Just as philosophy begins with doubt, so also a life that may be called human begins with irony so wrote Kierkegaard. While we commonly think of irony as a figure of speech where someone says one thing and means the opposite, the concept of...
Why bother to praise mathematics when you claim, as Alain Badiou does, that philosophy is first and foremost a metaphysics of happiness, or else it’s not worth an hour of trouble? What possible relationship can there be between mathematics and...
On 13 November 2015, Paris suffered the second wave of brutal terrorist attacks in a year, leaving 130 dead and many more seriously injured. How are we to make sense of these violent acts and what do they tell us about the forces shaping our...
The Performance of Reading argues that there are distinct analogies between «silent» reading and artistic performance, and so fashions the new role of the reader as performer. An original and insightful exploration of the act of reading by the...
At the beginning of his career in the 1920s, Adorno sketched a plan to write a major work on the theory of musical reproduction, a task he returned to time and again throughout his career but never completed. The choice of the word reproduction...
The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics is the most authoritative survey of the central issues in contemporary aesthetics available. The volume features eighteen newly commissioned papers on the evaluation of art, the interpretation of art, and many...
Written by an outstanding international team of scholars, this Companion explores the profound influence of Socrates on the history of Western philosophy. Discusses the life of Socrates and key philosophical doctrines associated with him Covers...
A Companion to Ancient Philosophy provides a comprehensive and current overview of the history of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy from its origins until late antiquity. Comprises an extensive collection of original essays, featuring...
This broad-ranging Companion comprises original contributions from leading Platonic scholars and reflects the different ways in which they are dealing with Plato’s legacy. Covers an exceptionally broad range of subjects from diverse perspectives...
This volume of newly commissioned essays provides comprehensive coverage of African philosophy, ranging across disciplines and throughout the ages. Offers a distinctive historical treatment of African philosophy. Covers all the main branches of...
A Companion to Environmental Philosophy is a pioneering work in the burgeoning field of environmental philosophy. This ground-breaking volume contains thirty-six original articles exemplifying the rich diversity of scholarship in this field....
A Companion to Genethics is the first substantial study of the multifaceted dimensions of the genetic revolution and its philosophical, ethical, social and political significance. Brings together the best and most influential writing about the...
This timely book by philosopher Peter Dews explores the idea of evil, one of the most problematic terms in the contemporary moral vocabulary. Surveys the intellectual debate on the nature of evil over the past two hundred years Engages with a...
What would you do if you suddenly became rich? Michael O’Meara had never asked himself this question. A high school history teacher in Maryland, Michael is content- until, after a freak accident, he unexpectedly finds himself the beneficiary of...
The author presents a number of strategies for making decisions based on desires or values which are incompatible or which conflict with one another in various ways. Cases discussed include conflicts of first and second order desires, conflicts...
Applied or practical ethics is perhaps the largest growth area in philosophy today, and many issues in moral, social, and political life have come under philosophical scrutiny in recent years. Taken together, the essays in this volume –...
What would you do if you suddenly became rich? Michael O’Meara had never asked himself this question. A high school history teacher in Maryland, Michael is content- until, after a freak accident, he unexpectedly finds himself the beneficiary of...
The World's Great Philosophers provides an introduction to and overview of some of the most profound and influential thinkers in the history of philosophy. Presents an introduction to and overview of some of the most profound and influential...
Comprised of twenty-nine specially commissioned essays, A Companion to Hume examines the depth of the philosophies and influence of one of history's most remarkable thinkers. Demonstrates the range of Hume's work and illuminates the ongoing...
Focusing on contemporary debates in moral and political theory, Situating the Self argues that a non-relative ethics, binding on us in virtue of out humanity, is still a philosophically viable project. This intersting new book should be read by...
This original book enters the undeveloped territory of feminist metaphysics and offers a bold and unusual contribution to debates about identity, essence and self. Using a diverse range of theories – from Kant to chaos theory, from Kierkegaard...
What unites Google and Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, Siemens and GE, Uber and Airbnb? Across a wide range of sectors, these firms are transforming themselves into platforms: businesses that provide the hardware and software foundation for...
This collection of newly comissioned essays by international contributors offers a representative overview of the most important developments in contemporary philosophical logic. Presents controversies in philosophical implications and...
As persons, we are importantly different from all other creatures in the universe. But in what, exactly, does this difference consist? What kinds of entities are we, and what makes each of us the same person today that we were yesterday? Could...
A groundbreaking collection of contemporary essays from leading international scholars that provides a balanced and expert account of the resurgent debate about substance dualism and its physicalist alternatives. Substance dualism has for some...
This is a new edition of the first volume of G.P.Baker and P.M.S. Hacker’s definitive reference work on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. New edition of the first volume of the monumental four-volume Analytical Commentary on the...
This is a new edition of the first volume of G.P.Baker and P.M.S. Hacker’s definitive reference work on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Takes into account much material that was unavailable when the first edition was written....
A collection of more than 30 specially commissioned essays, this volume surveys the work of the 17th-century philosopher-scientist commonly regarded as the founder of modern philosophy, while integrating unique essays detailing the context and...
This book is a wide-ranging examination of rationalist thought in philosophy from ancient times to the present day. Written by a superbly qualified cast of philosophers Critically analyses the concept of rationalism Focuses principally on the...
A Companion to Nietzsche provides a comprehensive guide to all the main aspects of Nietzsche's philosophy, profiling the most recent research and trends in scholarship. Brings together an international roster of both rising stars and established...
This Companion provides an authoritative survey of the whole range of Kant’s work, giving readers an idea of its immense scope, its extraordinary achievement, and its continuing ability to generate philosophical interest. Written by an...
This the first of a new three-part series in which Antonio Negri, a leading political thinker of our time, explores key ideas that have animated radical thought and examines some of the social and economic forces that are shaping our world...
Exploring Religious Diversity analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that many religions in the world often appear to contradict each other in doctrine and practice. Analyzes the philosophical questions raised by the fact that...
This major work retraces the emergence and development of the Bourgeois public sphere – that is, a sphere which was distinct from the state and in which citizens could discuss issues of general interest. In analysing the historical...
The core of this book is a set of five lectures delivered by Habermas at Princeton in 1971 under the title 'Reflections on the Linguistic Foundation of Sociology'. These lectures offer a preliminary view of what would become The Theory of...
Книга об эмоциях и о том, все ли люди чувствуют их одинаково. Написанная ярко, образно и увлекательно, она рассказывает о неожиданных выводах исследования, посвящённого эмоциям, стихиям и времени. Автор оживляет древние учения о стихиях, впервые...
Автор предлагает новейшую неординарную космологическую концепцию, которая объединяет современные теории происхождения Вселенной в единое целое. Осуществлённый автором сравнительный анализ древнейших космологических концепций показал, что...
Time is present everywhere: in stones and plants, in the movements and timbre of our voice, in food and nature, in the family and in how we interact with each other. The question is how to extract time from all this and, most importantly, how to...
Эта книга связывает все природные явления с уникальным явлением, называющимся «Солнце». Энергия Солнца влияет на материю, изменяя её. Мы наблюдаем слепок солнечного ядра и оболочки на материи любого рода. Эта книга описывает присутствие энергии...
Книга о связи сознания, мозга и поиска смысла жизни. Автор считает, что суверенность сознания современного образованного человека может быть достигнута только в разумном существовании, поиске смысла жизни, при условии овладения научным знанием....
Это не обычный сборник афоризмов, где они сваливаются на полки обозначенных авторов или тем. Смысловая структуризация придала чтению лёгкую выборочность. Большой объём материала (восемь тысяч креативных афоризмов, цитат и стихов, от более 1750...
Это не обычный сборник афоризмов, где они сваливаются на полки обозначенных авторов или тем. Смысловая структуризация придала чтению лёгкую выборочность. Большой объём материала (восемь тысяч креативных афоризмов, цитат и стихов, от более 1750...
Увы, люди в наши время ужасно мало понимают что-либо о себе или о устоявшейся культуре в этом мире. Речь в книге пойдёт конкретно о том, что поддерживает эта культура и насколько она ограничивает нас в нашей свободе.Помните, счастья нет,...
Это не обычный сборник афоризмов, где они сваливаются на полки обозначенных авторов или тем. Смысловая структуризация придала чтению лёгкую выборочность. Большой объём материала (восемь тысяч креативных афоризмов, цитат и стихов от более 1750...
Что есть наш мир? Букет абсурдного бытия и сюрреалистичных жизненных сюжетов? Караван бесконечных мытарств и неопределенностей? Симбиоз радости и страдания? Как в этом мире сосуществуют бог и коррупция? Как в нем уживаются ложь и страсть? Я...
Вперше здійснено переклад українською мовою основних праць відомого польського філософа Казимира Твардовського, який вважається засновником Львівсько-Варшавської школи та представником раннього етапу розвитку аналітичної філософії (наукової...
Это не обычный сборник афоризмов, где они сваливаются на полки обозначенных авторов или тем. Смысловая структуризация придала чтению лёгкую выборочность. Большой объём материала (восемь тысяч креативных афоризмов, цитат и стихов, от более 1750...