
Linacre Adrian. Wildlife DNA Analysis. Applications in Forensic Science

Wildlife DNA Analysis. Applications in Forensic Science

Linacre Adrian

DNA typing of non-human DNA is a fast developing area of research and professional practice. The application of DNA typing in wildlife forensic science is one of these prime uses of DNA typing and is gaining increasing profile. The use of DNA...
Venkatapuram Sridhar. Health Justice. An Argument from the Capabilities Approach

Health Justice. An Argument from the Capabilities Approach

Venkatapuram Sridhar

Social factors have a powerful influence on human health and longevity. Yet the social dimensions of health are often obscured in public discussions due to the overwhelming focus in health policy on medical care, individual-level risk factor...
Luther Friedy. Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances. Principles of Design and Use

Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances. Principles of Design and Use

Luther Friedy

Orthodontic Retainers and Removable Appliances – Principles of Design and Use is a unique practical guide for dental students, general dental practitioners, orthodontic students, therapists and others who have an interest in knowing how to...
Wyatt Jeremy. ABC of Health Informatics

ABC of Health Informatics

Wyatt Jeremy

New addition to the ABC series looking at how technology can aid health care This ABC focuses on how patient data, health knowledge, and local service information are managed during the routine tasks that make up clinical work. It looks at...
McKimm Judy. ABC of Clinical Leadership

ABC of Clinical Leadership

McKimm Judy

This new title in the ABC series is written by clinical educators involved in running leadership programmes for doctors and other healthcare professionals, and defines the scope of clinical leadership, emphasising its importance in the clinical...
Gershman George. Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Gershman George

This practical step-by-step guide to performing GI endoscopy safely and effectively in children covers the use of endoscopy as both a diagnostic and a therapeutic modality. Now with an entirely new section focusing on advanced endoscopic...
Wreede Rhiannon de. Embryology at a Glance

Embryology at a Glance

Wreede Rhiannon de

This brand new title provides a highly illustrated introduction to key embryological concepts, with concise, memorable descriptions of major embryological developments. Embryology at a Glance introduces the basic principles of human development,...
Daniels Ron. ABC of Practical Procedures

ABC of Practical Procedures

Daniels Ron

The ABC of Practical Procedures is a fully illustrated guide to the core skills and procedures all those at the frontline of care need to know. With over 280 full colour illustrations, every stage of each procedure is illustrated with colour...
Lean Mike. ABC of Obesity

ABC of Obesity

Lean Mike

Obesity is a hugely expensive and increasing problem worldwide, leading to disability, reproductive problems, depression and accelerated metabolic and vascular diseases in a large proportion of men, women and children. The ABC of Obesity is a...
Reddy Prasuna. Prevention of Diabetes

Prevention of Diabetes

Reddy Prasuna

Expertly authored by the world’s leading specialists in the field, Prevention of Diabetes is the definitive guide for better preventative diabetes care. Using an evidence-based approach, it outlines the very latest in the identification of...
Child Tim. Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Child Tim

Obstetrics & Gynaecology has established itself as a key recommendation for faculty and a firm favourite for health sciences students. The opening sections of this new edition incorporate the relevant basic science, history and examination,...
Daniels Ron. ABC of Sepsis

ABC of Sepsis

Daniels Ron

The importance of early prevention and treatment of sepsis has never been greater. In the UK alone sepsis contributes to more deaths than lung cancer, from bowel cancer and breast cancer combined, and approximately one third of patients who...
Graham-Brown Robin. Lecture Notes: Dermatology

Lecture Notes: Dermatology

Graham-Brown Robin

Lecture Notes: Dermatology provides all the necessary information, within one short volume, to achieve a thorough understanding of skin structure and function, and the practical aspects of disease management. Presented in a user-friendly format,...
Krishnan Vinod. Integrated Clinical Orthodontics

Integrated Clinical Orthodontics

Krishnan Vinod

Integrated Clinical Orthodontics provides an important new resource on the clinical interactions between the practice of orthodontics and other areas of clinical dentistry and medicine. Having at its heart the paradigm of patient-centred care,...
Brown Marvelle. Haematology Nursing

Haematology Nursing

Brown Marvelle

Haematology Nursing is a comprehensive handbook, with a nursing focus, on the care and management of patients with haematological disorders. Divided into four sections, the first provides an introduction to haematology, looking at haemopoiesis,...
Albanese Alberto. Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

Albanese Alberto

Hyperkinetic movement disorders comprise a range of diseases characterized by unwanted and uncontrollable, or poorly controllable, involuntary movements. The phenomenology of these disorders is quite variable encompassing chorea, tremor,...
Brogden Kim. Human Oral Mucosa. Development, Structure and Function

Human Oral Mucosa. Development, Structure and Function

Brogden Kim

Human Oral Mucosa: Development, Structure and Function is a new text that reflects the considerable increase in knowledge of oral mucosa that has occurred in recent years. Our understanding of the structure of oral mucosa is now established at a...
Ramoni Marco. Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics. From analysis to interpretation

Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics. From analysis to interpretation

Ramoni Marco

There is an increasing need throughout the biomedical sciences for a greater understanding of knowledge-based systems and their application to genomic and proteomic research. This book discusses knowledge-based and statistical approaches, along...
Bearman Margaret. Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, Evidence and Practice

Simulated Patient Methodology. Theory, Evidence and Practice

Bearman Margaret

Simulated Patient Methodology is a timely book, aimed at health professional educators and Simulated Patient (SP) practitioners. It connects theory and evidence with practice to ensure maximum benefit for those involved in SP programmes, in...
Forrester Michael. Analysing Interactions in Childhood. Insights from Conversation Analysis

Analysing Interactions in Childhood. Insights from Conversation Analysis

Forrester Michael

Offers a fresh perspective on how conversation analysis can be used to highlight the sophisticated nature of what children actually do when interacting with their peers, parents, and other adults. Brings together a contributor team of leading...
Suskind David. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. An Algorithmic Approach

Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. An Algorithmic Approach

Suskind David

The last decade has seen an explosion of medical information in regards to the nutrition care and management of children. While nutritional therapies have expanded, the treatment choices have become increasingly complex. This exciting title...
Crichton Robert. Metal-Based Neurodegeneration. From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies

Metal-Based Neurodegeneration. From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies

Crichton Robert

Neurodegenerative diseases of the human brain appear in various forms, resulting in disorders of movement and coordination, cognitive deterioration and psychiatric disturbances. Many of the key factors leading to neurodegenerative diseases are...
Gunn Alan. Parasitology. An Integrated Approach

Parasitology. An Integrated Approach

Gunn Alan

Parasitology: An Integrated Approach, provides a concise, student-friendly account of parasites and parasite relationships that is supported by case studies and suggestions for student projects. The book focuses strongly on parasite interactions...
Battelino Tadej. ATTD 2011 Year Book. Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes

ATTD 2011 Year Book. Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes

Battelino Tadej

The traditional agents for controlling the levels of glucose in the blood remain important therapies but they have their downside from the point of view of tolerability and side effects. Moreover, they appear not to be able to counter the...
Gray Robin. Temporomandibular Disorders. A Problem-Based Approach

Temporomandibular Disorders. A Problem-Based Approach

Gray Robin

A quick, systematic and logical approach to diagnosing and treating temporomandibular disorders (TMD), this latest book in the Dental Update series is an essential clinical companion for dental students and practising dentists. Starting with an...
Шикур Шавкетович Шабаев. Здоровье, почки, диализ, жизнь. Часть 2. Записки пациента

Здоровье, почки, диализ, жизнь. Часть 2. Записки пациента

Шикур Шавкетович Шабаев

Эта небольшая книга – своеобразный дневник пациента, пытающегося после тяжелого заболевания вернуться к нормальной жизни. Она помогла выжить автору. Надеюсь, что мои записки прибавят оптимизма и читателям.
Александр Николаевич Афонин. Гигиеническое обучение и воспитание населения. Учебное пособие

Гигиеническое обучение и воспитание населения. Учебное пособие

Александр Николаевич Афонин

В учебном пособии освещаются вопросы гигиенического воспитания и обучения населения по формированию здорового образа жизни в различных медицинских и не медицинских организациях. Пособие предназначено для студентов средних медицинских...
Владимир Ильич Омельяненко. Профилактика психопатии. Развитие здорового ребенка

Профилактика психопатии. Развитие здорового ребенка

Владимир Ильич Омельяненко

В книге освещены основные причины психопатии и даны рекомендации по профилактике заболевания. Понимание этих причин поможет родителям в воспитании здоровых детей. Автор также показывает те аспекты влияния на развитие ребенка, которые...
Юрий Кривенцев. Будь здоров. Советы специалиста

Будь здоров. Советы специалиста

Юрий Кривенцев

Книга создана с целью донести до широких масс основные принципы, помогающие сохранить здоровье, избавиться от болезни. Автор развенчивает целую серию устоявшихся ошибочных мифов о здоровье, знакомит с новейшими достижениями, которые помогут...
О. П. Абаева. Согласие на медицинское вмешательство – право пациента и обязанность медицинского работника (российская законодательная база о праве пациента на информированное добровольное согласие на медицинское вмешательство)

Согласие на медицинское вмешательство – право пациента и обязанность медицинского работника (российская законодательная база о праве пациента на информированное добровольное согласие на медицинское вмешательство)

О. П. Абаева

Настоящее учебное пособие содержит обзор современной нормативной базы, определяющей порядок реализации права пациента на информированное добровольное согласие, алгоритм оформления данного документа, а также примеры форм согласия и отказа...
Guosheng  Yin. Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods

Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods

Guosheng Yin

A balanced treatment of the theories, methodologies, and design issues involved in clinical trials using statistical methods There has been enormous interest and development in Bayesian adaptive designs, especially for early phases of clinical...
Mohammad  Al-Ubaydli. Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians

Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians

Mohammad Al-Ubaydli

Patient-controlled personal health records are the key to successful interaction between physician and patient. They form the core for joined-up communication throughout health organizations. Still, the very name is capable of alarming both...
Jane  Bonehill. Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide

Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide

Jane Bonehill

The main purpose of this book is to provide clear, straightforward information about the key requirements relating to health and safety in dental practices, with a practical and user-friendly approach to help manage these issues on a day-to-day...
Joseph Graskemper P.. Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics

Professional Responsibility in Dentistry. A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics

Joseph Graskemper P.

Professional Responsibility in Dentistry: A Practical Guide to Law and Ethics integrates dental law, risk management, professionalism, and ethics, as all are interrelated in everyday practice. Beyond theory, the fact-based approach of this book...
Renata  Schiavo. Health Communication. From Theory to Practice

Health Communication. From Theory to Practice

Renata Schiavo

Now in its second edition, Health Communication: From Theory to Practice provides a comprehensive introduction to theory, intervention design, current issues, and special topics in health communication. The book also represents a hands-on guide...
Arnulf  Oppelt. Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics. Fundamentals, Technical Solutions and Applications for Systems Applying Ionizing Radiation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound

Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics. Fundamentals, Technical Solutions and Applications for Systems Applying Ionizing Radiation, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound

Arnulf Oppelt

The book provides a comprehensive compilation of fundamentals, technical solutions and applications for medical imaging systems. It is intended as a handbook for students in biomedical engineering, for medical physicists, and for engineers...
Robert Sadoff L.. Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry. Minimizing Harm

Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry. Minimizing Harm

Robert Sadoff L.

Ethical medical practice and treatment in psychiatry are based on the concept of first do no harm. However, this cannot, and does not, apply to forensic cases where there is no doctor–patient relationship and the forensic psychiatrist may indeed...
Madeleine  Flanagan. Wound Healing and Skin Integrity. Principles and Practice

Wound Healing and Skin Integrity. Principles and Practice

Madeleine Flanagan

This comprehensive text integrates related aspects of wound management, skin integrity and dermatology into a convenient, one-stop resource. It explores the theories underpinning wound management and skin integrity by reviewing the supporting...
Undurti Das N.. Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids

Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids

Undurti Das N.

Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology: The Role of Essential Fatty Acids provides current research exploring the links among insulin, insulin receptors, polyunsaturated fatty acids, brain growth and disease. Specific interactions of essential fatty...
Matthijs  Oudkerk. Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Matthijs Oudkerk

Dedicated to dealing with a challenging disease, previously thought to be incurable, but with the advent of new drugs, now amenable to management and a much improved prognosis for patients. – Latest publication in a fast-moving area of keen...
Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG). Pre-hospital Obstetric Emergency Training. The Practical Approach

Pre-hospital Obstetric Emergency Training. The Practical Approach

Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG)

The Pre-hospital Obstetric Emergency Training (POET) programme provides an introduction to the obstetric patient and the anatomical and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy (including interpretation of patient-held records and rapid...
Peter Fos J.. Epidemiology Foundations. The Science of Public Health

Epidemiology Foundations. The Science of Public Health

Peter Fos J.

Written by Peter J. Fos—an expert in epidemiology with more than twenty years teaching experience—Epidemiology Foundations offers an ideal introduction to the theory and practice of public health epidemiology. This important text discusses both...
Salah Abdel-aleem M.. Design, Execution, and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials

Design, Execution, and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials

Salah Abdel-aleem M.

An essential introduction to conducting the various stages of medical device clinical trials Clinical research continues to be one of the most vital components of pharmaceutical, biostatistical, and medical studies. Design, Execution, and...
Dr. Tadataka Yamada. Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology

Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology

Dr. Tadataka Yamada

Are you a gastroenterologist with patients presenting with jaundice, dysphagia or abdominal pain? Need practical guidance on how to manage GERD, IBD and viral hepatitis? Whatever the symptom or disease, Yamada's Handbook of Gastroenterology,...
Группа авторов. Cardiovascular Interventions in Clinical Practice

Cardiovascular Interventions in Clinical Practice

Группа авторов

In this pathbreaking volume, a multidisciplinary team of international experts puts catheter–based treatment techniques in context by exploring the pathobiology of specific diseases alongside a discussion of imaging tools and functional tests,...
Adrian  Becker. Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth

Adrian Becker

Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth provides its readers with a gold-standard resource to tackle common, complex and multi-factorial clinical scenarios. Rooted firmly in the scientific reality, it also provides a valuable repository of the...
Jonathan  Cohen. Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Jonathan Cohen

Endoscopy is the primary diagnostic method for GI complaints and is replete with an ever expanding array of therapeutic capabilities. Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy will provide all gastroenterologists with the exact set of...
Claudio  Ortolani. Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies

Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies

Claudio Ortolani

Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies contains an array of graphical outputs produced by the technique in the study of the most (and the least) common diseases. The images included allow you to compare your own results with a third party...
Dr. Tadataka Yamada. Atlas of Gastroenterology

Atlas of Gastroenterology

Dr. Tadataka Yamada

Accurate, high-quality images are especially vital for gastrointestinal therapy. The Atlas of Gastroenterology is a gold-standard tool that provides specialists with an outstanding array of images covering all facets of the field. With...
Birte  Melsen. Adult Orthodontics

Adult Orthodontics

Birte Melsen

This is a major new work dedicated to the increasingly prominent area of adult orthodontics. Written by renowned contributors from the orthodontic community and beyond, and compiled by a world-class editor, it provides an authoritative resource...

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