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  • основы строительства

    Ирина Викторовна Новикова. Каменные и бетонные работы

    Каменные и бетонные работы

    Ирина Викторовна Новикова

    Данное издание адресовано людям, планирующим самостоятельно выполнять различные виды каменных и бетонных работ. Дается описание способов их выполнения, рассказывается о необходимых инструментах, материалах и приспособлениях. Книга рассчитана на...
    Евгения Сбитнева. Кровельные работы

    Кровельные работы

    Евгения Сбитнева

    В книге рассказывается о том, какие инструменты и материалы нужны для кровельных работ, какие существуют виды крыш и какова техника их монтажа, каким образом проводятся работы в зимнее и летнее время, как осуществить ремонт уже сделанной кровли,...
    Евгения Сбитнева. Отделочные работы

    Отделочные работы

    Евгения Сбитнева

    Отделочными работами могут заниматься не только мастера-профессионалы. При наличии желания и времени любой может сделать качественный ремонт, и в этом поможет наша книга. В отдельной главе приведены необходимые строительные материалы – от...
    Группа авторов. Русская рубленая баня. Проектирование, строительство, обустройство. Традиции и обычаи

    Русская рубленая баня. Проектирование, строительство, обустройство. Традиции и обычаи

    Группа авторов

    На страницах данной книги даны практические рекомендации по строительству русской рубленой бани от фундамента до крыши, представлены проекты современной русской бани, описаны различные конструкции печей. Кроме того, читатели найдут в книге...
    Николай Звонарев. Маленькие секреты большого ремонта

    Маленькие секреты большого ремонта

    Николай Звонарев

    Михалыч поделится с вами секретами о том, как сделать ремонт в квартире и устранить мелкие бытовые поломки. С чего начать? Как и чем красить? Как правильно выбрать обои? Как врезать дверной замок и положить плитку? В этой книге есть ответы на...
    И. В. Матвеева. Физико-технические основы эксплуатации кирпичных стен

    Физико-технические основы эксплуатации кирпичных стен

    И. В. Матвеева

    Изложены физико-технические основы эксплуатации кирпичных стен гражданских зданий. Рассмотрены процессы тепло-, влаго- и воздухопереноса в кирпичных стенах и их влияние на эксплуатационные качества стен, показаны меры, ограничивающие негативные...
    Вячеслав Лупачев. Безопасность труда при производстве сварочных работ

    Безопасность труда при производстве сварочных работ

    Вячеслав Лупачев

    Рассматриваются общие требования безопасности труда, безопасность труда при производстве электросварочных и газосварочных работ, электробезопасность и пожарная безопасность. Предназначено учащимся профессионально-технических...

    Л. В. Шуляков. Строительные материалы и изделия. Лабораторный практикум

    Строительные материалы и изделия. Лабораторный практикум

    Л. В. Шуляков

    Изложена методика определения удельной эффективной активности естественных радионуклидов, испытаний природных каменных и керамических материалов и изделий, материалов из древесины, минеральных вяжущих веществ. Рассмотрены подбор составов и...
    Л. В. Шуляков. Строительные материалы и изделия. Учебное пособие

    Строительные материалы и изделия. Учебное пособие

    Л. В. Шуляков

    Рассмотрены основные материалы, используемые в промышленном и гражданском строительстве, сырье для их производства, технология изготовления, свойства, методы контроля, испытаний и приемки. Для учащихся средних специальных учебных заведений...
    Борис Житенёв. Санитарно-техническое оборудование зданий

    Санитарно-техническое оборудование зданий

    Борис Житенёв

    Даны общие сведения о водоснабжении, канализации населенных пунктов, очистке природных и сточных вод. Рассмотрены вопросы устройства и проектирования систем внутреннего холодного и горячего водоснабжения, внутренних водостоков, систем...
    И. В. Барышев. Столярные работы. Технология обработки древесины

    Столярные работы. Технология обработки древесины

    И. В. Барышев

    Даны сведения о конструктивных и архитектурных частях зданий и сооружений, видах строительных работ. Описаны основные операции по обработке древесины ручным и механизированным инструментом, его устройство и приемы работы, способы...
    Юрий Лапин. Конструкции из дерева и пластмасс

    Конструкции из дерева и пластмасс

    Юрий Лапин

    Представлено пять лабораторных работ, охватывающих основные разделы изучаемого курса. Приведены сведения о методике испытаний, обработке и анализу результатов испытания образцов, а также. необходимые данные по работе с измерительными приборами,...
    Александр Муравьев. Технология возведения зданий

    Технология возведения зданий

    Александр Муравьев

    В работе изложена методика выполнения курсового проекта технологии монтажа строительных конструкций. Приведены способы определения объемов монтажных работ и необходимых строительных материалов и конструкций. Рассмотрен выбор монтажных кранов и...
    Анатолий Кожевников. Механика грунтов

    Механика грунтов

    Анатолий Кожевников

    Рассмотрены основные методы лабораторных исследований физико-механических свойств грунтов. Приведены методы определения показателей состояния и свойств грунтов, сопровождающиеся экспериментальными данными, полученными с помощью приборов и аппаратуры.
    Wolfram J?ger. Mauerwerk


    Wolfram J?ger

    Design calculations and dimensioning of masonry according to the partial safety factor concept is required by the new standard part DIN 1053-100. This book is an introduction for its practice with background information from first hand with...
    Klausj?rgen Becker. Ingenieurholzbau nach Eurocode 5

    Ingenieurholzbau nach Eurocode 5

    Klausj?rgen Becker

    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis der vollst?ndigen ?berarbeitung und Erweiterung des Fachbuches „Ingenieurholzbau nach DIN 1052“. Veranlassung daf?r war die bauaufsichtliche Einf?hrung der Eurocodes (EN) mit den zugeh?rigen Nationalen Anh?ngen. Die...
    Tony  Merna. Project Finance in Construction

    Project Finance in Construction

    Tony Merna

    Project finance has spread worldwide and includes numerous industrial projects from power stations and waste-disposal plants to telecommunication facilities, bridges, tunnels, railway networks, and now also the building of hospitals, education...
    Peter Farrell. Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects

    Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects

    Peter Farrell

    Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects will help you to write a good dissertation or project by giving you a good understanding of what should be included, and showing you how to use data collection and analysis tools in the course...
    Robert S. Weygant. Construction Specifications Writing

    Construction Specifications Writing

    Robert S. Weygant

    Updated edition of the comprehensive rulebook to the specifier's craft With this latest update, Construction Specifications Writing, Sixth Edition continues to claim distinction as the foremost text on construction specifications. This mainstay...
    Norbert M. Lechner. Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics

    Plumbing, Electricity, Acoustics

    Norbert M. Lechner

    Discover sustainable methods for designing crucial building systems for architects. This indispensable companion to Norbert Lechner's landmark volume Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Sustainable Design Methods for Architects, Third Edition completes...
    Thomas C. Schleifer. Managing the Profitable Construction Business

    Managing the Profitable Construction Business

    Thomas C. Schleifer

    Take control of your construction contracting business and manage it through the natural highs and lows of the construction market. Learn from a team of construction business veterans led by Thomas C. Schleifer, who is commonly referred to as a...
    Victor Dover. Street Design

    Street Design

    Victor Dover

    "The best streets in the world's villages, towns, and cities—whether modest or grand—continually remind one that simplicity is part of the recipe for success in this art. The advice of Victor Dover and John Massengale, their historic examples...
    Lesley Bain. Living Streets

    Living Streets

    Lesley Bain

    The only book of its kind to provide an overview of sustainable street design Today, society is moving toward a more sustainable way of life, with cities everywhere aspiring to become high-quality places to live, work, and play. Streets are...
    J?ri Sutt. The Engineer's Manual of Construction Site Planning

    The Engineer's Manual of Construction Site Planning

    J?ri Sutt

    This handbook addresses problems facing the engineer when preparing to build, both during the contract bidding phase and after a contract has been concluded. It offers clear guidelines for planning the resources and machinery on site, as well as...
    Ovidiu  Cretu. Risk Management for Design and Construction

    Risk Management for Design and Construction

    Ovidiu Cretu

    The essential risk assessment guide for civil engineering, design, and construction Risk management allows construction professionals to identify the risks inherent in all projects, and to provide the tools for evaluating the probabilities and...
    Jean-Pierre Ollivier. Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents

    Physical Properties of Concrete and Concrete Constituents

    Jean-Pierre Ollivier

    Understanding the rheological properties of fresh concrete, the hydration phenomenon of cement responsible for structuration, the relationship between the characteristics of the porous solid obtained and its mechanical performances or resistance...
    Tony  Merna. Managing Risk in Construction Projects

    Managing Risk in Construction Projects

    Tony Merna

    Investment in any new project invariably carries risk but the construction industry is subject to more risk and uncertainty than perhaps any other industry. This guide for construction managers, project managers and quantity surveyors as well as...
    John  Kelly. Value Management of Construction Projects

    Value Management of Construction Projects

    John Kelly

    Value Management is a philosophy, set of principles and a structured management methodology for improving organisational decision-making and value-for-money. The second edition builds on the success of the first edition by extending the...
    Chimay J. Anumba. Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction

    Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction

    Chimay J. Anumba

    An organisation’s competitive advantage lies in the knowledge of its employees and the organisation’s ability to harness that knowledge to meet business objectives. Knowledge management is recognised in the construction industry as a potential...
    J?rgen Schnell. Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

    Design and Construction of Nuclear Power Plants

    J?rgen Schnell

    Despite all the efforts being put into expanding renewable energy sources, large-scale power stations will be essential as part of a reliable energy supply strategy for a longer period. Given that they are low on CO2 emissions, many countries...
    Geert Dewulf. Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships

    Strategic Issues in Public-Private Partnerships

    Geert Dewulf

    Managing PPP projects is not a routine job, as every PPP project is different and should be managed accordingly. These projects require considerable capability and skills from both public sector and private sector managers involved, Strategic...
    Shauna Mallory-Hill. Enhancing Building Performance

    Enhancing Building Performance

    Shauna Mallory-Hill

    Building Performance Evaluation (BPE) informs and enhances the usability and sustainability of building designs with lessons learned from evaluation of building performance throughout the building life cycle, from initial planning through...
    Hugo S. L. Hens. Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture

    Building Physics - Heat, Air and Moisture

    Hugo S. L. Hens

    Bad experiences with construction quality, the energy crises of 1973 and 1979, complaints about «sick buildings», thermal, acoustical, visual and olfactory discomfort, the need for good air quality, the move towards more sustainability – all...
    Eric Parry. Context


    Eric Parry

    Demonstrates how a building's setting should inform and inspire rather than constrain architectural design Context-Architecture and the Genius of Place is a highly engaging, informative discussion of context in architectural theory and practice....
    Dominik Holzer. The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 4

    The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 4

    Dominik Holzer

    ePart 4: Building up a BIM Support Infrastructure: Addressing the ‘back of house’ aspect of BIM Management, this ePart outlines how to go about developing a range of in-house BIM standards and guidelines. It highlights how BIM Managers go about...
    Dominik Holzer. The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 2

    The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 2

    Dominik Holzer

    ePart 2 Change Management: A BIM Manager might be hired for their technical skills, but their success relies heavily on their ability to be an agent of change within their organisation, facilitating transition to BIM processes and mentoring...
    Dominik Holzer. The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 5

    The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 5

    Dominik Holzer

    ePart 5: Day-to-Day BIM Management: How do you go about mastering hands-on support BIM for your team? ePart 5 introduces the operational tasks a BIM Manager is expected to accomplish. Depending on an organisation’s size BIM Managers either...
    David Yeomans. How Structures Work

    How Structures Work

    David Yeomans

    Structural engineering is central to the design of a building. How the building behaves when subjected to various forces – the weight of the materials used to build it, the weight of the occupants or the traffic it carries, the force of the wind...
    Ajla Aksamija. Integrating Innovation in Architecture

    Integrating Innovation in Architecture

    Ajla Aksamija

    Today’s design professionals are faced with challenges on all fronts. They need not only to keep in step with rapid technological changes and the current revolution in design and construction processes, but to lead the industry. This means...
    Marcela A. Rhoads. Applying the ADA

    Applying the ADA

    Marcela A. Rhoads

    A guide to real-world applications of The 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design Applying the ADA helps architects and developers understand better how the rules for eliminating barriers in the built environment...
    Dominik Holzer. The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 3

    The BIM Manager's Handbook, Part 3

    Dominik Holzer

    ePart 3: Focus on Technology: How do you ensure your organisation gets the most out of the BIM technology available? Dedicated to the main technology-related aspects of a BIM Manager’s role, this ePart explains how to establish and manage an...
    C. N. Mindham. Goss's Roofing Ready Reckoner

    Goss's Roofing Ready Reckoner

    C. N. Mindham

    Goss’s Roofing Ready Reckoner provides cutting angle and lengths for traditional ‘cut’ roofs and design tables for timber sizing, based on BS5268 ‘Structural use of timber’ and now including a comparison of timber sizes using Eurocode 5 ‘Design...
    Dominik Holzer. The BIM Manager's Handbook

    The BIM Manager's Handbook

    Dominik Holzer

    The BIM Manager's Handbook: Guidance for Professionals in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a design and construction software that manages not just graphics, but also information—information...
    Janis Kent. ADA in Details

    ADA in Details

    Janis Kent

    Integrate your designs with compliant access interpretations ADA in Details provides a visual interpretation of the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for a convenient, go-to reference of pertinent scoping, technical...
    Greg Clark. The Making of a World City

    The Making of a World City

    Greg Clark

    After two decades of evolution and transformation, London had become one of the most open and cosmopolitan cities in the world. The success of the 2012 Olympics set a high water-mark in the visible success of the city, while its influence and...
    Holger Svensson. Cable-Stayed Bridges

    Cable-Stayed Bridges

    Holger Svensson

    The need for large-scale bridges is constantly growing due to the enormous infrastructure development around the world. Since the 1970s many of them have been cable-stayed bridges. In 1975 the largest span length was 404 m, in 1995 it increased...
    Jackie Portman. Building Services Engineering

    Building Services Engineering

    Jackie Portman

    Building Services Engineering focuses on how the design-construction interface and how the design intent is handled through the construction stage to handover and in the short term thereafter.Part One sets the scene by describing the...
    Mike Malina. Delivering Sustainable Buildings

    Delivering Sustainable Buildings

    Mike Malina

    The UK government has committed to reducing the nation’s carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Buildings currently use almost half of the UK’s generated energy and they are now the focus of an unprecedented drive to cut energy use in our homes,...
    Группа авторов. Mauerwerk Kalender 2013

    Mauerwerk Kalender 2013

    Группа авторов

    Diese Ausgabe des Mauerwerk-Kalenders widmet sich schwerpunktm??ig dem Bauen im Bestand. Von Untersuchung und Bewertung bis hin zu Sanierung und Verst?rkung werden alle wesentlichen Aspekte abgehandelt. Au?erdem wird ausf?hrlich auf...
    Wolfram J?ger. Mauerwerk Kalender 2016

    Mauerwerk Kalender 2016

    Wolfram J?ger

    The Masonry Yearbook 2016 is mainly concerned with the subjects of building materials, refurbishment, and the Eurocodes in practice. In addition, current articles explain questions such as shear design and reliability analysis.
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