
В. Л. Лихачев. Электротехника. Практическое пособие

Электротехника. Практическое пособие

В. Л. Лихачев

Книга содержит основные сведения по электротехнике, о постоянном токе, химических действиях постоянного тока, тепловых действиях электрического тока, электромагнетизме и электромагнитной индукции, однофазном и трехфазном переменном токе,...
Д. А. Овчинников. Управление транзисторными преобразователями электроэнергии

Управление транзисторными преобразователями электроэнергии

Д. А. Овчинников

В книге изложены принципы управления транзисторными преобразователями электрической энергии при их работе в различных импульсных режимах. Приведены схемотехнические решения и показаны особенности работы преобразователей, широко применяемых в...
Андрей Николаевич Нарбут. Гидродинамические передачи. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебник.

Гидродинамические передачи. (Бакалавриат, Магистратура, Специалитет). Учебник.

Андрей Николаевич Нарбут

Приведены основы теории и особенности рабочего процесса гидродинамических передач. Дано описание внешних и внутренних характеристик, режимов работы. Изложены особенности проектирования и использования обобщенного и частных методов расчета, а...
В. С. Арутюнов. Нефть XXI. Мифы и реальность альтернативной энергетики

Нефть XXI. Мифы и реальность альтернативной энергетики

В. С. Арутюнов

Ни одна из областей науки, пожалуй, не связана с российской экономикой в такой мере, как поиск альтернативных источников энергии. Конечно, человечество не может вечно рассчитывать на ископаемое углеводородное топливо, но как долго это будет...
С. Н. Павлович. Ремонт и обслуживание электрооборудования

Ремонт и обслуживание электрооборудования

С. Н. Павлович

Описываются основные операции ремонта электрооборудования (трансформаторов, электрических машин, коммутационных аппаратов и др.),рассматриваются вопросы планирования и организации электроремонтных работ и охраны труда. Для учащихся...
К. А. Кудрявцев. Экспертный расчет регулируемых тарифов на электроэнергию как следствие нарушения порядка ценообразования

Экспертный расчет регулируемых тарифов на электроэнергию как следствие нарушения порядка ценообразования

К. А. Кудрявцев

Установление тарифов на электроэнергию подлежит государственному регулированию. Следовательно, строгое соблюдение органами, регулирующими данный вид деятельности, правил нормативной документации при формировании тарифов имеет ключевое значение,...
Р. Н. Воробьев. Безлопаточные паровые турбины Воробьева для электроэнергетики малых мощностей

Безлопаточные паровые турбины Воробьева для электроэнергетики малых мощностей

Р. Н. Воробьев

Принцип работы, рабочий процесс и характеристики изобретенной безлопаточной паровой турбины, сравнение с другими видами турбин, конструкция и экспериментальное подтверждение способа работы турбины, все это в максимально доступной степени...
Р. Н. Воробьев. Некоторые проекты использования солнечной энергии в электроэнергетике

Некоторые проекты использования солнечной энергии в электроэнергетике

Р. Н. Воробьев

Проект № 1 . Перспективы создания крупномасштабных солнечных фото-паротурбинных электростанций. Проект № 2. Автономная солнечная энергоустановка мощностью 10,5 кВт для одновременного получения электроэнергии и опреснения морской воды.
Владимир Гришин. Энергетические войны – 2

Энергетические войны – 2

Владимир Гришин

Автор В. Гришин – потомственный энергетик, более 40 лет проработал в жизненно важной отрасли экономики – электроэнергетике. А его династия отдала ей 460 лет труда, и знает её досконально. И потому он уверен, что мир последние 200 лет живёт во...
Николай Симонов. Начало электроэнергетики Российской Империи и СССР, как проблема техноценоза

Начало электроэнергетики Российской Империи и СССР, как проблема техноценоза

Николай Симонов

В книге проанализирован слабо изученный в историко-экономической литературе вопрос о количественных показателях и качественном уровне развития электроэнергетики Российской Империи и СССР начального периода «социалистической индустриализации»....
Г. Петров. Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений

Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений

Г. Петров

Изложены основные методические указания и рекомендации по выполнению курсового и дипломного проектов по дисциплине «Электрификация строительства городских подземных сооружений». Приведены методы расчета подземного электрического освещения,...
Е. Ф. Цапенко. Расчёт переходных процессов в линейных электрических цепях

Расчёт переходных процессов в линейных электрических цепях

Е. Ф. Цапенко

Приведены общие сведения по расчету переходных процессов в линейных электрических цепях из курса «Теоретические основы электротехники». Даны методические указания для выполнения расчетнографического задания по разделу «Переходные процессы в...
Rik  DeGunther. Alternative Energy For Dummies

Alternative Energy For Dummies

Rik DeGunther

The myths and facts about alternative fuels–and how they impact our lives As the price of energy continues to soar, so too has the demand for alternative energy. But there's no clear «winner» in the race to replace fossil fuels. Alternative...
Victor M. Lyatkher. Wind Power. Turbine Design, Selection, and Optimization

Wind Power. Turbine Design, Selection, and Optimization

Victor M. Lyatkher

An up-to-date and thorough treatment of the technologies, practical applications, and future of wind power, with the pros and cons and technical intricacies of various types of wind turbines and wind power prediction With the demand for energy...
Wilson Chin C.. Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design

Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design

Wilson Chin C.

Almost all publications on borehole electromagnetics deal with idealizations that are not acceptable physically, and unfortunately, even these models are company proprietary. On the other hand, “exact models” are only available through detailed...
Peter Curtis M.. Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment

Maintaining Mission Critical Systems in a 24/7 Environment

Peter Curtis M.

This book is meant to offer Architects, Property Mangers, Facility Managers, Building Engineers, Information Technology Professionals, Data Center Personnel, Electrical & Mechanical Technicians and students in undergraduate, graduate, or...
Wilson Chin C.. Wave Propagation in Drilling, Well Logging and Reservoir Applications

Wave Propagation in Drilling, Well Logging and Reservoir Applications

Wilson Chin C.

Wave propagation is central to all areas of petroleum engineering, e.g., drilling vibrations, MWD mud pulse telemetry, swab-surge, geophysical ray tracing, ocean and current interactions, electromagnetic wave and sonic applications in the...
Vincenzo Balzani. Powering Planet Earth

Powering Planet Earth

Vincenzo Balzani

In their book Nicola Armaroli, Vincenzo Balzani and Nick Serpone uncover the background details associated with a transition to sustainable energy production that are routinely swept under the table in public discussions. They are not only...
Wilson Chin C.. Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design

Electromagnetic Well Logging. Models for MWD / LWD Interpretation and Tool Design

Wilson Chin C.

Almost all publications on borehole electromagnetics deal with idealizations that are not acceptable physically, and unfortunately, even these models are company proprietary. On the other hand, “exact models” are only available through detailed...
Группа авторов. Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion

Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and Conversion

Группа авторов

In this handbook and ready reference, editors and authors from academia and industry share their in-depth knowledge of known and novel materials, devices and technologies with the reader. The result is a comprehensive overview of electrochemical...
Группа авторов. Materials for High-Temperature Fuel Cells

Materials for High-Temperature Fuel Cells

Группа авторов

The world's ever-growing demand for power has created an urgent need for new efficient and sustainable sources of energy and electricity. Today's consumers of portable electronics also demand devices that not only deliver more power but are also...
Hassan Bevrani. Power System Monitoring and Control

Power System Monitoring and Control

Hassan Bevrani

Power System Monitoring and Control (PSMC) is becoming increasingly significant in the design, planning, and operation of modern electric power systems. In response to the existing challenge of integrating advanced metering, computation,...
Группа авторов. Materials for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells

Materials for Low-Temperature Fuel Cells

Группа авторов

There are a large number of books available on fuel cells; however, the majority are on specific types of fuel cells such as solid oxide fuel cells, proton exchange membrane fuel cells, or on specific technical aspects of fuel cells, e.g., the...
Группа авторов. Energy Production and Storage

Energy Production and Storage

Группа авторов

Energy production and storage are central problems for our time. In principle, abundant energy is available from the sun to run the earth in a sustainable way. Solar energy can be directly harnessed by agricultural and photovoltaic means, but...
Pablo Dom?nguez de Mar?a. Industrial Biorenewables

Industrial Biorenewables

Pablo Dom?nguez de Mar?a

This book provides a state-of-the-art perspective on industrial biorenewables. A selection of industries dealing with biomass as raw materials present their activities and industrial processes. Emphasis on each chapter includes, and is not...
Wayne J. Del Pico. Electrical Estimating Methods

Electrical Estimating Methods

Wayne J. Del Pico

Simplify the estimating process with the latest data, materials, and practices Electrical Estimating Methods, Fourth Edition is a comprehensive guide to estimating electrical costs, with data provided by leading construction database RS Means....
Graeme Vertigan. AC Circuits and Power Systems in Practice

AC Circuits and Power Systems in Practice

Graeme Vertigan

The essential guide that combines power system fundamentals with the practical aspects of equipment design and operation in modern power systems Written by an experienced power engineer, AC Circuits and Power Systems in Practice offers a...
Jiuchun Jiang. Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles

Fundamentals and Applications of Lithium-ion Batteries in Electric Drive Vehicles

Jiuchun Jiang

A theoretical and technical guide to the electric vehicle lithium-ion battery management system Covers the timely topic of battery management systems for lithium batteries. After introducing the problem and basic background theory, it discusses...
Guangjin Zhao. Reuse and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Power Batteries

Reuse and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Power Batteries

Guangjin Zhao

A comprehensive guide to the reuse and recycling of lithium-ion power batteries—fundamental concepts, relevant technologies, and business models Reuse and Recycling of Lithium-Ion Power Batteries explores ways in which retired lithium ion...
Bo Zhang. Chaos Analysis and Chaotic EMI Suppression of DC-DC Converters

Chaos Analysis and Chaotic EMI Suppression of DC-DC Converters

Bo Zhang

Introduces chaos theory, its analytical methods and the means to apply chaos to the switching power supply design DC-DC converters are typical switching systems which have plenty of nonlinear behaviors, such as bifurcation and chaos. The...
Группа авторов. Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Electrocatalysts for Low Temperature Fuel Cells

Группа авторов

Meeting the need for a text on solutions to conditions which have so far been a drawback for this important and trend-setting technology, this monograph places special emphasis on novel, alternative catalysts of low temperature fuel cells....
Fran?ois Costa. Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics

Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Electronics

Fran?ois Costa

Scientists largely attribute the recent deterioration of the electromagnetic environment to power electronics. This realization has spurred the study of methodical approaches to electromagnetic compatibility designs as explored in this text. The...
Группа авторов. Fuel Cells

Fuel Cells

Группа авторов

This ready reference is unique in collating in one scientifically precise and comprehensive handbook the widespread data on what is feasible and realistic in modern fuel cell technology. Edited by one of the leading scientists in this exciting...
Professor Barnosky Anthony. End Game: Tipping Point for Planet Earth?

End Game: Tipping Point for Planet Earth?

Professor Barnosky Anthony

overconsumption / population growth / dwindling resources / climate change / disease / contamination / storms / thirst / war … will the struggle to simply stay alive become humanity’s future rather than its past?What happens when vast population...
Wilson Chin C.. Measurement While Drilling. Signal Analysis, Optimization and Design

Measurement While Drilling. Signal Analysis, Optimization and Design

Wilson Chin C.

Trade magazines and review articles describe MWD in casual terms, e.g., positive versus negative pulsers, continuous wave systems, drilling channel noise and attenuation, in very simple terms absent of technical rigor. However, few truly...
M. R. Islam. Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions. A Field Guide for Engineers and Students

Drilling Engineering Problems and Solutions. A Field Guide for Engineers and Students

M. R. Islam

Petroleum and natural gas still remain the single biggest resource for energy on earth. Even as alternative and renewable sources are developed, petroleum and natural gas continue to be, by far, the most used and, if engineered properly, the...
Hossam Gabbar A.. Energy Conservation in Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Facilities

Energy Conservation in Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Facilities

Hossam Gabbar A.

An authoritative and comprehensive guide to managing energy conservation in infrastructures Energy Conservation in Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Facilities offers an essential guide to the business models and engineering design...
Samir  Jemei. Hybridization, Diagnostic and Prognostic of PEM Fuel Cells. Durability and Reliability

Hybridization, Diagnostic and Prognostic of PEM Fuel Cells. Durability and Reliability

Samir Jemei

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe. It has a place in the energy mix of the future, especially regarding fuel cells (FCs). This book is an investigation into FCs. Prominence is given to the subject of PEMFCs (proton exchange...
Jean-Claude  Amiard. Military Nuclear Accidents. Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences

Military Nuclear Accidents. Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences

Jean-Claude Amiard

The use of atomic energy for military purposes has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the outset. This applies to all levels of use: from the manufacture of weapons to their commissioning. This book provides an overview of the...
Tarik  Al-Shemmeri. Conventional and Alternative Power Generation. Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability

Conventional and Alternative Power Generation. Thermodynamics, Mitigation and Sustainability

Tarik Al-Shemmeri

A much-needed, up-to-date guide on conventional and alternative power generation This book goes beyond the traditional methods of power generation. It introduces the many recent innovations on the production of electricity and the way they play...
Monika M?ller Freunek. Photovoltaic Modeling Handbook

Photovoltaic Modeling Handbook

Monika M?ller Freunek

This book provides the reader with a solid understanding of the fundamental modeling of photovoltaic devices. After the material independent limit of photovoltaic conversion, the readers are introduced to the most well-known theory of...
Mehmet  Sankir. Photoelectricochemical Solar Cells

Photoelectricochemical Solar Cells

Mehmet Sankir

This book provides an overall view of the photoelectrochemical systems for solar hydrogen generation, and new and novel materials for photoelectrochemical solar cell applications. The book is organized in three parts. General concepts and...
Mehmet  Sankir. Hyrdogen Storage and Technologies

Hyrdogen Storage and Technologies

Mehmet Sankir

Hydrogen storage is considered a key technology for stationary and portable power generation especially for transportation. This volume covers the novel technologies to efficiently store and distribute hydrogen and discusses the underlying...
Dr. Omar S. Mazzoni. Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants

Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power Plants

Dr. Omar S. Mazzoni

Covers all aspects of electrical systems for nuclear power plants written by an authority in the field Based on author Omar Mazzoni’s notes for a graduate level course he taught in Electrical Engineering, this book discusses all aspects of...
Robert  Ross. Reliability Analysis for Asset Management of Electric Power Grids

Reliability Analysis for Asset Management of Electric Power Grids

Robert Ross

A practical guide to facilitate statistically well-founded decisions in the management of assets of an electricity grid Effective and economic electric grid asset management and incident management involve many complex decisions on inspection,...
Melike  Erol-Kantarci. Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services

Transportation and Power Grid in Smart Cities. Communication Networks and Services

Melike Erol-Kantarci

With the increasing worldwide trend in population migration into urban centers, we are beginning to see the emergence of the kinds of mega-cities which were once the stuff of science fiction. It is clear to most urban planners and developers...
Bin  Wu. Modular Multilevel Converters. Analysis, Control, and Applications

Modular Multilevel Converters. Analysis, Control, and Applications

Bin Wu

An invaluable academic reference for the area of high-power converters, covering all the latest developments in the field High-power multilevel converters are well known in industry and academia as one of the preferred choices for efficient...
Вольфганг Пальц. Триумф солнечного века. Революция возобновляемых источников

Триумф солнечного века. Революция возобновляемых источников

Вольфганг Пальц

Эта книга о взлете рынков солнечной энергетики, точнее – об идеях и технологиях, положенных в основу ее развития. Начиная изложение с фундаментальных основ нашего мира, автор разворачивает величественную панораму эволюции звезд, раскрывая роль...
Mahmoud El-Halwagi M.. Natural Gas Processing from Midstream to Downstream

Natural Gas Processing from Midstream to Downstream

Mahmoud El-Halwagi M.

A comprehensive review of the current status and challenges for natural gas and shale gas production, treatment and monetization technologies Natural Gas Processing from Midstream to Downstream presents an international perspective on the...

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