Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis

Группа авторов. Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis
Группа авторов. Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis
4.75 из 5, отдано 14 голосов
Emphasizing the impact of metathesis in natural product synthesis through the different types of key reactions, this is a comprehensive view of a hot topic. Written by top international authors, this ready reference is clearly structured and packed with important information, including representative experimental procedures for practical applications. A real must-have for anyone working in natural product synthesis.
  • Категория: органическая химия
  • Правообладатель: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • Возрастное ограничение: 0+
  • ISBN: 9783527629633
  • Легальная стоимость: 16738.74 руб.

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