A comprehensive introduction to the current technology and application of radar in meteorology and atmospheric sciences Written by leading experts in the field, Radar Meteorology, A first Course offers an introduction to meteorological radar...
A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital representation of ground surface topography or terrain. It is also widely known as a digital terrain model (DTM). A DEM can be represented as a raster (a grid of squares) or as a vector based...
A FASCINATING AND INFORMATIVE EXPLORATION OF PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES, PAST AND PRESENT, AND THEIR ROLE IN LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION Periglacial Geomorphology presents a comprehensive introduction to the processes that operate in present periglacial...
An Insightful Examination of Smart Water Systems and Technology Inland water supplies are under increasing pressure. Climate, social, and demographic change have begun tipping the balance toward demand management, as supplies begins to dwindle....
Modelling of flow in naturally fractured reservoirs is quickly becoming mandatory in all phases of oil and gas exploration and production. Creation of a Static Conceptual Fracture Model (SCFM) is needed as input to create flow simulations for...
The scientific expedition of H. M. S. Challenger in the 1870s marks the starting point of physical oceanography. This ship traveled the seas of the globe pursuing a dual objective: to conduct an in-depth study of animal life and to observe the...
Данная работа ориентирована на широкий круг читателей, в большей степени – на школьников (их родителей) и людей, интересующихся геологией. Надеюсь Вам, дорогой читатель, геология поможет выбрать интересующее направление в науке или поможет...
В издании на основании новейших данных кратко изложены история изучения белорусских недр, стратиграфия и вещественный состав кристаллического фундамента и платформенного чехла, тектоника, история геологического развития, гидрогеология и...
Enlightens readers on the realities of global atmospheric change, including global warming and poor air quality Climate change and air pollution are two of the most pressing issues facing Mankind. This book gives undergraduate and graduate...
Rivers are the great shapers of terrestrial landscapes. Very few points on Earth above sea level do not lie within a drainage basin. Even points distant from the nearest channel are likely to be influenced by that channel. Tectonic uplift raises...
A new edition of a unique textbook that provides an exhaustive treatment of the world's different coasts—with focus on climate change sea-level rise Coastlines of the world are as diverse and complex as any geological setting on Earth, and...
Книга содержит очерки, посвященные истории и современному уровню знаний о вендских отложениях России, опыту планетарной корреляции венда и его возможных стратиграфических аналогов на других континентах, а также основным историческим этапам...
Представлены пять основных разделов, по которым выполняются лабораторные работы: «Инженерная геология», «Основные физические свойства грунтов», «Дисперсные грунты», «Глинистые грунты», «Механика грунтов». Содержит материалы, изложенные в ГОСТах...
A much-needed, precise and practical treatment of a key topic in the energy industry and beyond, Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs is an invaluable reference for those in both industry and academia Authored by renowned experts in the...
An accessible introduction to large rivers, including coverage of the geomorphology, hydrology, ecology, and environments of large river systems This indispensible book takes a structured and global approach to the subject of large rivers,...
Get a rock-solid grasp on geology Geology For Dummies is ideal reading for anyonewith an interest in the fundamental concepts of geology, whether they're lifelong learners with a fascination for the subject or college students...
A comprehensive account of ore-forming processes, revised and updated The revised second edition of Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes offers a guide to the multiplicity of geological processes that result in the formation of mineral...
Издание посвящено изучению гранитоидного магматизма на конвергентных границах плит при переходе от субдукции к континентальной коллизии на примере герцинид западного Тянь-Шаня. Главными объектами исследования являлись гранитоиды,...
The genetic history of the dog is a sensational example of the co-evolution of two species, man and wolf, to each other’s mutual benefit. But how did this ancient partnership begin? To answer this question, Professor Bryan Sykes identifies...
Whales are among the largest, most intelligent, deepest diving species to have ever lived on our planet. We have hunted them for thousands of years and scratched their icons into our mythologies. They simultaneously fill us with waves of terror,...
Dive deep to explore the ocean From how most of our oxygen is created by phytoplankton, to how currents control our climate, to the marine food chain and the importance of coral, this is the holy grail of ocean books that’s easy for everyone...
Structural Analysis and Synthesis is the best-selling laboratory manual of its kind. Specifically designed to support the laboratory work of undergraduates in structural geology courses, the book helps students analyze the various aspects of...
An authoritative volume focusing on multidisciplinary methods to estimate the impacts of climate-related extreme events to society As the intensity and frequency of extreme events related to climate change continue to increase, there is an...
Seismic reservoir characterization aims to build 3-dimensional models of rock and fluid properties, including elastic and petrophysical variables, to describe and monitor the state of the subsurface for hydrocarbon exploration and production...
Reconstructing Earth’s Climate History There has never been a more critical time for students to understand the record of Earth’s climate history, as well as the relevance of that history to understanding Earth’s present and likely future...
Приведены результаты исследований влияния технологии разработки месторождений известняка на показатели землеёмкости, объёмы вскрышных работ и затраты на рекультивацию нарушенных земель. Описана рациональная технология открытых горных работ,...
Монография посвящена разработке нового подхода к технологии отсыпки отвалов скальных вскрышных пород с обоснованием их параметров при складировании отходов обогащения. Предложены перспективные способы складирования предварительно сгущенных до...