological systems. The area is moving towards a full statistical analysis and probabilistic...
The relevance of genetic analysis and the need of its automation have rapidly increased during the last years not only in molecular biology and medicine but particularly in fields outside these 'classical' areas of application. In forensic...
Cytogenetic Laboratory Management: Chromosomal, FISH and Microarray-Based Best Practices and Procedures is a practical guide that describes how to develop and implement best practice processes and procedures in the genetic laboratory setting....
This fifth edition of the successful, long-selling classic has been completely revised and expanded, omitting some topics on obsolete DNA electrophoresis, but now with a completely new section on electrophoretic micro-methods and on-the-chip...
Die zweite Auflage eines Standardwerks: Alle wichtigen Aspekte und Techniken der Elektrophorese werden abgedeckt, von SDS-PAGE und Isotachophorese bis zu isoelektrischer Fokussierung, blauer Nativ-Elektrophorese und zweidimensionalen Methoden....
DNA technology is evolving rapidly, with new methods and a fast-growing vocabulary. This unique dictionary offers current, detailed and accessible information on DNA technology to lecturers, researchers and students throughout the biomedical and...
Animal genetics is a foundational discipline in the fields of animal science, animal breeding, and veterinary sciences. While genetics underpins the healthy development and breeding of all living organisms, this is especially true in domestic...
Written by an international team of experts, Somatic Genome Variation presents a timely summary of the latest understanding of somatic genome development and variation in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Wide-ranging in coverage, the authors...
The analysis and interpretation of data is fundamental to the subject of genetics and forms a compulsory part of the undergraduate genetics curriculum. Indeed, the key skills that a genetics student requires are an ability to design and...
The bestselling introduction to bioinformatics and genomics – now in its third edition Widely received in its previous editions, Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics offers the most broad-based introduction to this explosive new discipline....
The field of whole genome selection has quickly developed into the breeding methodology of the future. As efforts to map a wide variety of animal genomes have matured and full animal genomes are now available for many animal scientists and...
The first of its kind, this reference gives a comprehensive but concise introduction to epigenetics before covering the many interactions between hormone regulation and epigenetics at all levels. The contents are very well structured with no...
An inspiring introduction to a vital scientific field. The reader is taken through ten mathematical derivations that lead to important results, explaining in a hands-on manner the key concepts and methods of theoretical population genetics. The...
Pain Genetics: Basic to Translational Science is a timely synthesis of the key areas of research informing our understanding of the genetic basis of pain. The book opens with foundational information on basic genetic mechanisms underlying pain...
The only book available in the area of forward-time population genetics simulations—applicable to both biomedical and evolutionary studies The rapid increase of the power of personal computers has led to the use of serious forward-time...
This innovative book provides a completely fresh exploration of bioinformatics, investigating its complex interrelationship with biology and computer science. It approaches bioinformatics from a unique perspective, highlighting interdisciplinary...
Computational and high-throughput methods, such as genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics, known collectively as “-omics,” have been used to study plant biology for well over a decade now. As these technologies mature, plant and crop...
Plant Genes, Genomes and Genetics provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of plant gene expression. Unique in explaining the subject from a plant perspective, it highlights the importance of key processes, many first discovered in...
Cytogenetics is the study of chromosome morphology, structure, pathology, function, and behavior. The field has evolved to embrace molecular cytogenetic changes, now termed cytogenomics. Cytogeneticists utilize an assortment of procedures to...
Книга Елены Клещенко адресована всем, кого интересует практическое применение достижений генетики в таких областях, как криминалистика, генеалогия, история. Речь о возможности идентификации человека по его генетическому материалу. Автор...
Книга о наследственности и человеческом наследии в самом широком смысле. Речь идет не просто о последовательности нуклеотидов в ядерной ДНК. На то, что родители передают детям, влияет целое множество факторов: и митохондриальная ДНК, и...
Your no-nonsense guide to genetics With rapid advances in genomic technologies, genetic testing has become a key part of both clinical practice and research. Scientists are constantly discovering more about how genetics plays a role in health...
Перед вами честный, правдивый и очень интересный рассказ о начале вашей жизни, от момента зачатия до того этапа, когда зародыш приобретает внешний вид, сходный со взрослым организмом, и способность к обитанию в видоспецифической среде....
Книга увлекательно и на достаточно строгом научном уровне повествует о строении и генетических функциях тестиса–семенника–яичка с неожиданной стороны: почему он висит, ведь подвергается опасностям?; для чего мужскому органу тестису женский...
Every speck of dust, drop of water, and grain of soil and each part of every plant and animal contain their own worlds of microbes. Designed as a key text for upper-level undergraduates majoring in microbiology, genetics, or biology, ...
The popular introduction to the genomic revolution for non-scientists—the revised and updated new edition Welcome to the Genome is an accessible, up-to-date introduction to genomics—the interdisciplinary field of biology focused on the...
Praise for the third edition of Bioinformatics “This book is a gem to read and use in practice.” — Briefings in Bioinformatics "This volume has a distinctive, special value as it offers an unrivalled level of details and unique...
В 1860-х годах австрийский монах-августинец увлекся изучением гибридизации растений и стал проводить опыты на горохе. Результатом этих исследований стали знаменитые законы Менделя, определившие вектор развития биологии, а чуть позже и генетики....
Sie suchen einen schnellen und leicht verst?ndlichen Einstieg in die Genetik? Dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige f?r Sie! Tara Rodden Robinson erkl?rt Ihnen die wichtigsten Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre: Wie die DNA aufgebaut ist, wie sie...
Now updated for its second edition, Population Genetics is the classic, accessible introduction to the concepts of population genetics. Combining traditional conceptual approaches with classical hypotheses and debates, the book equips students...
Integrates the various disciplines of the science of health disparities in one comprehensive volume The Science of Health Disparities Research is an indispensable source of up-to-date information on clinical and translational health...