Книга, на основе учёта недостатков в лечении сахарного диабета методами современной медицины, даёт более эффективный, Аюрведический метод лечения. Благодаря применению препаратов на натуральной основе, правильному питанию и динамической...
Справочник содержит сведения о клинических симптомах и синдромах, встречающихся в практике врача-оториноларинголога. Описано более 550 симптомов и синдромов и 574 их синонима. Предназначен как врачам оториноларингологам, так и челюстно-лицевым...
Возбудителем болезни часто становится гемолитический стрептококк группы А, а немного реже – стафилококк, аденовирус. Как правило, вид возбудителя определяет фарингоскопическую картину и клиническое течение заболевания. Наиболее часто встречается...
В книге представлено описание 764 операций, производимых на ЛОР-органах. Каждая операция снабжена библиографическим источником (в ряде случаев это первоисточники). Приведено оригинальное написание фамилий иностранных авторов. Библиографический...
Лечение легко протекающего бронхиолита у детей можно проводить на дому. Тщательный уход, свежий и прохладный воздух, адекватная регидратация являются достаточными.Дети со среднетяжелой или тяжелой формой бронхиолита должны быть...
Словарь представляет собой наиболее полное справочное издание, содержащее размещенный в алфавитном порядке свод оториноларингологических терминов с кратким научным их определением. Описано свыше 5000 терминов, обозначающих болезни, симптомы...
Delicious recipes and expert cooking tips for diabetics Having diabetes doesn't mean having to abandon great food. Diabetes Cookbook For Canadians For Dummies, Updated Edition offers an abundance of delicious recipes that will help diabetics and...
Get the facts on treating diabetes successfully and living a full and active life As Canada's ultimate diabetes resource, this helpful guide returns with a new edition—thoroughly revised and updated with the latest guidelines from the Canadian...
Get up to date on clinical nutrition for school, work, or your own health From the proper function of the major organs and the role that proper nutrition plays in their functioning, to a breakdown of carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, and...
Grasp and retain the fundamentals of medical terminology quickly and easily Don't know a carcinoma from a hematoma? This friendly guide explains how the easiest way to remember unfamiliar, often-tongue-twisting words is to learn their parts: the...
How far is too far? 60 cases illustrating modern bioethical dilemmas Bioethics for Beginners maps the giant dilemmas posed by new technologies and medical choices, using 60 cases taken from our headlines, and from the worlds of medicine and...
The new, updated edition of the classic medical terminology reference with over 200,000 copies sold Quick Medical Terminology has long been relied on by students and medical professionals looking to build or update their medical vocabulary. This...
A practical, insightful guide to the moral and ethical standards of healthcare Succeeding in the healthcare field means more than just making a diagnosis and writing a prescription. Healthcare professionals are responsible for convincing...
The fast and easy way to explore a medical transcription career Flexibility is one of the most enticing aspects of a career in medical transcription. Perfect for in the office, at home, or on vacation, medical transcriptionists can often create...
Score your highest in biostatistics Biostatistics is a required course for students of medicine, epidemiology, forestry, agriculture, bioinformatics, and public health. In years past this course has been mainly a graduate-level requirement;...
Ⴁიბლიოგრაფიულ ცნობარში ასახულია 254 ბიბლიოგრაფიული წყარო, გამოცემული 62 წლის პერიოდის განმავლობაში (1927–1989 წწ.). Ⴑახელთა საძიებელი მოიცავს ავტორების გვარებს. Ⴚნობარის ბოლოში მოთავსებულია ლიტერატურული წყაროების და ქრონოლოგიური საძიებლები.
В наш век техники и технологий никто не застрахован от несчастных случаев и болезней – за удобства, которые предоставляет технический прогресс, надо платить. В результате полученная травма, шок или, в лучшем случае стресс, надолго выводят...
Храп превращает каждую ночь в ад. Практически все семьи страдают от храпа одного из супругов. Чаще храпят мужчины. Но причины возникновения недуга у мужчин и женщин одинаковы.Я четыре года тестировал разные методы лечения, испытав на себе их...
Храп перетворює кожну ніч на пекло. Практично всі подружжя страждають від хропіння одного з пари. Найчастіше хроплять чоловіки. Але причини появи недуги в чоловіків і жінок однакові. Протягом чотирьох років я тестував різні методи лікування,...
Нужны ли девочкам дошкольного возраста консультации гинеколога? Как правило, родители уверенно отвечают на этот вопрос «Нет!». Однако они не всегда бывают правы. С детским гинекологом необходимо встретиться как можно раньше! Это позволит...
Эта небольшая книга – своеобразный дневник пациента, пытающегося после тяжелого заболевания вернуться к нормальной жизни. Она помогла выжить автору. Надеюсь, что мои записки прибавят оптимизма и читателям.
В книге «Мое лечение прополисом» я раскрываю основные секреты апи- и фитотерапии. Рассказываю об эффективных способах лечения и профилактики различных заболеваний.Здесь вы найдете много полезных рецептов на каждый день.Особый интерес...
A revolutionary program that can indefinitely postpone the need for dialysis If you've been diagnosed with kidney failure, this book could save your life. If you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, obesity, or any of a host of conditions that...
The United States spends more money on health care by far than any other country and yet nearly 50,000,000 Americans are uninsured at least part of the time each year. Health Care Reform Now! is written for anyone who cares enough about our...
Expand your working medical vocabulary Work at your own pace to master the latest terms and techniques Learn all the essential Greek and Latin building blocks Learn at your own pace with the guidebook that has sold over 400,000 copies What word...
PATIENTS FIRST CLOSING THE HEALTH CARE GAP IN CANADA «This book is a must read for those who are interested in our health care system and who want to make it better. Dr. Montague provides an interesting overview of his journey through hospital...
Do you think that you or someone you love may suffer from and eating disorder? Eating Disorders For Dummies gives you the straight facts you need to make sense of what’s happening inside you and offers a simple step-by-step procedure for...
Practical tools for leading a happy, productive life Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental disorder that afflicts one percent of the population, an estimated 2.5 million people in America alone. The firsthand advice in this...
Монография посвящена актуальному разделу хирургии – лечению послеоперационных грыж живота. В ней кратко представлены классические методы лечения, особое внимание уделено новой технологии протезирующей пластики послеоперационных грыж живота...
В книге прослежена эволюция становления гипертонической болезни в онтогенезе с периода новорожденности. Причина повышения давления – недостаточность кровотока в вертебро-базилярном бассейне, ишемия и гипоксия структур мозга, обеспечивающих...
Книга предназначена для всех медицинских работников, у кого деятельность связана с оздоровлением людей и всем, кто интересуется здоровьем.В книге доступным языком изложены методики нахождения и воздействия на триггерные точки. Причины наиболее...
Sitting an accreditation examination is a daunting prospect for many trainee echocardiographers. And with an increasing drive for the accreditation of echocardiography laboratories and individual echocardiographers, there is a need for an...
Oral Wound Healing: Cell Biology and Clinical Management brings experts from around the world together to provide an authoritative reference on the processes, principles and clinical management of wound healing in the oral mucosa. Promoting a...
This cutting-edge title is one of the first devoted entirely to the issue of carbofuran and wildlife mortality. It features a compilation of international contributions from policy-makers, researchers, conservationists and forensic practitioners...
To the dentist or maxillofacial practitioner, radiology is an essential diagnostic discipline and a valuable tool for treatment planning. Now more than ever, dentists are often the first to encounter lesions of the face and jaws and are...
This book provides a practical guide to analysis of simple and complex method comparison data, using Stata, SAS and R. It takes the classical Limits of Agreement as a starting point, and presents it in a proper statistical framework. The model...
This textbook is a clear and accessible introduction to the scientific and clinical aspects of the creation, development and administration of drugs or drug regimens used in the treatment of cancer. Unique in its approach, this book enables the...
Covering cases from Addison's disease to osteoporosis and diabetic foot ulcer, and an introductory section explaining the molecular and physiological aspects of endocrinology, Endocrinology and Diabetes: Clinical Cases Uncovered has it all....
Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting (CAS) is a new approach to treat a carotid stenosis. This new book provides interventional cardiologists, both as beginners or fully experienced, with a reference on all aspects of angioplasty and stenting of the...
This atlas provides a comprehensive outline of all but the very rarest salivary gland diseases, detailing the most common benign and malignant tumors with their radiological, cytopathological, and histological features. The differential...
This textbook provides an overview of the major environmental policy issues, past and present, and explains the interplay among law, science, and advocacy as related to environmental policymaking in the United States and abroad. Environmental...
Culture and Health offers an overview of different areas of culture and health, building on foundations of medical anthropology and health behavior theory. It shows how to address the challenges of cross-cultural medicine through...
A balanced treatment of the theories, methodologies, and design issues involved in clinical trials using statistical methods There has been enormous interest and development in Bayesian adaptive designs, especially for early phases of clinical...
Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis is a unique new illustrated resource for facial aesthetic surgery and dentistry, providing the comprehensive clinical textbook on the art and science of facial aesthetics for clinicians involved...
The vast majority of modern criminal investigations involve some element of digital evidence, from mobile phones, computers, CCTV and other devices. Digital Forensics: Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations provides the reader with a better...
Now in its second edition, Health Communication: From Theory to Practice provides a comprehensive introduction to theory, intervention design, current issues, and special topics in health communication. The book also represents a hands-on guide...
Robotic urological surgery is one of the most significant urological developments in recent years. It allows for greater precision than laparoscopic methods while retaining quicker recovery time and reduced morbidity over classical open surgical...
This comprehensive textbook analyzes the ethical issues of health and health care in global perspective. Ideal for students of public health, medicine, nursing and allied health professions, public policy, and ethics, the book helps students in...
Patient-controlled personal health records are the key to successful interaction between physician and patient. They form the core for joined-up communication throughout health organizations. Still, the very name is capable of alarming both...
Emerging Infectious Diseases offers an introduction to emerging and reemerging infectious disease, focusing on significant illnesses found in various regions of the world. Many of these diseases strike tropical regions or developing countries...