Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data

Simon James Dadson. Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data
Simon James Dadson. Statistical Analysis of Geographical Data
4.8 из 5, отдано 16 голосов
Statistics Analysis of Geographical Data: An Introduction provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the theory and practice of statistical analysis in geography. It covers a wide range of topics including graphical and numerical description of datasets, probability, calculation of confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, collection and analysis of data using analysis of variance and linear regression. Taking a clear and logical approach, this book examines real problems with real data from the geographical literature in order to illustrate the important role that statistics play in geographical investigations. Presented in a clear and accessible manner the book includes recent, relevant examples, designed to enhance the reader’s understanding.
  • Категория: геодезия
  • Правообладатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • Возрастное ограничение: 0+
  • ISBN: 9781118525111
  • Легальная стоимость: 4587.66 руб.

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